lol... it unexpected.
Type: Posts; User: Ticherhaz; Keyword(s):
lol... it unexpected.
owh.. i see.. thanks.. but what Java does??
what's phyton can does?
for me no way /kewlman
mind breaker /gewd
u play LoL NA?
btw, how to use it?
i think it can't ..
then , it will affect the connection?
then, what will happen if change ip adress??
yeah! shazam is alive! :D thanks goodness.. :D make the bypass again /gewd
owh... what is vpn?
wow! that really cool! approve pls :D it work on garena LoL??
can to diamond?
thanks anyways ...
nice one! good job!
nice one. its work on CF SEA??
what?! LoL in 2nd place?!
yeah. i already in gold but i stuck!