Selling my League of Legends account because i don't play it anymore, and i'm leaving for the Marines in 3 days. It includes the following:


Ahri, Alistar, Darius, Draven,
Elise, Ezreal, Garen, Jax,
Karthus, Katarina, Master Yi,
Nunu, Sivir, Syndra, Tristana,
Twitch, Zed, and Ziggs.


- Slay Belle Katarina, and High Command Katarina
- Snow Day Ziggs, and Mad Scientist Ziggs

The Following Account would come with 2171 RP, and you could team view me before buying it to make sure all of the following information i've stated is correct.

If your interested please contact me ASAP on skype: jokersdemon.

P.S. I also want to sell my Diablo 3 account, BF3, Crysis 2, and Fifa 12 account. And Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Ages, Dragon Ages 2 account.