Both "import keyboard" and "import win32gui" are grey for some reason.
I followed youtube tutorial. Code runs without error but no glow. When i close python file then i get error

error: "Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\MSI\PycharmProjects\banana\", line 37, in <module>
File "C:\Users\MSI\PycharmProjects\banana\", line 24, in main
entity_team_id = pm.read_int(entity + m_iTeamNum)
File "C:\Users\MSI\PycharmProjects\banana\venv\lib\ site-packages\pymem\", line 530, in read_int
value = pymem.memory.read_int(self.process_handle, address)
File "C:\Users\MSI\PycharmProjects\banana\venv\lib\ site-packages\pymem\", line 304, in read_int
bytes = read_bytes(handle, address, struct.calcsize('i'))
File "C:\Users\MSI\PycharmProjects\banana\venv\lib\ site-packages\pymem\", line 101, in read_bytes
pymem.ressources.kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(handle , ctypes.c_void_p(address), ctypes.byref(buff), byte, ctypes.byref(bytes_read))

Process finished with exit code -1073741510 (0xC000013A: interrupted by Ctrl+C)

The code itself:

import pymem
import keyboard
import win32gui
import pymem.process

dwEntityList = (0x4DD245C)
dwLocalPlayer = (0xDB65DC)
dwGlowObjectManager = (0x531B048)
m_iGlowIndex = (0x10488)
m_iTeamNum = (0xF4)

def main():
pm = pymem.Pymem("csgo.exe")
client = pymem.process.module_from_name(pm.process_handle, "client.dll").lpBaseOfDll

while True:
glow_manager = pm.read_int(client + dwGlowObjectManager)
for i in range(1, 32):
entity = pm.read_int(client + m_iGlowIndex)

if entity:
entity_team_id = pm.read_int(entity + m_iTeamNum)
entity_glow = pm.read_int(entity + m_iGlowIndex)

if entity_team_id == 2:
pm.write_float(glow_manager + entity_glow * 0x38 + 0x4, float(1))
pm.write_float(glow_manager + entity_glow * 0x38 + 0x8, float(0))
pm.write_float(glow_manager + entity_glow * 0x38 + 0xC, float(0))
pm.write_float(glow_manager + entity_glow * 0x38 + 0x10, float(1))
pm.write_int(glow_manager + entity_glow * 0x38 + 0x24, 1)

if __name__ == '__main__':