I've been asking around and I've found out while playing H1Z1 most scripts get detected, because of Battleye seems to catch on to multiple mouse movements and/or clicks in the same spot or with the same timing. Which is pretty smart since everyone should know there's a rare chance you will find yourself clicking at the same time everytime or moving your mouse to the same place each time you say.. Dismantle bullets. This is why I've made this script with a help of a friend, so people are at ease knowing that they can script without being scared of getting caught by making the same timed mouse clicks. Just an fyi this isn't undetectable. Daybreak is a little smarter than most with this type of stuff so don't cry to me and blame me if you end up getting banned from either not reading this and just copy and pasting the script or you just yolo it. I've made this long paragraph for a reason.
Just note once again this script is not undetectable and also note this script
doesn't allow you to AFK Scrap. This script is to allow you to not rape your mouse and possibly ruin the left click on your mouse. Also to use these scripts search up, "Auto-Hotkey" on Google and download it, right click on your desktop and create a new AHK Script and finally copy and paste.
The first script is for scrapping and the second is for shooting. To use the auto-scrap script simple hold your left click button on your mouse, aim yourself at a car and you will start scrapping, and to stop just let go of your left click button. Also to use the auto-fire script is the same way just different delay intervals. The code within the script is not like most auto-clicking scripts. It will allow you to auto-click, but it randomizes the clicks and clicks at different times unlike normal auto-clicker scripts where it clicks at one set interval.
[Auto-Scrap Script]
KeyWait LButton, T0.1
If (ErrorLevel = 1) {
While GetKeyState("LButton", "P") {
Random, RandSleep, 100, 110
Sleep, % RandSleep
[Auto-Fire Script]
KeyWait LButton, T0.1
If (ErrorLevel = 1) {
While GetKeyState("LButton", "P") {
Random, RandSleep, 135, 145
Sleep, % RandSleep
To change the intervals, open the script up in notepad and change the numbers on the line with,
"Random, RandSleep, #, #" Say you put 1, 5 it will click between the delay intervals of 1 to 5. For the Auto-Fire Script it's set to 135, 145 which is between 5-1/2 and 6-1/2 clicks per second. To get an accurate reading on how fast you click go to this website. It's a website to check the speed of your clicks:
https://cookie.riimu.net/speed/ -
Lastly there's a glitch currently that allows you to have an unbreakable crowbar. Just simply pull out your flashlight and press your sit key and instantly press the key for the slot the crowbar is in. Then walk forward to stand and you should have the unbreakable crowbar. Just swing at a car and collect one piece of scrap and look at your wear and if it doesn't go down it worked. Note when you swap weapons you will undo the glitch, also the scroll wheel doesn't work with this you have to press the slot button, and finally sometimes it bugs out and you won't collect scrap; if this happens go first person and see when you swing if you're punching with your crowbar out if this happens redo the glitch. Be careful this glitch/exploit can get you suspended or even banned.