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If you are having any issues, shoot us an email, Contact MPGH Support. As always, have fun and enjoy your stay! - MPGH Staff
heres the story: Some kid was asking around for a ca nx generator (had like 2 posts) I gave him a phisher my friend told me to spread around. stupid narc reported me... then i was banned for 2 weeks... then forever... so... yeah... never releasing hacks again... maybe when I finish my tabbed base... and just release the code and the hacks and all the vip features like that DIP hook
oh... you need to go into the coding section more and move the threads and such.. so many noobs asking to code
? . my thread?
stalker .
he worked for it aswell
Minion has more power though. And it's not all fun and games for us editors either. :\
GhostJR did u get my info?
Take yourself off.
ghost i know u just send me a link to black cipher but when i run it (as admin) it sayes waiting for ca so i open ca then it sayes "the program cant start because d3dx9_43.dll is missing from your computer. try reinstaling the program to fix the problem" and " unable to inject engine" im despriter ive been looking for a hack for 3 months and im allmost in tears i know u probobly whont know what it is but your my last hope please pm me if u do know how to fix this and if u need i have teamv so please reply and its ok if u dont know what it is i gues
are there any working hacks im new to hacking and i wont to baddddd please pm me
But you still did a good job
Ik But I was like, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" when I realized what happened
Yo minions can edit there own user t itle Edit usertitle
you're a minion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!
Hey. I saw you post that Create doesnt go on here anymore.. so if you want, I could be public hack support instead until you find someone.
Good job man! Congrats on minion...
Congratulation , And You are Most Active Member Today But i will pwn u and be The Most Active
LOL. Congrats bro I GTG to school so yeah. ttyl
When I first came to MPGH, I stopped posting until I had like 506, then I came back a year later and started posting :O
Roger. I think I'mma change my name back to when I originally came on MPGH.
Oh nice
Dual-Keyboard Member
Tree of Life