HOW TO: Never get banned in GTA Online
- Basic Hack Menu v1.5.4
- Injector of your choice (I recommend Xenos Injector)
1) Load up GTA V into single player mode.
2) Inject BHM v1.5.4
3) In single player mode, activate the hack, and press NUMPAD 2 to spawn Buffalo S. Get out of car, and repeat. Do this one more time. This is to making sure the license plate is completely random when you join the online mode.
4) Join GTA online mode. When inside, spawn Buffalo S (NUMPAD 2) and drive to Los Santos Customs. Sell the car here for $159,887.
5) Press pause and go to Online > Playlists,
6) Create a new playlist, and add all 9 survivals to it. Then start the playlist.
7) When in mission lobby screen, turn MATCHMAKING > CLOSED. Turn CLIENT INVITES > OFF.
8) Start the survival. It will take about 1 hr to complete all 9 of them, so ideal to be having this time next to pc.
9) Press NUMPAD 9 (Kill all on-map enemies). Leave this option ON for all the survivals, just dont let controller or PC go idle or you get kicked. When you have finished you will load into gta online public session again.
10) Spawn another Buffalo S and drive to LSC then sell it again.
11) Bank all the money in one go - we have been doing this and it not making any difference, but we suggest not to bank any more than $1 million at a time.
159887 (Buffalo S)
270000 (9 survivals)
159887 (Buffalo S second time)
= $589,774
If you want to, you can spawn money peds, or use the money drop on each survival to make extra money - but remember when you spawn money, you run into the possible risks.
Last edited by xray25; 11-23-2015 at 07:48 PM.
(rip old account.4got info)
I suggest just using infamous' money drops. Tens of thousands of users have modded in millions without a single ban.
Lunatic (11-23-2015)
Makes unsafe money drop...
Makes a tutorial on how to not get banned...
(rip old account.4got info)
I can't handle it
Just use infamous.... 10000x better and safer.
Last edited by Lunatic; 11-23-2015 at 10:01 PM.
I will have last laugh, when anyone who ever use money drops gets banned, and my account doesnt because I only use this method.
i dont give a fuck, only seamik here help with menu making and nobody get force to use any mod online. Not one single ban haha okay.
And you know that unsafe money drop?? I have one account that didnt get banned from it. The money drops are faster anyway
I'd like you to explain to me what makes your money drop on your mod menu any safer than the others. With all due respect, I think I smell bullshit.
Call me paranoid, but I think you're trying to get players banned with your false claim so they can pay for Lunatic's Recovery Services, which is why he posted...
Just my two cents.
Last edited by soymayo44; 12-03-2015 at 11:31 PM.
I have used your injector/dll, and while it injects fine, when I open it up It is constantly scrolling up. Also beyond the d-pad, none of the controller buttons work. I have gone into the .xml and completely removed the key for scrolling up and it hasn't fixed it. Finally for some reason, it only works when I don't run it as admin, otherwise it attempts to inject the dll forever.