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  1. #1
    Hugo Chavez's Avatar
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    Taken Away

    So some family had his daughter stolen. Three years later they are still looking for her. So the father is deaperate to find her. His lawyer, I think, tells him that maybe his daughter is being used for prostitution. He goes on the Internet and finds some guy that does this kind of stuff. The father tells them he is looking for someone similar to his daughter, by describing her. Theysend him countless pages of child pornography. The following week the FBI or something like that bust in and arrest him for child pornography. He tells the judge that he was deaperate to find his daughter and that the police aren't helping at all. He stays in jail for a few days and then is released. Even after his close call he tries to find his daughter. He comes across a website with a picture very similar to that of his daughter. He is dealing with a mafia and has to pay 20,000 pesos. () He meets her at a hotel and starts crying when he sees her. The daughter on the other hand is like "WTF JUST HAPPENED?!" Then she realizes it's her dad and starts hugging him. She remembers how they stole her and how she was used. The father plans an escape. The daughter tricks the guard into thinking she is getting harmed. He busts through the door and gets tackled down by the father. They run through hall an the guard takes aim. Some random lady appears an gets headshotted. They make it to some stairs and a security guard helps them. The father is reunited with his daughter.

    The son was playing his gameboy while taking care of his sister. He finds her missing and tells the father. The father says it's his fault for playing the stupid game. The son takes this harsh and sticks with it for life. He changes with the three years that passed. He is no longer a soft, obedient son. He I rebellious and cruel. He got expelled from school because some guy teased him about his father being a pig, arrested for child pornography. So then he goes out to find her sister Hy going out on the streets. He finds someone who he thinks is his sister but finds out it's just a fourteen year old crack head. Once the dad is released from jail, the son resumes a healthy life. His relationship with his girlfriend is better, and well he isn't as rebellious as before. When his sister comes home he is different and asks for forgiveness for not being responsible.

    The mom is just how a mother would be, worried and frightened. Nothing interesting goes on with her.

    This isn't made up. Based on a true story.

    Tl;DR: dad loses daughter, son blames himself and turns rebellious, mom is mom, dad gets in trouble for child pornography, he finds daughter, random lady gets headhsotted.
    Last edited by Hugo Chavez; 06-30-2011 at 12:02 AM.