No begging dude.
Type: Posts; User: Cataclypse; Keyword(s):
No begging dude.
Still no NA codes?
A beast at playing Cassiopeia! :D
What rank is it now?
Do you duoq?
fyi bumping is allowed once a day.
Did you get my last message?
Added you.
Was it ranked last season?
Do you duoq?
Which server?
You should probably go report the scammer here:
Do you duoq?
Do you duoq?
Do you duoq? (~plat elo)
Announcing end of Season 3 rewards | League of Legends
Read it again.
=| Knew someone would copy me.
Add my skype: cataclypsecf for account link and to discuss details. (NA Teams Only)
Gratz, go for plat /fmm
Maybe $380... due to the rank.
Gun wise at least $375.
Where'd that honorable soldier ribbon go /fmm
lol... What idiots.
I have shovel for 10 years boh1
Link me it /fmm