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1009 Visitor Messages

  1. You are still on my miss list, please get in touch <3
  2. Ayy you're alive! Disbored? Skyte? Email?
  3. I miss you man
  4. you are a bad c# coder
  5. View Conversation
    Hi, Jason.
  6. Yo Jason, how are things. What are you doing these days? I was deobfuscating a paid cheat loader and found your injection library code in it, lol.
  7. Currently I'm an accounting major but I'll likely change to finance. Pretty far off considering how passionate I was about programming back in the day, but now it's just a hobby I guess.

    As of now I'm not really doing anything. Some freelance JP-EN translation here and there, but mostly spending my time just sitting around. I worked my ass off last summer so I still have the funds from then, which should last me until I get a job/internship later on.

    Yeah, of course still got that Japanese OS, and funny you mention the particle emitter. I tried writing an epic particle emitter like 8 months ago in C, but the C- I got in physics the year prior definitely didn't help me, among other issues, I eventually gave up.

    So yeah. Just nice to catch up
  8. Yooo what's up Jason!

    What's going on in your life/what have you been up to lately? I just finished school and I'm starting university soon.
    I barely go on this site anymore, maybe once every few months or so. Just wanted to check in, hope you're doing great man!

    Lol in case you don't recognize this name, I'm Patrick back from the programming section back in the day
  9. hallo
  10. View Conversation
    1k visitor messagers
  11. I'm still technically staff, just minus moderation powers, overlooking security & attachments. And since the holidays started no, just been gaming and doing homework. It's my last year of school so I'm worried I won't have time to code anything.
  12. cannot download extreme... 2.0
  13. It's been a while, surprised you still lurk on the forums, how's life these days.
  14. You're a Jason.
  15. hi my name is Mohanad . do you have bypass for hack shield pro
  16. Hey babe, You know that programming challenge you made 3 years ago? The one with the amicable numbers?

    I finally did it The answer is 80106, kneel before my 1337 coding skills
  17. We're both dead it seems like
  18. View Conversation
    plez chickeng he is hackeng is name Arctic-CoderZ Public Cheat v2.0
  19. View Conversation
  20. View Conversation
    Nigga how aren't you dead?
  21. Hey Jason, I saw your PE cipher and have a few questions/offers for you. 0.1 I dont have 25 posts so I cant pm you so if you do pm me dont expect a reply. 1. Is there any chance I can get my hands on the source code for the PE Cipher preferably in VB or C#, I would be willing to pay good money for it if needed. Feel free to contact me if you are interested at
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About Jason
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Favorite Games:
Combat Arms


Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy S. Anderson
There are only two things to come out of Berkley, Unix and LSD,
and I don’t think this is a coincidence
You can win the rat race,
But you're still nothing but a fucking RAT.

++Latest Projects++
[Open Source] Injection Library
Simple PE Cipher
FilthyHooker - Simple Hooking Class
CLR Injector - Inject .NET dlls with ease
Simple Injection - An in-depth look
eJect - Simple Injector
Basic PE Explorer (BETA)


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