Thread: ZuOnline Bot

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  1. #1
    floowsnaake's Avatar
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    ZuOnline Bot

    This is a bot for ZuOnline that will auto kill Monsters and farm/take he loot/drops

    Press X when in game to start the bot.
    ESC to exit the bot.

    Read the Info in the .ahk file if you need more help.

    Name: ZuOnline Bot
    Version = Pre-Alpha 0.1
    Made by: Flow_Snake & DrSinner
    Autohotkey version: v1.1.22.03
    Tested on: Windows 7 64bit
    Date: 21/08/2015
    Contact info:
    What does it do?
    NOTE: YOU will need to change the (Item_Under_Mouse =) adress with a one that works/its diffirent for you so miy adress WILL NOT work for you!
    Also make sure that you edit these 2 words/items inside of the " " 
    IF (QQ = "Attacking Spar" or QQ = "Defensive Spar")
    These are the items that the bot will pick up if it gets dropped.
    This bot will ONL work if you are a Summoner class becuse it uses the (Ghostly Puppet) to auto mark/select an Enemy and then switch the Puppet into Agressive mode/Auto attack mode, then when the Enemy is killed it will check for a specific item/loot that the Enemy droped and pick it up and continue to do that/loop it all again.
    X = Start the Bot.
    Escape/ESC = Exit the bot.
    IF NOT A_IsAdmin
       Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
    OnExit, Fix_Keys
    ProcessName := "ZuOnline.exe"
    hwnd := MemoryOpenFromName(ProcessName)
    Adress = 1FAA41C0 ; This is the Adress under the mouse to make the bot see the item thats under the mouse., Like this for example 1FAA41C0, note that you dont need to add the 0x part.
    Item_Under_Mouse = 0x%adress%
    Pixel_Item_Pick = 0x3240F3 ; Blue
    IfEqual,Item_Under_Mouse,0x, {
    MsgBox, 4112, Under Mouse Error, The Item_Under_Mouse variable does not containe a String Value! it must be likes this 0x1FAA41C0`nZuOnline Auto Fight/Loot Bot wil now Exit!
    Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
    Gui, Add, Text,,Items To Pick:
    Gui, Add, Text,,Pixel Pick Color:
    Gui, Add, Text,,Item/NPC/Monster (For Debugg):
    Gui, Add, Text,,Pointer:
    Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly w190 ym, Attacking Spar & Defensive Spar
    Gui, Add, Progress, w20 h20 vCol, 100
    Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x206 y32 w100 h20 , %Pixel_Item_Pick%
    Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly w190 vItem_Under_Mouse_GUI, 
    Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly w190, %Item_Under_Mouse% 
    GuiControl,, Item_Under_Mouse_GUI,Press X Key
    Gui, Show, NoActivate x0 y0, ZuOnline Auto Fight/Loot
    WinActivate, ahk_exe ZuOnline.exe
    WinWaitActive, ahk_exe ZuOnline.exe
    Random, delay,100,700
    GuiControl,, Item_Under_Mouse_GUI,
    send, {Ctrl down} ;Shows the items on the ground/on the map.
    Loop ;Loops it all
    send,{Q Down} ;Auto target a Enemy.
    Sleep, %delay%
    send,{Q Up}
    Sleep, %delay%
    send,{F Down} ;Sends the Puppet to kill it.
    Sleep, %delay%
    send,{F Up}
    GuiControl,, Item_Under_Mouse_GUI, % A := MemoryReadPointer(hwnd, Item_Under_Mouse, "Str", 16)
    QQ := MemoryReadPointer(hwnd, Item_Under_Mouse, "Str", 16)
    CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
    PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 239, 212, 1037, 810, %Pixel_Item_Pic%, 0, Fast RGB ; color is Blue
    IF ErrorLevel = 0 ; IF Magic iteam color is found on the screen.
    IF (QQ = "Attacking Spar" or QQ = "Defensive Spar") ; IF mouse if under these iteams then pick it.
    MouseMove, %FoundX%, %FoundY%	
    Sleep, 300
    Click ; clicks the item.
    Sleep, 3000
        Process, Exist, %Name%
        Return DllCall("OpenProcess", "Uint", 0x1F0FFF, "int", 0, "int", PID := ErrorLevel)
    MemoryReadPointer(hwnd, base, datatype="int", length=4, offsets=0, offset_1=0, offset_2=0, offset_3=0, offset_4=0, offset_5=0, offset_6=0, offset_7=0, offset_8=0, offset_9=0)
    	B_FormatInteger := A_FormatInteger 
    	Loop, %offsets%
    		baseresult := MemoryRead(hwnd,base)
    		Offset := Offset_%A_Index%
    		SetFormat, integer, h
    		base := baseresult + Offset
    		SetFormat, integer, d
    	SetFormat, Integer, %B_FormatInteger%
    	return MemoryRead(hwnd,base,datatype,length)
    MemoryRead(hwnd, address, datatype="int", length=4, offset=0)
    	VarSetCapacity(readvalue,length, 0)
    	DllCall("ReadProcessMemory","Uint",hwnd,"Uint",address+offset,"Str",readvalue,"Uint",length,"Uint *",0)
    if (datatype = "Str")
    		finalvalue := StrGet(&readvalue, length, "UTF-8")
    	finalvalue := NumGet(readvalue, 0, datatype)
    	return finalvalue
    send, {ctrl}
    send, {ctrl down}
    send, {ctrl up}
    Last edited by floowsnaake; 08-21-2015 at 08:52 AM.

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