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Hello gordon , can i have your msn please ? or just add me Thank you
Hmm, you gordon from s.y.s?
oh wait nevermind
Hey Gordon, i really Need your help... I did no offence on your forums i got ip banned My name was Xmagz.. i can explain what happened.. please PM i can really explain!
What book did u learn to hack from please private/vm me
Hey gordon, do you reckon you could help with my menu? I need new detours And if it is possible, Unban me from your site. I was IP banned
gordon do you think chocolate hack is noob?
hi man i am new here can't find any hacks so can you help me please
Hi Gordon, i am AlessandrocheatbR, help me ? thanks
Hay i sent a pm back at g s y s. Could i get anything to contact you like msn or icq. Then we could talk. And btw Ich kann deutsch. Pm einfach in MPGH damit keiner die daten kriegt.
Hay i send you an PM at G s y s as Coder position. Could you read that pls ?
Are you GORDON !? 123456?!?!?!?
Gordon can I've your UCE ? or enemyptr sig scan or the current CAEU epp ? Thanks.
are you ever going to tell me why you banhammered me?
Yes, it's at offset 0xBC But you need to find the real CLTClient.. Most of the people call CLTClient as CLTBase cause they have no clue.
Did you ever find SetObjRot in CLTClient?
are u the gordon from *********
Hey Gordon Can you teach me how to find addies or PP ? Thanks for helping
Please reply to the PM when you have the time to. Thank you.
Ok, now you can PM me. I had it set to friends only.
Oh add me as a friend. I'll add you.