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If you are having any issues, shoot us an email, Contact MPGH Support. As always, have fun and enjoy your stay! - MPGH Staff
Can i scam you?
Great , thanks, dont reply me "np"
Your the best <3
Hey brom its me farixx on msn right now
Time... Whered u go? We need u!
msn is
my msn id is
LOL i ment to say whats up
WHats Time
Hello Time, I'm
<3 i respect your comment +1 lol anyways yea MSN aint me O__@ im more of Skype, im on skype 24/7 ive mm 242 trades im not trying to be mean in any way i <3 mpgh staff but why did u infract me?
give me a dman infraction, then ur never on for MM, honestly i dont think u fit the postition well, ive done 10 sells/trades/ buys WITHOUT MM useless title for you, Ravoll is way better IMO just saying , - MY OPINION no disrespect meant
Ok I sent you email with all info! thx
Hey Time could u be MM for me and PTMDany?
Realized .
MM for me and Exiled
Hey Time, is it possible that you could mm a trade for me over skype?
dude i can't wait for my acc
Now Dave Says U Have The Case I Need You To Tell The Truth I Am Innocent I Swear
okay and u have to check ip log and do u remember when temperrr got hacked u have to help me ill change my password when u give me it back
How its my responsible ? u should help me not to do this i am not scammer i left cf long time ago and need ur help solve my problem not to give me perm ban for something i didn't did it
Yeah, I thought about coming back, but too many of old people are gone, and I really don't have anything to do, except downloading hacks. The sections Dave and Arun started by my requests are doing good by themselfs, all guides are written for the sections I was used to be in. And I can't code, so I couldn't give anything good to the community. I don't see the reason why I should start posting again, you see. BTW congrats on your 19k! 20k is almost there
Why where u banned?
Hey dude i'm real KerozHany my email is not i need to talk to u also u can ask Temperrr and -BiESi i havn't coded or opened crossfire for long time i dont have 1 acc have good weapon anyway we need to talk