Hmu on Skype ******shootaverage.
To start with I would just like to say that so far I have really advanced with my idea because I've had other things to do but I am really motivated and I firmly believe that my business idea can work with a bit of work and time.
So, I was thinking of making a really awesome and HQ product (program, ebook, website, service..) with a business partner and marketing it on forums to start with and then make a website to sell our product with an affiliate program that we would then promote to make the sales pretty much autopilot and the profit margin would be quite good seing as it wouldn't be a physical product that needs to be shipped. We could then make another product or volume 2 of the first product and do the same as for the first.
I know that I am probably not the first person to have had this idea and that there are a lot of if's in my business idea and that I might not be the best qualified for this (this is why I need a partner) but since I know online marketing, i've really wanted to build a small business online and then expand it with business partners and I would really like to achieve this not only for personal satisfaction and the money of course but all so to learn and enjoy managing a business with associates.
So, all this to say that i don't yet have an idea of product but if anyone with a minimum of skills to help me make a product that might be interested in joining my business if we can produce something good and merchandise it well is most welcome to join !
Thank you for reading and have nice day ;-)
Hmu on Skype ******shootaverage.
I may be interested add my skype matvoo123
Skype me @worldofOracles