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If you are having any issues, shoot us an email, Contact MPGH Support. As always, have fun and enjoy your stay! - MPGH Staff
Vouch for this guy he bought vmware setup from me he went first! all good +1
Wow . Some Sherlock shit is going on on the scammer grave thread . I can't wait to see how it will end . It's like an episode ending with a cliffhanger . I hope you'll get a refund . I just had to comment .
Hello, you've requested that you would like to confirm if it's the REAL "FanticSteal", this message below will provide if it's the real me, by clicking the button below it will send you to Skype and add me, "FanticSteal". MPGH FanticSteal talking to you on Skype, if you are not talking to me on Skype which is the Skype below, then you are talking to an impersonator. Leave the chat ASAP if you are talking to the Impersonator then talk to the real me if you need a OMM. We hope you enjoy our service and have a great day and stay Safe!! Skype: fanticsteal
talking to u on skype now
Legit/HQ Buyer < 3
Just Deal with This Guy, Very Nice Person... Having a great business with Him
yes it's my will find it in my signature easier
Just did a deal with user , he went first and it all was fine. Seems to be a legit guy
Go to my profile on MPGH then "about me" then scroll down to my signature. My skype is there , just click on my skype name and it will add the right one.
I've added you one skype , sorry i have been busy those days.
Whats ur skype name mate ?
Add me in skype, need to talk. pulgita.mpgh
Hey Man, if you got a chargeback from IloveLasagna Send me a PM please
I've replied to you regarding the HS ribbon.
+1 vouch really trusted
Is it still up for sale ?
Sup man Where have you been all that time !! Btw did you unban your CF Acc ? We really missed you
hey do you have any cf accounts for sale or trade?
Can you tell me the amount because if it's not high i will pay it and buy the acc from you
How much money does it need to be unbanned ?
Are you still selling your colonel ? if yes please tell me why did you loss honorable and last play date is old ?
man i want to buy your account you take ugc or no ? tell me if you really still sell it ! and tyy
hey man i want your account you accpet ugc ?
I'm online right now too
Hi, I'm better than you
Hung like a rabbit