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    oh yeah, i was going to update it, but i'll just tell you. we're friends again, like i knew we would. everything's back to normal. although it was awkward for the first couple of days. but everything's good now.
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    Wasting 3 seconds of yo time boi
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    Rip Muhammad Ali

    Yo avatar :/
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    Respond on Skype
  5. They call me stupid when I'm a genius under a mask.

    Random post
  6. @Nik could you do a read only vouch for me thread tomorrow?
  7. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ʰᵒᶫᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ᵈᵒᵒʳ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  8. I just realize you were a minion.. How long were you a minion.. ._.
  9. Brah, I need a graphic designer for me. I need a giant dildo Jk

    Btw, hi.
  10. You're wrong actually.

    Every man does indeed die, but every man lives. You see, once a boy grow up to be a man, he's already a man, but if he dies before he turn into a man, he'll die as a boy.
  11. Yeah I figured as much! Thanks anyways bro <3
  12. Can you teach me some gfx stuff? :P (serious question btw)
    I do it as a hobby and really have motivation for it but unfortunately can't afford any real mentors/teachers that are skilled.

    If you were able to teach me some stuff, I would be really grateful!
    If you don't have time, I completely understand!
  13. Nvm Nik. I respect you too much to have issues with you.
  14. Dude, stop... I was first one to ask for a vouch copy. We can both get it now...
  15. Amazing guy who has real skill in graphics, when you're done University or have time I think you could be really successful in your graphics business, thanks a lot man!!!
  16. Your review format is SICKKK
  17. Hi nik, i am interested in buying a ebook that could make potential money but i dont know which one, there a lot in this site. Could you recommend one considering that I am 17 with a lot of free time.
  18. Im the real one
  19. My username is _Tavi in minecraft
  20. Yo so yeah lmao
    That was actually good for some bs xD
  21. I can woo a few hoes
    Roll em in dough
    Maybe interfere with em, ya'know?
    They'll come around eventually
    Everyone does, they sensually
    If you feelin my vibe
    Come on lets play
    I'll take you on a date later today
  22. Yeah man no regrets
    Kill a few hoes?
    who really cares
    People die every day
  23. Lol I don't know why I vm'd u
  24. Hi
  25. bish reply on skype lol
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    It looks like you’re writing unsubstantiated nonsense. Would you like to turn on all caps?

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