To start off with, We have been selling SMM services for over 4 years now and 2 years on MPGH. We provide services to many sellers who resell our services on MPGH on a higher rate. With us, You can be rest assured that you will be told everything there is about the service that you need to know before you place an order. Cheap is not always the best, so we do let our buyers know that there are better services available at a marginally higher prices.
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What is HQLikes?
HQLikes is the Premium automatic Social Media Services Selller which is specially developed for Resellers with an aim of high-speed order completion & World class support!
What does HQLikes offer?
As an SMM seller , we offer all types of Social Media Marketing Services at Reseller's rate for promoting your or your clients Social Media Profiles including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Soundcloud and much more just with a click of a button. We provide a complete solution for Social Media needs and Resellers sell this services to marketplaces such as odesk, elance, freelancer, Fiverr, seoclerks etc! That means you can also set up your own business online and earn good cash from your computer desk.
Are the services mentioned on HQlikes safe to use?
Absolutely, All of our services are 100% safe to use and can never get you banned.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept Paypal, BTC, ETH, , Webmoney, Perfect Money & Skrill at the moment. For Other payment methods you may contact us.
Its been More than 24 hours, My orders haven't started yet.
Due to the nature of the service, orders might get delayed due to overload on the servers, In that case, our team works hard to deliver the order ASAP. However, if there is no activity on the account for 3 days straight, the orders are canceled & Refunded.
The Speed of my order is very slow, What do I do?
Due to the nature of the service, orders might get slowed down, In that case, our team works hard to deliver the order ASAP. However, Manually increasing the speed is not possible
How long do orders take?
Most orders are instant and other can take a few hours to start depending on server load. Usually all orders are completed within 24 hours unless stated.
What is a Refill?
Refill is a service which is provided for free along with the orders you make if it is mentioned in the server name. Refill runs when the quantity of followers you ordered drops below the ordered quantity. Our servers run 24x7 to notice the drops and refill as needed.
Are my services guaranteed to not drop?
The bulk of our services come with a refill guarantee. In case there is a drop, we would replenish your account free of charge if you face a drop within the refill period. When a service has refill guarantee it is mentioned while you communicate with us.
Is there a refill for the services?
Yes, but not on all the services, if there a refill option you will see it in the service name before you make an order. Refill will only work if the Profile status is kept public and the link hasn't been changed. If REFILL is not mentioned in the service and you order it, please do not expect the number you ordered to stay.
In what case am I not eligible to receive a refill?
Some clients place orders with us after using other providers. For example, they place an order with us of 1000 followers on an account with tens and thousands of followers. Followers on such accounts are bound to drop at some point due to a large amount of previously bought followers and would not be eligible for a refill.
What are Followers with Engagement?
Most panels provide Instagram followers just for the numbers, So do we. But with Followers with Engagement, you get followers which interact with your account by liking pictures. They will like your pictures until the time they are following you.
What is LQ | HQ | Real?
These are Quality standards of the accounts that interact with your account, not the service itself. LQ accounts might not have pictures and may look like "Bots". While Real will have pictures and bios and would look like real people.
What is Autolikes?
Auto likes is a service where Instagram likes are added to a picture as soon as you upload them. Our servers keep an eye on your account once you subscribe and deliver the likes as soon as you upload a picture according to your chosen settings. We have two Types of Autolike Options. First one: 50-100 Future post auto likes, If you subscribe to this service you will get likes automatically on your 50-100 future posts when you will create a new post on that profile or page! Second one: Unlimited weekly or monthly auto likes, If you subscribe to this service you will get likes automatically for your all future posts for the week or month when you will create a new post from that profile or page!
What is required for me to work with your services?
Your social media profile must be public and open for worldwide, Username shall not be changed.
Can my Video on Youtube be Banned because of your service?
No bans and no drops - the first and the most important rule of our service.
Can I Turn on Monetization on my Youtube Videos?
Yes, you can, Just make sure you buy views which are "monetizable".
• No refund of money at any case once service is delivered.
• We have the right to change pricing anytime.
• We are not responsible for the drop of followers, views, Mostly its rare but its possible if there is an update So we are also humans and can't give a guarantee.
• Refunds for payments accepted in Crypto will be provided based on the fiat value. Eg: If the payment of $100 was made via BTC. The Refund incase of non delivery will be made for $100 in BTC. Does not matter if the BTC goes up or down.