Cause i got banned for this ill just post this here..
did some reversing of the SDCharacterArchetypeAttributes class

You can only find this AOB once your spawned into game, needs to be refound on each new spawn of your merc.

Base = 00 6B 9B 1A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 6C 9B 1A 40 6D 9B 1A

Then just use this list
MaxStepHeight		= Base + 0xA0

Groundspeed 		= Base + 0x15C
WaterSpeed 		= Groundspeed + 0x04
AirSpeed 		        = Groundspeed + 0x08
LadderSpeed		= Groundspeed + 0x0C
AccelRate 		        = Groundspeed + 0x10
JumpHeight 		= Groundspeed + 0x14 ( Max 900.0f without fall damage )
OutWaterJump		= Groundspeed + 0x18 ( Max 900.0f without fall damage )
MaxOutOfWaterStepHeight = Groundspeed + 0x1C 
AirControl 		        = Groundspeed + 0x20 
WalkingPct		        = Groundspeed + 0x24 
MovementSpeedModifier   = Groundspeed + 0x28 
CrouchedPct		= Groundspeed + 0x2C
MaxFallSpeed		= Groundspeed + 0x30
AIMaxFallSpeedFactor    = Groundspeed + 0x34
BaseEyeHeight 		= Groundspeed + 0x38
EyeHeight 		        = Groundspeed + 0x3C
Floor X			= Groundspeed + 0x40
Floor Y			= Groundspeed + 0x44
Floor Z			= Groundspeed + 0x48
SplashTime		        = Groundspeed + 0x4C
HeadVolume		= Groundspeed + 0x50
Health 			= Groundspeed + 0x54
HealthMax		        = Groundspeed + 0x58 ( so Health bar doenst oversize )

UncrouchTime		= Groundspeed + 0x84
Crouchheight 		= Groundspeed + 0x88
CrouchRadius		= Groundspeed + 0x8C

if you wanna know what these all do i suggest you to try following console commands in SP
set SDPawn GroundSpeed <float>
set SDPawn WaterSpeed <float>
set SDPawn AirSpeed <float>
set SDPawn LadderSpeed <float>
set SDPawn AccelRate <float>
set SDPawn JumpZ <float>
set SDPawn OutofWaterZ <float>
set SDPawn MaxOutOfWaterStepHeight <float>
set SDPawn AirControl <float>
set SDPawn WalkingPct <float>
set SDPawn MovementSpeedModifier <float>
set SDPawn CrouchedPct <float>
set SDPawn MaxFallSpeed <float>
set SDPawn BaseEyeHeight <float>
set SDPawn EyeHeight <float>
set SDPawn AIMaxFallSpeedFactor <float>
set SDPawn Floor <Vector3>
set SDPawn SplashTime <float>
set SDPawn HeadVolume <float>
set SDPawn Health <int>
set SDPawn HealthMax <int>

set SDPawn UncrouchTime <float>
set SDPawn CrouchHeight <float>
set SDPawn CrouchRadius <float>

set SDPawn MaxStepHeight <float>

if if you just wanna see the original values on screen
DisplayAll SDPawn GroundSpeed 
DisplayAll SDPawn WaterSpeed

Hope you guys find a use for this but i gues you will....