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    Mizzle420420's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    My Mood

    Cool Mizzle420420: Bind Menu v3.5 [DayZ Standalone Cheat] [New] [Undetected]

    Hey Guys,
    Today I'm releasing a new version of my Bind Menu, mainly because certain people think there is no new stuff to do in SQF on standalone and seem to be recycling my older stuff.

    I updated the Keybind Menu to Version 3.5 for DayZ .59 and beyond, Changelogs are Below.
    Have Fun and Happy Hackin.


    V3.5 (My Screen Res is kinda messed up in this picture but you get the idea):

    (10-30-2015) (DayZ .58) Keybind v3 Changelog:

    Removed Old Esp

    Removed Crosshair (was causing issues with HUD)

    Removed Gun God - (setWeaponReloadingTime no longer working)

    Added No Recoil (to replace Gun God)

    Added New Advanced ESP (Shows Players, Bodys, Zombies, Vehicles, and Crashes)

    Added TP Underground (Use to avoid death, hides you from players, zombies, explosions etc..)

    Added Turtle Toggle (Toggles SpeedHack and TP scripts to switch on Support Functionality with Anti-TP Bypass)

    Added Script Executor (keybound with some nice features for on the fly scripting)

    Added Time Day (Sets Time to Day in a loop)

    Added Teleport Floors up and down (use while swimming to fly)

    Added Magnets (Weapons, Attachments, Food and Drink, Melee, Meds, Vehicle Parts, Repair Items, Containers)

    Added UI Positioning Customization for Intro Structured Text (Edit at top of Script)

    New UI design (HUD + Debug combo)

    Redone Debug Monitor (Fixes, Added Item in hands, Added Ammo in Mag, Added Player Is Bleeding Check, Added Compass, Added Bearing)

    ESP Fixes (Whitelisting should now work properly)

    FPS Boost Fixes (Added No Grass to FPS Boost and object view distance)

    Edited Speedhacks (to Work with Turtle Toggle)

    Edited Map Tp (to Work with Turtle Toggle)

    Known Issues:

    Time Day (Causes lag spike when ran)

    Time Day (Can Cause lag spikes)

    Esp (Can be laggy at times)

    (12-15-2015) (DayZ .59) Keybind v3.5 Changelog:

    Added RunOnce - people were having issues with lag double executing the script

    Added Map Markers - new faster version than what was in necro v5

    Added No Buildings - new faster version than what was in necro v5

    Fixes to Time Day - less lag spikes (still has lag spike when first ran)

    Swaped all setpos features over to setvehicleposition - setpos requires anti-teleport check bypass which most people don't have

    Swaped out Advanced Esp for Original ESP - Advanced Esp being unstable and still WIP

    Removed setpos teleport from map - setpos requires anti-teleport check bypass which most people don't have

    Removed Arrows from Ammo Magnet

    Removed Nightlight - day time more effective no need for a nightlight


    Scripts, Menu Design - Mizzle420420

    Give Thanks and Rep If you like it.

    if (isNil ("MenuRunOnce")) then 
    	MenuRunOnce = 0;
    if (MenuRunOnce == 0) then
    	Miz_Text_Height = 0.485; comment "Edit This Number to Adjust Intro Text Height.";
    	Miz_Run =
    		call Miz_KeyBinds;
    		call Miz_Scripts;
    	Miz_KeyBinds =
    		comment "Insert";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0xD2) then
    			call Miz_Turtle_Toggle;
    		comment "Space";	
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x39) then
    			call Miz_SpeedHakes;
    		comment "B";	
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x30) then
    			call Miz_ReverseSpeedHakes;
    		comment "Home";	
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) ==  0xC7) then
    			call Miz_Executor;
    		comment "BackSpace";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x0E) then
    			call Miz_ReSpawn;
    		comment "M";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x32) then
    			call Miz_Map;
    		comment "K";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x25) then
    			call MiZ_Original_ESP;
    		comment "O";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x18) then
    			call Miz_Fast_Anims;
    		comment "J";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x24) then
    			call Miz_No_Recoil;
    		comment "U";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x16) then
    			call Miz_FPS_Boost;
    		comment "Num8";	
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x48) then
    			call Miz_Floor_TP_Up;
    		comment "Num2";	
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x50) then
    			call Miz_Floor_TP_Down;
    		comment "Num0";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x52) then
    			call Miz_Break;	
    		comment "Num1";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x4F) then
    			call Miz_UnderGround;
    		comment "Num3";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x51) then
    			call Miz_Time;
    		comment "Num Enter";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x9C) then
    			call Miz_Kill_Yourself;
    		comment "1";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x02) then
    			call Miz_Weapon_Magnet;
    		comment "2";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x03) then
    			call Miz_Ammo_Magnet;
    		comment "3";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x04) then
    			call Miz_Attachment_Magnet;
    		comment "4";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x05) then
    			call Miz_Food_Drink_Magnet;
    		comment "5";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x06) then
    			call Miz_Melee_Magnet;
    		comment "6";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x07) then
    			call Miz_Med_Magnet;
    		comment "7";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x08) then
    			call Miz_Vehicle_Parts_Magnet;
    		comment "8";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x09) then
    			call Miz_Repair_Magnet;
    		comment "9";
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x0A) then
    			call Miz_Container_Magnet;
    		comment "Y";	
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x15) then
    			[] spawn MiZ_Map_Markers_Fast;
    		comment "N";	
    		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x31) then
    			call MiZ_Buildings;
    	Miz_Scripts =
    		MiZ_Map_Markers_Fast = 
    			closeDialog 0;
    			createDialog "RscDisplayMainMap";
    			sleep 2;
    			for "_j" from 1 to 100 do
    				deleteMarkerLocal ("marker" + str(_j));
    			_MiZ_VD = viewDistance;
    			_MiZ_OVD = 1000;
    			setViewDistance 1;
    			setobjectviewdistance 1;
    			_MiZ_Start = [1000,2300,0];
    			_MiZ_max = 15300;
    			_MiZ_i = 1;
    			_MiZ_u = 1;
    			_MiZ_c = 0;
    			_MiZ_arr = [];
    			_MiZ_local = "camera" camCreate (getPos player);
    			_MiZ_local cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK"];
    			systemchat "Mizzle420420: Scanning Map for Markers, This May Take a Few Minutes";
    			sleep 2;
    			systemchat "Mizzle420420: It is Normal for a Map to Display while this Happens";
    			sleep 2;
    			systemchat "Mizzle420420: Do Not Alt-Tab or Leave the map, Stay in-game it will Close Automatically";
    			sleep 2;
    			systemchat "Mizzle420420: Stay in-game the map will Close Automatically";
    			sleep 2;
    				while {((_MiZ_Start select 0 < _MiZ_max)) && ((_MiZ_Start select 1 < _MiZ_max))} do
    						while {(_MiZ_Start select 0 < _MiZ_max)} do
    							_MiZ_local = "camera" camCreate _MiZ_Start;
    							_MiZ_local cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK"];
    							_MiZ_obj = (allMissionObjects "car");
    							_MiZ_obj1 = (entities "SurvivorBase");
    							_MiZ_obj2 = (allMissionObjects "TentMedium_Pitched") + (allMissionObjects "TentLarge_Pitched") + (allMissionObjects "tentcar_Pitched") + (allMissionObjects "tentmedium_packed") + (allMissionObjects "tentlarge_backpack") + (allMissionObjects "tentcar_packed");				
    							_MiZ_obj3 = (allMissionObjects "Land_Mi8_Crashed") + (allMissionObjects "Land_UH1Y_Wreck") + (allMissionObjects "Land_Volha_police_DayZ");
    							if (count _MiZ_obj != 0) then
    									if !((getPos _x) in _MiZ_arr) then
    										_MiZ_mark = createMarkerLocal ["marker" + str(_MiZ_i), getPos _x];
    										_MiZ_mark setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_objective";
    										_MiZ_mark setMarkerColorLocal "ColorGreen";
    										_MiZ_mark setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5];
    										_MiZ_mark setMarkerTextLocal (typeOf _x);
    										_MiZ_i = _MiZ_i + 1;
    										_MiZ_arr set [count _MiZ_arr, getPos _x];
    								} forEach _MiZ_obj;
    							if (count _MiZ_obj1 != 0) then
    									if !((getPos _x) in _MiZ_arr) then
    										_MiZ_mark1 = createMarkerLocal ["marker" + str(_MiZ_i), getPos _x];
    										_MiZ_mark1 setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_end";
    										_MiZ_mark1 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";
    										_MiZ_mark1 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5];
    										_MiZ_mark1 setMarkerTextLocal (Name _x);
    										_MiZ_i = _MiZ_i + 1;
    										_MiZ_arr set [count _MiZ_arr, getPos _x];
    								} forEach _MiZ_obj1;
    							if (count _MiZ_obj2 != 0) then
    									if !((getPos _x) in _MiZ_arr) then
    										_MiZ_mark2 = createMarkerLocal ["marker" + str(_MiZ_i), getPos _x];
    										_MiZ_mark2 setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_dot";
    										_MiZ_mark2 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorOrange";
    										_MiZ_mark2 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5];
    										_MiZ_mark2 setMarkerTextLocal (typeOf _x);
    										_MiZ_i = _MiZ_i + 1;
    										_MiZ_arr set [count _MiZ_arr, getPos _x];
    								} forEach _MiZ_obj2;
    							if (count _MiZ_obj3 != 0) then
    									if !((getPos _x) in _MiZ_arr) then
    										_MiZ_mark3 = createMarkerLocal ["marker" + str(_MiZ_i), getPos _x];
    										_MiZ_mark3 setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_dot";
    										_MiZ_mark3 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlue";
    										_MiZ_mark3 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5];
    										_MiZ_mark3 setMarkerTextLocal (typeOf _x);
    										_MiZ_i = _MiZ_i + 1;
    										_MiZ_arr set [count _MiZ_arr, getPos _x];
    								} forEach _MiZ_obj3;
    							camDestroy _MiZ_local;
    							_MiZ_Start = [(_MiZ_Start select 0) + 1000, (_MiZ_Start select 1), 0];
    							_MiZ_percent = round((_MiZ_u / 15)*100);
    							if (_MiZ_percent != _MiZ_c) then 
    								_MiZ_c = _MiZ_percent;
    								systemchat "Mizzle420420: Searching For Markers..";
    					_MiZ_u = _MiZ_u + 1;
    					_MiZ_Start = [1000, (_MiZ_Start select 1) + 1000, 0];
    					sleep 0.01;
    			setViewDistance _MiZ_VD;
    			setObjectViewDistance _MiZ_OVD;
    			camDestroy _MiZ_local;
    			player cameraEffect ["TERMINATE", "BACK"];
    			systemchat "Mizzle420420: Map Scan Finished";
    			closeDialog 0;
    		MiZ_Buildings =  
    			if (isnil ("n1111")) then 
    				n1111 = 0;
    			if (n1111 == 0) then
    				systemchat "Mizzle420420: No Buildings Activated";
    				n1111 = 1;
    				systemchat "Mizzle420420: No Buildings Deactivated";
    				n1111 = 0;
    			[] spawn
    				while {n1111 == 1} do
    					_MiZ_entities = (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]) nearObjects 1000;
    						if ((_x != player) && !(_x isKindOf "Man")) then
    							_typeof = toArray typeof _x;
    							_typeof resize 4;
    							_typeof = toString _typeof;
    							if (_typeof == "land") then
    								hideObject _x; 
    					forEach _MiZ_entities;
    					sleep 5;
    				while {n1111 == 0} do
    					_MiZ_entities = (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]) nearObjects 1000;
    						if ((_x != player) && !(_x isKindOf "Man")) then
    							_typeof = toArray typeof _x;
    							_typeof resize 4;
    							_typeof = toString _typeof;
    							if (_typeof == "land") then
    								_x hideObject false; 
    					forEach _MiZ_entities;
    					sleep 5;
    		Miz_Container_Magnet =
    			_Miz_entities = (allMissionObjects "ContainerBase");
    				_Miz_pos = getpos player;
    				_x setpos _Miz_pos; 
    			} forEach _Miz_entities;			
    			systemchat "Necromancy: Container Magnet: Take Items into hands.";
    		Miz_Repair_Magnet =
    			_Miz_entities = (allMissionObjects "tool_sewingkit") + (allMissionObjects "tool_leathersewingkit") + (allMissionObjects "consumable_ducttape") + (allMissionObjects "tool_weaponcleaningkit");
    				_Miz_pos = getpos player;
    				_x setpos _Miz_pos; 
    			} forEach _Miz_entities;			
    			systemchat "Necromancy: Repair Magnet: Take Items into hands.";
    		Miz_Vehicle_Parts_Magnet =
    			_Miz_entities = (allMissionObjects "VehiclePartsBase");
    				_Miz_pos = getpos player;
    				_x setpos _Miz_pos; 
    			} forEach _Miz_entities;			
    			systemchat "Necromancy: Vehicle_Parts Magnet: Take Items into hands.";
    		Miz_Med_Magnet =
    			_Miz_entities = (allMissionObjects "MedicalItemBase");
    				_Miz_pos = getpos player;
    				_x setpos _Miz_pos; 
    			} forEach _Miz_entities;			
    			systemchat "Necromancy: Melee Weapon Magnet: Take Items into hands.";
    		Miz_Melee_Magnet =
    			_Miz_entities = (allMissionObjects "MeleeItemBase") + (allMissionObjects "Sword") + (allMissionObjects "KnifeBase");
    				_Miz_pos = getpos player;
    				_x setpos _Miz_pos; 
    			} forEach _Miz_entities;			
    			systemchat "Necromancy: Melee Weapon Magnet: Take Items into hands.";
    		Miz_Weapon_Magnet =
    			_Miz_entities = (allMissionObjects "riflecore") + (allMissionObjects "pistolcore") + (allMissionObjects "FlashGrenade") + (allMissionObjects "GrenadeBase");
    				_Miz_pos = getpos player;
    				_x setpos _Miz_pos; 
    			} forEach _Miz_entities;			
    			systemchat "Necromancy: Weapon Magnet: Take Weapon into hands.";
    		Miz_Attachment_Magnet =
    			_Miz_entities = (allMissionObjects "AttachmentBase");
    				_Miz_pos = getpos player;
    				_x setpos _Miz_pos; 
    			} forEach _Miz_entities;			
    			systemchat "Necromancy: Attachment Magnet: Take Items into hands.";
    		Miz_Ammo_Magnet =
    			_Miz_entities = (allMissionObjects "MagazineBase") + (allMissionObjects "AmmunitionItemBase") + (allMissionObjects "AmmunitionBoxItemBase") - (allMissionObjects "ArrowBase");
    				_Miz_pos = getpos player;
    				_x setpos _Miz_pos; 
    			} forEach _Miz_entities;			
    			systemchat "Necromancy: Ammo Magnet: Take Items into hands.";
    		Miz_Food_Drink_Magnet =
    			_Miz_entities = (allMissionObjects "DrinksItemBase") + (allMissionObjects "FoodItemBase");
    				_Miz_pos = getpos player;
    				_x setpos _Miz_pos; 
    			} forEach _Miz_entities;			
    			systemchat "Necromancy: Food and Drink Magnet: Take Items into hands.";
    		Miz_Executor = 
    			createDialog 'RscDisplayInventoryNote';
    			ctrlSetText[1300,"Mizzle420420 SQF Executor"];  
    			ctrlSetText[1400,profileNamespace getVariable ['TotallyNotAScriptExecuturHistory','']];
    			buttonSetAction[1600,"profileNamespace setVariable ['TotallyNotAScriptExecuturHistory',(ctrlText 1400)];call compile (ctrlText 1400)"];
    			buttonSetAction[1601,"ctrlSetText[1400,''];profileNamespace setVariable ['TotallyNotAScriptExecuturHistory','']"];
    		Miz_UnderGround = 
    				_Miz_pos = player modeltoworld [0,0,-50000];
    				player setVehiclePosition [_Miz_pos, [], 0];
    				systemchat "Necromancy: You Are Invisible and UnderGround, Speed Hack to Return to Surface";		
    		Miz_ReSpawn =
    			{respawn = _x;publicVariableServer "respawn";} forEach (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0] nearObjects ["SurvivorBase",1000]);
    			systemchat "Mizzle420420: Respawned Unconscious Near Players";
    		Miz_Kill_Yourself =
    			_Miz_pos = player modeltoworld [0,0,30];
    			player setVehiclePosition [_Miz_pos, [], 0];
    			titleText ["You Are Dead", "PLAIN", 1];
    		Miz_Floor_TP_Up =
    			_Miz_pos = player modeltoworld [0,0,4.5];
    			player setVehiclePosition [_Miz_pos, [], 0];
    			systemchat "Necromancy: Teleported Up One Floor";
    		Miz_Floor_TP_Down =
    			_Miz_pos = player modeltoworld [0,0,-4];
    			player setVehiclePosition [_Miz_pos, [], 0];
    			systemchat "Necromancy: Teleported Down One Floor";
    		Miz_SpeedHakes =
    			_pos = player modeltoworld [0,0.65,0];
    			player setVehiclePosition [_pos, [], 0];	
    		Miz_ReverseSpeedHakes = 
    			_pos = player modeltoworld [0,-0.65,0];
    			player setVehiclePosition [_pos, [], 0];
    		Miz_Map =
    			closeDialog 0;
    			if (isNil "n211") then
    				n211 = 
    				n212 =
    					_Miz_ctrl = _this select 0;
    						_Miz_ctrl drawIcon ["\DZ\ui\data\map\markers\military\Start_CA.paa", if (_x == player) then {[0,0,1,1]} else {[1,0,0,1]}, getPos _x, ((1 - ctrlMapScale _Miz_ctrl) max 0.2)*30, ((1 - ctrlMapScale _Miz_ctrl) max 0.2)*30, getDir _x, "herro", 2];
    					} forEach (entities "SurvivorBase");
    			createDialog "RscDisplayMainMap";
    			_map = (findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51;
    			_map ctrlAddEventhandler ["mousebuttondblclick","((_this select 0) posScreenToWorld [_this select 2, _this select 3]) spawn n211"];
    			_map ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", "_this call n212"];
    			for "_i" from 0 to 9999 do 
    				if (_i != 51) then 
    					((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl _i) ctrlShow false;
    		MiZ_Original_ESP = 
    			MiZ_Original_ESP_Main = {
    				if (isNil 'MiZ_Original_ESP_Toggle') then {MiZ_Original_ESP_Toggle = 0;};
    				if (MiZ_Original_ESP_Toggle == 0) then
    					hint "Player ESP ON";
    					MiZ_Original_ESP_Toggle = 1;
    					while {MiZ_Original_ESP_Toggle == 1} do
    						_entities = allMissionObjects "SurvivorBase" - [cameraon];
    							if (_x != player) then
    								[_x] spawn MiZ_Original_ESP_Draw;
    								sleep 0.25;
    						} forEach _entities;
    						sleep 5;
    				} else {
    					hint "Player ESP OFF";
    					MiZ_Original_ESP_Toggle = 0;
    			MiZ_Original_ESP_Draw = {
    				if (isNil 'MiZ_Original_ESP_Draw_Toggle') then {MiZ_Original_ESP_Draw_Toggle = 2733;};
    				MiZ_Original_ESP_Draw_Toggle cutRsc ['rscDynamicText', 'PLAIN'];
    				MiZ_Original_ESP_Draw_Toggle = MiZ_Original_ESP_Draw_Toggle + 1;
    				_MiZ_ctrl = ((uiNamespace getvariable 'BIS_dynamicText') displayctrl 9999);
    				_MiZ_ctrl ctrlShow true; _MiZ_ctrl ctrlEnable true; _MiZ_ctrl ctrlSetFade 0;
    				_MiZ_unit = _this select 0;	
    				_MiZ_Name_Unit = name _MiZ_unit;
    				_MiZ_GUID = (getplayeruid (_MiZ_unit));	
    				while {(alive _MiZ_unit) && !(isNull _MiZ_unit)} do
    					if (MiZ_Original_ESP_Toggle == 0) exitWith {_MiZ_ctrl ctrlShow false;_MiZ_ctrl ctrlEnable false;};
    					_MiZ_pos = [(getPosATL _MiZ_unit) select 0, (getPosATL _MiZ_unit) select 1, ((getPosATL _MiZ_unit) select 2) + 2];
    					_MiZ_pos2D = WorldToScreen _MiZ_pos;
    					if (count _MiZ_pos2D > 0) then
    						_MiZ_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [(_MiZ_pos2D select 0) - (safezoneW / 2), (_MiZ_pos2D select 1), safezoneW, safezoneH];
    						_text = parseText format ['<t size=''0.4'' color=''#FFFFFF''>%1 (%2m)</t>', _MiZ_Name_Unit, round (player distance _MiZ_unit)];	
    						_MiZ_ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText _text;
    						_MiZ_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
    					sleep 0.01;
    				_MiZ_ctrl ctrlShow false;
    				_MiZ_ctrl ctrlEnable false;
    			[] spawn MiZ_Original_ESP_Main;
    		Miz_Fast_Anims = 
    			if (isnil ("FastAnimations")) then 
    				FastAnimations = 0;
    			if (FastAnimations==0) then 
    				systemchat "Mizzle420420: Fast Animations Activated";
    				playeraction "playerinjuredl";
    				systemchat "Mizzle420420: Fast Animations Deactivated";
    				playeraction "playerhealthy";
    		Miz_No_Recoil = 
    			if (isNil ("n201")) then 
    			if (n201==0) then
    				player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0;
    				systemchat "Mizzle420420: No Recoil Activated";
    				player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 1;
    				systemchat "Mizzle420420: No Recoil Deactivated";
    			while (n201==0) do
    		Miz_FPS_Boost = 
    			if (isNil ("FPS_Boost1")) then
    				FPS_Boost1 = 0;
    			if (FPS_Boost1==0) then
    				setViewDistance 400;
    				setObjectViewDistance 800;
    				setTerrainGrid 50.0;
    				systemchat "Mizzle420420: FPS Boost / No Grass Activated";
    				setViewDistance 1500;
    				setObjectViewDistance 1000;			
    				setTerrainGrid 12.5;	
    				systemchat "Mizzle420420: FPS Boost / No Grass Deactivated";
    		Miz_NightLight =
    			if (isNil "n171") then 
    				n171 = true;
    			if (n171) then
    				n172 = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal getpos player; 
    				n172 setLightBrightness 9; 
    				n172 setLightAmbient[15, 15, 15]; 
    				n172 setLightColor[.4, 1, 0]; 
    				n172 lightAttachObject [player, [0,0,15]];
    				n171 = false;
    				systemchat "Mizzle420420: Night Light Activated";
    				deleteVehicle n172;
    				n171 = true;
    				systemchat "Mizzle420420: Night Light Deactivated";
    		Miz_Break =
    			actionReleased = player;
    			publicVariableServer 'actionReleased';
    			player setCaptive false;
    			player playAction "cancelAction";
    			systemchat "Mizzle420420: Broke Free";
    		Miz_Time = 
    			if (isNil ("n16123")) then 
    				n16123 = 0;
    			if (n16123 == 0) then
    				systemchat 'Mizzle420420: Time Day / Clear Weather Activated';
    				n16123 = 1;
    				systemchat 'Mizzle420420: Time Day / Clear Weather Deactivated';			
    				n16123 = 0;
    			while {n16123 == 1} do 
    				0 setrain 0;
    				0 setOvercast 0;
    				0 setFog 0;
    				setDate [2420, 22, 7, 14, 0];
    				sleep 4;
    	[] spawn 
    		0 cutRsc['RscTitleStructuredText', 'PLAIN'];
    		_display = uinamespace getvariable['RscTitleStructuredText', displaynull];
    		_ctrl = _display displayctrl 9999;
    		_ctrl ctrlShow true;
    		_ctrl ctrlEnable true;
    		_ctrl ctrlSetFade 0;
    		_x = safezonex;
    		_y = safezoney;
    		_y = _y + Miz_Text_Height;
    		_w = safezonew;
    		_h = safezoneH;
    		_ctrl ctrlSetPosition[_x, _y, _w, _h];
    		_ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "<t color='#890202'>Welcome to</t> <t color='#8DFF00'>Key Bind Menu v3.5</t>";
    		_ctrl ctrlcommit 0;
    		uiSleep 4;
    		0 cutRsc['RscTitleStructuredText', 'PLAIN'];
    		_display = uinamespace getvariable['RscTitleStructuredText', displaynull];
    		_ctrl = _display displayctrl 9999;
    		_ctrl ctrlShow true;
    		_ctrl ctrlEnable true;
    		_ctrl ctrlSetFade 0;
    		_x = safezonex;
    		_y = safezoney;
    		_y = _y + Miz_Text_Height;
    		_w = safezonew;
    		_h = safezoneH;
    		_ctrl ctrlSetPosition[_x, _y, _w, _h];
    		_ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "<t color='#890202'>Credits:</t><t color='#8DFF00'> Mizzle420420</t>";
    		_ctrl ctrlcommit 0;
    		uiSleep 4;
    		_Miz_Wait = 1;
    		waituntil {_Miz_Wait == 1};
    		while {true} do
    			Miz_P_Array = [];
    			Miz_V_Array = [];
    			Miz_H_Array = [];
    			Miz_Z_Array = [];
    			Miz_B_Array = [];
    			_Miz_entities = (allMissionObjects "SurvivorBase");
    				if ((!(alive _x) && (name _x == "UnKnown Entity")) or ((_x in Miz_B_Array))) then {Miz_P_Array = Miz_P_Array - [_x];};
    				if (_x != player) then
    					Miz_P_Array = Miz_P_Array + [_x];
    			} foreach _Miz_entities;
    			_Miz_entities = (allMissionObjects "ZombieBase");
    				if (_x != player) then
    					Miz_Z_Array = Miz_Z_Array + [_x];
    			} foreach _Miz_entities;
    			_Miz_entities = (allMissionObjects "SurvivorBase");
    				if (((_x in Miz_B_Array) && (alive _x)) or ((_x in Miz_B_Array))) then {Miz_B_Array = Miz_B_Array - [_x];};
    				if ((_x != player) && (name _x != '') && !(_x in Miz_B_Array) && (name _x == "UnKnown Entity")) then
    					Miz_B_Array = Miz_B_Array + [_x];
    			} forEach _Miz_entities;
    			_Miz_entities = (allMissionObjects "V3S_Cargo") + (allMissionObjects "V3S_Chassis");
    				if (_x != player) then 
    					Miz_V_Array = Miz_V_Array + [_x];
    			} forEach _Miz_entities;
    			tardis2 = 1000;
    			_Miz_entities = (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]) nearObjects 1000;
    				if (((_x in _a)) or ((_x in _a) && ((positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0] distance _x) > tardis2))) then {_a = _a - [_x];};
    				if ((typeof _x == "land_mh_60wreck") or (typeof _x == "Land_Mi8_Crashed") or (typeof _x == "Land_UH1Y_Wreck") && ((positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0] distance _x) <= tardis2)) then
    					Miz_H_Array = Miz_H_Array + [_x];
    			} forEach _Miz_entities;		
    			_Miz_unit = vehicle player;	
    			_Miz_ammo = (_Miz_unit ammo (currentWeapon _Miz_unit));	
    			_Miz_hand = currentWeapon _Miz_unit;
    			_Miz_wName = getText(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _Miz_hand >> "displayName");	
    			if (_Miz_hand == "") then 
    				_Miz_hand = typeof itemInHands _Miz_unit;
    			if (_Miz_wName == "") then 
    				_Miz_wName = _Miz_hand;
    			if (_Miz_wName == "") then 
    				_Miz_wName = "None";
    				_Miz_ammo = "No Weapon";
    			_Miz_dir = getDir player;
    			_Miz_bearing = round (_Miz_dir);
    			_Miz_heading = "";
    			if ((_Miz_dir >= 337.5) || (_Miz_dir < 22.5)) then {_Miz_heading = "N";};
    			if ((_Miz_dir >= 292.5) && (_Miz_dir < 337.5)) then {_Miz_heading = "NW";};
    			if ((_Miz_dir >= 247.5) && (_Miz_dir < 292.5)) then {_Miz_heading = "W";};
    			if ((_Miz_dir >= 202.5) && (_Miz_dir < 247.5)) then {_Miz_heading = "SW";};
    			if ((_Miz_dir >= 157.5) && (_Miz_dir < 202.5)) then {_Miz_heading = "S";};
    			if ((_Miz_dir >= 112.5) && (_Miz_dir < 157.5)) then {_Miz_heading = "SE";};
    			if ((_Miz_dir >= 67.5) && (_Miz_dir < 112.5)) then {_Miz_heading = "E";};
    			if ((_Miz_dir >= 22.5) && (_Miz_dir < 67.5)) then {_Miz_heading = "NE";};			
    			_Miz_gps = mapGridPosition _Miz_unit;
    			_Miz_FPS =(round diag_FPS);		
    			hintSilent parseText format 
    				<t size='0.8' align='Center' color='#8DFF00'>Mizzle420420</t>			
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>In Hands: </t>					<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> %1</t>						
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>Ammo in Mag: </t>				<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> %2</t>						
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>FPS: </t>						<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> %14</t>						
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>GPS: </t>						<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> %15</t>								
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>Compass: </t>					<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> %16</t>						
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>Bearing: </t>					<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> %17</t>						
    				<t size='0.8' align='Left' color='#8DFF00'>KeyBinds:</t>
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>Home: </t>						<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> Executor</t>				
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>BackSpace: </t>					<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> Respawn Players</t>
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>Space: </t>						<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> SpeedHakes</t>					
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>B: </t>							<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> Re-SpeedHakes</t>				
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>N: </t>							<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> No Buildings</t>	
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>Y: </t>							<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> Map Markers</t>	
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>M: </t>							<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> Map</t>						
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>K: </t>							<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> ESP</t>	
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>O: </t>							<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> Fast_Actions</t>			
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>J: </t>							<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> No_Recoil</t>	
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>U: </t>							<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> FPS_Boost</t>		
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>Num0: </t>					<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> Break_HandCuffs</t>							
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>Num1: </t>					<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> UnderGround</t>				
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>Num3: </t>					<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> Time Day</t>							
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>Num2 and Num8: </t>		<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> TP Down or Up</t>										
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>NumEnter: </t>				<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> Suicide</t>				
    				<t size='0.7' align='Left' color='#A90000'>1-9: </t>						<t size='0.7' align='Right' color='#8DFF00'> Magnets</t>						
    				(count Miz_P_Array),
    				(count Miz_Z_Array),
    				(count Miz_B_Array),
    				(count Miz_V_Array),
    				(count Miz_H_Array),
    		sleep 10;
    		While {true} do
    			_Miz_unit = vehicle player;			
    			_Miz_blood = round(((_Miz_unit getVariable['blood',0])/5000)*100);
    			_Miz_health = round(((_Miz_unit getVariable['health',0])/5000)*100);
    			_Miz_shock = round(((_Miz_unit getVariable['shock',0])/5000)*100);	
    			_Miz_temp = round(((_Miz_unit getVariable['bodytemperature',0])/100)*100);	
    			_Miz_heat = round(((_Miz_unit getVariable['heatcomfort',0])/100)*100);
    			_Miz_BloodType = (_Miz_unit getVariable['bloodType',0]);
    			_Miz_IsBleeding = "No";
    			if ((_Miz_unit getVariable['bleedingLevel',0]) > 0) then 
    				_Miz_IsBleeding = "Yes";
    			0 cutRsc ['RscTitleStructuredText', 'PLAIN']; 
    			_Miz_display = uinamespace getvariable ['RscTitleStructuredText',displaynull]; 
    			_Miz_ctrl = _Miz_display displayctrl 9999; 
    			_Miz_ctrl ctrlShow true;  
    			_Miz_ctrl ctrlEnable true;  
    			_Miz_ctrl ctrlSetFade 0;
    			_Miz_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [safezonex,safezoney,safezonew,safezoneH]; 
    			_Miz_text = parseText format ['<t size=''0.6'' color=''#8DFF00''> [Health: %2%] [Blood: %3%] [Bleeding: %10%] [Shock: %4%] [BodyTemp: %5%] [HeatComfort: %6%] <br/> [Players: %13%] [Zombies: %14%] [Bodies: %15%] [Vehicles: %16%] [Crashes: %17%]</t>', name _Miz_unit,_Miz_health,_Miz_blood,_Miz_shock,_Miz_temp,_Miz_heat,_Miz_wName,_Miz_gps,_Miz_ammo,_Miz_IsBleeding,_Miz_heading,_Miz_bearing,(count Miz_P_Array),(count Miz_Z_Array),(count Miz_B_Array),(count Miz_V_Array),(count Miz_H_Array)];
    			_Miz_ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText _Miz_text;
    			_Miz_ctrl ctrlcommit 0;			
    			uisleep 1.5;
    	call Miz_Run;
    	systemchat "Mizzle420420: KeyBind Menu Loaded";
    closedialog 0;
    MenuRunOnce = 1;


    <b>Downloadable Files</b> Downloadable Files
    Last edited by Black; 12-21-2015 at 05:15 AM.

  2. The Following 382 Users Say Thank You to Mizzle420420 For This Useful Post:

    1451565262 (03-29-2016),347854297 (03-29-2016),4N0tF4und (01-04-2016),799327657 (02-28-2016),823154512 (05-24-2016),971371422 (05-28-2016),aboyingear (02-01-2016),Abuata (04-19-2016),Adamworrall (03-08-2016),adminbugad (07-17-2017),afalokoptiss (06-04-2016),Agent007007 (12-30-2015),ajklbgfutj214 (05-05-2016),alabamahamma (04-13-2016),Aleksey_av (02-11-2016),Alex_Playa (01-03-2016),AlisaAlis (12-28-2015),Allahstein (01-24-2016),and47 (02-22-2016),angellhell (01-05-2016),anthony54 (01-03-2016),aorultyntbm (01-04-2016),Apollo_Maxis (01-30-2016),apunkagames (03-12-2016),Apw109 (03-05-2016),Arn0x (02-20-2016),asian20pl (03-25-2016),ATLFalcons (05-21-2016),Ausar1215 (02-19-2016),avalond (03-04-2017),Aveno (01-30-2016),averysadteddy (01-30-2016),awesome14awesome1 (12-24-2015),Azza_1235 (04-11-2016),BadManHazza69 (01-12-2016),bald13 (04-25-2016),BaldLei (01-02-2016),bandito321 (03-29-2016),BannanaJohn (02-03-2016),Battelship (02-04-2016),beatboxelite124 (03-20-2016),Bencraft77 (01-15-2016),bida520 (01-03-2016),Bigblack420 (03-09-2016),Binsel (01-30-2016),Bladerox4 (05-08-2016),Bloodzzz3 (03-06-2016),bmurphynzxx (12-23-2015),bobilool (01-26-2016),boostmiester (01-06-2016),bosse666 (12-30-2015),brabus7777 (01-25-2016),britanis (01-06-2016),brutalmad (12-31-2015),burglary92 (03-30-2016),Burnie404 (12-26-2015),bush3434 (02-07-2016),butmun (03-05-2016),ButterPotatoes (12-30-2015),Caboose930 (06-03-2016),callmebigdaddy24 (05-27-2016),calzo12 (01-05-2016),CaptinBruh (05-26-2016),casvince (12-15-2015),caveman133 (12-29-2015),cedariusdee (04-24-2016),chainsaw969 (12-21-2015),CheatnTM (03-07-2016),ChickenWing16 (03-04-2016),clementz (01-09-2016),cloudx123 (01-23-2016),codhy (03-21-2018),colatwty (01-18-2016),ColombusLebus (02-18-2016),Conor47 (02-08-2016),Corogast (12-27-2015),Corrupted_Style (02-15-2016),crubbyarmy (02-12-2016),Cz666 (03-24-2016),d3n1sss (01-10-2016),Dakootra (12-31-2015),DankMan2 (06-05-2016),DayZ Standalone Hacks (05-01-2016),dbmixted (02-23-2016),DemonKaneki (01-28-2016),denis200191 (10-30-2015),denisdu62440 (03-19-2016),denisk7 (12-21-2015),derpcake007 (01-14-2016),Derro0 (01-25-2016),Devilrockstar15 (06-05-2016),DEVxASSASSIN (01-24-2016),DexterGame (01-02-2016),DieIlluminaten (01-31-2016),dinerotera (12-22-2015),DOMIC (02-19-2016),drache2515 (03-18-2016),dragonkk99 (02-08-2016),drhw45y45uw4jh4jnnrthj (04-28-2016),dubstep4me (12-23-2015),duwwi (01-10-2016),eagkeeue44 (02-19-2016),Eduardooooooooo (01-04-2016),eleosith88 (01-07-2016),ELSaDR (01-08-2016),ensidia (02-06-2016),eogjs0727 (01-14-2016),ermac49 (02-23-2016),ERVIEJITO10 (09-18-2016),Essence of Adventure (01-23-2016),Ethandis (12-30-2015),EvilExists (03-26-2016),facecat123 (12-29-2015),faggot222 (01-09-2016),FernandoBrazao1 (01-26-2016),fjfzcjj (01-15-2016),FlubbaJubba123 (12-23-2015),flynn1234 (01-23-2016),Fukkei (01-24-2016),FuseCZ (06-23-2016),galantis007 (01-10-2016),GeneralNova (02-23-2016),getleft (05-28-2016),Ghost0915123 (01-07-2016),GhosTofSniper15 (05-14-2016),GhostsBR (05-02-2016),Gideon322 (03-06-2016),GlobalBanFixed (06-03-2016),gnometv (02-17-2016),goldgina2 (09-18-2016),gugg1010 (01-18-2016),habik (01-23-2016),hammerhead1 (01-24-2016),hamza00 (01-29-2016),happo (01-26-2016),haun0715 (02-26-2016),Hellborn1 (02-25-2016),hellkid (12-30-2015),heydayz8899 (01-09-2016),hokuss (01-10-2016),Hotniqqa420 (12-24-2015),house2315 (06-06-2016),hulksuper (12-27-2015),HungryHomeless (12-15-2015),hunterqween (01-06-2016),Hxnryyy (02-16-2016),iDabAllDayZ (03-30-2016),iFeit (02-15-2016),iiNetx3 (12-30-2015),IIredbearDII (12-22-2015),Imbreeki (04-07-2016),isukk dikkk (06-15-2019),ItssAllGuciiiiii (12-21-2015),JackWood111 (05-28-2016),jacob3691222 (10-10-2016),Jammin! (01-29-2016),JaY_Smooth5 (01-29-2016),JDleblanc (02-21-2016),jdmmaniac (02-23-2019),Jenxie (03-05-2016),JesusOO (02-27-2016),jewzaaaaa (10-15-2018),joedirt65 (02-06-2016),Johan einrot (01-23-2016),john1parton123 (03-31-2016),jojolafrite (12-28-2015),jonathan12o12 (03-27-2016),jonigatto (01-16-2016),jordangta (02-27-2016),joshthet2001 (06-07-2016),K0NTREX (01-06-2016),k220842623 (03-25-2016),kagura456 (06-03-2016),kamikazekidz (01-06-2016),karper (01-17-2016),Kayi33 (05-05-2016),kaytwelve (02-12-2016),Kebab69 (01-18-2016),kejebanan (03-07-2016),keseruaron (04-16-2016),killer4k4 (03-25-2016),kirg (01-31-2016),kkss9114 (01-21-2016),knuckless22 (12-30-2015),koshinator (04-08-2016),koydum68 (01-03-2016),KuikViperJr (05-10-2016),kungrolls (05-15-2016),kurcemucelo (03-24-2016),kyan123 (12-23-2015),l33t187 (03-12-2016),LaLegendeDu95 (02-28-2016),laur8991 (01-17-2016),Lazaretto (12-19-2015),leandro1945 (01-30-2016),LegendEvent (12-23-2015),Leguaani (04-14-2016),LelKek1337 (03-09-2016),Lewis Hutchy (03-24-2016),Lidanny (03-23-2016),lifeng0023 (01-30-2016),Likerul (02-28-2016),lilman604 (03-06-2016),linyang1231 (01-24-2016),locki44 (01-14-2016),lokwi (01-10-2016),loofahgaming (02-10-2016),LordTravica24 (05-09-2016),lostworld500 (02-01-2016),lotariooo (04-10-2016),Lucasilveira (12-22-2015),LuiSchiwacko (01-08-2016),Lukaso007123ad2eee (12-27-2015),lutberg (03-03-2016),MaaT30 (07-24-2016),madmaster20000 (01-19-2016),madmatt12345 (04-03-2016),mado93 (12-29-2015),maellwx (01-16-2016),MajiArts (03-17-2016),malbish68 (01-23-2016),mallam1962 (01-24-2016),marcelotaylor555 (01-19-2016),marlucasquez15 (02-08-2016),matax2 (06-04-2016),mattia12345 (03-28-2016),Maukkis (01-15-2016),maxmoore3 (06-07-2016),Mert1324 (12-23-2015),Meshouille (02-11-2016),mihaletik (04-01-2016),Miiau (04-02-2016),Mikser34 (03-02-2016),mkasim (02-06-2016),mmb15 (02-27-2016),morgan_192 (01-06-2016),MR.TONYSON (01-18-2016),Mrprostidude (01-05-2016),mrviking123 (02-02-2016),nakoto (01-04-2016),natedoggie1999 (01-31-2016),newkidb (01-19-2016),Nicholas1112 (03-22-2016),nickklaustvd (03-08-2016),Nighter76 (04-08-2016),ninjapigs (04-23-2016),ninja_killer0123 (12-30-2015),noobinho1234 (01-25-2016),Nustal (03-07-2016),Oliver5402 (03-12-2016),otaviocolimo (12-31-2015),pabloski1 (12-30-2015),panamea22 (01-19-2016),paNcu1231 (01-03-2016),papo11161 (01-03-2016),Passkill1212 (01-15-2016),Pechi1234 (02-20-2016),Pengzi666 (01-10-2016),peterdahl1312 (01-23-2016),philipelegrboss (01-10-2016),phoneinside55555 (12-30-2015),phonixking342 (01-27-2016),Phorane (03-05-2016),pilm3n (01-27-2016),pontus03 (04-03-2016),potkissle (05-30-2016),ProGamersRo1 (02-27-2016),promorare (01-26-2016),prox1234 (12-24-2015),psn32 (01-11-2016),PusherCZ12456 (12-25-2015),Puzzled (12-31-2015),PyloN09 (01-11-2016),qqqlol123 (04-02-2016),Rarmirs (01-01-2016),RatherNotSay (01-17-2016),ray2542 (07-05-2016),rayzor813 (02-12-2016),razerd505 (04-24-2017),razertom (02-03-2016),Razor_13 (03-10-2016),RejectedDolphin (12-30-2015),rezpleaz (03-28-2016),rickyromo5612 (04-07-2016),Rightaboveyou97 (01-07-2016),roberttre17 (04-18-2016),roberttre4 (04-28-2016),roope123 (02-18-2016),RORKIE (01-10-2016),sacrificeTony (04-03-2016),sanchez636 (01-11-2016),selkathia (04-25-2016),shader222 (12-31-2015),ShadowStriker9O (05-25-2016),ShamwowTV (12-23-2015),sheep.pepipo (04-27-2016),Sil Jenkins (01-14-2016),simonlessuer (02-09-2016),SimpsonCB (02-16-2016),Skreen32 (01-28-2016),Skthakilla (01-27-2016),Slaid (04-18-2016),Smokyminer (01-25-2016),Smurferino55 (01-26-2016),Social98111 (03-16-2016),spataro516 (01-17-2016),Speedforce52 (05-23-2016),spidum (01-27-2016),StoopidShytS (12-31-2015),superxlara (02-18-2016),SwaagGuy (02-24-2016),swag1famalamb (03-10-2016),swagley (01-10-2016),szy125621 (05-21-2016),T0ndra1! (12-22-2015),teartrixzy (02-20-2016),th3_Downf4ll (05-01-2016),thegamer25 (01-01-2016),TheMeaningOfLifeIsShrek (01-23-2016),Theo0311 (02-16-2016),ThePeriliousPenguin (01-23-2016),Thomas0 (03-01-2016),tmotley (05-23-2016),toddytootall (01-24-2017),Torrishrabs (02-11-2016),ToxicTaco (12-23-2015),toxiic720 (03-29-2016),TradeMarked (03-13-2017),Tranq32 (02-18-2016),travi123 (01-18-2016),Triexy9 (01-03-2016),triipyy (04-03-2016),TrueDayz (03-12-2016),Tullefrans (04-02-2016),TurboPena69 (05-21-2016),Turtle44 (05-30-2016),Tweak_ (01-25-2016),ty2369 (01-04-2016),tyga5454 (03-08-2016),tyguy2002 (02-24-2016),tylermac2000 (02-27-2016),TyroneTheModder (03-13-2016),uppishburrito (04-06-2016),VasileCelBrav (01-03-2016),Velv3t (03-13-2016),verybasic (01-01-2016),vFlyro (01-20-2016),vhgldk11 (03-29-2016),viet1987 (01-16-2016),Vincent386 (02-14-2016),vitorbr83 (12-29-2015),Vizion137 (12-27-2015),vol4ara77 (01-20-2016),vvei1234 (05-18-2016),Ware24 (02-27-2016),wassupbruh123 (01-15-2016),Wazy6254 (03-24-2016),wealnord (01-28-2016),well10124 (01-27-2016),werasaok55 (06-06-2016),willmankanman (04-27-2016),willycountness (01-18-2016),wowgaming35 (04-03-2016),wubzyy (04-01-2016),XanthusMaximusAlt (02-09-2016),xethenos (12-25-2015),XeXetrim (04-22-2016),xomanosz (01-17-2016),xpek20 (03-25-2016),XvladX15 (08-15-2017),xxomg74 (12-31-2015),xxPussySlayerxxx (01-30-2016),xzw505183670 (01-04-2016),xzylerx (06-05-2016),yellowballs (01-29-2016),yrejraety (01-13-2016),zaktheking2000 (02-02-2016),zek661920 (05-07-2016),zjdcomm (08-17-2017),zombeez007 (05-09-2016),zsolti990 (01-18-2016),__iSuQ? (01-08-2016)

  3. #2
    TheJamesp55's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Looks hefty m9

  4. #3
    prospersog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Looking good man keep it up

  5. #4
    AlisaAlis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    My Mood
    Many Design. Much Mizzle. Such ESP. /gg

  6. #5
    fixerhor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Hello, can you explain how to run a cheat?)

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to fixerhor For This Useful Post:

    chrissdada (05-05-2016)

  8. #6
    smatdude13's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Nice release m8, +rep for the new "non existent"(according to some) features

  9. #7
    denis200191's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    always - good

  10. #8
    |Infinity|'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Here's a obfuscated version

    [] spawn {
    p87w0j1x0e12 = 0.485;
     comment "edit this number to adjust intro text height.";
     t86p40f4ls3q ={
     call o8m27h63sdjf;
     call qnfr882s0k8o;
    o8m27h63sdjf ={
     comment "insert";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0xd2) then {
    call iq425r4se40k;
     comment "space";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x39) then {
    call k4556vl6es7f;
     comment "b";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x30) then {
    call m67m2vo0c66b;
     comment "home";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0xc7) then {
    call ke686f2n827j;
     comment "backspace";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x0e) then {
    call c25eq0g5642t;
     comment "m";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x32) then {
    call ylybgjpo3n7o;
     comment "k";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x25) then {
    call wga8nb7496b7;
     comment "l";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x26) then {
    call bqp33xn8w205;
     comment "o";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x18) then {
    call oj5q063ukyl9;
     comment "j";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x24) then {
    call a8456me04h6k;
     comment "u";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x16) then {
    call dg9p76ugg966;
     comment "num8";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x48) then {
    call n99ke4q2798b;
     comment "num2";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x50) then {
    call o3k8td7w52qt;
     comment "num0";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x52) then {
    call vlw01bske3b2;
     comment "num1";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x4f) then {
    call s18nhev21cn6;
     comment "num3";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x51) then {
    call ump54miymj93;
     comment "num enter";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x9c) then {
    call ldi59d64mr28;
     comment "1";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x02) then {
    call t78gf97l8hk0;
     comment "2";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x03) then {
    call u82w28lv32b6;
     comment "3";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x04) then {
    call f5c98mqndnxr;
     comment "4";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x05) then {
    call jlpk8f4e84s2;
     comment "5";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x06) then {
    call rdc6rg364255;
     comment "6";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x07) then {
    call myr5815ynk2c;
     comment "7";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x08) then {
    call t07749ygkso7;
     comment "8";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x09) then {
    call gbg64z65044l;
     comment "9";
     (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ['keydown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x0a) then {
    call a1c8v72n73x9;
    qnfr882s0k8o ={
     a1c8v72n73x9 = {
    _u9hlic56cmth = (allmissionobjects "containerbase");
    _f794lbp34vk2 = getpos player;
     _x setpos _f794lbp34vk2;
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     systemchat "necromancy: container magnet: take items into hands.";
     gbg64z65044l = {
    _u9hlic56cmth = (allmissionobjects "tool_sewingkit") + (allmissionobjects "tool_leathersewingkit") + (allmissionobjects "consumable_ducttape") + (allmissionobjects "tool_weaponcleaningkit");
    _f794lbp34vk2 = getpos player;
     _x setpos _f794lbp34vk2;
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     systemchat "necromancy: repair magnet: take items into hands.";
     t07749ygkso7 = {
    _u9hlic56cmth = (allmissionobjects "vehiclepartsbase");
    _f794lbp34vk2 = getpos player;
     _x setpos _f794lbp34vk2;
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     systemchat "necromancy: vehicle_parts magnet: take items into hands.";
     myr5815ynk2c = {
    _u9hlic56cmth = (allmissionobjects "medicalitembase");
    _f794lbp34vk2 = getpos player;
     _x setpos _f794lbp34vk2;
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     systemchat "necromancy: melee weapon magnet: take items into hands.";
     rdc6rg364255 = {
    _u9hlic56cmth = (allmissionobjects "meleeitembase") + (allmissionobjects "sword") + (allmissionobjects "knifebase");
    _f794lbp34vk2 = getpos player;
     _x setpos _f794lbp34vk2;
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     systemchat "necromancy: melee weapon magnet: take items into hands.";
     t78gf97l8hk0 = {
    _u9hlic56cmth = (allmissionobjects "riflecore") + (allmissionobjects "pistolcore") + (allmissionobjects "flashgrenade") + (allmissionobjects "grenadebase");
    _f794lbp34vk2 = getpos player;
     _x setpos _f794lbp34vk2;
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     systemchat "necromancy: weapon magnet: take weapon into hands.";
     f5c98mqndnxr = {
    _u9hlic56cmth = (allmissionobjects "attachmentbase");
    _f794lbp34vk2 = getpos player;
     _x setpos _f794lbp34vk2;
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     systemchat "necromancy: attachment magnet: take items into hands.";
     u82w28lv32b6 = {
    _u9hlic56cmth = (allmissionobjects "magazinebase") + (allmissionobjects "ammunitionitembase") + (allmissionobjects "ammunitionboxitembase");
    _f794lbp34vk2 = getpos player;
     _x setpos _f794lbp34vk2;
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     systemchat "necromancy: ammo magnet: take items into hands.";
     jlpk8f4e84s2 = {
    _u9hlic56cmth = (player nearobjects ["drinksitembase",1000]) + (player nearobjects ["fooditembase",1000]);
    _f794lbp34vk2 = getpos player;
     _x setpos _f794lbp34vk2;
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     systemchat "necromancy: food and drink magnet: take items into hands.";
     ke686f2n827j = {
    createdialog 'rscdisplayinventorynote';
     ctrlsettext[1300,"mizzle420420 sqf executor"];
     ctrlsettext[1400,profilenamespace getvariable ['totallynotascriptexecuturhistory','']];
     buttonsetaction[1600,"profilenamespace setvariable ['totallynotascriptexecuturhistory',(ctrltext 1400)];
    call compile (ctrltext 1400)"];
    profilenamespace setvariable ['totallynotascriptexecuturhistory','']"];
     s18nhev21cn6 = {
    _f794lbp34vk2 = player modeltoworld [0,0,-50000];
     player setvehicleposition [_f794lbp34vk2, [], 0];
     systemchat "necromancy: you are invisible and underground, speed hack to return to surface";
     c25eq0g5642t = {
    elz3l65476r6 = _x;
    publicvariableserver "elz3l65476r6";
    } foreach (positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] nearobjects ["survivorbase",1000]);
     systemchat "mizzle420420: respawned unconscious near players";
     iq425r4se40k = {
    if (isnil ("zd25v84gf64e")) then {
    zd25v84gf64e = 0;
     if (zd25v84gf64e == 0) then {
    systemchat "mizzle420420: turtle toggle is activated";
     systemchat "mizzle420420: speedhacks - speed to full";
     systemchat "mizzle420420: make sure anti-tp bypass is active";
     zd25v84gf64e = 1;
     } else {
    systemchat "mizzle420420: turtle toggle deactivated";
     systemchat "mizzle420420: speedhacks - speed reduced";
     systemchat "mizzle420420: anti-tp bypass no longer required";
     zd25v84gf64e = 0;
     ldi59d64mr28 = {
    _f794lbp34vk2 = player modeltoworld [0,0,30];
     player setvehicleposition [_f794lbp34vk2, [], 0];
     titletext ["you are dead.", "plain", 1];
     n99ke4q2798b = {
    _f794lbp34vk2 = player modeltoworld [0,0,4.5];
     player setvehicleposition [_f794lbp34vk2, [], 0];
     systemchat "necromancy: teleported up one floor";
     o3k8td7w52qt = {
    _f794lbp34vk2 = player modeltoworld [0,0,-4];
     player setvehicleposition [_f794lbp34vk2, [], 0];
     systemchat "necromancy: teleported down one floor";
     k4556vl6es7f = {
    if (zd25v84gf64e == 1) then {
    gemt6hh323of = 5;
     _e6l2mer56bv9 = getdir vehicle player;
     _f794lbp34vk2 = getposatl vehicle player;
     _fxy844bup0l4 = [(_f794lbp34vk2 select 0)+gemt6hh323of*sin(_e6l2mer56bv9),(_f794lbp34vk2 select 1)+gemt6hh323of*cos(_e6l2mer56bv9),(_f794lbp34vk2 select 1)];
     (vehicle player) setpos _fxy844bup0l4;
     } else {
    _pos = player modeltoworld [0,0.69,0];
     player setvehicleposition [_pos, [], 0];
     m67m2vo0c66b = {
    if (zd25v84gf64e == 1) then {
    gemt6hh323of = -5;
     _e6l2mer56bv9 = getdir vehicle player;
     _f794lbp34vk2 = getposatl vehicle player;
     _fxy844bup0l4 = [(_f794lbp34vk2 select 0)+gemt6hh323of*sin(_e6l2mer56bv9),(_f794lbp34vk2 select 1)+gemt6hh323of*cos(_e6l2mer56bv9),(_f794lbp34vk2 select 2)];
     (vehicle player) setpos _fxy844bup0l4;
     } else {
    _pos = player modeltoworld [0,-0.69,0];
     player setvehicleposition [_pos, [], 0];
     ylybgjpo3n7o = {
     closedialog 0;
     if (isnil "qhc946k9vx8h") then {
    qhc946k9vx8h = {
    if (zd25v84gf64e == 1) then {
    vehicle player setpos _this;
     systemchat format ["mizzle420420: teleported to: %1", _this];
     } else {
    systemchat "mizzle420420: turn on turtle toggle and flip the anti-tp bypass to teleport";
     h675y930tj07 = {
    _o1pr21fdr9m0 = _this select 0;
    _o1pr21fdr9m0 drawicon ["\dz\ui\data\map\markers\military\start_ca.paa", if (_x == player) then {
    [0,0,1,1]} else {
    [1,0,0,1]}, getpos _x, ((1 - ctrlmapscale _o1pr21fdr9m0) max 0.2)*30, ((1 - ctrlmapscale _o1pr21fdr9m0) max 0.2)*30, getdir _x, "herro", 2];
     } foreach (entities "survivorbase");
     createdialog "rscdisplaymainmap";
     systemchat "mizzle420420: double-click on the map to teleport";
     _phl9962kyew3 = (finddisplay 12) displayctrl 51;
     _phl9962kyew3 ctrladdeventhandler ["mousebuttondblclick","((_this select 0) posscreentoworld [_this select 2, _this select 3]) spawn qhc946k9vx8h"];
     _phl9962kyew3 ctrladdeventhandler ["draw", "_this call h675y930tj07"];
     for "_i" from 0 to 9999 do {
    if (_i != 51) then {
    ((finddisplay 12) displayctrl _i) ctrlshow false;
     wga8nb7496b7 = {
    bu12067ylvb9 = {
    q597q255697g = 1000;
     m0kz18fp5w1v = 300;
     if (isnil 'li351j749rld') then {
    li351j749rld = 0;
     if (li351j749rld == 0) then {
    li351j749rld = 1;
     systemchat "necromancy: advanced esp activated";
     _gn12egy7lzqs = [];
     _q7ehei4np9r9 = [];
     while {
    li351j749rld == 1} do {
    _u9hlic56cmth = ig727211s29h;
    if ((_x in _q7ehei4np9r9) && ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x) > q597q255697g)) then {
    _q7ehei4np9r9 = _q7ehei4np9r9 - [_x];
     if ((_x != player) && ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x) <= q597q255697g)) then {
    _q7ehei4np9r9 = _q7ehei4np9r9 + [_x];
     [_x] spawn m4lq4frs9lym;
     sleep 0.25;
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     sleep 5;
     _u9hlic56cmth = ztr5x9d4gwx5;
    if ((_x in _q7ehei4np9r9) && ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x) > q597q255697g)) then {
    _q7ehei4np9r9 = _q7ehei4np9r9 - [_x];
     if ((_x != player) && ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x) <= q597q255697g)) then {
    _gn12egy7lzqs = _gn12egy7lzqs + [_x];
     [_x] spawn q3ylop8me57w;
     sleep 0.25;
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     sleep 5;
     _u9hlic56cmth = tkmc1nkybei4;
    if ((_x in _q7ehei4np9r9) && ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x) > q597q255697g)) then {
    _q7ehei4np9r9 = _q7ehei4np9r9 - [_x];
     if ((_x != player) && ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x) <= q597q255697g)) then {
    _gn12egy7lzqs = _gn12egy7lzqs + [_x];
     [_x] spawn rjup36ixwbh3;
     sleep 0.25;
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     sleep 5;
     _u9hlic56cmth = xbc843686y86;
    if ((_x in _q7ehei4np9r9) && ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x) > q597q255697g)) then {
    _q7ehei4np9r9 = _q7ehei4np9r9 - [_x];
     if ((_x != player) && ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x) <= q597q255697g)) then {
    _gn12egy7lzqs = _gn12egy7lzqs + [_x];
     [_x] spawn jwkl69yc1653;
     sleep 0.25;
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     sleep 5;
     _u9hlic56cmth = ykyt55q5ofng;
    if ((_x in _q7ehei4np9r9) && ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x) > m0kz18fp5w1v)) then {
    _q7ehei4np9r9 = _q7ehei4np9r9 - [_x];
     if ((_x != player) && ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x) <= m0kz18fp5w1v)) then {
    _gn12egy7lzqs = _gn12egy7lzqs + [_x];
     [_x] spawn n6j0p7c32tw2;
     sleep 0.25;
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     sleep 5;
     } else {
    li351j749rld = 0;
     systemchat "necromancy: advanced esp deactivated";
     m4lq4frs9lym = {
     if (isnil 'g53jg8y426o7') then {
    g53jg8y426o7 = 2733;
     g53jg8y426o7 cutrsc ['rscdynamictext', 'plain'];
     g53jg8y426o7 = g53jg8y426o7 + 1;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 = ((uinamespace getvariable 'bis_dynamictext') displayctrl 9999);
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlshow true;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlenable true;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetfade 0;
     _x15q38928nb8 = _this select 0;
     _ss83k4i3z22b = name _x15q38928nb8;
     _vk44czc13097 = "";
     if (getplayeruid _x15q38928nb8 == "76561198062626836") then {
    _vk44czc13097 = "tehjamjar / streamer, youtuber";
     if (getplayeruid _x15q38928nb8 == "76561198041774272") then {
    _vk44czc13097 = "moho / streamer, youtuber";
     if (getplayeruid _x15q38928nb8 == "76561198127672382") then {
    _vk44czc13097 = "moho / streamer, youtuber";
     if (getplayeruid _x15q38928nb8 == "76561198063473175") then {
    _vk44czc13097 = "kdwolf77 / streamer, youtuber";
     if (getplayeruid _x15q38928nb8 == "76561197966659611") then {
    _vk44czc13097 = "crom1957 / streamer, youtuber";
     if (getplayeruid _x15q38928nb8 == "76561198131446283") then {
    _vk44czc13097 = "bbyruthless / streamer, youtuber";
     if (getplayeruid _x15q38928nb8 == "76561198159693731") then {
    _vk44czc13097 = "thechief1114 / streamer, youtuber";
     if (getplayeruid _x15q38928nb8 == "76561198047010984") then {
    _vk44czc13097 = "anthonykongphan / streamer, youtuber";
     if (getplayeruid _x15q38928nb8 == "76561198035158331") then {
    _vk44czc13097 = "dean 'rocket' hall / dayz creator";
     if (getplayeruid _x15q38928nb8 == "76561197979544532") then {
    _vk44czc13097 = "hicks_206 / dayz lead";
     while {
    (alive _x15q38928nb8) && ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x15q38928nb8) < q597q255697g)} do {
    if (li351j749rld == 0) exitwith {
    _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlshow false;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlenable false;
     _f794lbp34vk2 = [(getposatl _x15q38928nb8) select 0, (getposatl _x15q38928nb8) select 1, ((getposatl _x15q38928nb8) select 2) + 1];
     _ef0940wxi9b4 = worldtoscreen _f794lbp34vk2;
     if (count _ef0940wxi9b4 > 0) then {
    _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetposition [(_ef0940wxi9b4 select 0) - (safezonew / 2), (_ef0940wxi9b4 select 1), safezonew, safezoneh];
     _tl673gybmce3 = parsetext format ['<t size=''0.4'' color=''#8dff00''>%1 </t><t size=''0.4'' color=''#a40000''>%2m</t></t><t size=''0.4'' color=''#a40000''><br/>%3</t>', _ss83k4i3z22b, round (player gemt6hh323of _x15q38928nb8), _vk44czc13097];
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetstructuredtext _tl673gybmce3;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlcommit 0;
     sleep 0.05;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlshow false;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlenable false;
     q3ylop8me57w = {
     if (isnil 'dnnbk371884h') then {
    dnnbk371884h = 2733;
     dnnbk371884h cutrsc ['rscdynamictext', 'plain'];
     dnnbk371884h = dnnbk371884h + 1;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 = ((uinamespace getvariable 'bis_dynamictext') displayctrl 9999);
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlshow true;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlenable true;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetfade 0;
     _x15q38928nb8 = _this select 0;
     _ss83k4i3z22b = name _x15q38928nb8;
     _j757dj49528v = typeof _x15q38928nb8;
     while {
    (alive _x15q38928nb8) && ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x15q38928nb8) < m0kz18fp5w1v)} do {
    if (li351j749rld == 0) exitwith {
    _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlshow false;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlenable false;
     _f794lbp34vk2 = [(getposatl _x15q38928nb8) select 0, (getposatl _x15q38928nb8) select 1, ((getposatl _x15q38928nb8) select 2) + 1];
     _ef0940wxi9b4 = worldtoscreen _f794lbp34vk2;
     if (count _ef0940wxi9b4 > 0) then {
    _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetposition [(_ef0940wxi9b4 select 0) - (safezonew / 2), (_ef0940wxi9b4 select 1), safezonew, safezoneh];
     _tl673gybmce3 = parsetext format ['<t size=''0.3'' color=''#808080''>%1</t><t size=''0.3'' color=''#a40000''>%2m</t>', "body", round (player gemt6hh323of _x15q38928nb8)];
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetstructuredtext _tl673gybmce3;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlcommit 0;
     sleep 0.05;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlshow false;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlenable false;
     rjup36ixwbh3 = {
     if (isnil 't12t27g8533b') then {
    t12t27g8533b = 2733;
     t12t27g8533b cutrsc ['rscdynamictext', 'plain'];
     t12t27g8533b = t12t27g8533b + 1;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 = ((uinamespace getvariable 'bis_dynamictext') displayctrl 9999);
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlshow true;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlenable true;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetfade 0;
     _x15q38928nb8 = _this select 0;
     _ss83k4i3z22b = name _x15q38928nb8;
     _j757dj49528v = typeof _x15q38928nb8;
     while {
    (alive _x15q38928nb8) && ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x15q38928nb8) < m0kz18fp5w1v)} do {
    if (li351j749rld == 0) exitwith {
    _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlshow false;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlenable false;
     _f794lbp34vk2 = [(getposatl _x15q38928nb8) select 0, (getposatl _x15q38928nb8) select 1, ((getposatl _x15q38928nb8) select 2) + 1];
     _ef0940wxi9b4 = worldtoscreen _f794lbp34vk2;
     if (count _ef0940wxi9b4 > 0) then {
    _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetposition [(_ef0940wxi9b4 select 0) - (safezonew / 2), (_ef0940wxi9b4 select 1), safezonew, safezoneh];
     _tl673gybmce3 = parsetext format ['<t size=''0.4'' color=''#2f02b9''>%1 </t><t size=''0.4'' color=''#a40000''>%2m</t></t><t size=''0.4'' color=''#a40000''><br/></t>', _j757dj49528v, round (player gemt6hh323of _x15q38928nb8)];
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetstructuredtext _tl673gybmce3;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlcommit 0;
     sleep 0.05;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlshow false;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlenable false;
     jwkl69yc1653 = {
     if (isnil 'cr3q1e6d4itk') then {
    cr3q1e6d4itk = 2733;
     cr3q1e6d4itk cutrsc ['rscdynamictext', 'plain'];
     cr3q1e6d4itk = cr3q1e6d4itk + 1;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 = ((uinamespace getvariable 'bis_dynamictext') displayctrl 9999);
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlshow true;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlenable true;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetfade 0;
     _x15q38928nb8 = _this select 0;
     _ss83k4i3z22b = name _x15q38928nb8;
     _j757dj49528v = typeof _x15q38928nb8;
     while {
    ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x15q38928nb8) < m0kz18fp5w1v)} do {
    if (li351j749rld == 0) exitwith {
    _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlshow false;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlenable false;
     _f794lbp34vk2 = [(getposatl _x15q38928nb8) select 0, (getposatl _x15q38928nb8) select 1, ((getposatl _x15q38928nb8) select 2) + 1];
     _ef0940wxi9b4 = worldtoscreen _f794lbp34vk2;
     if (count _ef0940wxi9b4 > 0) then {
    _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetposition [(_ef0940wxi9b4 select 0) - (safezonew / 2), (_ef0940wxi9b4 select 1), safezonew, safezoneh];
     _tl673gybmce3 = parsetext format ['<t size=''0.4'' color=''#7c02b9''>%1</t><t size=''0.4'' color=''#a40000''>%2m</t>', "heli crash", round (player gemt6hh323of _x15q38928nb8)];
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetstructuredtext _tl673gybmce3;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlcommit 0;
     sleep 0.05;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlshow false;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlenable false;
     n6j0p7c32tw2 = {
     if (isnil 'ju2x22i9fttf') then {
    ju2x22i9fttf = 2733;
     ju2x22i9fttf cutrsc ['rscdynamictext', 'plain'];
     ju2x22i9fttf = ju2x22i9fttf + 1;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 = ((uinamespace getvariable 'bis_dynamictext') displayctrl 9999);
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlshow true;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlenable true;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetfade 0;
     _x15q38928nb8 = _this select 0;
     _ss83k4i3z22b = name _x15q38928nb8;
     _j757dj49528v = typeof _x15q38928nb8;
     while {
    (alive _x15q38928nb8) && ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x15q38928nb8) < m0kz18fp5w1v)} do {
    if (li351j749rld == 0) exitwith {
    _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlshow false;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlenable false;
     _f794lbp34vk2 = [(getposatl _x15q38928nb8) select 0, (getposatl _x15q38928nb8) select 1, ((getposatl _x15q38928nb8) select 2) + 1];
     _ef0940wxi9b4 = worldtoscreen _f794lbp34vk2;
     if (count _ef0940wxi9b4 > 0) then {
    _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetposition [(_ef0940wxi9b4 select 0) - (safezonew / 2), (_ef0940wxi9b4 select 1), safezonew, safezoneh];
     _tl673gybmce3 = parsetext format ['<t size=''0.3'' color=''#ffc900''>%1</t><t size=''0.3'' color=''#a40000''>%2m</t>', "z", round (player gemt6hh323of _x15q38928nb8)];
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetstructuredtext _tl673gybmce3;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlcommit 0;
     sleep 0.05;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlshow false;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlenable false;
     [] spawn bu12067ylvb9;
     oj5q063ukyl9 = {
    if (isnil ("i2jj16cy9263")) then {
    i2jj16cy9263 = 0;
     if (i2jj16cy9263==0) then {
     systemchat "mizzle420420: fast animations activated";
     playeraction "playerinjuredl";
     } else {
    systemchat "mizzle420420: fast animations deactivated";
     playeraction "playerhealthy";
     a8456me04h6k = {
    if (isnil ("y1x3mr341vsr")) then {
     if (y1x3mr341vsr==0) then {
    player setunitrecoilcoefficient 0;
     systemchat "mizzle420420: no recoil activated";
     } else {
    player setunitrecoilcoefficient 1;
     systemchat "mizzle420420: no recoil deactivated";
     while (y1x3mr341vsr==0) do {
     dg9p76ugg966 = {
    if (isnil ("ig697qye29th")) then {
    ig697qye29th = 0;
     if (ig697qye29th==0) then {
    setviewdistance 400;
     setobjectviewdistance 800;
     setterraingrid 50.0;
     systemchat "mizzle420420: fps boost / no grass activated";
     } else {
    setviewdistance 1500;
     setobjectviewdistance 1000;
     setterraingrid 12.5;
     systemchat "mizzle420420: fps boost / no grass deactivated";
     bqp33xn8w205 = {
    if (isnil "xz720hew3by4") then {
    xz720hew3by4 = true;
     if (xz720hew3by4) then {
    r2k2pdf175iw = "#lightpoint" createvehiclelocal getpos player;
     r2k2pdf175iw setlightbrightness 9;
     r2k2pdf175iw setlightambient[15, 15, 15];
     r2k2pdf175iw setlightcolor[.4, 1, 0];
     r2k2pdf175iw lightattachobject [player, [0,0,15]];
     xz720hew3by4 = false;
     systemchat "mizzle420420: night light activated";
     } else {
    deletevehicle r2k2pdf175iw;
     xz720hew3by4 = true;
     systemchat "mizzle420420: night light deactivated";
     vlw01bske3b2 = {
    gn5r58m55ul7 = player;
     publicvariableserver 'gn5r58m55ul7';
     player setcaptive false;
     player playaction "cancelaction";
     systemchat "mizzle420420: broke free";
     ump54miymj93 = {
    if (isnil ("q9y4m288k2wy")) then {
    q9y4m288k2wy = 0;
     if (q9y4m288k2wy == 0) then {
    systemchat 'mizzle420420: time day / clear weather activated';
     q9y4m288k2wy = 1;
     } else {
    systemchat 'mizzle420420: time day / clear weather deactivated';
     q9y4m288k2wy = 0;
     while {
    q9y4m288k2wy == 1} do {
    0 setrain 0;
     0 setovercast 0;
     0 setfog 0;
     setdate [2420, 22, 7, 14, 0];
    [] spawn {
    0 cutrsc['rsctitlestructuredtext', 'plain'];
     _ju83uxzcq6b5 = uinamespace getvariable['rsctitlestructuredtext', displaynull];
     _ctrl = _ju83uxzcq6b5 displayctrl 9999;
     _ctrl ctrlshow true;
     _ctrl ctrlenable true;
     _ctrl ctrlsetfade 0;
     _x = safezonex;
     _pw4rapkbkecj = safezoney;
     _pw4rapkbkecj = _pw4rapkbkecj + p87w0j1x0e12;
     _q6w5fs4961b3 = safezonew;
     _te87dz99y634 = safezoneh;
     _ctrl ctrlsetposition[_x, _pw4rapkbkecj, _q6w5fs4961b3, _te87dz99y634];
     _ctrl ctrlsetstructuredtext parsetext "<t color='#890202'>welcome to</t> <t color='#8dff00'>key bind menu v3</t>";
     _ctrl ctrlcommit 0;
     uisleep 4;
     0 cutrsc['rsctitlestructuredtext', 'plain'];
     _ju83uxzcq6b5 = uinamespace getvariable['rsctitlestructuredtext', displaynull];
     _ctrl = _ju83uxzcq6b5 displayctrl 9999;
     _ctrl ctrlshow true;
     _ctrl ctrlenable true;
     _ctrl ctrlsetfade 0;
     _x = safezonex;
     _pw4rapkbkecj = safezoney;
     _pw4rapkbkecj = _pw4rapkbkecj + p87w0j1x0e12;
     _q6w5fs4961b3 = safezonew;
     _te87dz99y634 = safezoneh;
     _ctrl ctrlsetposition[_x, _pw4rapkbkecj, _q6w5fs4961b3, _te87dz99y634];
     _ctrl ctrlsetstructuredtext parsetext "<t color='#890202'>credits:</t><t color='#8dff00'> mizzle420420</t>";
     _ctrl ctrlcommit 0;
     uisleep 4;
     _cr1xei3j7weg = 1;
     waituntil {
    _cr1xei3j7weg == 1};
     while {
    true} do {
    ig727211s29h = [];
     tkmc1nkybei4 = [];
     xbc843686y86 = [];
     ykyt55q5ofng = [];
     ztr5x9d4gwx5 = [];
     _u9hlic56cmth = (allmissionobjects "survivorbase");
    if ((!(alive _x) && (name _x == "unknown entity")) or ((_x in ztr5x9d4gwx5))) then {
    ig727211s29h = ig727211s29h - [_x];
     if (_x != player) then {
    ig727211s29h = ig727211s29h + [_x];
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     _u9hlic56cmth = (allmissionobjects "zombiebase");
    if (_x != player) then {
    ykyt55q5ofng = ykyt55q5ofng + [_x];
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     _u9hlic56cmth = (allmissionobjects "survivorbase");
    if (((_x in ztr5x9d4gwx5) && (alive _x)) or ((_x in ztr5x9d4gwx5))) then {
    ztr5x9d4gwx5 = ztr5x9d4gwx5 - [_x];
     if ((_x != player) && (name _x != '') && !(_x in ztr5x9d4gwx5) && (name _x == "unknown entity")) then {
    ztr5x9d4gwx5 = ztr5x9d4gwx5 + [_x];
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     _u9hlic56cmth = (allmissionobjects "v3s_cargo") + (allmissionobjects "v3s_chassis");
    if (_x != player) then {
    tkmc1nkybei4 = tkmc1nkybei4 + [_x];
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     ui4dzyg2oqq9 = 1000;
     _u9hlic56cmth = (positioncameratoworld [0,0,0]) nearobjects 1000;
    if (((_x in _gn12egy7lzqs)) or ((_x in _gn12egy7lzqs) && ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x) > ui4dzyg2oqq9))) then {
    _gn12egy7lzqs = _gn12egy7lzqs - [_x];
     if ((typeof _x == "land_mh_60wreck") or (typeof _x == "land_mi8_crashed") or (typeof _x == "land_uh1y_wreck") && ((positioncameratoworld [0,0,0] gemt6hh323of _x) <= ui4dzyg2oqq9)) then {
    xbc843686y86 = xbc843686y86 + [_x];
     } foreach _u9hlic56cmth;
     _x15q38928nb8 = vehicle player;
     _kx8585ap7ct9 = (_x15q38928nb8 ammo (currentweapon _x15q38928nb8));
     _ib24r00im1ke = currentweapon _x15q38928nb8;
     _yx5uygydljrh = gettext(configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> _ib24r00im1ke >> "displayname");
     if (_ib24r00im1ke == "") then {
    _ib24r00im1ke = typeof iteminhands _x15q38928nb8;
     if (_yx5uygydljrh == "") then {
    _yx5uygydljrh = _ib24r00im1ke;
     if (_yx5uygydljrh == "") then {
    _yx5uygydljrh = "none";
     _kx8585ap7ct9 = "no weapon";
     _e6l2mer56bv9 = getdir player;
     _o209922b54bt = round (_e6l2mer56bv9);
     _pcgkv04sz64l = "";
     if ((_e6l2mer56bv9 >= 337.5) || (_e6l2mer56bv9 < 22.5)) then {
    _pcgkv04sz64l = "n";
     if ((_e6l2mer56bv9 >= 292.5) && (_e6l2mer56bv9 < 337.5)) then {
    _pcgkv04sz64l = "nw";
     if ((_e6l2mer56bv9 >= 247.5) && (_e6l2mer56bv9 < 292.5)) then {
    _pcgkv04sz64l = "w";
     if ((_e6l2mer56bv9 >= 202.5) && (_e6l2mer56bv9 < 247.5)) then {
    _pcgkv04sz64l = "sw";
     if ((_e6l2mer56bv9 >= 157.5) && (_e6l2mer56bv9 < 202.5)) then {
    _pcgkv04sz64l = "s";
     if ((_e6l2mer56bv9 >= 112.5) && (_e6l2mer56bv9 < 157.5)) then {
    _pcgkv04sz64l = "se";
     if ((_e6l2mer56bv9 >= 67.5) && (_e6l2mer56bv9 < 112.5)) then {
    _pcgkv04sz64l = "e";
     if ((_e6l2mer56bv9 >= 22.5) && (_e6l2mer56bv9 < 67.5)) then {
    _pcgkv04sz64l = "ne";
     _w754upf936n5 = mapgridposition _x15q38928nb8;
     _p55d02714rc6 =(round diag_fps);
     hintsilent parsetext format [" <t size='0.8' align='center' color='#8dff00'>mizzle420420</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>in hands: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> %1</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>ammo in mag: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> %2</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>fps: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> %14</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>gps: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> %15</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>compass: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> %16</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>bearing: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> %17</t> <br/> <br/> <t size='0.8' align='left' color='#8dff00'>keybinds:</t> <br/> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>insert: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> turtle_toggle</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>home: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> executor</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>backspace: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> elz3l65476r6 players</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>space: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> speedhakes</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>b: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> re-speedhakes</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>l: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> nightlight</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>m: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> map</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>k: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> advanced esp</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>o: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> fast_actions</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>j: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> no_recoil</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>u: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> fps_boost</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>num0: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> break_handcuffs</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>num1: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> underground</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>num3: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> time day</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>num2 and num8: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> tp down or up</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>numenter: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> suicide</t> <br/> <t size='0.7' align='left' color='#a90000'>1-9: </t> <t size='0.7' align='right' color='#8dff00'> magnets</t> ", _yx5uygydljrh, _kx8585ap7ct9, _d6plf53l5x0i, _i352c2np13nc, _r41i2go6v366, _x14kldr1072n, _oh78jneal248, _p5q3e05x6820, (count ig727211s29h), (count ykyt55q5ofng), (count ztr5x9d4gwx5), (count tkmc1nkybei4), (count xbc843686y86), _p55d02714rc6, _w754upf936n5, _pcgkv04sz64l, _o209922b54bt ];
    []spawn {
    sleep 10;
     while {
    true} do {
    _x15q38928nb8 = vehicle player;
     _r41i2go6v366 = round(((_x15q38928nb8 getvariable['blood',0])/5000)*100);
     _i352c2np13nc = round(((_x15q38928nb8 getvariable['health',0])/5000)*100);
     _x14kldr1072n = round(((_x15q38928nb8 getvariable['shock',0])/5000)*100);
     _oh78jneal248 = round(((_x15q38928nb8 getvariable['bodytemperature',0])/100)*100);
     _p5q3e05x6820 = round(((_x15q38928nb8 getvariable['heatcomfort',0])/100)*100);
     _j8v88t7osi80 = (_x15q38928nb8 getvariable['bloodtype',0]);
     _d6plf53l5x0i = "no";
     if ((_x15q38928nb8 getvariable['bleedinglevel',0]) > 0) then {
    _d6plf53l5x0i = "yes";
     0 cutrsc ['rsctitlestructuredtext', 'plain'];
     _pxdwj8695365 = uinamespace getvariable ['rsctitlestructuredtext',displaynull];
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 = _pxdwj8695365 displayctrl 9999;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlshow true;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlenable true;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetfade 0;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetposition [safezonex,safezoney,safezonew,safezoneh];
     _tl673gybmce3 = parsetext format ['<t size=''0.6'' color=''#8dff00''> [health: %2%] [blood: %3%] [bleeding: %10%] [shock: %4%] [bodytemp: %5%] [heatcomfort: %6%] <br/> [players: %13%] [zombies: %14%] [bodies: %15%] [vehicles: %16%] [crashes: %17%]</t>', name _x15q38928nb8,_i352c2np13nc,_r41i2go6v366,_x14kldr1072n,_oh78jneal248,_p5q3e05x6820,_yx5uygydljrh,_w754upf936n5,_kx8585ap7ct9,_d6plf53l5x0i,_pcgkv04sz64l,_o209922b54bt,(count ig727211s29h),(count ykyt55q5ofng),(count ztr5x9d4gwx5),(count tkmc1nkybei4),(count xbc843686y86)];
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlsetstructuredtext _tl673gybmce3;
     _o1pr21fdr9m0 ctrlcommit 0;
     uisleep 1.5;
    closedialog 0;
    call t86p40f4ls3q;
    systemchat "mizzle420420: keybind menu loaded";

  11. #9
    fixerhor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    tell me how to run this cheat, the first time do not know

  12. #10
    Smoke's Avatar
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    Nov 2014
    My Mood
    Quote Originally Posted by fixerhor View Post
    tell me how to run this cheat, the first time do not know
    Use these 2 guides buddy, it should help you figure it out:



    Quote Originally Posted by Liz View Post
    This is my first vouch, ever. Rapidgator account worked perfectly. Would buy in the future.

  13. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Smoke For This Useful Post:

    fixerhor (10-30-2015),tinydude381 (12-18-2015)

  14. #11
    fixerhor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    You can throw even the name of the program that you can inject the script???

  15. #12
    Jun19972's Avatar
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    this is funny how i released a menu with item magnet now every new one has it lol its great how it not even patched when they said they patched it
    What Comes with power comes great responsibility - Talkin about you NormenJay

  16. #13
    Jun19972's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizzle420420 View Post

    That was one of those things I liked to only include in my private menus, until people started posting it everywhere. When I was working on Necromancy v6 last week I got a request to make a magnet for everything I have Item ESPs for, so I made a sub menu with a bunch of magnets which is where this comes from. I might make a video or something on Clothing Magnet (a script I will be keeping private) if I get around to it, as im sure you know you cant pick up clothing with the traditional magnet. As for people thinking its patched, I think what they are talking about was in .53 when they patched item setpos by adding a distance check, thus stoping players from taking it into their inventory like you could in .52 and previous. This basicly makes it so the item has to be put directly into hands to be take, as one would do with looting a glitched dead body (a glitch caused by devs trying to patch steal gear by adding the same distance check to items removed from a players inventory).
    you can kinda blame me for item magnet released that was my fault when i keep it in my menu i released but you know dayz dev are retarded and wont patch it or break it more trying to patch it
    What Comes with power comes great responsibility - Talkin about you NormenJay

  17. #14
    xxomg74's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    everytime i press a bind it toggles it on and then off

  18. #15
    FafíQ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Hi, how can I download ?

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