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Obama can't ban people. /fp
you can buy NX with a cc without payapl dur dur
LOL, really is that ur email? You trolling me?
Oh? Pretty neat stuff for the parents if the kid finds out the id/pw. lul.
Eh, parents don't trust me with that stuff (ID/PW). Last time, I was capped (Telstra), and I changed our plan online to one that cost like $200+ since I couldn't be bothered waiting for movies/animes to load up -_-.
Ugh, I need to ask my parents? lul. I cbs though, maybe later. I got connected to Optus quite a while ago, when they had one of those new plans or the ones on sale/special? I forgot.
Yeah, I'm with Optus as well.
Aiight, that's ok 'Cause I can play when I'm capped, it runs at about 20kbps-30kbps. I'm uncapped tomorrow as well.
Post it on my mainXD
Yup Give me your msn
Fine you do snipers/smgs And I'll do the others Send them to me b4 you post it
SMG and shotties
I guess that's alright. Do you know what my msn is? add me,
That's what I meant by too low of a price, 20K EXP takes ages. I play about 8-10hours a day getting that. I rejected more than half the people who wanted me to level their accounts on weekends, only did it when I had nothing to do. And by the way, the weekdays price is $7.00, but $5.25 with your 25% exp boost. None of those guys negotiated like you do because the price is already so low -_-... I'm sacrificing my whole weekends for $3.50, no thanks, only doing that on school weekends.
Eh really? Thats way too low of a price for 20k EXP. I'll probably be levelling my on account on weekends, chances are there's another 50% exp boost on saturday/sunday.
anywheres dont change the subject, dont like me dont post in my vm i am sure i wont
lol i am idiot so what he was against the rules accidently and u spread around the site
when did i say it was against the rules? i was asking to remove it? when did i bump or spam?
LOL u bloody go post on someone elses page and they get banned? is that what u did to my friend "billybobjob123" eh? and u did mean -1 post
yes u fking can AVGN did to me once u noob
Hmm, sure. $5.25 USD. We'll talk tomorrow in the morning, my msn is
Eh well, it might take 1 or 2 days longer than the actual time now that it's holidays. I won't be on for the rest of today because of maint, and maybe only half of tomorrow. How much EXP did you want?
meh, I stopped after making about $20 cause I bought an M4 Super 90 perm x.x... sorry, not doing that anymore.
Yes, why?
Dual-Keyboard Member
Tree of Life