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If you are having any issues, shoot us an email, Contact MPGH Support. As always, have fun and enjoy your stay! - MPGH Staff
Thank you so much bro <3
theres no need to post it . the minions probably wont close it after a time so it will be another thread that could be bumped ;S .
dude dont post in a Aplication post unless you aply . xd inb4rageban .
What's your PB IGN again? Sorry, haven't got any time to play yesterday ...
Yes. Go.
You're still not done yet?
You're threatening me over the Internet. Get a life kid. See here, we have laws against that. Quit bitching.
Im not your mate.
Thank you. Let me know when you're done ranting.
hey do you have msn?
delete the thread & move on.. no point of banning yourself
Calm down sander,you are depressive
Im sorry, only admin + can
Get the fuck off iTzLightningShade's back, you motherfucking cunt nugget.
Lol, wating for it , actually can't wait but wait , wat reason?
Lol , you gonna go get dave to spam my vm now?
Too bitchy to face me idiot? idiot
Your grammer fails hard .
Get the fuck off mpgh bitch.
Yea but you shouldn't do sign up thread there you need to wait to mod / admin make thread in WR general
nonononono read my PM
he has to have SRCDS running 24/7 on his comp
hello, could you please connect on skype!
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