Aiman (05-28-2016),Anju01 (04-23-2016),RuShi (07-03-2016),leeshay (04-29-2016),Obliteration (04-24-2016),rushil69 (09-13-2016),Sabrina_Ferraz (04-23-2016),wafinasir (04-24-2016),weelen11 (05-13-2016)
Well, so much members keep all the time asking me via pm, skype or making new thread searching to know how to make some features for some weapons like damage, rapid fire, no recoil and others, then I decided do these screenshots showing the common features that can be used for any weapon.
How to find the weapon that I wanna edit ?
- Use beta bypass released in main section or make it by yourself.
- Once time entered in BlackShot with bypass then open Cheat Engine.
- Click in any weapon at shop and the description will be showed
- Then Scan the string name of your weapon or part of description exactly like showed(uppercase and lowercase), like this example for AK47:
*Rare weapons not follow this subtitles.
*Its not new or secret, but will be helpful for whom still dont know do.
*If you wanna put for all weapon folloe the tutorial by Coder.Dash²
*Not wait for updates, take this tutorial and do your own hack.
Knowledge it's free for all.
Last edited by Minerva; 04-24-2016 at 09:18 AM.
Aiman (05-28-2016),Anju01 (04-23-2016),RuShi (07-03-2016),leeshay (04-29-2016),Obliteration (04-24-2016),rushil69 (09-13-2016),Sabrina_Ferraz (04-23-2016),wafinasir (04-24-2016),weelen11 (05-13-2016)
- - - Updated - - -
You are missing No-Spread and Super Bullets, ....
Can you help us Thank your help motivates us
can give the video coder dash
after inject auto close?
Request Weapon? ( RIFLE ONLY )
can i just use suspend method and edit directly from cheat engine?
Nice tutorial Gotcha
how about this address? how to to find it ↑↑↑
Last edited by Gullamu; 05-13-2016 at 04:09 AM.