No thanks^^
Type: Posts; User: Royce; Keyword(s):
No thanks^^
please tell me you aren't serious lovro... He is asking for help, Of course it's going to be a discussion. This does not belong in this section.
How the hell is this a discussion.... it's obviously a question...
I don't flame people....I know what the thread was asking. he could of just used google to answer his own question.
Now people can't post what they want, this is not america freedom of speech type shit, all this thread is doing is making swatsec more popular andd it's a spam thread.
young ass skids who act tuff lmao, Little ass kids, I'm like 6'2 i would shit on them.
cause he's a ******
I remember when I first started and i thought i could do shit like what he did in op and i got fucked XD
move threads like this to help request Raple Lovroman
close threads like this because swatsec is a piece of shit and nobody cares what he does, don't make him popular Raple Lovroman
LMFAO WHAT THE FUCK, That's savage
if owner doesn't want their stuff leaked I think dave said it's the minion decision wether to close it or not Raple Lovroman
No I'm just talking from experience /pls.
yeah nice troll no, Take the lifes off the account.
1. I never said I had more vouches/trading experience than him
2. I don't spend anything over 5 dollars in a trade
3. I don't give a fuck about how many people he traded with, You didn't even...
you still play? Also i thought he was selling it all together?
or you can trade the lifes off the accounts, because anybody can steal there mules back /pls.
/pls /naws
I know.
middle men are free, they are Ravallo Symmetrical Color Approved. if they are not available and it's okay with liz or flengo I don't mind mm'ing for you since I'm a vouched mm for rotmg
middle men are free, they are Ravallo Symmetrical Color Approved. if they are not available and it's okay with Liz or Flengo I don't mind mm'ing for you since I'm a vouched mm for rotmg
what hero said , Plus this is a privilege so don't be a dick about it.
god damn /daum.
who approved it?
Thanks for the release, hopefully it works bobo.
then make your own shit /pls.
I'm pretty sure if it's approved it would be working