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nuuu wud happen to da site???
ahh i see kk thanks!. Looking good though ;D.
where you been i want my movies you owe me :lul:
Pwease upload Predators.
Yeah no problem.
kk bby I lub u, tch meh to be pro kk?
lel I don't, I just released the base because the kid who made it is a skid lol and try's to act all tough.
wait what have I done to you? lol
Wait your only issue is storing URL's? I can easily help you with a database of URL's
What do you mean storing URL's
you know i actually did something extremely similar, made a MPGH movie night in which a new movie was made available to watch everyweek. I could never figure out how to stream though, i always just downloaded the entire file with my program. The streaming became complicated, although you could upload it to a database and then stream it via a webpage
Same, when i joined i was a little kid but now i've actually grown up and i feel like an old person everytime i get on here haha and i have alot of experience with .NET (coded like 50+ programs) but am not super proficient with Mysql or C#, whats the project?
And i miss you too, i needa get more active again on here
Pretty good man, i just got my motorcycle license! How are things on MPGH?
"but forreal" nobody gives a shit but you. Get off.
Where is in that thread did I ask for rep you bumbling piece of shit?
english please.
Are you still active on the site? I rarely go on anymore just cuz i have no free time to make hacks :/
Obviously. ;]
It's daddy.
Barely skype but i'll add you anyway.
Lol, I just resigned.
what? .
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Kobe did 9/11
Hi, I'm better than you
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