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    falzarex's Avatar
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    Apr 2008

    Hooking D3D (all newbies pls read so u won't need to C+P others code)

    Ok I have found a very good reference on hooking techniques for direct3d
    credits to a guy named Wang Jijun
    EDIT: sorry for the long page but my iPod cant upload and I didn't wanna link

    Hooking Direct3d
    By Jijun Wang

    In the field of hooking technologies, hooking COM based applications is a big challenging because you can’t know their member functions’ real addresses previously. There are many papers on the Internet that talk about how to hook (somebody call it hijack) an application. However, seldom of them mention how to hook COM. Since I have seen some people asked questions about this topic and nobody answered their questions clearly, I decide to write this paper to share my experience with the guys who are interested in hooking COM.
    In this paper, I use direct3d, which is widely used in current gaes, as an example of COM. At first I will briefly introduce the hooking technologies and explain why I select Detours to hook direct3d. Then more details and examples of Detours will be presented and I will discus virtual functions and find the way to hook direct3d.
    Hooking Technologies
    The basic idea of hooking is injecting your code into a piece of code. When the target code executes your code will be invoked. To do this, you need to at first attach your code into the target process. And then inject your code into the target process’ code.
    The ways to attach your code into another thread or process include
    1) Register your DLL to the registry table.
    This method registers your DLL to the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\AppInit_DLLs and the dll will be loaded when user32.dll initializes itself. It is a safe method. But it only works for the applications that use user32.dll. And it’s not convenient to activate/deactivate your DLL.
    2) System-wide Windows Hooks
    This method use SetWindowsHookEx(),CallNextHookEx() and UnhookWindowsHookEx() winapis to monitor the system’s message traffic and attach your code into the processes that fit the hook filter. Since it is system-wide message monitor, the system’s performance will be significantly affected.
    3) Create Remote Thread
    This method use CreateRemoteThread()to inject your DLL into another thread (the to-be-hooked thread). It’s a very effective method. But there is one thing we need to consider. You must make sure you have enough privileges to access the to-be-hooked thread.

    To inject your code into another process’ code, we could use:
    1) Proxy DLL
    This method writes a new DLL to replace the to-be-hooked DLL. The new DLL must have the same name, exported functions and variables as the old one. For example, the GLtrace is a replacement of the opengl32.dll. It is used to trace OpenGL. Although you could use function forward to reduce the time spent in rewriting functions, it’s a tedious work in some cases. *
    2) Altering of the IAT (Import Address Table)
    This is a wildly used hooking method. Windows use IAT to find the functions’ addresses. Through changing the data of IAT, you could use your own function to replace the to-be-hooked function. The method is robust and easy to implement. However, it only works for statically linked API calls. And sometimes you may miss API calls since you must patch every module in the target application.
    3) Code Overwriting
    The basic idea is to overwrite the API’s binary code in memory. We could save and replace the first several codes of a function call to a JUMP code to jump to your codes and then go back to the original position and restore the saved codes. It’s very hard to implement. However, once you have mastered it, it’s really a good hooking method.

    For more details about hooking technologies you can read the wonderful paper “API hooking revealed” written by Ivo Ivanov and madshi’s discussion about hooking methods. There are some libraries or tools that wrap the hooking methods. "Detours" is a library developed by a Microsoft’s research term. It uses code overwriting technology. “madCodeHook” is a library built by madshi. It’s also based on code overwriting. “hookapi” is another tool can help you develop your hooking applications. Since Detours is free for research purpose and it’s stable and effective, I will use it to hook direct3d.
    “Detours” is originally built for change a standalone system to distributed system. It can inject your code into another win32 function. Some utilities that attach your codes to another process are also provided in this library. The typical case you may need Detours is that you need to modify an application’s behavior without knowing its source code. For more details please visit Detours’ web site: Detours - Microsoft Research

    As an example of how to use Detours, we will try to catch the function “SetTimer()”. Then change the elapse time to a big number. So for the applications use SetTimer(), you can steal time by hooking this function. The first step is to create TRAMPOLINE. It changes SetTimer()’s binary code and lets it jump to the Real_SetTimer() function.
    UINT WINAPI Real_SetTimer(HWND hWnd, ​// handle of window for timer messages
    ​ * * * *UINT nIDEvent, * * * * // timer identifier
    ​ * * * *UINT uElapse, * * * * * // time-out value
    ​ * * * *TIMERPROC lpTimerFunc), // address of timer procedure

    Then we write our own SetTimer function.
    UINT WINAPI Mine_SetTimer(
    ​HWND hWnd, * * * * * // handle of window for timer messages
    ​UINT nIDEvent, * * * *// timer identifier
    ​UINT uElapse, * * * * * // time-out value
    ​TIMERPROC lpTimerFunc * // address of timer procedure
    ​uElapse=10* uElapse;
    ​return Real_SetTimer(hWnd,nIDEvent,uElapse,lpTimerFunc);

    Then write the functions to intercept the Real_SetTimer() function to your own Mine_SetTimer() function and the function that removes the interception.
    BOOL TrampolineWith(VOID)
    * *DetourFunctionWithTrampoline((PBYTE)Real_SetTimer,
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *​(PBYTE)Mine_SetTimer);
    * *return TURE;
    BOOL TrampolineRemove(VOID)
    * *DetourRemove((PBYTE)Real_SetTimer,
    * * *​ (PBYTE)Mine_SetTimer);
    * *return TRUE;

    At last, we write the DLLmain function.
    BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hModule, DWORD dwReason, PVOID lpReserved)
    ​switch (dwReason) {
    ​return TrampolineWith();
    ​return TrampolineRemove();
    ​ *case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:
    ​return TrampolineWith();
    ​ *case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:
    ​return TrampolineRemove();
    ​return TRUE;

    By including the “detours.h” file and linking the “detours.lib”, you can build this DLL (let’s say it is myTest.dll). Then you can write your own application to attach the DLL into another application, or use the “withdll.exe”, which is included in Detours 1.5’s samples, to attach it. If you place the DLL file, withdll.exe and winmine.exe in the same directory, then play the Mine game use command “withdll.exe –d:myTest.dll winmine.exe”, you will get a very high score.

    This is the simplest case of using Detours. If you want to hook a member function of a class, you need to write your own class and your member function. You can find an example of hooking member function in Detours 1.5’s samples.
    To hook direct3d, you may create a class, write your own member functions, for example CreateDevice(), Present(), and then detour direct3d’s member function to your own functions. Unfortunately this doesn’t work. The reason is that Directx is COM based, it uses virtual functions. When you detour the member functions, you will use the virtual function’s address not the real implement function’s address. So the key of hooking direct3d is finding out the real function address. To do this we need to know how virtual function works.
    Understanding Virtual Functions and Hooking Direct3d
    Virtual function is used for reusable and polymorphic purposes. It is runtime bound to the real implement function. For more details about how virtual functions work, please read Shivesh V.’s paper “Virtual Functions and their implementation in C”.
    Basically, after you call the Direct3DCreate8() function (let’s assume we use directx8), you will get a pointer to the created IDirect3D8 object. In the pointer is the address of the vtable, a structure that contains all the member functions’ addresses. The address in the vtable is the real implement function’s address. So if we want to build a benchmark application to test the frame update rate, we could do it in the following steps:
    1) Catch Direct3DCreate8() to get the IDirect3D8 object
    2) Use the pointer of IDirect3D8 object, catch the CreateDevice() function to get the IDirect3DDevice8 object.
    3) Use the pointer of IDirect3DDevice8 object, catch Present() function.
    4) In the Present() function calculates the frame rate.

    However, to catch the member function, there is a very important parameter we need to know. It’s the address data in the vtable that contain the to-be-hooked function’s address. There is no general way to know the offset in the vtable. For direct3d, you could use the d3d8.h file to figure out the offset. Or you can debug a direct3d application and get the offset by read the disassembly code. The following is a piece code of the directx 8.1 SDK’s Text3D sample code. The comments of the disassembly code are added by the author.
    873: * * *// Create the device
    874: * * *hr = m_pD3D->CreateDevice( m_dwAdapter, pDeviceInfo->DeviceType,
    875: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * m_hWndFocus, pModeInfo->dwBehavior, &m_d3dpp,
    876: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * &m_pd3dDevice );
    00403114 * mov * * * * eax,dword ptr [this]
    00403117 * add * * * * eax,2A4A8h
    0040311C * push * * * *eax​// push the sixth parameter &m_pd3dDevice
    0040311D * mov * * * * ecx,dword ptr [this]
    00403120 * add * * * * ecx,2A464h
    00403126 * push * * * *ecx​//push the fifth parameter &m_d3dp
    00403127 * mov * * * * edx,dword ptr [pModeInfo]
    0040312A * mov * * * * eax,dword ptr [edx+0Ch]
    0040312D * push * * * *eax​//push the fourth parameter pModeInfo->dwBehavior
    0040312E * mov * * * * ecx,dword ptr [this]
    00403131 * mov * * * * edx,dword ptr [ecx+2A49Ch]
    00403137 * push * * * *edx​//push the third parameter m_hWndFocus
    00403138 * mov * * * * eax,dword ptr [pDeviceInfo]
    0040313B * mov * * * * ecx,dword ptr [eax]
    0040313D * push * * * *ecx​//push the second parameter pDeviceInfo->DeviceType
    0040313E * mov * * * * edx,dword ptr [this]
    00403141 * mov * * * * eax,dword ptr [edx+2A448h]
    00403147 * push * * * *eax​//push the first parameter m_dwAdapter
    00403148 * mov * * * * ecx,dword ptr [this]
    0040314B * mov * * * * edx,dword ptr [ecx+2A4A4h]​//calculate the return address
    00403151 * mov * * * * eax,dword ptr [this]
    00403154 * mov * * * * ecx,dword ptr [eax+2A4A4h]
    0040315A * mov * * * * eax,dword ptr [ecx]​//calculate the vtable address. It’s the value
    ​//stored in ecx register.
    0040315C * push * * * *edx​//push the return address
    0040315D * call * * * *dword ptr [eax+3Ch]​//call the CreateDevice() function
    00403160 * mov * * * * dword ptr [hr],eax
    From the assembler code, it’s obvious that the offset is 0x3ch. You can do the same thing for the Present() function. And the offset happen is also 0x3ch.
    The sample code can be found at***ient/ To compile it you need Directx 8.1 SDK. Please note that the method of display frame count is not every effective. If you remove the displaying code, you will find Detours has almost no effect to the frame rate.
    [1] “API hooking revealed”, Ivo Ivanov
    [2] “madCodeHook”, madshi
    [3] "Detours", Galen Hunt and Doug Brubacher
    [4] “Virtual Functions and their implementation in C”, Shivesh V.
    [5] “Pointers to C++ Member Functions”, Michael D. Crawford

    original source here:***ient...20Direct3d.doc
    Last edited by why06; 02-15-2010 at 07:00 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by falzarex aka myself

    This is an epic fail resume
    Hello VBfags.
    A 'member' of the almighty C++ section will soon join you, he is 13 year old, has the IQ and typing skills of a VBfag, so I thought he would fit in here nicely.

    A few reasons why he should be in this section instead of the C++ section:
    1) He has the IQ of a VBfag.
    2) He has no sense of grammer/spelling at all.
    3) He thinks he is pro(like most of the people in here)
    4) He thinks copy pasting is fun(exactly what you guys do)
    5) He loves it up the ass(he will keep you VBfags nice and warm)

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to falzarex For This Useful Post:

    crushed (02-15-2010),XGelite (02-16-2010)

  3. #2
    why06's Avatar
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    Looks nice, but can you clean it up a bit with some codetags? Lol. though that's probably pretty tricky on ur iPod. If you can't do it PM me a link to the main article and I'll fix it myself.

    "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. This is, I repeat, the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."
    - Dwight D. Eisenhower

  4. #3
    Hell_Demon's Avatar
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    Ok I have found a very good reference on hooking techniques for direct3d
    credits to a guy named Wang Jijun
    EDIT: sorry for the long page but my iPod cant upload and I didn't wanna link

    Hooking Direct3d
    By Jijun Wang

    In the field of hooking technologies, hooking COM based applications is a big challenging because you can’t know their member functions’ real addresses previously. There are many papers on the Internet that talk about how to hook (somebody call it hijack) an application. However, seldom of them mention how to hook COM. Since I have seen some people asked questions about this topic and nobody answered their questions clearly, I decide to write this paper to share my experience with the guys who are interested in hooking COM.
    In this paper, I use direct3d, which is widely used in current games, as an example of COM. At first I will briefly introduce the hooking technologies and explain why I select Detours to hook direct3d. Then more details and examples of Detours will be presented and I will discus virtual functions and find the way to hook direct3d.
    Hooking Technologies
    The basic idea of hooking is injecting your code into a piece of code. When the target code executes your code will be invoked. To do this, you need to at first attach your code into the target process. And then inject your code into the target process’ code.
    The ways to attach your code into another thread or process include
    1) Register your DLL to the registry table.
    This method registers your DLL to the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\AppInit_DLLs and the dll will be loaded when user32.dll initializes itself. It is a safe method. But it only works for the applications that use user32.dll. And it’s not convenient to activate/deactivate your DLL.
    2) System-wide Windows Hooks
    This method use SetWindowsHookEx(),CallNextHookEx() and UnhookWindowsHookEx() winapis to monitor the system’s message traffic and attach your code into the processes that fit the hook filter. Since it is system-wide message monitor, the system’s performance will be significantly affected.
    3) Create Remote Thread
    This method use CreateRemoteThread()to inject your DLL into another thread (the to-be-hooked thread). It’s a very effective method. But there is one thing we need to consider. You must make sure you have enough privileges to access the to-be-hooked thread.

    To inject your code into another process’ code, we could use:
    1) Proxy DLL
    This method writes a new DLL to replace the to-be-hooked DLL. The new DLL must have the same name, exported functions and variables as the old one. For example, the GLtrace is a replacement of the opengl32.dll. It is used to trace OpenGL. Although you could use function forward to reduce the time spent in rewriting functions, it’s a tedious work in some cases. *
    2) Altering of the IAT (Import Address Table)
    This is a wildly used hooking method. Windows use IAT to find the functions’ addresses. Through changing the data of IAT, you could use your own function to replace the to-be-hooked function. The method is robust and easy to implement. However, it only works for statically linked API calls. And sometimes you may miss API calls since you must patch every module in the target application.
    3) Code Overwriting
    The basic idea is to overwrite the API’s binary code in memory. We could save and replace the first several codes of a function call to a JUMP code to jump to your codes and then go back to the original position and restore the saved codes. It’s very hard to implement. However, once you have mastered it, it’s really a good hooking method.

    For more details about hooking technologies you can read the wonderful paper “API hooking revealed” written by Ivo Ivanov and madshi’s discussion about hooking methods. There are some libraries or tools that wrap the hooking methods. "Detours" is a library developed by a Microsoft’s research term. It uses code overwriting technology. “madCodeHook” is a library built by madshi. It’s also based on code overwriting. “hookapi” is another tool can help you develop your hooking applications. Since Detours is free for research purpose and it’s stable and effective, I will use it to hook direct3d.
    “Detours” is originally built for change a standalone system to distributed system. It can inject your code into another win32 function. Some utilities that attach your codes to another process are also provided in this library. The typical case you may need Detours is that you need to modify an application’s behavior without knowing its source code. For more details please visit Detours’ web site: Detours - Microsoft Research

    As an example of how to use Detours, we will try to catch the function “SetTimer()”. Then change the elapse time to a big number. So for the applications use SetTimer(), you can steal time by hooking this function. The first step is to create TRAMPOLINE. It changes SetTimer()’s binary code and lets it jump to the Real_SetTimer() function.
    UINT WINAPI Real_SetTimer(HWND hWnd, ​// handle of window for timer messages
    ​ * * * *UINT nIDEvent, * * * * // timer identifier
    ​ * * * *UINT uElapse, * * * * * // time-out value
    ​ * * * *TIMERPROC lpTimerFunc), // address of timer procedure

    Then we write our own SetTimer function.
    UINT WINAPI Mine_SetTimer(
    ​HWND hWnd, * * * * * // handle of window for timer messages
    ​UINT nIDEvent, * * * *// timer identifier
    ​UINT uElapse, * * * * * // time-out value
    ​TIMERPROC lpTimerFunc * // address of timer procedure
    ​uElapse=10* uElapse;
    ​return Real_SetTimer(hWnd,nIDEvent,uElapse,lpTimerFunc);

    Then write the functions to intercept the Real_SetTimer() function to your own Mine_SetTimer() function and the function that removes the interception.
    BOOL TrampolineWith(VOID)
    * *DetourFunctionWithTrampoline((PBYTE)Real_SetTimer,
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *​(PBYTE)Mine_SetTimer);
    * *return TURE;
    BOOL TrampolineRemove(VOID)
    * *DetourRemove((PBYTE)Real_SetTimer,
    * * *​ (PBYTE)Mine_SetTimer);
    * *return TRUE;

    At last, we write the DLLmain function.
    BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hModule, DWORD dwReason, PVOID lpReserved)
    ​switch (dwReason) {
    ​return TrampolineWith();
    ​return TrampolineRemove();
    ​ *case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:
    ​return TrampolineWith();
    ​ *case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:
    ​return TrampolineRemove();
    ​return TRUE;

    By including the “detours.h” file and linking the “detours.lib”, you can build this DLL (let’s say it is myTest.dll). Then you can write your own application to attach the DLL into another application, or use the “withdll.exe”, which is included in Detours 1.5’s samples, to attach it. If you place the DLL file, withdll.exe and winmine.exe in the same directory, then play the Mine game use command “withdll.exe –d:myTest.dll winmine.exe”, you will get a very high score.

    This is the simplest case of using Detours. If you want to hook a member function of a class, you need to write your own class and your member function. You can find an example of hooking member function in Detours 1.5’s samples.
    To hook direct3d, you may create a class, write your own member functions, for example CreateDevice(), Present(), and then detour direct3d’s member function to your own functions. Unfortunately this doesn’t work. The reason is that Directx is COM based, it uses virtual functions. When you detour the member functions, you will use the virtual function’s address not the real implement function’s address. So the key of hooking direct3d is finding out the real function address. To do this we need to know how virtual function works.
    Understanding Virtual Functions and Hooking Direct3d
    Virtual function is used for reusable and polymorphic purposes. It is runtime bound to the real implement function. For more details about how virtual functions work, please read Shivesh V.’s paper “Virtual Functions and their implementation in C”.
    Basically, after you call the Direct3DCreate8() function (let’s assume we use directx8), you will get a pointer to the created IDirect3D8 object. In the pointer is the address of the vtable, a structure that contains all the member functions’ addresses. The address in the vtable is the real implement function’s address. So if we want to build a benchmark application to test the frame update rate, we could do it in the following steps:
    1) Catch Direct3DCreate8() to get the IDirect3D8 object
    2) Use the pointer of IDirect3D8 object, catch the CreateDevice() function to get the IDirect3DDevice8 object.
    3) Use the pointer of IDirect3DDevice8 object, catch Present() function.
    4) In the Present() function calculates the frame rate.

    However, to catch the member function, there is a very important parameter we need to know. It’s the address data in the vtable that contain the to-be-hooked function’s address. There is no general way to know the offset in the vtable. For direct3d, you could use the d3d8.h file to figure out the offset. Or you can debug a direct3d application and get the offset by read the disassembly code. The following is a piece code of the directx 8.1 SDK’s Text3D sample code. The comments of the disassembly code are added by the author.
    873: * * *// Create the device
    874: * * *hr = m_pD3D->CreateDevice( m_dwAdapter, pDeviceInfo->DeviceType,
    875: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * m_hWndFocus, pModeInfo->dwBehavior, &m_d3dpp,
    876: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * &m_pd3dDevice );
    00403114 * mov * * * * eax,dword ptr [this]
    00403117 * add * * * * eax,2A4A8h
    0040311C * push * * * *eax​// push the sixth parameter &m_pd3dDevice
    0040311D * mov * * * * ecx,dword ptr [this]
    00403120 * add * * * * ecx,2A464h
    00403126 * push * * * *ecx​//push the fifth parameter &m_d3dp
    00403127 * mov * * * * edx,dword ptr [pModeInfo]
    0040312A * mov * * * * eax,dword ptr [edx+0Ch]
    0040312D * push * * * *eax​//push the fourth parameter pModeInfo->dwBehavior
    0040312E * mov * * * * ecx,dword ptr [this]
    00403131 * mov * * * * edx,dword ptr [ecx+2A49Ch]
    00403137 * push * * * *edx​//push the third parameter m_hWndFocus
    00403138 * mov * * * * eax,dword ptr [pDeviceInfo]
    0040313B * mov * * * * ecx,dword ptr [eax]
    0040313D * push * * * *ecx​//push the second parameter pDeviceInfo->DeviceType
    0040313E * mov * * * * edx,dword ptr [this]
    00403141 * mov * * * * eax,dword ptr [edx+2A448h]
    00403147 * push * * * *eax​//push the first parameter m_dwAdapter
    00403148 * mov * * * * ecx,dword ptr [this]
    0040314B * mov * * * * edx,dword ptr [ecx+2A4A4h]​//calculate the return address
    00403151 * mov * * * * eax,dword ptr [this]
    00403154 * mov * * * * ecx,dword ptr [eax+2A4A4h]
    0040315A * mov * * * * eax,dword ptr [ecx]​//calculate the vtable address. It’s the value
    ​//stored in ecx register.
    0040315C * push * * * *edx​//push the return address
    0040315D * call * * * *dword ptr [eax+3Ch]​//call the CreateDevice() function
    00403160 * mov * * * * dword ptr [hr],eax
    From the assembler code, it’s obvious that the offset is 0x3ch. You can do the same thing for the Present() function. And the offset happen is also 0x3ch.
    The sample code can be found at***ient/ To compile it you need Directx 8.1 SDK. Please note that the method of display frame count is not every effective. If you remove the displaying code, you will find Detours has almost no effect to the frame rate.
    [1] “API hooking revealed”, Ivo Ivanov
    [2] “madCodeHook”, madshi
    [3] "Detours", Galen Hunt and Doug Brubacher
    [4] “Virtual Functions and their implementation in C”, Shivesh V.
    [5] “Pointers to C++ Member Functions”, Michael D. Crawford

    original source here:***ient...20Direct3d.doc
    Ah we-a blaze the fyah, make it bun dem!

  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Hell_Demon For This Useful Post:

    crushed (02-15-2010),why06 (02-15-2010)

  6. #4
    Mr.Magicman's Avatar
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    )nice good tut i might use this for my latest project

  7. #5
    falzarex's Avatar
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    lol thanks HD
    was too lazy to fix it
    Quote Originally Posted by falzarex aka myself

    This is an epic fail resume
    Hello VBfags.
    A 'member' of the almighty C++ section will soon join you, he is 13 year old, has the IQ and typing skills of a VBfag, so I thought he would fit in here nicely.

    A few reasons why he should be in this section instead of the C++ section:
    1) He has the IQ of a VBfag.
    2) He has no sense of grammer/spelling at all.
    3) He thinks he is pro(like most of the people in here)
    4) He thinks copy pasting is fun(exactly what you guys do)
    5) He loves it up the ass(he will keep you VBfags nice and warm)

  8. #6
    why06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by falzarex View Post
    lol thanks HD
    was too lazy to fix it
    Copy, pasted, done.

    "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. This is, I repeat, the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."
    - Dwight D. Eisenhower

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to why06 For This Useful Post:

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    Quote Originally Posted by why06 View Post
    Copy, pasted, done.
    You mean just like the rest of the so called C++ community on MPGH? lol.
    We have our talented ones, as well as our tainted ones. As in tainted by idiocy.

    GJ to Fal for finding this wonderful knowledge. LUL, although I won't understand this, I know a people will find this useful.

  11. #8
    Void's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crushed View Post
    You mean just like the rest of the so called C++ community on MPGH? lol.
    We have our talented ones, as well as our tainted ones. As in tainted by idiocy.

    GJ to Fal for finding this wonderful knowledge. LUL, although I won't understand this, I know a people will find this useful.
    I'm tainted.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Void For This Useful Post:

    crushed (02-15-2010)

  13. #9
    falzarex's Avatar
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    Apr 2008
    lol we're all tainted
    Quote Originally Posted by falzarex aka myself

    This is an epic fail resume
    Hello VBfags.
    A 'member' of the almighty C++ section will soon join you, he is 13 year old, has the IQ and typing skills of a VBfag, so I thought he would fit in here nicely.

    A few reasons why he should be in this section instead of the C++ section:
    1) He has the IQ of a VBfag.
    2) He has no sense of grammer/spelling at all.
    3) He thinks he is pro(like most of the people in here)
    4) He thinks copy pasting is fun(exactly what you guys do)
    5) He loves it up the ass(he will keep you VBfags nice and warm)

  14. #10
    crushed's Avatar
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    Oh dear, the community that is talented is turning especially emo. I just hope away your parents hide the razors from you.

  15. #11
    falzarex's Avatar
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    My Swiss knife is sitting on my table as we speak
    *reaches out for knife*
    Quote Originally Posted by falzarex aka myself

    This is an epic fail resume
    Hello VBfags.
    A 'member' of the almighty C++ section will soon join you, he is 13 year old, has the IQ and typing skills of a VBfag, so I thought he would fit in here nicely.

    A few reasons why he should be in this section instead of the C++ section:
    1) He has the IQ of a VBfag.
    2) He has no sense of grammer/spelling at all.
    3) He thinks he is pro(like most of the people in here)
    4) He thinks copy pasting is fun(exactly what you guys do)
    5) He loves it up the ass(he will keep you VBfags nice and warm)

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