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    Section Rules and Guidelines [MUST READ BEFORE POSTING]


    These rules are an extension of the general rules.

    When making a thread, you must:

    • Post what you are looking for. Be specific.
    • Post what you are selling, and provide screenshot proofs for what you are selling.
    • Provide contact details, which is your IM(Read here on how to add your IM). Having Private Message or Email is allowed only as a secondary contact method. That means you must have IM chat as your primary contact method. Disc.ord/ any other outside form of communication) are not valid forms of contact.
    • Make sure your thread title does not use any misleading terms along the lines of "Trusted/Premium/Reliable Member/#1". Other titles of a similar nature, or what we deem to be misleading will be removed.
    • Any product or service listed must include a price and proof. If there is a price range for your listing, an explanation must be provided on how the price changes. Similarly if you are unable to provide proof, it may require additional explanation before approval.
    • Add warranty aka T.O.S. in your thread. That means if you are selling accounts for an example,you must write under what conditions will you replace and/or refund and if so in what duration will you offer that. Example:"If your account stops working within 1 month i will replace it with another". Keep in mind that you are allowed to provide no warranty at all,but you must write that the same way.

    In short. Your thread must have what you are selling,proof,price, contact method & warranty/tos information. If you have all five of these in your thread it will be approved unless we notice something else is wrong.

    Failure to follow these guidelines will result in your thread getting deleted.

    Some general section rules:

    • You can only post on your thread ONCE PER DAY, from the last post YOU created on the thread. This means you can't always post on your thread to reply to customers. If you wish to respond to people, you may do so after 24 hours (from your last post), or equivalently, you can edit your latest post with a quote of their post and respond to them that way. You can also send them a message via IM Chat,send them a private message or a visitor message.
    • Create only ONE thread for the ENTIRE forum. Some exceptions can be made (i.e. posting in Elite selling/trading buying + a public selling/trading/buying forum)
    • Shitposting or spamming isn't tolerated.
    • People that will be selling their personal accounts to buyers here must have the original e-mail of the accounts. That doesn't include cracked accounts,you are allowed to sell these without the original e-mail.
    • If you were scammed, create a thread in this section and follow the procedure of how to create a scam report here.
    • For complaints aka negative reviews (e.g. bad service) please provide meaningful, professional, and noninflammatory remarks with proof. Otherwise, your post will be deleted.
    • Autobuys(Se.lly,roc.ketr...) are considered outside links and are NOT ALLOWED AT ALL on the site.

    Failure to follow these guidelines will result in your thread getting deleted and a potential warning, infraction, or ban.

    What you are NOT permitted to offer/receive/service in MPGH Marketplace:

    • Any "hacks", "cheats" or related stuff
    • Scripts, including remote executive
    • Carding
    • Bypasses
    • Menus
    • Keystealers or account stealers
    • Methods to sell keys
    • Phished accounts
    • Random and unchecked accounts accounts, keys, or logs
    • Selling of random keys (even if checked).
    • Fortnite Codes
    • Anything "bruteforcing" related EXCEPT configs(For sentry mba,openbullet etc...). You are allowed to sell configs.
    • Fortnite refunding
    • Any form of escrow (eBay holders for ex.)
    • Drops (Mainly used for SEing)
    • DDoS or doxing
    • Personal accounts (Steam, Origin, Fortnite etc..)without email access
    • Programs
    • Saved debit/credit cards
    • Anything related or linked to "Amazon" and their services is NOT allowed (EDU email's/Refunding services/Etc..)
    • Selling fake documents(passport/id...)
    • eBay refunding/holders/sellers/escrow
    • Rainbow Six: Siege Credit
    • Buy4You services
    • Limited paypal accounts
    • Mentoring services
    • CashApp accounts (Can only be sold if its made on Buyer Device)
    • Ghosting or ignoring active customers for an excessive period of time may result in an infraction

    Failure to follow these guidelines will result in your thread getting deleted and a potential warning, infraction, or ban.

    Lifetime Rules and Warranties:

    • As of August 29, 2017, lifetime services (i.e. "lifetime of the shop" services) are no longer permitted. Anyone who has purchased a lifetime deal or is running a service that has lifetime is still bound to it, however, new lifetime deals are no longer allowed to be offered to anyone, and by anyone.
    • Alternatively, you can sell is unlimited warranties for a limited time (e.g. you can receive replacements of Spotify accounts an unlimited number of times for 3 months).
    • Any future "unlimited warranty for a limited time" services must specifically list out the time the warranty lasts, the cost, and any other details necessary. It will provide unlimited replacements for individual. There is zero room for inexplicity.
    • Prices of these services must be fair, and durations cannot be extremely long. This will be investigated and decided by MMs that look at your thread when approving it.
    • If you decide to close your thread while people have active warranties, you MUST continue providing waranties until the expiration date. Warranties are not "void" in any way. Failure to provide warranties can result in a legitamate scam report being filed. Avoidance of individuals after closure is not acceptable either, and can result in a legitamate scam report as well.

    Thread edits:

    After 24 hours of your post or thread creation,you will not be able to edit it. This feature is there to prevent possible rule breaking content being added. Your thread edits after the 24 hour mark will have to be done my MPGH staff.

    How to request thread edits

    This'll be a guide on how to request thread edits, if the following steps aren't followed then your requests will be ignored.

    1) Copy and paste your whole thread layout into pastebin(with the desired changes) -
    You can copy your current thread layout by quotion your post.
    After that you can edit it how you want and if you want to make sure thread looks how you would like it to be you can use the "Preview Post" feature. Just go into any section and click on start a new thread. Instead of submitting it, click on "Preview Post"
    2)Report the thread with the link of the pastebin, as reporting is faster and more efficient than contacting each staff individually.
    3)Alternatively you may also send the link of the paste data to the section minions via Private Messages. (Link should look like this -
    Private messages are found under the profile picture of the person you are trying to send the private message to.
    You can also press the report button on your thread and include the link in the report.
    4) Also send the link to the thread that you'd like to be modified. Example -

    Example of how a thread edit request should look like.

    Reminder, if anything on the edit violates rules, it will be ignored. If a minion accidentally misses violated rules, that is still your responsibility and the thread will be closed. Minions aren't there to proof read thread edit requests, if it slips past them then your threads WILL be deleted.

    Some notes:

    • Thread approvals are in place for marketplace sections. This means you must wait for your thread to be approved by the moderation team before you can view it. Be patient, as this process can take 24 hours. It can be longer than this, as the thread queue gets quite large everyday
    • ToS on threads and rules can be overridden by MPGH Staff decision in scam reports in order to prevent unfair treatment, and/or if absolutely necessary. Such things will require Mod+ to invoke such decisions.
    • Blacklists will be posted here. Search for users that may have been past scammers.
    • We don't catch everyone. This forum is quite huge, and there is only a number of us here to moderate it. As such, please report if you see anything that is rulebreaking.

    Remember to read the stickies around the section. In addition, as a reminder you must uphold these section rules along with the general site rules. These section rules and the general site rules may change at some point, so keep yourself updated by checking this thread now and then for an update.
    In addition, if you break any of the above rules (e.g. selling something that is not allowed to be sold) you can be infracted or banned for it.

    Thanks for your co-operation!
    - MPGH Staff
    Last edited by Azerila; 12-14-2020 at 06:43 AM.

  2. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to RespectNF For This Useful Post:

    AlexR55 (04-02-2020),[MPGH]Azerila (04-30-2019),bluskyiran (05-01-2019),dalila2 (06-13-2019),[MPGH]Flengo (04-30-2019),H@pe (07-02-2019),Hector (12-19-2020),niggo (12-22-2020),proffessorace (01-21-2021),sundeep (05-10-2019),[MPGH]Time (07-03-2019)

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