Fast response via Skype, got my 10 million + about 1 million extra in about 30 minutes.
I definitely recommend the guy! Would buy again
Fast response via Skype, got my 10 million + about 1 million extra in about 30 minutes.
I definitely recommend the guy! Would buy again
Got all my money in little time Totally recommended and so much cheaper than the Shark cards!
request sent
Last edited by Jj519; 10-24-2015 at 02:47 PM.
This guy is da best ty so much.
Lunatic (10-24-2015)
Avileus (10-26-2015)
Excellent service. Friendly and nice. Will def buy again. We couldn't meet up when I purchased earlier today due to schedule conflict (was my fault, not his) Kept in contact the whole day and when I was available he made a prompt delivery.
Lunatic (11-03-2015)
VOUCH for sure. When we first met up I was having an error. " Failed zlib call." My game crashed the first few attempts, but he was very patient with me. Once I got the issue resolved we met up and I got a quick delivery. Def worth the money and will def buy again.
Lunatic (11-03-2015)
Are you online now bro?
i just added you on skype since i cant pm you Skype=DillyDuzIt
I am currently responding on Skype. Just got access to net, but still waiting on my own. Comcast blows, so not much I can do about that. Will be open tomorrow after 5pm my time hopefully. Don't want to promise ad Comcast has already blown it twice since I moved to this new place. My transfer recoveries are open, as I can get them done with this crappy hotel internet I'm on. Once I get my own net drops will be open.