
Maybe someone here can give me a hand. I'm looking for a Lua Script to help me unlock some weapon mods. The script I'm currently using unlocks all mods, but it also gives me the achievement weapon mods. The Lua Script I need is one that will give me one copy of all weapon mods, but not any of the achievement ones. Can anyone give me a hand? Please and thank you!

The script I'm currently using is:

function giveitems( times, type )
for i=1, times do
for mat_id,_ in pairs(tweak_data.blackmarket[type]) do
if _.infamous then
managers.blackmarket:add_to_inventory("infamous", type, mat_id, false)
elseif _.dlcs or _.dlc then
--[[local dlcs = _.dlcs or {}
if _.dlc then
table.insert( dlcs, _.dlc )
dlc_value = dlcs[ math.random( #dlcs ) ]
managers.blackmarket:add_to_inventory(dlc_value, type, mat_id, false)]]
managers.blackmarket:add_to_inventory("normal", type, mat_id, false)
managers.blackmarket:remove_item("normal", "materials", "plastic", false)
managers.blackmarket:remove_item("normal", "colors", "nothing", false)

giveitems(1, "weapon_mods")

Sorry, I don't know how to format using this. If anyone can help me, please and thank you!