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    I have been remembering you dearly recently, I hope everything is okay my dear friend.
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    It's 2022 and I call it "aggressive banter" now. These VM's reminded me of a time that feels like such, such a long time ago
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    dead fag .
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    Didn't get to reply earlier, my bad.

    How have you been? World treatin you good I reckon.
  5. Hey do you remember the name of that discussion forum board we posted on sometimes? i recall it was something along the lines of rad forum, can't remember the name.
  6. View Conversation
    Hope you are doing well.
  7. Dude I remember you being a total metalhead who held opinions not dissimilar to the opinions that the Ben Sharpino fans on this board hold. Now you're woke and you listen to jazz and folk. What caused the change?
  8. Did i hurt ur feelings?
  9. Did you watch the bernie town hall thing? He popped off ngl
  10. that was a good listen
  11. When I was sailing, I randomly found God is an Astronaut , their instrumentals are something I really loved. Check it out if you haven't!

    Made my days much more hopeful.
  12. I'll definitely check out Godspeed You! Black Emperor, boy they do have long titles hahaha. I never actually thought i'd find a band again whose every song i'd come to admire. Yeah I happened to listen to the tracks you mentioned, I feel like the whole thing is a single piece, cant really pick one out and say this is the best! All their backing instrumentals are amazing, like in the Mountain Made of Steam. The hook in God bless our dead marines where he goes

    "Lost a friend to cocaine
    Couple friends to smack
    Troubled hearts map deserts
    And they rarely do come back"

    That whole sequence was so good with all the instruments in the back and the lyrics he writes and the ending too was beautiful, makes me feel like grabbing that pen and start scribbling like day 1 again. Definitely inspirational in some manner. Feels like they put their entire being into that performance, decent crowd too! The song What we loved was not enough, is also really good.
  13. Enjoy all the notifications and TM. lmfao
  14. The last time I started listening to one song after another of an artist was when I discovered Jimi Hendrix, The sound of Silver Mount Zion makes me want to start writing again, beautiful lyrics and unique vocalist. I'm not sure if I can single out a single favorite track so far, he sings like me when i'm drunk and out of alcohol but there's grace in his voice.
  15. Nice! I lure them in with bone marrow ash so that they try to parry, then its either sheathed strike with chikage or quickstep back as I summoned my snake friend madara!
  16. Micolash would be proud, I was a bloodtinge build. Fightclubs were really fun, its surprising that they're still active on the weekends to this day.
  17. were u active in the bloodborne pvp community?
  18. your a prime example of a miscarriage
  19. does your username explains your childhood?
  20. ignore the horrendous amount of grammar and spelling error.
  21. Just curious, do you think that just because its a band you follow, I am supposed to know about it? I did a quick search and they are nothing special.
    You call me to cringe and immature but you are also the one insulting others just like me. At least, I don't pretend to be this mature adult that has everything together and doesn't argue with kids online. I am not even insulting at this point, I feel like you have a massive ego and over the years I have seen your posts, it shows. You don't care about other people's opinion and think only yours are correct. I also do that, but atleast I accept that my opinions are not always correct and constalty try to degrade people online. Which again, nothing wrong with that but when you combine it with " I am mature and have no cringe bone in my bone" attitude you don't seem genuine. Anyways, I hope this doesn't hurt your pride and ego.
  22. death fortress gay
  23. I remember you showing me this. Hope you're well.
  24. Did aborted abort when he abort abortedely?
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