Decided to do a small update to this "hack" since the game is now officially free for everyone and was revived. I didnt include any of the OP features of the first version since i dont want people to start rage hacking and harming the playerbase.I stopped coding years ago so i probably wont fix/update this any further.
- Fast Repair (now supports ship holes,its buggy but works 70% of time)
- Fast Heal
- No Matchlock reload
- Enemy Boarding Ropes Always Shown (allows you to board enemy ships without being grappled)
-Drop the dll you downloaded in ...steamapps\common\Blackwake\Blackwake_Data\Manag ed (or wherever you got your game) and replace the old one.
-Make sure to keep a backup of your old Assembly-CSharp.dll.
-In case you encounter a crash just switch to your old dll.
mods can you please update my original post with the new file so people dont get confused? And if you can please put all the old stuff in a spoiler and paste the above text too, thank you.