I reckon he is very strong right now with the new spirit visage even when denied farm
I haven't won a game against a Nasus or lost with one in ranked, it might be that I'm bad though, just opinions.
Type: Posts; User: BenXer; Keyword(s):
I reckon he is very strong right now with the new spirit visage even when denied farm
I haven't won a game against a Nasus or lost with one in ranked, it might be that I'm bad though, just opinions.
No because people can tell very easily.
Name: (yours as we can see your username) Ben
Age: 14 (15 this Saturday =])
Location: Melbourne
Activity by hours: (be realistic, we will judge you by this.) I will regain my activity hours soon...
I played it first time in 2 months and it seemed easier then before :/