I used to sell vbucks here in Argentina, until prices went up. Since then I quit and didnt pay any attention to this market, until today. I checked some stores and they are selling well (prices are high relatively to the past and the amount stores is much lower than before, but still) they figured out a method to get vbucks cheaper. Selling, for example, 1000 vbucks for $450 ARS (while ARS484 in microsoft store, which is where they are buying from).

So, I been reading this forum but didnt find any working method.

This people ask you 2 requirements before buying:

1- have your epic games email verified ---> this means they are buying from the microsoft store, but I dont understand if they're creating single accounts for each new buyer or what, since its so much trouble.

2- ''Contact and address information>Country/region MUST be unlocked'' So, they are buying from a foreign store.

Any ideas?

btw, I dont think they have the balls to be using a VPN.