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  1. #1
    TheBigBoy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Some Console Commands

    I will get more when i go in game this was just logged at the menu but here are some
    Credits to me Home dogs.

    i loled
    Command ["MineShit" "0.010000"]
    Console Commands:
    Command ["MouseSensitivityMin" "0.000000"]
    Command ["MouseSensitivityMax" "100.000000"]
    Command ["MouseInputRateMin" "0.000000"]
    Command ["MouseInputRateMax" "40.000000"]
    Command [+ScreenGamma 1.000000]
    Command [+ScreenWidthSetting 1024]
    Command [+ScreenHeightSetting 768]
    Command [+ScreenDepthSetting 16]
    Command [+AntiAliasFSOverSample 0]
    Command [+VSyncOnFlip 0]
    Command [+GammaR 1.108132]
    Command [+GammaG 1.108132]
    Command [+GammaB 1.108132]
    Command [+ShellCasings 0]
    Command [+ShellCasings 0]
    Command [+Tracers 0]
    Command [+Tracers 0]
    Command [+DynamicLight 1]
    Command [+dynamiclightworld 1]
    Command [+ShadowDetail 0]
    Command [+ShadowDetail 0]
    Command [+DetailTextures 1]
    Command [+detailtextures 1]
    Command [+AnisotropicFiltering 0]
    Command [+anisotropic 0]
    Command [+TrilinearFiltering 0]
    Command [+trilinear 0]
    Command [+EnvironmentalDetail 0]
    Command [+EnvironmentalDetail 0]
    Command [+TripleBuffering 1]
    Command [+triplebuffer 1]
    Command [+PolyGridFresnel 1]
    Command [+fresnelpolygrids 1]
    Command [+PolyGridBumpmap 1]
    Command [+bumpmappolygrids 1]
    Command [+FXDetail 0]
    Command [+FXDetail 0]
    Command [+ModelLODOffset 1]
    Command [+ModelLODOffset 1]
    Command [+Shader 0]
    Command [+Shader 0]
    Command [+EnableBloom 0]
    Command [+EnableBloom 0]
    Command [+EnvironmentMapping 1]
    Command [+envmapenable 1]
    Command [+EnvironmentBumpMapping 1]
    Command [+envbumpmapenable 1]
    Command [+DetailLevel 1]
    Command [+DetailLevel 1]
    Command [+MusicQuality 1]
    Command [+MusicQuality 1]
    Command [+SoundQuality 1]
    Command [+sound16bit 1]
    Command [+MusicActive 1]
    Command [+MusicActive 1]
    Command [+PreCacheAssets 1]
    Command [+PreCacheAssets 1]
    Command [+Polygrid 1]
    Command [+Polygrid 1]
    Command [+LightModels 1]
    Command [+LightModels 1]
    Command [+PerformanceSetting 3]
    Command [+ShellCasings 0]
    Command [+Tracers 0]
    Command [+dynamiclightworld 1]
    Command [+ShadowDetail 0]
    Command [+detailtextures 0]
    Command [+anisotropic 0]
    Command [+trilinear 0]
    Command [+EnvironmentalDetail 0]
    Command [+triplebuffer 0]
    Command [+fresnelpolygrids 0]
    Command [+bumpmappolygrids 0]
    Command [+FXDetail 0]
    Command [+ModelLODOffset 0]
    Command [+Shader 0]
    Command [+EnableBloom 0]
    Command [+envmapenable 1]
    Command [+envbumpmapenable 1]
    Command [+DetailLevel 2]
    Command [+MusicQuality 1]
    Command [+sound16bit 1]
    Command [+MusicActive 1]
    Command [+PreCacheAssets 1]
    Command [+Polygrid 1]
    Command [+LightModels 1]
    Command [+EnableBloom 0]
    Command [+ModelShadow_Proj_Enable 0]
    Command [+ClientFXDetailLevel 0]
    Command [+DebrisFXLevel 0]
    Command [+ScatterEnable 1]
    Command [+SnowEnable 1]
    Command [+SnowDensityScale 0.750000]
    Command [+GroupOffset1 1]
    Command [+GroupOffset2 1]
    Command [+GroupOffset3 2]
    Command [+PerformanceConfig ".DefaultLow"]
    Command [+PerformanceSetting 0]
    Command [+soundvolume 100]
    Command [+musicvolume 100]
    Command [+enablesound 1]
    Command [+enablemusic 1]
    Command [+EnableVoiceChat 1]
    Command [+MicVolume 50]
    Command [+SpeakerVolume 50]
    Command [+SoundAdjustVolume 50]
    Command [+MicDeviceIndex 0]
    Command [+SpeakerDeviceIndex 0]
    Command [+weaponssoundmultiplier 1.000000]
    Command [+defaultsoundmultiplier 0.750000]
    Command [+speechsoundmultiplier 1.000000]
    Command [+sound16bit 0]
    Command [+MusicQuality 0]
    Command [+musicvolume 100]
    Command [+UseJoystick 0]
    Command [+MouseInvertY 0]
    Command [+MouseLook 1]
    Command [+MouseSensitivity 9.000000]
    Command [+InputRate 12.000000]
    Command [+NormalTurnRate 1.500000]
    Command [+FastTurnRate 2.200000]
    Command [+LookUpRate 2.500000]
    Command [+UseJoystick 0]
    Command [+BandwidthTarge***ient 5120000.000000]
    Command [+BandwidthTargetServer 35840.000000]
    Command [+Gore 0]
    Command [+HUDLayout 0]
    Command [+Reality 1]
    Command [+WeaponSway 1.000000]
    Command [+MessageDuration 1.000000]
    Command [+AutoWeaponSwitch 1]
    Command [+LightMap 1]
    Command [+DisableHardwareSound 0]
    Command [+ShellCasings 0]
    Command [+ShellCasings 0]
    Command [+Tracers 0]
    Command [+Tracers 0]
    Command [+DynamicLight 1]
    Command [+dynamiclightworld 1]
    Command [+ShadowDetail 0]
    Command [+ShadowDetail 0]
    Command [+DetailTextures 1]
    Command [+detailtextures 1]
    Command [+AnisotropicFiltering 0]
    Command [+anisotropic 0]
    Command [+TrilinearFiltering 0]
    Command [+trilinear 0]
    Command [+EnvironmentalDetail 0]
    Command [+EnvironmentalDetail 0]
    Command [+TripleBuffering 1]
    Command [+triplebuffer 1]
    Command [+PolyGridFresnel 1]
    Command [+fresnelpolygrids 1]
    Command [+PolyGridBumpmap 1]
    Command [+bumpmappolygrids 1]
    Command [+FXDetail 0]
    Command [+FXDetail 0]
    Command [+ModelLODOffset 1]
    Command [+ModelLODOffset 1]
    Command [+Shader 0]
    Command [+Shader 0]
    Command [+EnableBloom 0]
    Command [+EnableBloom 0]
    Command [+EnvironmentMapping 1]
    Command [+envmapenable 1]
    Command [+EnvironmentBumpMapping 1]
    Command [+envbumpmapenable 1]
    Command [+DetailLevel 1]
    Command [+DetailLevel 1]
    Command [+MusicQuality 1]
    Command [+MusicQuality 1]
    Command [+SoundQuality 1]
    Command [+sound16bit 1]
    Command [+MusicActive 1]
    Command [+MusicActive 1]
    Command [+PreCacheAssets 1]
    Command [+PreCacheAssets 1]
    Command [+Polygrid 1]
    Command [+Polygrid 1]
    Command [+LightModels 1]
    Command [+LightModels 1]
    Command [+PerformanceSetting 3]
    Command [+HardwareCursor 0]
    Command [+VSyncOnFlip 0]
    Command [+GammaR 1.108132]
    Command [+GammaG 1.108132]
    Command [+GammaB 1.108132]
    Command [+ScreenWidthSetting 1024]
    Command [+ScreenHeightSetting 768]
    Command [+ScreenDepthSetting 16]
    Command [+AntiAliasFSOverSample 0]
    Command [RestartRender]
    Command [+HardwareCursor 1]
    Command [+ShellCasings 0]
    Command [+Tracers 0]
    Command [+dynamiclightworld 1]
    Command [+ShadowDetail 0]
    Command [+detailtextures 0]
    Command [+anisotropic 0]
    Command [+trilinear 0]
    Command [+EnvironmentalDetail 0]
    Command [+triplebuffer 0]
    Command [+fresnelpolygrids 0]
    Command [+bumpmappolygrids 0]
    Command [+FXDetail 0]
    Command [+ModelLODOffset 0]
    Command [+Shader 0]
    Command [+EnableBloom 0]
    Command [+envmapenable 1]
    Command [+envbumpmapenable 1]
    Command [+DetailLevel 2]
    Command [+MusicQuality 1]
    Command [+sound16bit 1]
    Command [+MusicActive 1]
    Command [+PreCacheAssets 1]
    Command [+Polygrid 1]
    Command [+LightModels 1]
    Command [+EnableBloom 0]
    Command [+ModelShadow_Proj_Enable 0]
    Command [+ClientFXDetailLevel 0]
    Command [+DebrisFXLevel 0]
    Command [+ScatterEnable 1]
    Command [+SnowEnable 1]
    Command [+SnowDensityScale 0.750000]
    Command [+GroupOffset1 1]
    Command [+GroupOffset2 1]
    Command [+GroupOffset3 2]
    Command [+PerformanceConfig ".DefaultLow"]
    Command [+PerformanceSetting 0]
    Command [+soundvolume 100]
    Command [+musicvolume 100]
    Command [+enablesound 1]
    Command [+enablemusic 1]
    Command [+EnableVoiceChat 1]
    Command [+MicVolume 50]
    Command [+SpeakerVolume 50]
    Command [+SoundAdjustVolume 50]
    Command [+MicDeviceIndex 0]
    Command [+SpeakerDeviceIndex 0]
    Command [+weaponssoundmultiplier 1.000000]
    Command [+defaultsoundmultiplier 0.750000]
    Command [+speechsoundmultiplier 1.000000]
    Command [+sound16bit 0]
    Command [+MusicQuality 0]
    Command [+musicvolume 100]
    Command [+SetPerformanceLevel ""]
    Command ["TestUnknownFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestBleedingFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestPoisonedFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestStunnedFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestSleepingFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestChokingFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestBurningFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestElectrocuteFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestGlueFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestLandTrapFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestLaughingFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestAsssedFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestFreezingFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestSwordFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestSlipperyFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestBulletFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestDecayFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestHealingFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TestStaminaFX" "0.000000"]
    Command ["EnableDamageFX" "1.000000"]
    Command ["CursorHack" "0.000000"]
    Command [+HardwareCursor 1]
    Command ["DrawInterface" "1.000000"]
    Command ["LetterBox" "0.000000"]
    Command ["LetterBoxDisabled" "0.000000"]
    Command ["LetterBoxFadeInTime" "1.000000"]
    Command ["LetterBoxFadeOutTime" "1.000000"]
    Command ["NoMovies" "0.000000"]
    Command ["FovXInterface" "57.822399"]
    Command ["FovYInterface" "45.000000"]
    Command ["WideFovXInterface" "58.500000"]
    Command ["WideFovYInterface" "45.000000"]
    Command ["PauseTintAlpha" "0.200000"]
    Command ["SplashScreenFadeInTime" "2.500000"]
    Command ["SplashScreenFadeOutTime" "2.500000"]
    Command ["SplashScreenTime" "10.000000"]
    Command ["MainScreenFadeInTime" "0.000000"]
    Command ["ProgressBarScaleToSkills" "1.000000"]
    Command ["ExitLevelScreenFadeTime" "1.000000"]
    Command [SoundEnable 1]
    Command [MusicEnable 1]
    Command ["MouseScaleBase" "0.000010"]
    Command ["MouseScaleIncrement" "0.000225"]
    Command [musicenable 1]
    Command [soundenable 1]
    Command [UseJoystick 0]
    Command [scale "Mouse" "X-axis" 0.000000]
    Command [scale "Mouse" "Y-axis" 0.000000]
    Command ["HUDDamagedRenderTime" "0.100000"]
    Command ["ScopeLRGap" "32.000000"]
    Command ["ScopeUPGap" "32.000000"]
    Command ["ScopeLRRadius" "0.377000"]
    Command ["ScopeUDRadius" "0.340000"]
    Command ["ChooserAutoSwitchTime" "0.175000"]
    Command ["ChooserAutoSwitchFreq" "0.100000"]
    Command [+soundvolume 100]
    Command [+musicvolume 100]
    Command [+enablesound 1]
    Command [+enablemusic 1]
    Command [+EnableVoiceChat 1]
    Command [+MicVolume 50]
    Command [+SpeakerVolume 50]
    Command [+SoundAdjustVolume 50]
    Command [+MicDeviceIndex 0]
    Command [+SpeakerDeviceIndex 0]
    Command [+weaponssoundmultiplier 1.000000]
    Command [+defaultsoundmultiplier 0.750000]
    Command [+speechsoundmultiplier 1.000000]
    Command [+sound16bit 0]
    Command [+MusicQuality 0]
    Command [+musicvolume 100]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command ["StrafeTurnRate" "18.000000"]
    Command ["LowerTorsoTurnRate" "21.600000"]
    Command ["PlayerTwistYawMax" "90.000000"]
    Command ["PlayerTwistYawMin" "-90.000000"]
    Command ["DyingTime" "3500.000000"]
    Command ["DeadCameraTime" "8000.000000"]
    Command ["CSendRate" "15.000000"]
    Command ["PlayerRotate" "1.000000"]
    Command ["CamZoom1MaxDist" "600.000000"]
    Command ["CamZoom2MaxDist" "1000.000000"]
    Command ["FovX" "90.000000"]
    Command ["FovY" "75.000000"]
    Command ["FOVYUWMax" "78.000000"]
    Command ["FOVYUWMin" "77.000000"]
    Command ["FOVUWRate" "0.300000"]
    Command ["CamRecoilRecover" "0.300000"]
    Command ["CamRotInterpTime" "0.150000"]
    Command ["ScreenFadeInTime" "3.000000"]
    Command ["ScreenFadeOutTime" "5.000000"]
    Command ["ChaseCamOffset" "50.000000"]
    Command ["ChaseCamPitchAdjust" "0.000000"]
    Command ["ChaseCamDistUp" "10.000000"]
    Command ["ChaseCamDistBack" "100.000000"]
    Command ["FastTurnRate" "6.900000"]
    Command ["NormalTurnRate" "4.500000"]
    Command ["LookUpRate" "2.500000"]
    Command ["CameraSwayXFreq" "13.000000"]
    Command ["CameraSwayYFreq" "5.000000"]
    Command ["CameraSwayXSpeed" "12.000000"]
    Command ["CameraSwayYSpeed" "1.500000"]
    Command ["CameraSwayCrouchMultiplier" "0.500000"]
    Command ["ModelGlowTime" "0.300000"]
    Command ["ModelGlowMin" "-25.000000"]
    Command ["ModelGlowMax" "255.000000"]
    Command ["ActivateOverride" " "]
    Command ["CamDamage" "1.000000"]
    Command ["CamDamagePitch" "1.000000"]
    Command ["CamDamageRoll" "1.000000"]
    Command ["CamDamageTime1" "0.100000"]
    Command ["CamDamageTime2" "0.250000"]
    Command ["CamDamageMinPitchVal" "2.000000"]
    Command ["CamDamageMaxPitchVal" "20.000000"]
    Command ["CamDamageMinRollVal" "2.000000"]
    Command ["CamDamageMaxRollVal" "20.000000"]
    Command ["CamDamagePitchMin" "0.700000"]
    Command ["CamDamageRollMin" "0.700000"]
    Command ["CamDamageFXOffsetX" "5.000000"]
    Command ["CamDamageFXOffsetX" "5.000000"]
    Command ["CamDamageFXOffsetX" "5.000000"]
    Command ["AlwaysHUD" "0.000000"]
    Command ["DamageFadeRate" "0.500000"]
    Command ["AdaptiveMouse" "0.000000"]
    Command ["AdaptiveMouseMaxOffset" "0.400000"]
    Command ["SoundFilterInfo" "0.000000"]
    Command ["MultiplayerDeathCamMoveTime" "0.500000"]
    Command ["MultiplayerDeathAttachCamMaxTime" "5.000000"]
    Command ["DuckDownCamOffSet" "-13.000000"]
    Command ["GlobalSoundFilter" "-1.000000"]
    Command [+PVModelAspect 1.333333]
    Command ["BobSwayRunPaceAdjust" "1.400000"]
    Command ["BobSwayWalkPaceAdjust" "0.600000"]
    Command ["BobDecayTime" "0.100000"]
    Command ["BobV" "0.450000"]
    Command ["SwayH" "0.002000"]
    Command ["SwayV" "0.001500"]
    Command ["MaxBobAmp" "10.000000"]
    Command ["BobRollAdjust" "1.000000"]
    Command ["HeadBob" "1.000000"]
    Command ["Reality" "0.000000"]
    Command ["WeaponSway" "1.000000"]
    Command ["CamMaxPitchOffset" "15.000000"]
    Command ["CamMaxYawOffset" "15.000000"]
    Command ["CamMaxRollOffset" "15.000000"]
    Command ["CamMaxPosXOffset" "200.000000"]
    Command ["CamMaxPosYOffset" "200.000000"]
    Command ["CamMaxPosZOffset" "200.000000"]
    Command ["CamInfo" "0.000000"]
    Command ["CamWeaponImpact" "0.000000"]
    Command ["SpectatorSpeedMul" "1.000000"]
    Command ["FallDamageMinHeight" "300.000000"]
    Command ["FallDamageMaxHeight" "700.000000"]
    Command ["FallDamageMin" "0.000000"]
    Command ["FallDamageMax" "200.000000"]
    Command ["CamLandMinHeight" "50.000000"]
    Command ["CamLandMoveDist" "-15.000000"]
    Command ["CamLandDownTime" "0.150000"]
    Command ["CamLandUpTime" "0.400000"]
    Command ["CamLandRollVal" "5.000000"]
    Command ["CamLandRollTime1" "0.050000"]
    Command ["CamLandRollTime2" "0.150000"]
    Command ["CamLandPitchVal" "5.000000"]
    Command ["CamLandPitchTime1" "0.050000"]
    Command ["CamLandPitchTime2" "0.150000"]
    Command ["PlayerGravity" "-1100.000000"]
    Command ["InAirAccelMultiplier" "0.100000"]
    Command ["SlideToStopTime" "0.100000"]
    Command ["PusherMaxYVelocity" "100.000000"]
    Command ["BaseMoveAccel" "3000.000000"]
    Command ["StartAccel" "500.000000"]
    Command ["MaxAccel" "3000.000000"]
    Command ["AccelInc" "6000.000000"]
    Command ["WalkVel" "70.000000"]
    Command ["FRunVel" "285.000000"]
    Command ["BRunVel" "285.000000"]
    Command ["SRunVel" "285.000000"]
    Command ["JumpVel" "330.000000"]
    Command ["DuckVel" "50.000000"]
    Command ["KeepCurrentAmmo" "1.000000"]
    Command ["CameraMoveUpTime" "0.100000"]
    Command ["CameraMoveUpMinVel" "140.000000"]
    Command ["CameraMoveMaxYDiff" "30.000000"]
    Command ["CameraClipDist" "30.000000"]
    Command ["CameraCollisionObjScale" "12.000000"]
    Command ["CameraCollisionUseObject" "1.000000"]
    Command ["DeadCamX" "165.000000"]
    Command ["DeadCamY" "90.000000"]
    Command ["DC_FC_OU" "-1.000000"]
    Command ["DC_TL" "220.000000"]
    Command ["DC_TV" "5.000000"]
    Command ["DC_TY" "20.000000"]
    Command ["ShowFirePath" "-1.000000"]
    Command ["LightBeamColorDelta" "50.000000"]
    Command ["PitchShiftImpact" "-1.000000"]
    Command ["FlyByRadius" "600.000000"]
    Command ["BloodSplatsMinNum" "3.000000"]
    Command ["BloodSplatsMaxNum" "10.000000"]
    Command ["BloodSplatsMinLifetime" "5.000000"]
    Command ["BloodSplatsMaxLifetime" "10.000000"]
    Command ["BloodSplatsMinScale" "0.010000"]
    Command ["BloodSplatsMaxScale" "0.050000"]
    Command ["BloodSplatsRange" "500.000000"]
    Command ["BloodSplatsPerturb" "100.000000"]
    Command ["BigBloodSizeScale" "5.000000"]
    Command ["BigBloodLifeScale" "3.000000"]
    Command ["CreatePolyDebris" "1.000000"]
    Command ["WeaponFXMinFireDot" "0.600000"]
    Command ["WeaponFXMinImpactDot" "0.600000"]
    Command ["WeaponFXUseFOVPerformance" "1.000000"]
    Command ["WeaponFXMaxFireDist" "1000.000000"]
    Command ["WeaponFXMaxImpactDist" "1000.000000"]
    Command ["WeaponFXMaxMultiImpactDist" "300.000000"]
    Command ["WeaponFXMultiImpactDing" "1.000000"]
    Command ["TexAddr" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TexColor" "0.000000"]
    Command ["TexAlpha" "0.000000"]
    Command ["Tex" "fxtest09"]
    Command ["TexTest" "0.000000"]
    Command ["FlareMin" "-1.000000"]
    Command ["FlareSprAlphaMin" "-1.000000"]
    Command ["FlareSprAlphaMax" "-1.000000"]
    Command ["FlareSprScaleMin" "-1.000000"]
    Command ["FlareSprScaleMax" "-1.000000"]
    Command ["FlareBlindScaleMin" "-1.000000"]
    Command ["FlareBlindScaleMax" "-1.000000"]
    Command ["FlareBlindObjAngle" "-1.000000"]
    Command ["FlareBlindCamAngle" "-1.000000"]
    Command ["MineShit" "0.010000"]
    Command ["SmokeTrailStartScale" "1.000000"]
    Command ["SmokeTrailLWEndScale" "15.000000"]
    Command ["SmokeTrailSWEndScale" "15.000000"]
    Command ["SmokeTrailSBEndScale" "15.000000"]
    Command ["SmokeTrailStartAlpha" "0.900000"]
    Command ["SmokeTrailEndAlpha" "0.000000"]
    Command ["MarksClip" "0.000000"]
    Command ["MarkLight" "1.000000"]
    Command ["MarkShow" "1.000000"]
    Command ["MarkFadeTime" "3.000000"]
    Command ["MarkSolidTime" "3.000000"]
    Command ["ShellMaxBounceCount" "3.000000"]
    Command ["ShellMinUpVelocity" "30.000000"]
    Command ["ShellMaxUpVelocity" "75.000000"]
    Command ["ShellMinRightVelocity" "50.000000"]
    Command ["ShellMaxRightVelocity" "75.000000"]
    Command ["ShellMinForwardVelocity" "20.000000"]
    Command ["ShellMaxForwardVelocity" "50.000000"]
    Command ["ShellMinLifetime" "3.000000"]
    Command ["ShellMaxLifetime" "5.000000"]
    Command ["ShellScaleTime" "0.500000"]
    Command ["ShellMaxScale" "2.000000"]
    Command ["ShellMinSpinsPerSecond" "2.000000"]
    Command ["ShellMaxSpinsPerSecond" "10.000000"]
    Command ["PolyDebrisTrailTime" "0.250000"]
    Command ["PolyDebrisScaleDist" "150.000000"]
    Command ["PolyDebrisMinDistScale" "1.000000"]
    Command ["PolyDebrisMaxDistScale" "1.000000"]
    Command ["DLightOffsetX" ""]
    Command ["DLightOffsetY" ""]
    Command ["DLightOffsetZ" ""]
    Command ["MinPGFrameRate" "0.000000"]
    Command ["PGDisplaceMoveScale" "70.000000"]
    Command ["TweakParticles" "0.000000"]
    Command ["ModelKey" "0.000000"]
    Command ["FootPrintBlendMode" "2.000000"]
    Command ["MinTrailSegment" "25.000000"]
    Command ["TrailSegmentLifetime" "15.000000"]
    Command ["DingDelay" "1.000000"]
    Command ["QuietMovementVolumeFactor" "0.650000"]
    Command ["FootStepSoundRadius" "1200.000000"]
    Command ["TweakSteam" "0.000000"]
    Command ["SnowEnable" "1.000000"]
    Command ["SnowDensityScale" "1.000000"]
    Command ["SnowParticleScale" "1.000000"]
    Command ["ScatterEnable" "1.000000"]
    Command ["TracerSegments" "1.000000"]
    Command ["TracerLifetime" "0.200000"]
    Command ["TracerVeloctity" "-1.000000"]
    Command ["TracerLength" "-1.000000"]
    Command [+FogEnable 0]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command [ResolutionScreen]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command [CursorCenter 0]
    Command [+FogEnable 0]
    Command [ModelApplySun 0.000000]
    Command [ModelApplySun 1.000000]
    Command [+FogEnable 0]

  2. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to TheBigBoy For This Useful Post:

    Ende! (06-23-2010),HarvBot (05-21-2012),NathanE (07-22-2010),pDevice (07-25-2012),Ragehax (03-20-2010),Solify (06-20-2010),topblast (03-26-2010),why06 (03-14-2010),|-|3|_][({}PT3R12 (03-14-2010)

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