Thread: Why like Obama?

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  1. #61
    Empire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forrest Gumpert. View Post
    It's just "conspiracy" this and "theory" that. He has no real proof.
    Course he doesn't.

    Conspiracy theorist really just rely on "connecting the dots" for proof. Something ____ happened, meaning ______, _____, and ____ are true.

    :/ If history class was like that, it would be a lot more entertaing though!

    Hitler killed jews, therefore Aliens abducted Elvis, Killed MJ, and Bigfoot is real.
    Last edited by Empire; 07-04-2011 at 11:55 PM.

  2. #62
    bowlcut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empire View Post

    Course he doesn't.

    Conspiracy theorist really just rely on "connecting the dots" for proof. Something ____ happened, meaning ______, _____, and ____ are true.

    :/ If history class was like that, it would be a lot more entertaing though!

    Hitler killed jews, therefore Aliens abducted Elvis, Killed MJ, and Bigfoot is real.
    Y'see, the kids, they listen to the rap, which gives them the brain damage.

    They're rarely true, and that's why I hate them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave84311 View Post
    I hate you colin. I really hate you.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by arunforce View Post
    I didn't even mention the term I searched for . I actually looked up two sources, so whatever makes you feel incompetent. If it was a cure, it would be mass produced ANYWHERE ELSE in the world and sold to sick and desperate people, and more people would buy it after it SAVES THEIR LIFE and reported by national medias around the world. Instead you fall for some stupid bullshit scam. LOL. Obviously drugs can never be used anywhere else in the world if the FDA rejects it, even without there being so many sources saying it's a scam/fake. Right?
    Well that was the Term in question, so it would only make sense to search it. It IS sold across the world, go ahead and look it up on as well as several health merchant sites..

    Quote Originally Posted by arunforce View Post
    Then go ahead and inject yourself with liquid silver into your blood stream, cure everything and sell it for millions. Go ahead, it cures so many things!
    Your acting like we're talking about melting down a silver coin and injecting it straight into your bloodstream.. It is a silver oxide in crystalline form administered in a VERY low ppm volume. NOT the same thing... You'll find far more information saying it's not toxic then you will saying it is..

    Quote Originally Posted by arunforce View Post
    Yeah there are millions of life saving medicines that the US deny that can't be applied, created, or used, anywhere else in the world. You know, like the United Kingdom that holds drugs that haven't gone through the FDAs rigorous checks that can take up to a year.
    Why is it so hard to believe the powers that be would suppress cheap technology that could cost them billions in profits?? They've done the same thing with free energy, the "joe cell" as ONE example... Hemp being illegal is another good example of things done in the interest of preserving the profits of the ultra rich.

    Quote Originally Posted by arunforce View Post
    You're whole entire arguments got ripped apart and you fall back to personal "issues." I know about Rockefeller and his supposed hand with other rich powerful men in the formation of the Federal Reserve. I know about his predatory pricing tactics. I know about his Oil monopolies. I know about his political aspirations.
    I fail to agree with you that my arguments have been "ripped apart". The video I posted was aimed at Empire since he obviously is operating at the mental level of a child.

    "Rockefeller's supposed hand with other rich, powerful men".. You have to be joking.. It is well known fact that the Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank and that our whole monetary system is based on debt to them. I honestly don't think you are retarded, so you must know this already.

    You know the Federal Reserve is the biggest scam in history, yet you don't think it matters.. Anyways, Rockefeller was just one example of the many about who actually controls what happens in our government.

    Quote Originally Posted by arunforce View Post
    I don't need to read someones biography to have an understanding of the world, you seem to though.
    Not quite, it is an interesting read though.. You seem to think it's the only thing I've ever read on the subject.. :/

    Quote Originally Posted by arunforce View Post
    You seem to spent all this time "learning and researching," yet you can't back anything up with facts but state the VAST amount of things that America does so they can spend trillions on medicare and medicaid and bankrupt us. You're entire arguments end up being that I need to do the research the matter on my own, you don't care to argue anymore, and make broad general statements that can't be backed up; something I've seen plenty of times in arguing in the debate fort.
    Oh yeah, it was totally medicare and medicaid that bankrupted us.. Social security too.. The trillions we spend on pointless wars had nothing to do with it.. /sarcasm It's billionsper yer spent on those programs compared to trillions per year spent on war and "national defense".

    In all honesty what bankrupted us and is continuing to bankrupt us is our fraudulent money system. That tends to happen when you create money from thin air based on a debt system in a fashion that is impossible to pay back.

    Quote Originally Posted by arunforce View Post
    I know you're type, just another stupid Ron Paul conspiracy theorist. Ron Paul is an asstard who thinks you need to have a religion to hold a government position. Don't get me wrong, he has some good policies, not his Austrian economics, but he's mostly just another kook that attracts kooks like you. Don't get me wrong, it's nothing personal, but you're an idiot.
    Ron Paul very rarely speaks about religion at all.. What he does is speak about the Constitution and Bill of Rights and the need for our country to go back to following them. You obviously don't know much about his policies or you would realize religion has very little to do with anything he believes.

    If you think there is something wrong with wanting to reduce the size of the Federal Government and go back to following the Constitution, then there is something very seriously wrong with you.

    I know your type also, you're the type who see's things wrong in the world yet chooses to ignore them so long as you still have food on your table. Your the kind who doesn't think about what it's going to be like for your kids or grand kids, only what it's like for you.

    All in all, I think you actually have a brain so I won't return the favor of name-calling. Unlike the other plain as day trolls in this thread. I can respect the fact you at least have beliefs to talk about unlike everyone else that has posted in here.

  4. #64
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    *sigh* how old are you kid?

    I don't really feel like debating with a pothead conspiracist who has yet to prove anything, so might as well ask your age.
    Last edited by Empire; 07-05-2011 at 02:39 AM.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empire View Post
    *sigh* how old are you kid?

    I don't really feel like debating with a pothead conspiracist who has yet to prove anything, so might as well ask your age.
    I'm not a kid, I *have* kids..

    Not surprising once again you have nothing of substance to post, just more spam.

    Why are you posting in this topic?

  6. #66
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  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    I'm not a kid, I *have* kids..

    Not surprising once again you have nothing of substance to post, just more spam.

    Why are you posting in this topic?
    I feel sorry for your kids. To grow up with a pothead like you as a father.

    Well life sucks i guess.

    You haven't proven anything with sources, logic, or even really an argument.

    I'd reply/argue if you actually had something to argue about.

    My Argument: Yeah, thats all bullshit.

    Your turn. Because you haven't provided proof yet its pretty much at the point where i can call it bullshit and it be a "sound argument" lulz.

  8. #68
    DinishK's Avatar
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    Donald Trump is a rich failure lol

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empire View Post

    I feel sorry for your kids. To grow up with a pothead like you as a father.

    Well life sucks i guess.

    You haven't proven anything with sources, logic, or even really an argument.

    I'd reply/argue if you actually had something to argue about.

    My Argument: Yeah, thats all bullshit.

    Your turn. Because you haven't provided proof yet its pretty much at the point where i can call it bullshit and it be a "sound argument" lulz.
    I believe you've gotten lost son..

    You belong here:
    Spammers Corner - MPGH - MultiPlayer Game Hacking

    And here:
    Flaming & Rage - MPGH - MultiPlayer Game Hacking

    If you believe I'm so wrong, why don't YOU try to prove YOU'RE stance if you want to contribute anything to the "Debate", otherwise you are just being wasted space and belong posting in the above linked forums.
    Last edited by DanK; 07-05-2011 at 01:29 PM.

  10. #70
    arunforce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Well that was the Term in question, so it would only make sense to search it. It IS sold across the world, go ahead and look it up on as well as several health merchant sites..
    Maybe the subject of the discussion, but it certaintly wasn't the question of the discussion. It could be manufactured and sold to desperate people all around the world without even having to enter US soil. Don't give me that bullshit.

    Your acting like we're talking about melting down a silver coin and injecting it straight into your bloodstream.. It is a silver oxide in crystalline form administered in a VERY low ppm volume. NOT the same thing... You'll find far more information saying it's not toxic then you will saying it is..
    You mean killing all 5 test subjects? Definitely not toxic.

    Why is it so hard to believe the powers that be would suppress cheap technology that could cost them billions in profits?? They've done the same thing with free energy, the "joe cell" as ONE example... Hemp being illegal is another good example of things done in the interest of preserving the profits of the ultra rich.
    I literally facepalmed in real life when I read this. There is no such thing as free energy. The second law of thermodynamics has been standing for 400 years and not ONE person has been able to disprove Newton wrong. There's nothing stopping this joe fella from stringing up a bunch of joe cells and producing a huge power plant in his back yard and making enough money to change the world.

    Hemp is banned because of Marijuana, but doesn't mean that it's still not grown or used in the USA. I agree it's bullshit, but it has nothing to do with the government lying and more have to do with lobbying/war on drugs.

    I fail to agree with you that my arguments have been "ripped apart". The video I posted was aimed at Empire since he obviously is operating at the mental level of a child.
    The fact that you dropped most of your arguments is fine with me. /

    "Rockefeller's supposed hand with other rich, powerful men".. You have to be joking.. It is well known fact that the Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank and that our whole monetary system is based on debt to them. I honestly don't think you are retarded, so you must know this already.

    You know the Federal Reserve is the biggest scam in history, yet you don't think it matters.. Anyways, Rockefeller was just one example of the many about who actually controls what happens in our government.
    I've heard both sides of the stories, and I don't really care for either. It's not a fact, either way, just like why I said that they supposedly threw Osama in the sea. I'm not taking sides, just stating what is there.

    The Federal Reserve isn't privately owned. It's quasi-private, partially owned by the government, partially private to protect certain "interests." It's about as privately owned as Fannie, Freddie, and Ginnie Mae.

    The federal reserve isn't a big of a scam as you make it out to be. There are far bigger scams in the world. It's the only thing stopping us from collapsing at the markets whim and having another Great Depression which they managed to prevent last year. Don't get me started on the gold standard.

    Oh yeah, it was totally medicare and medicaid that bankrupted us.. Social security too.. The trillions we spend on pointless wars had nothing to do with it.. /sarcasm It's billionsper yer spent on those programs compared to trillions per year spent on war and "national defense".
    Expenditures in the United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Look's like we both are wrong. I heard that the US's budget on Medicare/Medicaid was ~2 Trillion, and that the Government's Budget on the war was 800B. w/e

    In all honesty what bankrupted us and is continuing to bankrupt us is our fraudulent money system. That tends to happen when you create money from thin air based on a debt system in a fashion that is impossible to pay back.
    Re-hashed argument straight from Ron Paul's mouth. I've heard it over and over again.

    Gold standard is impossible to maintain in this day and age. Inflation is necessary with growing economies, Gold is a limited commodity, too little money chasing more goods creates an even bigger problem. Even with Gold, fractional reserve banking can inflate it over and over again, way worse than the federal reserve, who luckily for us, caps it from being no fractional reserves. Crying wolf @ the federal reserve when banks create ~8x+ when they get in. Classic.

    Ron Paul very rarely speaks about religion at all.. What he does is speak about the Constitution and Bill of Rights and the need for our country to go back to following them. You obviously don't know much about his policies or you would realize religion has very little to do with anything he believes.
    He believes that the constitution says that freedom of religion means THIS religion or THAT religion, not NO religion. And that's more than enough for me to think he's insane. He's knee deep in his religious views. The only thing that even makes him a worthy candidate is his respect for the Constitution and BoR. Take that away from him, and he's just another crazy republican nut job.

    If you think there is something wrong with wanting to reduce the size of the Federal Government and go back to following the Constitution, then there is something very seriously wrong with you.

    I know your type also, you're the type who see's things wrong in the world yet chooses to ignore them so long as you still have food on your table. Your the kind who doesn't think about what it's going to be like for your kids or grand kids, only what it's like for you.

    All in all, I think you actually have a brain so I won't return the favor of name-calling. Unlike the other plain as day trolls in this thread. I can respect the fact you at least have beliefs to talk about unlike everyone else that has posted in here.
    The size of the government isn't my issue. It's the spending of it. I could give a rats ass about how many people they hire (for the right reasons, not more laws/wiretapping/CIA/FBI/spying/etc), as long as the national debt drops, and they balance the budget with a decently sized debt.

    You got my type wrong, BTW. I think the future lies in technology, not social issues, not political issues, not economic issues, not religious issues or job creation or any of that crap. If we want to make it to the 22nd century, we need to invest in science to solve our problems. That's my "type."


  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empire View Post

    I feel sorry for your kids. To grow up with a pothead like you as a father.

    You know Empire, that was really uncalled for. He's here to debate and express his opinion, not get flamed and bagged on for something in his personal life.....

    Not taking sides or anything, but I'd expect more from you.

  12. #72
    Saboteur's Avatar
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    no i hate @Obama

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  13. #73
    DanK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arunforce View Post
    Maybe the subject of the discussion, but it certaintly wasn't the question of the discussion. It could be manufactured and sold to desperate people all around the world without even having to enter US soil. Don't give me that bullshit.

    You mean killing all 5 test subjects? Definitely not toxic.
    How was it not the question of the discussion? That particular statement you made was in rebuttal to the link I posted to the patent for an aids cure. Which happened to be Tetrasilver Tetroxide. So why would it not be the term in question?

    I never did respond to "All patients evaluated were terminal. "
    --- Yeah that meant they were terminal to BEGIN with..

    The Dr. writing in the link YOU posted never said anything about them dying after treatment.

    The only adverse affect he mentions is this:
    "The H column, following CD 8, indicates whether hepatomegaly occurred. This was an unfortunate consequence of the treatment which resulted in enlarged livers in all patients except the second one. Despite hepatomegaly, there was no interference with liver function. "

    But as for your other statement, you can't really believe the FDA is the only organization capable of deeming something usable or not. USA doesn't "know it all" ya know.

    I literally facepalmed in real life when I read this. There is no such thing as free energy. The second law of thermodynamics has been standing for 400 years and not ONE person has been able to disprove Newton wrong. There's nothing stopping this joe fella from stringing up a bunch of joe cells and producing a huge power plant in his back yard and making enough money to change the world.
    People have their lives threatened over shit like that. I suppose you don't believe a mafia ever existed either?

    Heres a great quote pertaining to your so called disprovable law:
    The Second "Law"
    Orgone energy defies many of the accepted 'laws' of standard physics, such as the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which, roughly translated, says that energy always diffuses from a higher state towards a lower one (higher concentration towards lower). Once you understand the nature of orgone energy, however, you soon realize that the Second Law of Thermodynamics isn't really a 'law' at all, since orgone defiantly demonstrates that its energy can move in the opposite direction (lower concentration towards higher). Before we attach the name 'law', to what is really an assumption based on mechanical observations, it should be immutable and applicable 100% of the time, but if it fails in even ONE instance, it's not much of a 'law'.

    Hemp is banned because of Marijuana, but doesn't mean that it's still not grown or used in the USA. I agree it's bullshit, but it has nothing to do with the government lying and more have to do with lobbying/war on drugs.
    Hemp =/= Marijuana. You agree it's bullshit, but you don't think our government lies about the "dangers of Marijuana" and also its association with hemp in order to sell the people on this "War on Drugs"? Which btw is no different the prohibition which was also based on propaganda and failed, much like this war on drugs is beginning to.

    The fact that you dropped most of your arguments is fine with me. /
    I did? Which ones were those? Because it seems to me we are still talking about the same shit + more...

    I've heard both sides of the stories, and I don't really care for either. It's not a fact, either way, just like why I said that they supposedly threw Osama in the sea. I'm not taking sides, just stating what is there.

    The Federal Reserve isn't privately owned. It's quasi-private, partially owned by the government, partially private to protect certain "interests." It's about as privately owned as Fannie, Freddie, and Ginnie Mae.

    The federal reserve isn't a big of a scam as you make it out to be. There are far bigger scams in the world. It's the only thing stopping us from collapsing at the markets whim and having another Great Depression which they managed to prevent last year. Don't get me started on the gold standard.
    You go ahead and believe all that as you watch the USD plummet in worth, inflation rise out of control and the eventual/inevitable loss of the status as the world reserve currency.

    Expenditures in the United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Look's like we both are wrong. I heard that the US's budget on Medicare/Medicaid was ~2 Trillion, and that the Government's Budget on the war was 800B. w/e
    The funny part about that link is it shows as a total expenditure for 2010 at 3.4trillion... Why don't you go research the rise in debt during 2010 and see if the numbers come even close to matching, they don't.

    Gold standard is impossible to maintain in this day and age. Inflation is necessary with growing economies, Gold is a limited commodity, too little money chasing more goods creates an even bigger problem. Even with Gold, fractional reserve banking can inflate it over and over again, way worse than the federal reserve, who luckily for us, caps it from being no fractional reserves. Crying wolf @ the federal reserve when banks create ~8x+ when they get in. Classic.
    Funny that you would mention Fractional Reserve Banking as a bad thing yet defend the Federal Reserve as saints in the same sentence. Since the Federal Reserve operates on "Fractional Reserve LENDING". Not to mention creates money from NOTHING as DEBT.

    He believes that the constitution says that freedom of religion means THIS religion or THAT religion, not NO religion. And that's more than enough for me to think he's insane. He's knee deep in his religious views. The only thing that even makes him a worthy candidate is his respect for the Constitution and BoR. Take that away from him, and he's just another crazy republican nut job.
    I've listened to Ron Paul speak a hell of a lot of times over the years and I've never heard him say anything like that.

    Here's what he DOES say:

    The size of the government isn't my issue. It's the spending of it. I could give a rats ass about how many people they hire (for the right reasons, not more laws/wiretapping/CIA/FBI/spying/etc), as long as the national debt drops, and they balance the budget with a decently sized debt.
    The term "Size of Government" was not meant to reflect the number of people employed. It was meant to reflect the amount of laws and regulations and how involved the Federal Government has become in the personal lives of the people. As well as the amount of spending.. So I guess we agree there, and you misunderstood my statement.

    You got my type wrong, BTW. I think the future lies in technology, not social issues, not political issues, not economic issues, not religious issues or job creation or any of that crap. If we want to make it to the 22nd century, we need to invest in science to solve our problems. That's my "type."
    Fine, I can accept that and admit I was wrong. You started off in this topic just flaming me and not really having much to say.. But your last few posts have been of substance, so I can respect your opinions even if I don't agree.

    BTW I also agree that technology is the future, which is precisely why I don't like the fact that it gets suppressed by powerful people who don't have the worlds best interests in mind.
    Last edited by DanK; 07-05-2011 at 07:50 PM.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fuko View Post

    You know Empire, that was really uncalled for. He's here to debate and express his opinion, not get flamed and bagged on for something in his personal life.....

    Not taking sides or anything, but I'd expect more from you.
    :/ If he was actually debating instead of smoking pot, I would agree(maybe)


    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    1How was it not the question of the discussion? That particular statement you made was in rebuttal to the link I posted to the patent for an aids cure. Which happened to be Tetrasilver Tetroxide. So why would it not be the term in question?

    I never did respond to "All patients evaluated were terminal. "
    --- Yeah that meant they were terminal to BEGIN with..

    The Dr. writing in the link YOU posted never said anything about them dying after treatment.

    The only adverse affect he mentions is this:
    "The H column, following CD 8, indicates whether hepatomegaly occurred. This was an unfortunate consequence of the treatment which resulted in enlarged livers in all patients except the second one. Despite hepatomegaly, there was no interference with liver function. "

    But as for your other statement, you can't really believe the FDA is the only organization capable of deeming something usable or not. USA doesn't "know it all" ya know.

    People have their lives threatened over shit like that. I suppose you don't believe a mafia ever existed either?

    2. Heres a great quote pertaining to your so called disprovable law:
    The Second "Law"
    Orgone energy defies many of the accepted 'laws' of standard physics, such as the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which, roughly translated, says that energy always diffuses from a higher state towards a lower one (higher concentration towards lower). Once you understand the nature of orgone energy, however, you soon realize that the Second Law of Thermodynamics isn't really a 'law' at all, since orgone defiantly demonstrates that its energy can move in the opposite direction (lower concentration towards higher). Before we attach the name 'law', to what is really an assumption based on mechanical observations, it should be immutable and applicable 100% of the time, but if it fails in even ONE instance, it's not much of a 'law'.

    3.Hemp =/= Marijuana. You agree it's bullshit, but you don't think our government lies about the "dangers of Marijuana" and also its association with hemp in order to sell the people on this "War on Drugs"? Which btw is no different the prohibition which was also based on propaganda and failed, much like this war on drugs is beginning to.

    I did? Which ones were those? Because it seems to me we are still talking about the same shit + more...

    You go ahead and believe all that as you watch the USD plummet in worth, inflation rise out of control and the eventual/inevitable loss of the status as the world reserve currency.

    The funny part about that link is it shows as a total expenditure for 2010 at 3.4trillion... Why don't you go research the rise in debt during 2010 and see if the numbers come even close to matching, they don't.

    Funny that you would mention Fractional Reserve Banking as a bad thing yet defend the Federal Reserve as saints in the same sentence. Since the Federal Reserve operates on "Fractional Reserve LENDING". Not to mention creates money from NOTHING as DEBT.

    I've listened to Ron Paul speak a hell of a lot of times over the years and I've never heard him say anything like that.

    Here's what he DOES say:
    YouTube - ‪Ron Paul on religion and faith - CNN NH Debate - 6/13/2011‬‏

    The term "Size of Government" was not meant to reflect the number of people employed. It was meant to reflect the amount of laws and regulations and how involved the Federal Government has become in the personal lives of the people. As well as the amount of spending.. So I guess we agree there, and you misunderstood my statement.

    Fine, I can accept that and admit I was wrong. You started off in this topic just flaming me and not really having much to say.. But your last few posts have been of substance, so I can respect your opinions even if I don't agree.

    BTW I also agree that technology is the future, which is precisely why I don't like the fact that it gets suppressed by powerful people who don't have the worlds best interests in mind.
    1. That isn't a cure. It does not cure the majority of its patients so stop bullshitting about something completely off topic.

    /done there.

    2. Orgone energy? Really?
    "Orgone energy is an idea which was proposed and promoted in the 1930s by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich, who originated the term to describe a universal life force.[1] The idea was quickly discredited and dismissed.[2] The current consensus of the scientific community is that orgone theory is pseudoscience." -wiki.

    It, in simple terms, its "spiritual energy" and in even simpler terms: Bullshit.

    I cite this: Peter Robbins - Orgone Energy, Wilhelm Reich and UFOs
    (for it being bullshit).

    This isn't science, its made up bullshit.
    /done there.

    3. YOU ARE A POTHEAD. You might wanna admit complete bias here, because we all know potheads always, *always* shout bullshit about hemp/marijuana all the time.

    /done there.

    4. Rest is just republican propaganda. Not really gonna take a side here because its already been done a billion times on this site.

    /done there.

    Ok @Fuko I ended it, now i get to flame him:

    @DanK : People can't see your views because your a fucking pothead who doesn't know shit and tries to bullshit his way out of everything.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empire View Post

    :/ If he was actually debating instead of smoking pot, I would agree(maybe)


    1. That isn't a cure. It does not cure the majority of its patients so stop bullshitting about something completely off topic.

    /done there.

    2. Orgone energy? Really?
    "Orgone energy is an idea which was proposed and promoted in the 1930s by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich, who originated the term to describe a universal life force.[1] The idea was quickly discredited and dismissed.[2] The current consensus of the scientific community is that orgone theory is pseudoscience." -wiki.

    It, in simple terms, its "spiritual energy" and in even simpler terms: Bullshit.

    I cite this: Peter Robbins - Orgone Energy, Wilhelm Reich and UFOs
    (for it being bullshit).

    This isn't science, its made up bullshit.
    /done there.

    3. YOU ARE A POTHEAD. You might wanna admit complete bias here, because we all know potheads always, *always* shout bullshit about hemp/marijuana all the time.

    /done there.

    4. Rest is just republican propaganda. Not really gonna take a side here because its already been done a billion times on this site.

    /done there.

    Ok @Fuko I ended it, now i get to flame him:

    @DanK : People can't see your views because your a fucking pothead who doesn't know shit and tries to bullshit his way out of everything.
    YouTube - ‪Eddie Griffin Talks The Truth On China & Americas Covert War Through Afghanistan's Opium‬‏

    This guy's funny, you might learn something though...

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