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  1. #1
    Allura's Avatar
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    Cool MPGH Fitness Club | A club to get toned together

    MPGH Fitness Club

    I'm trying to get back into shape, after letting myself go for a couple months. I can already feel my motivation withering away. So why not make an MPGH Fitness Club, so we can do it together. Please note, I am not a body builder, expert etc. This is just to become more healthy

    Goal of this group
    • Create motivation to eat healthy, work out regularly & live a healthy lifestyle
    • Reach a healthy body weight & size

    Daily Update Form
    Daily Update
    Day (Mon-Sun): 
    Eat healthy (Y/N)? 
    Cardio (Y/N)? 
    Strength (Y/N)? 
    Stretches (Y/N)?
    Daily Update
    Day (Mon-Sun): Thursday
    Eat healthy (Y/N)? Yes
    Cardio (Y/N)? Yes
    Strength (Y/N)? No
    Stretches (Y/N)? Yes

    How to get started?

    • Eat Healthy (no cheat days)
    • Before workout stretch
    • Cardio - at least 5 times a week
    • Strength Training - 5 times a week
    • After Workout/Regular Stretch - everyday

    Why people fail to be healthy
    1. Its too complicated
    2. Too much information leads to being overwhelmed, leading to quit before even starting
    3. No motivation to continue

    These guides below will help you stay healthy so you do not need to go out any research things (you can if you want to research your own).

    A great resource for eating healthy is YouTube. A great YouTube channel to find healthy meals are a channel called Fit Couples Cooks.
    Overview of Fit Couples Cooks:
    Most of their videos are meal preps. Meaning they cook 4-5 recipes in one video which will last you 5 days of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    You do not need to count calories if you don't want to. Its over complicated and not necessary.
    Rule of thumb
    • If its unhealthy, you will know to not eat it. Don't find loopholes, you'll only be lying to yourself.
    • Do not over-eat. Eat a decent amount that keeps you about 90% full.

    2 different fruits a day
    1st Fruit - Eat your 1st fruit after lunch and before dinner (2:00pm - 5:00pm)
    2nd Fruit - Eat your 2nd fruit after dinner (7:00pm - 8:00pm)

    You do not have to follow these exact rules, they are just guidelines. Don't eat both fruits at one sitting.

    5 different vegetables a day
    Lunch & dinner must always have vegetables, making up at least 5 different vegetables total.

    - You do not need to have 5 meals a day.
    You can if you want to, but that over complicates it. If you do eat 5 times a day, make sure all 5 meals are small meals.

    - Eat dinner 3 hours before you sleep.
    You may have a fruit 1-2 hours before you sleep.

    - Water only.
    You are not allowed to drink anything but water (unless its a protein shake for your workout).

    You have to do this stretch before you work out every time to warm up your muscles. Here is a video showing you how to do a before workout stretch.

    Cardio is anything that gets your heart beat up consistently. Cardio includes, playing sports, running, or other cardio exercises.

    - If you don't play sports, you can run outside.
    - If you don't want to run outside, you can do a cardio exercise.
    - You can do these exercises from the comfort of your home: Cardio Exercises

    If you are a beginner, do not start with enormously high weights. You might be able to lift them the first few times, but probably not by your last set. Its not a race to lift 1 tonne. Also, if you have never done strength training before, your muscles will ache afterwards.

    For strength, you may have to go to the gym, and use equipment there. Any equipment with weights will be for strength at the gym.
    If you are uncomfortable going to the gym, you can do some exercises from your home using your body weight and some dumbbells. You can youse the YouTube channel HASfit to search for some workouts.

    Here are some strength workouts I found for you already:

    The girl version is easier. If you do the girl version, it doesn't matter. You are doing more to stay healthy than 3/4 of other guys.

    Its important to stretch your muscles after workouts. Its also important to stretch your muscles everyday, even if you haven't exercised at all. So this this stretch everyday.

    I am not a doctor, trainer or a health expert.
    Everything written by me, are only my opinions.
    I barely use MPGH IM, Send me a private message to reach me faster!
    Also I currently don't sell anything!

    Joined MPGH: 07/02/2017
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  2. #2
    Sydney-Life2009's Avatar
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    Admirable goal, very hard in practice but for solidarity sake, I'll bite.

    Day (Mon-Sun): Monday
    Eat healthy (Y/N): I ate in accordance with my routine.
    Cardio (Y/N): No
    Strength (Y/N): Yes
    Stretches (Y/N): No, I rarely do.

    Now to critiquing from a professional standpoint (My thread in Fitness will explain my background). The requirements are completely unnecessary. Everyone should be performing a routine using the principles of specificity. Determine your own personal goal and adjust your routine from there.

    I have many points to make about "eating healthy." Calorie counting is definitely not over-complicated, it's necessity depends on the level of commitment and accountability the person wants.

    A better rule of thumb is: Determine your TDEE by using a calculator, if you want to gain weight, eat more calories than your maintenance requirements. If you want to lose weight, eat less. You absolutely can eat like shit and still lose weight, as long as you're in a caloric deficit. Now if you want to build muscle then you want to control your diet and obtain the proper macro and micronutrients. Cheat days are a strategy used to break the monotony of a strict diet and can be very good for long term adherence to diet plans. Many people burn out because they can't stick to a strict diet for so long and as long as you follow your diet and have an appropriate cheat day, you can still make plenty of progress.

    2 fruit and 5 veg are recommended daily intakes, no complaints there. You don't need to eat 5 meals no, but people who struggle to obtain calories for weight gain and bulking definitely should. Dinner timing only matters depending your goal. Water, milk and blended drinks you make at home are perfectly fine. Juice has a lot of sugar but if you make room for it in your macros you definitely can use it to spike your insulin.

    Now as a health professional, stretching has been a big point of contention. There is a lot of evidence arguing against the efficacy of stretching. Whilst I definitely advocate and prescribe stretching as part of a rehabilitory plan, you can possibly go without it for just working out. Ultimately, do what feels better for your body. Goes through a comprehensive scientific review regarding stretching. Make your decisions accordingly on whether you want to stretch. I personally do not, but I do prescribe it to clients in a rehabilitation setting.

    Doing cardio is fantastic for the heart but consistency is key! Whilst muscles are highly resistant to losing size and long-term strength loss, your cardio capabilities can start to drop within a week without training.

    Strength training or weightlifting is very goal-dependent and I feel like this section should be revised or completely deleted. Optimal muscle growth routines generally incorporate each muscle group worked out twice a week. PPL is a good starting program that focusses on compound lifts for each body part twice a week.

    Back to stretching, I find light cardio to be a better cool-down strategy than stretching. Again, the scientific evidence is in contention about the true effectiveness of stretching.

    That's it from me. Wish everyone the best of luck with their fitness journeys.

  3. #3
    Jacky's Avatar
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    I'll live forever and ever with Lee Mijoo
    how much you bench


  4. #4
    Pipermania's Avatar
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    Nov 2020
    I'm just starting out on my first getting in shape journey and I've been searching the forums for all types of tips, these are actually pretty useful. My friends that have been into this for a while longer than me recommend to also start off with proven peptides at the same time as my routine. I've read a nice review that actually convinced me to give them a try. I'm waiting on my order now and was curious if any of you have any tips regarding them? I can really use all the help I can get haha.
    Last edited by Pipermania; 12-01-2020 at 02:08 PM.

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