First off this is for the hacks that are not BRAND NEW and are not Unworking anymore. This is how to test a hack thats been out for a while, you've heard about bans, and people are getting confirmed cheat detected.

If you have a moden with a standby button it works best. Or just a router to unplug from. Boot up your game and have the plug handy. Or just open network adapters and disable. Unplug JUST A SPLIT SECOND before running the hack program. If cheat detected pops up, it's going to wait till it reconnects to send the packets that flag you. Thats when you go to this handy windows tool called SYSTEM RESTORE. xD Restor back to before you did this and you know the cheat is detected and It reverts all your stuff you just did. meaning steam never detected and you never get flagged.

This won't work on brand new cheats as they will let people use them to draw hackers in. But this is a pretty sure way to check hacks that have been out long enough for VAC to do it's thing.

This might be sticky worthy. If this helps you, thank me. I've used this to detect an older aimbot. It saved my account. Just remember to make a system restore point before running the test. Or you will be backing up further than you want to. =P