ill suck u dry.
Type: Posts; User: arunforce; Keyword(s):
ill suck u dry.
you're welcome to file anything against us, we're not a european entity in any manner
ban + randomized
I don't know what I'm going to do. Kinda figured it wouldn't get released if it hasn't been released by now.
People already told me, and no I didn't take your shit.
It's for MPGH users, you got an MPGH account so it's not a problem.
If you made that texture from scratch, that's pretty awesome.
I need to learn how to prophelia. /mff
Ban evasion is a bannable (though not that often enforced) offense, and accounts can be permabanned for it.
Looks clean. A bunch of .dtx files. Approved.
Quoted. Backup. Nice job.
Talk to your two leaders and find two new GFX members to join the graphics team. Tell them to send me who they choose, and I'll put them in the GFX team.
Play "Demigod." It's the same system that HoN is based off (DoTA), and will give you a good idea how to play since more than likely you will be owned.
Good tutorial for all aspiring HoN player newbies.
I could do it in 3 minutes, but I don't want to use an image file to do it -.-
Quit looking in the mirror.
trojan bahahaha
*COUGH* /gawd *COUGH
Anyone play it? :dwug: