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    Psychotic's Avatar
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    May 2012

    MPGH News (4/5/13)

    27th Edition

    It's GG for MSN on April 8th when Microsoft will officially close down MSN/WLM and all of it's services and switch over to Skype as the primary messenger. Dave has been working on a messenger called 'Invitey' for a while. During 2012, he had a few nights where users from MPGH would test out Invitey and actually use it. Dave plans to have Invitey replace MSN when it closes down for users and staff for all of us to converse, create groups, voice chat and even webcam chat.

    Dave is asking all users who currently use MPGH to save their emoticons they had saved during their time using MSN and packing it in a zip for Dave to transfer over to Invitey. As @arunforce said, "/ext will live forever on invitey." You can view the thread Dave made here. @master131 made a program quickly after Dave posted that thread that automatically gets your emoticons and puts them in a format easy for them to use. You can find this thread here.


    Congratulations to @Chester' on 2,000 posts!
    Congratulations to @Vice-Versa on 13,337 posts!
    Congratulations to @kallsti on 3,000 posts!
    Congratulations to @Flengo on 4,000 posts!
    Congratulations to @Jorndel on 7,000 posts!
    Congratulations to @Rullez on 3,000 posts!
    Congratulations to @gamer4evere on 3,000 posts!
    Congratulations to @Joshcarr2006 on 8,000 posts!
    Congratulations to @Ethen on 1,337 posts!


    Happy Birthday to @king!


    Congratulations to @Hux on Minion!
    Congratulations to @Blue on Editor!
    Congratulations to @Sean Maito on Editor!


    @Lion King is no longer a moderator.

    Interview - [MPGH]Flengo

    [MPGH]Shane: Hey there Flengo, how are you doing today? Can I interview you for this week's issue of MPGH news?
    [MPGH]Flengo: I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. And sure.

    [MPGH]Shane: So Flengo, how did you end up on MPGH?
    [MPGH]Flengo: Well I originally registered and was here for the hacks, never posted. When I actually got around to it, it was due to a friend that had introduced the site to me. I came here when I was interested into game hacking, mainly with Combat Arms. Didn't really know about it until then, I was surprised I didn't.

    [MPGH]Shane: That tends to be mostly everyone on MPGH, they just want the hacks. Since you were looking for Combat Arms hacks, you play Combat Arms, are there any other games you play besides that?
    [MPGH]Flengo: I don't really play a lot of games on my PC, mainly on console. I play Combat Arms, Arctic Combat, District 187 & Warface. Mostly getting into it now, as those three are relatively new games.

    [MPGH]Shane: PC games bore me as well, I'm usually on my consoles. I see that you're minion on MPGH. What section(s) do you moderate?
    [MPGH]Flengo: I started off with Combat Arms, as my main section. I currently moderate that, DayZ, WarRock, AVA, Steam Games & District 187. A total of 5 sections and one sub-section.

    [MPGH]Shane: Working hard, hopefully all of that pays off. What was your reaction when you first got minion?
    [MPGH]Flengo: Hopefully it does When I first got minion, I was still astounded and greatful for it. Glad to see that Liz & Dave saw that I was prepared for the position.

    [MPGH]Shane: Same way I felt. How do you manage your time with real life and your time on MPGH?
    [MPGH]Flengo: Well I mainly just go to school. Sometimes some events come in between but I can manage with them. Usually what will cut away my time from MPGH will be just me going out with friends or skiing or something like that in the winter. Overall, I tend to keep a good balance between the both.

    [MPGH]Shane: On the main MPGH page I see that you had a Combat Arms Tournament, how did that go?
    [MPGH]Flengo: Well its still currently running. Its been having some slow progress as I was away for about a week on reduced activity, and I was the only one running it at the time. It should be completed soon.

    [MPGH]Shane: Interesting, what do you like the most about MPGH?
    [MPGH]Flengo: There's a lot to like. Mainly all the contributors and staff members that continue to release and help out other members on their free time. Even though they may not be official contributors, there are many people that just want to give back to the community. Its great to see everyone just helping others out.

    [MPGH]Shane: That's good. Well, before we end this interview, would you like to give out any shout outs?
    [MPGH]Flengo: Yes. @BACKD00R You're a sexy BR leecher @DaveEsmoker, @Alex_Agnew keep making hacks. @NormenJaydenFBI, @Allen2G You suck at PHP. @Genesis I hope you do well, stay up longer stupid aussie. @Mc565 Get some McNuggets for me and last but not least, @Shane thanks for the interview.

    [MPGH]Shane: No problem, thank YOU for your time.
    [MPGH]Flengo: You're welcome. ^_^

    Interview - [MPGH]Blue

    [MPGH]Shane: Hi Blue, how are you today? Can I interview you for this week's issue of MPGH news?
    [MPGH]Blue: I'm doing great and sure.

    [MPGH]Shane: How did you end up on MPGH?
    [MPGH]Blue: Well, one day I found someone hacking on cf and they were advertising MPGH and there Skype so I added them on Skype and ended up getting a hack from MPGH and a coder named saeed, i asked the person where he got it from and said MPGH so I went over to the site and I started posting there since.

    [MPGH]Shane: Haha, CF was popular back then and it got lots of people's attention. Now that we know you play Crossfire, are there any other games you play?
    [MPGH]Blue: Yeah, I also play Arctic Combat, Combata Arms, District 187, Battlefield Play4free and lots more that I can't really name off of the top of my head.

    [MPGH]Shane: I see that you're editor on MPGH. Which wiki do you edit and how did you react when you found out you got it?
    [MPGH]Blue: Well I'm currently editing the Combat Arms wiki, I wasn't really surprised when I got it though since only about 3 of the trial editors (including me) were the only ones editing the wiki daily, I guess you could say I was surprised on how quick Genesis chose me.

    [MPGH]Shane: Haha. I started editing the Crossfire Wiki for a few weeks, then died. Kind of sad. What do you like most about MPGH?
    [MPGH]Blue: Probably the community, it's super friendly and will help you whenever you need it not to mention the hacks released for so many sections every day.

    [MPGH]Shane: Most of the people I've interviewed if not all of them, said that the community was their favorite thing about MPGH. Besides being on the computer all day, what do you do outside of the house?
    [MPGH]Blue: Well I obviously go to school, but I do tend to go at my friends house maybe go around the plaza here and fuck around with people, I also like to usually get huge groups of guys from my school and get a big football or any kind of sport game going on the weekends.

    [MPGH]Shane: How do you manage your time with real life and editing the Combat Arms Wiki?
    [MPGH]Blue: It only takes up about a hour and a half out of my time which isn't really much, within that time I can get a few good edits and keep my position.

    [MPGH]Shane: That's good, work hard and hopefully you'll get promoted. Haha. Before we end this interview, would you like to give out any shout outs?
    [MPGH]Blue: Shout out to @Genesis (Genesissy ) @Instagram and good luck in real life to @Lion King

    [MPGH]Shane: Anyways, thank you for your time.
    [MPGH]Blue: Mhm.

    Interview - Dr. Sheldon Cooper

    Mischief: Hey there Dr. Sheldon Cooper, how are you doing today?
    Dr. Sheldon Cooper: I'm doing pretty good, and yourself?

    Mischief: I'm am doing quite well and enjoying myself considering it's spring break. So how did you stumble upon MPGH?
    Dr. Sheldon Cooper: Hmm If I remember correctly it was... Dec. 26th, 2008. Dave had released this big (Free) VIP hack as some sort of Christmas special. I signed up, downloded the hack, then got banned a week later. After I came back 8 months later and took up .Rez Modding

    Mischief: LMFAOO AHHAHAHAHA, as expected from someone using free vip hacks . I believe most people came from those kind of specials, even if it wasn't free vip it was probably all the other free pub hacks. Quite interesting how you came back and joined up on the .Rez modding, I would never be capable of doing those amazing mods so grats to you for even taking it on (y). So when you joined on Dec. 26th, 2008, what were your thoughts and impressions when you joined MPGH for the very first time?
    Dr. Sheldon Cooper: You'd be surprised, just make a hack that auto spams your website and you will get MASSIVE traffic towards it. As for my impressions, I was 14 at the time, I didn't really care._. I just wanted to get my hack and GTFO.

    Mischief: LOOl, gimme ma hack ! That traffic boosted for sure and still is since most sites use advertising as the way to go and get more people and activity coming in.Do you think you still remember what your first thread/post was?
    Dr. Sheldon Cooper: On my current account my first post, I believe, was a glitch that not many people knew about. So I guess I joined with a real positive influence, unlike most newphags nowadays.

    Mischief: For sure a better way to start off than the newphags these days, I don't even know how it gets so random and just plain retarded.(no offense) People can really get to think better of you, relate or even look up to you for providing help to many. Unlike if you just post random shit and plan to suck dick, you just get shit talked about. hehehaha. So tell us about some positions you have gotten on MPGH.
    Dr. Sheldon Cooper: Agree'd. Most newphags just come along to General and spam/annoy the shit out of everyone just because they want the CS tag. As far as STAFF positions go, I'v never had one. During the two years I was .Rez modding I had wanted to be Minion of the CA section. I was SUPER active, to the point like... if I woke up at 9 AM, I wouldn't eat breakfast until 4PM just because I'd be so focused on making/editing/testing a mod or just critiquing someone else's work. It was really pathetic ._. Then I took a much needed 6 month break and came back Sept. of last year. Also, if it counts I was a .Rez Modding teacher for NextGen1's online courses. I had a class of 6-7 people and they were pretty successful .

    Mischief: Woooow, dayummm you must have worked hard. Only if someone was able to seek that out and suggest you because you would have made a great minion in my opinion showcasing many skills such as dedication, skill, talent and many more. Also running your own class as a modding teacher shows true talent as a leader and honing leadership skills. Indeed amazing, hopefully you won't be giving up anytime soon and still work hard maybe? LOOL. Keep it up bro, you'll make it some day! During the times of teaching and helping out many others as a teacher, did you find anyone else that might have been a teacher to you or could have guided you as an inspiration or a role model?
    Dr. Sheldon Cooper: Hahaha, you can't see me, but i'm blushing in the most manliest way I know how. Thanks that means a lot Hmm.. as far as .Rez Modding goes, despite that they're both younger than me, I really looked up to InCognito & Noob555. I would be here making texture mods and they'd show me fucking wall hacks & rapid fire from .Rez files and I'd be amazed. Soo yeah... at the time they were my inspiration to better myself.

    Mischief: No problemo bro <3, and it doesn't ever matter who you are inspired by whether they are older or younder, just as long as they do their thing to inspire. For example, I look up to my older brother but sometimes he looks back up to me as well. Other than that, that is quite amazing and awesome how they helped you build and grow in so much ways. Now tell us a bit more about yourself, maybe some hobbies and outside life when you're not on MPGH, like what you like to do and such.
    Dr. Sheldon Cooper: Outside? The fuck is that? Some sort of unreleased game in alpha testing? Jk I'm currently a full time college student majoring in Computer Science. If i'm not at school then i'm either with some friends or family, OR watching Anime & playing PS3 with Joshcarr2006.

    Mischief: AHAHAHHAHWTF? LOOOL AHAH ya outside is still in alpha testing and we are looking for testers, if you are interested please call us at 1-800-go-outside.LOLAHAH Since we are on topic, what is your favourite anime series you enjoy so far and what your favourite game is when your playing with joshcarr2006?
    Dr. Sheldon Cooper: Lmfaoo, needless to say I need a job ASAP ._. That's an easy question, it's Angel Beats, 13 episodes of perfection <3 The only game Josh and I play together is Black Ops 2 ._. Which i'm better than him at Josh if you're reading this and wish to prove me wrong, 1v1 me kid. Sensor Grenade only, lets go, fite me irl too!

    Mischief: AHAHAHH, looks like you have found a buddy on MPGH. That's awesome to know! Hope you guys will get to know each other even more, Josh if you're reading this and wish to prove him wrong, don't do it !HE'D WHOOOOP YO ASS ! LOOOL jokes, I don't even know AHAHH. Besides that do you have any favourite words or quotes to live by?
    Dr. Sheldon Cooper: Huehue, Josh knows better <3 ; Well these past 4 years, both on MPGH and in real life, have flown by. I haven't even noticed. I have just been living day by day to make sure not to do anything that won't let me see the next one. So I live by this "In the last several years, I have forged ahead without any regard, just to touch what I cannot reach. Without understanding the sources from which this menacing though surged forth, I continued living. When I at last noticed, my heart had already become hard from the loss of its youthful vitality." It's from the anime movie 5 Centimeters per second.

    Mischief: LOOOOL, sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet . Can't believe you remembered that but when it's quite important like that, it makes it easy to remember. Unfortunately, :'( this will sum up and bring us to the end of our interview. Would you like to give a shout out to anyone or say anything else?
    Dr. Sheldon Cooper: Yeah, it's pretty important to me Don't be sad, you have meh on Skype ;D As for shoutouts:
    @Justin - Hopefully I can revive (see wut I did thar) the Console section and take care of it just as you and Killian has.
    @Isaakske & @Psychotic - For putting up with all of my shit& rants on Skype
    @Joshcarr2006 - for being a fucking awesome guy to play BO2 with.
    @InCognito & @noob555 - I already said why :T
    And finally my .Rez modding oldphags @666HiddenMaster666 & @Mc565 <3

    Mischief: And that's a wrap, thank you very much for you time!
    Dr. Sheldon Cooper: Thanks for the opportunity man <3

    Embassies face decisions as tensions rise in North Korea

    Foreign diplomatic missions in North Korea face an ominous decision after Pyongyang said Friday it could not guarantee the safety of embassies and international organizations in the event of armed conflict.Tensions on the Korean peninsula remain in a hectic state amid new reports that North Korea has prepared missiles for launch, while South Korea has sent out naval destroyers to its coasts.The British Foreign Office said North Korea told British officials that it would not be able to guarantee the safety of diplomats in the capital if fighting breaks out.
    Several diplomatic missions said the North Koreans held a meeting Friday for ambassadors in which they asked whether anyone needed assistance in evacuating their personnel. "We are consulting international partners about these developments," the British Foreign Office said in a written statement. "No decisions have been taken, and we have no immediate plans to withdraw our embassy." King: N. Korea 'not an imminent threat U.S. playbook on North Korea World is watching U.S.-North Korea drama how North Korea would attack the South Asian spokesman for Sweden's ministry of foreign affairs said the North Koreans "did not urge us or ask us to evacuate," but offered assistance for those who wanted to leave.

    North Korea: Who's in the crosshairs?

    The past few weeks have seen North Korea become increasingly disputatious toward the United States and South Korea, with Pyongyang threatening to "mercilessly strike" its enemies. But does the reclusive nation, led by Kim Jong Un, have the capability to back up its threats? Realistically, who's at risk of attack and where?

    Most observers say North Korea is years away from having the technology to deliver a nuclear warhead. However, it still has plenty of conventional firepower, including medium-range missiles. North Korea: Our global fear and fascination

    Blizzard Announces Global Ranking System for StarCraft II

    Along with the recent announcement of a new StarCraft II World Champion Series for 2013, Blizzard have yet another card up their sleeve; an all new global ranking system will accompany it, allowing players to compete against each other and earn points based on their performance, eventually culminating in a grand finale during BlizzCon this november.
    Operated in partnership with eSport organizations such as the Korea eSport Association (KeSPA), Major League Gaming (MLG), Turtle Entertainment (ESL), Twitch, Ongamenet (OGN), and GomTV, this new system will be split up into three geographical areas, being Asia, Europe, and America, and will provide a unified way for players to compare against each other and for fans to quickly gain an overview of the top players.
    This new ranking system kicked off during the World Championship Series Korea GSL on April 4th, and all major tournament organizers will use it throughout the year. More information about the World Championship Series can be found on the StarCraft II website.

    Activision Set to Release DLC for Black Ops II

    Activision and Treyarch, the publishers and developers behind the world-wide smash-hit, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, have just announced the second DLC for their newest addition to the Call of Duty series.
    The DLC, called Uprising, is set to be released on April 16. Unfortunately, the release will start off as an XBox exclusive, but will be released for other platforms at a yet-to-be-announced date. It'll include a total of 4 new exotic multiplayer maps, and a brand new zombie experience in the Alcatraz-based map, Mob of the Dead.
    Magma, a map based in a modern Japanese village overflowed with lava from a nearby volcano, will be one of the four new multiplayer maps. In addition to this, we have Encore, which takes place at an abandoned musical festival, Vertigo, a futuristic hugh-tech lab in an Indian high rise, and Studio, a remake of the popular Firing Range situated in a Hollywood movie back lot.
    The DLC will be available on XBox LIVE on April 16, at a price of 1200 Microsoft Points, and will be also be available in the DLC Season Pass, giving customers access to all four of the planned DLC for this year.


    Merging articles from 3/29/13 with this article.. So, below here is old information, but still deserves to be in here.


    Audiosurf Air Trailer

    Audiosurf, a puzzle/rhythm hybrid game created by Invisible Handlebar is ready to take your music higher with the new upcoming Audiosurf Air.

    As you can see from the trailer the new Audiosurf Air has a whole new look to it, you are literally surfing on your own music, flying through the air with SSX-style moves. Just like the original Audiosurf, you can play to relax or you can play to compete on the high score boards - your experience is up to you.
    In Audiosurf Air you can fly up into the feeling of your music and soar.
    Remember that everything you see is not final and can be changed when it get released somewhere this year.

    Magicka: Wizard Wars Announced

    Paradox Interactive just announced Magicka: Wizard Wars at the GDC. This new Magicka will be dealing with the same universe as the first opus released in 2011. This sequel will be developed by the new studio Paradox North based in Stockholm, Sweden. This new opus will be multiplayer sided with PvP battles allowing 8 players up to 4 vs 4.
    Magicka: Wizard Wars will allow the same spells system as in the first Magicka with quick and dynamic battles during which you will have to avoid the friendly fire if you want a chance to win.
    The release date of this up-coming MOBA is still unknown as Paradox Interactive hasn't transmit any details about its release yet.

    Battlefield 4 Announcement

    The newest addition to the genre-defining first-person-shooter series Battlefield is in the works, DICE revealed earlier today. That's not all though, as they also released a full 17 minutes gameplay video titled "Fishing in Baku".

    This newest installment to the popular series aims at delivering an all new experience, bringing many multiplayer elements from Battlefield 3 to singleplayer, and implementing social features, such as tracking your game progress and possibly compete against your friends - which some players have shown doubts about, fearing that the social implementations will ruin the game experience.
    As always, Battlefield 4 looks better than ever. The powerful Frostbite engine from DICE is pushed to the limits, and this is clearly visible in the gameplay video above, delivering an all new immersion rarely seen before.
    Although no release date has been announced yet (other than "Fall 2013"), it's possible to pre-order Battlefield 4, either directly from their official website or through a retailer.

    Blizzard Announces Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

    Hearthstone is a new free-to-play digital strategy card game developed by Blizzard. Apparently at Blizzard they love collectible card games and have been playing them since their Silicon & Synapse days.

    As a player you can choose to play as one of the nine Warcraft heroes (Warrior, Shaman, Rogue, Paladin, Hunter, Druid, Warlock, Mage, Priest), and then take turns playing cards from you customizable decks to cast potent spells, use heroic weapons or abilities, or summon powerful characters to crush your opponent.
    Easy to get in and start playing, in five minutes you know how to play it!
    There are three different modes in Hearthstone, the first and the most basic one is Play, just fight against a random player online and earn medals or card packs that can give you new minions, spells and abilities. All the cards you get are easy to arrange in the collection manager.
    An other mode is the Practice mode that allows you to test your new deck against an AI, for those who are ready for the ultimate test can choose a expert AI.
    The third mode is called The Forge, here you and your opponent are building a deck of random card you pick from a set of three and fight against your opponent, this way it's fair play for everyone.
    For more information about Hearthstone visit their official website.

    Skype proves once again to be a POS

    Well isn't this dandy? A new piece of malware spreding across skype has been discovered that tries to convince the victim to click on a link. What's so sinister about that? Oh, nothing. Just the fact that it drops a Bitcoin miner application to make the infector money.

    Kapersky discovered the threat, which it names Trojan.Win32.Jorik.IRCbot.xkt, on thursday night. At the time most of the potential victims were from Poland, Costa Rica, Spain, Ukraine, Germany, Italy and Russia, with the average clicking rate hitting 2k per hour.

    Bitcoin mining nodes are responsibile for managing the Bitcoin network; Bitcoins are awarded to nodes known as miners for the solution to a difficult proof-of-work problem. The point of Bitcoin-mining malware is to use a computer's resources to, without the users knowledge, mine Bitcoins. The cybercriminals then use the Bitcoins to generate a profit. While the victims computers slow down. Often to the point of becoming unstable and unusable.

    MIT Develops Meltdown-Proof, Nuclear Waste-Eating Reactor

    Transatomic, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology spinoff is developing a nuclear reactor designed to overcome the major barriers to nuclear power. For the anti-nuclear folks the design offers to burn up the existing spent fuel from the world’s fleet of nuclear reactors in a design that doesn’t offer a chance for a meltdown. That should be nirvana for those alarmed about atomic energy and weapons proliferation.
    For everyone else, the first offering is we would see a reduction in spent fuel containment costs and get electrical energy, lots of it, instead. The second is the design would be factory produced cutting build costs in a huge way and the reactors would be larger than the currently trendy Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMNRs) offering the chance to install at existing locations saving on the generation and grid connection costs.
    Transatomic, founded by a pair of very smart and innovative young nuclear engineers, has updated the molten-salt reactor, a reactor type that’s highly resistant to meltdowns. Molten-salt reactors were demonstrated in the 1960s at Oak Ridge National Lab, where one test reactor ran for six years. What remains is raising $5 million to run five experiments to help validate the new basic design.

    Russ Wilcox, Transatomic’s new CEO estimates that it will take eight years to build a prototype reactor at a cost of $200 million. The company has already raised $1 million in seed funding, including some from Ray Rothrock, a partner at the venture capital firm Venrock.

    The cofounders, Mark Massie and Leslie Dewan, who we met here in April last year, are still PhD candidates at MIT. Yet the design has attracted some top advisors, including Regis Matzie, the former CTO of the major nuclear power plant supplier Westinghouse Electric, and Richard Lester, the head of the nuclear engineering department at MIT.

    MPGH News Team

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    Last edited by Psychotic; 04-06-2013 at 12:47 AM.

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  2. The Following 38 Users Say Thank You to Psychotic For This Useful Post:

    -*Koki-* (04-23-2013),211070 (04-16-2013),Smaug (04-06-2013),[MPGH]Dave84311 (04-06-2013),Delko DJ (04-06-2013),Dylan (04-06-2013),[MPGH]Flengo (04-06-2013),Flengo Jr. (04-21-2013),Genesis (04-05-2013),HaxPro (04-06-2013),[MPGH]Hugo Boss (04-08-2013),Hunter (09-08-2015),I EAT COCK (04-06-2013),i need (04-08-2013),iDutch (04-12-2013),iMexi (04-08-2013),Intellectual (04-08-2013),Jorndel (04-06-2013),k0mrade (04-15-2013),kristiansja (04-22-2013),[MPGH]master131 (04-05-2013),Maxedout (04-05-2013),Mc565 (04-07-2013),Paralyze (04-06-2013),Physcadelic (04-06-2013),Rance-Sama (04-06-2013),rchayne (04-10-2013),Riddick (04-06-2013),Royce (04-05-2013),Symmetrical (04-05-2013),Tacticious✓ (04-06-2013),Terell. (04-05-2013),THE J0KER (04-05-2013),crex (04-06-2013),Xiolest (04-06-2013),zer0xbloood (04-06-2013),ZeroTroubles (04-09-2013),~Shadow (04-07-2013)

  3. #2
    Joshcarr2006's Avatar
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    First go fuck your self I'm first!!!!!!! Naw but good news.

  4. #3
    Hennessy's Avatar
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    Great job guise.

    @Blue you're such a narb
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  5. #4
    Genesis's Avatar
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    Two shoutouts, sweet!

    @Flengo i was up until 3am last night, i have no idea what you're talking about!
    @Blue my name isn't Genesissy!

  6. #5
    Psychotic's Avatar
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    fixed the credits at end.

    made it so @Hannibal profile links to me cause.. I'M HANNIBAL AND HANNIBAL IS ME. HANNIBAL == PSYCHOTIC AND PSYCHOTIC == HANNIBAL. PLOT TWIST. FIGHT CLUB 2013.

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  7. #6
    Austin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    made it so @Hannibal profile links to me cause.. I'M HANNIBAL AND HANNIBAL IS ME. HANNIBAL == PSYCHOTIC AND PSYCHOTIC == HANNIBAL. PLOT TWIST. FIGHT CLUB 2013.

    I'm brad pitt and you're edward norton because you're an ugly ass bitch.

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  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Austin For This Useful Post:

    Rance-Sama (04-06-2013)

  9. #7
    Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hannibal View Post

    I'm brad pitt and you're edward norton because you're an ugly ass bitch.
    ya but we all know edward norton fekup brad pitt

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  10. #8
    Jim Morrison's Avatar
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    My 3k post ban wasn't in there...

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  11. #9
    BoxHead1080's Avatar
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    Great as always.

  12. #10
    Austin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post

    ya but we all know edward norton fekup brad pitt

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  13. #11
    Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NormenJaydenFBI View Post
    My 3k post ban wasn't in there...
    If it was last week, we don't have it. We haven't had news for 2 weeks so that's why. I believe postbans were only put in for this week.

    Super User since 02.02.2020
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  14. #12
    Aborted's Avatar
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    Another great edition of the MPGH News. Great work guys.
    You were seeking strength, justice, splendour.
    You were seeking love.
    Here is the pit, here is your pit.
    Its name is Silence..

  15. #13
    Royce's Avatar
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    Good news

    R.I.P MPGH1

    gay NK IS GAY

    Gay bf4 dafuq

  16. #14
    HalfBajan's Avatar
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    Heeeey how come I wasn't on post ban list? D:
    Find my latest releases on my YT:

  17. #15
    THE J0KER's Avatar
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    Great news edition!

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