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  1. You have not payed me. I will be recovering this account and if I cannot get this account back then I will make sure that It is banned. My riot games recovery account is still connect to my email so I will be able to file a claim and prevent you from using this account.
  2. "Any pictures?" I'm willing to screenshot anything.
  3. I'm interested in your AC3
  4. Are you still interested in gamesharing that AC3 of yours?
  5. Hey, I'm interested in the AC3 gameshare.
  6. you posted on my combat arms seling thread, skype: mik3thepr0, and ill screenshare my acc =p
  7. Hey mate i am interested in your game share thread, however i dont have much games, I could offer some premium themes and avatars as well as a deus ex ********* game pack which is exclusive if you could let me download cod from your acc .
  8. View Conversation
    Whos the girl in your signature?
  9. Her name is Nena
  10. View Conversation
    I truly don't know.

    It's some random girl on tha internetz.
  11. View Conversation
    You can keep thinking that noob begger
  12. I can try that...
  13. Sorry for spawn trapping you at MW2 1v1 :P
  14. I want another account, You never told me someone else would be going on it and spending my GP.
  15. Can you ask your cousin? Cause he still keeps buying shit.
  16. The other owner of that CA account you traded me spent nearly ALL of the 40k GP I had saved up on some gay arctic camo. Is there anyway I could contact him? And does he even know you traded this to me? Reply ASAP dude. I'm really getting pissed off... Also, Do you know his middle name?
  17. Alright. That's fine with me. Does he have an MPGH or something? Or anyway I could contact him?
  18. Dude, Please reply back. I don't want this person deleting the perms....
  19. That account you traded me, Someones logging into it..... I didn't give the login info to anyone.... Do you have the email and the info so I can change the password?
  20. Hey, As Razor said, I sent the PSN Card Code to you on PSN. PM me the Last name/DOB. Also, Do you have the email to it? If so, Can I have it?
  21. hey nitehawk sed 2 tell u2 check ur inbox on psn cus he sent it 2 u he also sed sry 4 the invonvenience he just wanted 2 wait until psn was fully up 2 make sure it workd correctly
  22. Hey, My friends getting me a PSN Card. I'll give it to you to go buy the map packs okay?
  23. Bro, I told you gamesharing wasn't even working properly. And I'm workin' on getting you those maps.
  24. Ok
    Cause the name had your name in it
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