Thread: Ice Tomb

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    Anime's Avatar
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    Jul 2017

    Ice Tomb

    using wServer.logic.behaviors;
    using wServer.logic.loot;
    using wServer.logic.transitions;
    namespace wServer.logic
        partial class BehaviorDb
            private _ IceTomb = () => Behav()
            .Init("Aqua Artifact 1",
                                    new State(
                                            new Prioritize(
                                                    new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Support")
                                            new Shoot(16, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500)
                            .Init("Aqua Artifact 2",
                                    new State(
                                            new State("Normal",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Defender")
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Defender", 50, "Attacker Exist?")
                                            new State("Attacker Exist?",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Attacker")
                                                    new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Attacker", 50, "Suicide")
                                            new State("Suicide",
                                                    new Suicide()
                            .Init("Aqua Artifact 3",
                                    new State(
                                            new State("Normal",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Attacker")
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Attacker", 50, "Defender Exist?")
                                            new State("Defender Exist?",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Defender")
                                                    new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Defender", 50, "Suicide")
                                            new State("Suicide",
                                                    new Suicide()
            .Init("Ice Artifact 1",
                  new State(
                     new Prioritize(
                        new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Defender")
                        new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000)
            .Init("Ice Artifact 2",
            new State(
                new State("Normal",
                    new Prioritize(
                        new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Support")
                        new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Support", 50, "Attacker Exist?")
                    new State("Attacker Exist?",
                        new Prioritize(
                        new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Attacker")
                        new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Attacker", 50, "Suicide")
                    new State("Suicide",
                        new Suicide()
               .Init("Ice Artifact 3",
                  new State(
                      new State("Normal",
                          new Prioritize(
                             new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Attacker")
                             new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                             new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Attacker", 50, "Support Exist?")
                         new State("Support Exist?",
                             new Prioritize(
                             new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Support")
                         new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                         new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Support", 50, "Suicide")
                     new State("Suicide",
                     new Suicide()
            .Init("Ice Tomb Defender Statue",
                new State(
                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Invulnerable),
                    new State("idle",
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Activator", 999, "transform")
                    new State("transform",
                        new Transform("Ice Tomb Defender")
                new State(
                    new State("idle",
                        new HpLessTransition(0.80, "1")
                    new State("1",
                        new HpLessTransition(0.60, "2"),
                        new SetAltTexture(1)
                    new State("2",
                        new HpLessTransition(0.40, "3"),
                        new SetAltTexture(2)
                    new State("3",
                        new HpLessTransition(0.20, "4"),
                        new SetAltTexture(3)
                    new State("4",
                        new HpLessTransition(0.10, "5"),
                        new SetAltTexture(4)
                    new State("5",
                        new SetAltTexture(5)
            .Init("Ice Golem",
             new State(
             new Prioritize(
             new Follow(2, 7, 1)
             new Shoot(1.4, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 1950),
             new Shoot(1.4, count: 5, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 1525)
            .Init("Ice Tomb Support Statue",
                new State(
                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Invulnerable),
                    new State("idle",
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Activator", 999, "transform")
                    new State("transform",
                        new Transform("Ice Tomb Support")
            .Init("Ice Tomb Attacker Statue",
                new State(
                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Invulnerable),
                    new State("idle",
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Activator", 999, "transform")
                    new State("transform",
                        new Transform("Ice Tomb Attacker")
                .Init("Ice Tomb Defender",
                    new State(
                        new State("idle",
                            new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                            new Orbit(.6, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new HpLessTransition(.99, "weakning")
                        new State("weakning",
                            new Orbit(.6, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 24, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 6000, coolDownOffset: 2000),
                            new HpLessTransition(.97, "active")
                        new State("active",
                            new Orbit(.7, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 4, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 6, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 3100, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new HpLessTransition(.9, "boomerang")
                        new State("boomerang",
                            new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                            new Orbit(.6, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, 10, 1, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 1, 10, 0, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new HpLessTransition(.66, "double shot")
                        new State("double shot",
                            new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                            new Orbit(.7, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, 10, 1, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 2, 10, 0, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new HpLessTransition(.5, "artifacts")
                        new State("triple shot",
                            new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                            new Orbit(.6, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, 10, 1, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 3, 10, 0, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new HpLessTransition(.1, "rage")
                        new State("artifacts",
                            new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                            new Orbit(.6, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, 10, 1, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 2, 10, 0, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Spawn("shard Artifact 1", 3, 3, 2000),
                            new Reproduce("shard Artifact 1", 10, 3, 1500),
                            new Spawn("shard Artifact 2", 3, 0, 3500000),
                            new Reproduce("shard Artifact 2", 10, 3, 1500),
                            new Spawn("shard Artifact 3", 3, 0, 3500000),
                            new Reproduce("shard Artifact 3", 10, 3, 1500),
                            new HpLessTransition(.33, "triple shot")
                        new State("rage",
                            new Follow(0.6, range: 1, duration: 5000, coolDown: 0),
                            new Flash(0xfFF0000, 1, 9000001),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, 10, 1, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 4, 10, 4, coolDown: 300),
                            new Shoot(50, 3, 10, 0, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500)
                        new Threshold(0.15,
                            new ItemLoot("Greater Potion of Life", 1)
                        new Threshold(0.1,
                            new ItemLoot("Frimarra", 0.05
            .Init("Ice Tomb Support",
                 new State(
                    new State("Idle",
                        new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", 50, "IdlePhase1"),
                        new EntityExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", 50, "IdlePhase2")
                    new State("IdlePhase1",
                        new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                        new HpLessTransition(0.99, "Phase1")
                    new State("IdlePhase2",
                        new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                        new Prioritize(
                        new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                    new HpLessTransition(0.98, "2Phase1")
                    new State("Phase1",
                        new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                        new Prioritize(
                        new Wander(0.3)
                        new Heal(20, "Ice Tomb Bosses", coolDown: 1500),
                        new HpLessTransition(0.97, "Phase2")
                    new State("Phase2",
                        new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                        new Prioritize(
                        new Wander(0.3)
                        new SpecificHeal(1, 1500, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                        new Shoot(60, count: 15, fixedAngle: 360 / 15, projectileIndex: 7, coolDown: 10000),
                        new HpLessTransition(0.94, "Phase3")
                    new State("Phase3",
                        new Prioritize(
                        new Wander(0.3)
                    new SpecificHeal(1, 1500, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                        new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                        new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                        new HpLessTransition(0.92, "Phase4")
                        new State("Phase4",
                            new Prioritize(
                                 new Wander(0.3)
                                                    new SpecificHeal(1, 1000, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 2500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.80, "Phase5")
                                            new State("Phase5",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.60, "Phase6")
                                            new State("Phase6",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2600),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2400),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 1800),
                                                    new Shoot(40, count: 2, fixedAngle: 140, shootAngle: 9, projectileIndex: 8, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.50, "Phase7")
                                            new State("Phase7",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 1", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 2", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 3", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2600),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2400),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 1800),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.30, "Phase8")
                                            new State("Phase8",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.6)
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 1", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 2", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 3", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 1700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 1300),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.10, "Rage")
                                            new State("Rage",
                                                    new Flash(0xFF0000, .1, 1000),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Follow(1, 10, 3)
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2600),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2400),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 1800),
                                                    new Shoot(40, count: 7, fixedAngle: 160, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 8, coolDown: 1500)
                                            new State("2Phase1",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new SpecificHeal(1, 1500, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.97, "2Phase2")
                                            new State("2Phase2",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new SpecificHeal(1, 1500, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(60, count: 15, fixedAngle: 360 / 15, projectileIndex: 7, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.94, "2Phase3")
                                            new State("2Phase3",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new SpecificHeal(1, 2000, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.92, "2Phase4")
                                            new State("2Phase4",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new SpecificHeal(1, 1500, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.80, "2Phase5")
                                            new State("2Phase5",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.60, "2Phase6")
                                            new State("2Phase6",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 5, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2600),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new Shoot(40, count: 4, fixedAngle: 140, shootAngle: 9, projectileIndex: 8, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.50, "2Phase7")
                                            new State("2Phase7",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 1", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 2", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 3", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2600),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.30, "2Phase8")
                                            new State("2Phase8",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 1", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 2", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 3", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.10, "Rage")
                                    new Threshold(0.1,
                                            new ItemLoot("Enchanted Ice Shard", 0.05),
    										new ItemLoot("Freezing Quiver", 0.05),
    										new ItemLoot("Greater Potion of Life", 1)
                .Init("Ice Tomb Attacker",
                                    new State(
                                            new State("Idle",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", 50, "IdlePhase1"),
                                                    new EntityExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", 50, "IdlePhase2")
                                            new State("IdlePhase1",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.99, "1Phase")
                                            new State("IdlePhase2",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.98, "1Phase2")
                                            new State("1Phase",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.3)
                                                    new Shoot(60, count: 15, fixedAngle: 360 / 15, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.97, "2Phase")
                                            new State("2Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.9, "3Phase")
                                            new State("3Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.8, "4Phase")
                                            new State("4Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.7, "5Phase")
                                            new State("5Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.5, "6Phase")
                                            new State("6Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 1", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 2", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 3", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 40, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 3, shootAngle: 10, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 5000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 1500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Reproduce("ice golem", 3, 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.30, "7Phase")
                                            new State("7Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.6)
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 1", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 2", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 3", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 40, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 3, shootAngle: 10, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 5000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 1500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 10, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Reproduce("ice golem", 3, 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.10, "Rage")
                                            new State("Rage",
                                                    new Flash(0xFF0000, 1, 1000),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new StayBack(1, 7)
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 1", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 2", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 3", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Reproduce("ice golem", 3, 3, coolDown: 5000),
                                                    new Grenade(4, 50, 7, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, fixedAngle: 10, projectileIndex: 5),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, fixedAngle: 350, projectileIndex: 5),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5)
                                            //                                                                                              IfAnchorExist  
                                            new State("1Phase2",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Shoot(60, count: 15, fixedAngle: 360 / 15, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.97, "2Phase2")
                                            new State("2Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.9, "3Phase2")
                                            new State("3Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.8, "4Phase2")
                                            new State("4Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.7, "5Phase2")
                                            new State("5Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.6, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.5, "6Phase2")
                                            new State("6Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.6, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 1", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 2", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 3", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 40, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 3, shootAngle: 10, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 5000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 1500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Reproduce("ice golem", 3, 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.30, "7Phase2")
                                            new State("7Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.6, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 1", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 2", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 3", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 40, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 3, shootAngle: 10, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 5000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 1500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 10, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Reproduce("ice golem", 3, 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.10, "Rage")
                                    new Threshold(0.1,
                                            new ItemLoot("Ring of the northern light", 0.05),
    										new ItemLoot("Rudolph the Berzerk Skin", 0.01),
    										new ItemLoot("Greater Potion of Life", 1)
            .Init("shard Artifact 1",
                  new State(
                  new Prioritize(
                  new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "ice tomb Attacker")
                  new Shoot(12, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500)
                  .Init("shard Artifact 2",
                  new State(
                  new State("Normal",
                  new Prioritize(
                  new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "ice tomb Defender")
                  new Shoot(12, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500),
                  new EntityNotExistsTransition("ice tomb Defender", 50, "Support Exist?")
                  new State("Support Exist?",
                  new Prioritize(
                  new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "ice tomb Support")
                  new Shoot(12, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                  new EntityNotExistsTransition("ice tomb Support", 50, "Suicide")
                  new State("Suicide",
                  new Suicide()
                 .Init("shard Artifact 3",
                 new State(
                 new State("Normal",
                 new Prioritize(
                 new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "ice tomb Support")
                 new Shoot(12, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500),
                 new EntityNotExistsTransition("ice tomb Support", 50, "Defender Exist?")
                 new State("Defender Exist?",
                 new Prioritize(
                 new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "ice tomb Defender")
                 new Shoot(12, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                 new EntityNotExistsTransition("ice tomb Defender", 50, "Suicide")
                 new State("Suicide",
                 new Suicide()
    Credits to Kimbo for the coding. As usual, just comment if you need any help.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Anime For This Useful Post:

    bog624 (10-30-2017)

  3. #2
    Clubbed's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2017
    My Mood
    You should put "behavior" in the title, just so people know its the behavior and not the dungeon itself.
    To get my attention please mention me (Do @Clubbed) or quote me.
    Leave me a thanks if i helped!

  4. #3
    bog624's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    My Mood
    Quote Originally Posted by Anime View Post
    using wServer.logic.behaviors;
    using wServer.logic.loot;
    using wServer.logic.transitions;
    namespace wServer.logic
        partial class BehaviorDb
            private _ IceTomb = () => Behav()
            .Init("Aqua Artifact 1",
                                    new State(
                                            new Prioritize(
                                                    new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Support")
                                            new Shoot(16, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500)
                            .Init("Aqua Artifact 2",
                                    new State(
                                            new State("Normal",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Defender")
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Defender", 50, "Attacker Exist?")
                                            new State("Attacker Exist?",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Attacker")
                                                    new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Attacker", 50, "Suicide")
                                            new State("Suicide",
                                                    new Suicide()
                            .Init("Aqua Artifact 3",
                                    new State(
                                            new State("Normal",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Attacker")
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Attacker", 50, "Defender Exist?")
                                            new State("Defender Exist?",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Defender")
                                                    new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Defender", 50, "Suicide")
                                            new State("Suicide",
                                                    new Suicide()
            .Init("Ice Artifact 1",
                  new State(
                     new Prioritize(
                        new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Defender")
                        new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000)
            .Init("Ice Artifact 2",
            new State(
                new State("Normal",
                    new Prioritize(
                        new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Support")
                        new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Support", 50, "Attacker Exist?")
                    new State("Attacker Exist?",
                        new Prioritize(
                        new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Attacker")
                        new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Attacker", 50, "Suicide")
                    new State("Suicide",
                        new Suicide()
               .Init("Ice Artifact 3",
                  new State(
                      new State("Normal",
                          new Prioritize(
                             new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Attacker")
                             new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                             new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Attacker", 50, "Support Exist?")
                         new State("Support Exist?",
                             new Prioritize(
                             new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Support")
                         new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                         new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Support", 50, "Suicide")
                     new State("Suicide",
                     new Suicide()
            .Init("Ice Tomb Defender Statue",
                new State(
                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Invulnerable),
                    new State("idle",
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Activator", 999, "transform")
                    new State("transform",
                        new Transform("Ice Tomb Defender")
                new State(
                    new State("idle",
                        new HpLessTransition(0.80, "1")
                    new State("1",
                        new HpLessTransition(0.60, "2"),
                        new SetAltTexture(1)
                    new State("2",
                        new HpLessTransition(0.40, "3"),
                        new SetAltTexture(2)
                    new State("3",
                        new HpLessTransition(0.20, "4"),
                        new SetAltTexture(3)
                    new State("4",
                        new HpLessTransition(0.10, "5"),
                        new SetAltTexture(4)
                    new State("5",
                        new SetAltTexture(5)
            .Init("Ice Golem",
             new State(
             new Prioritize(
             new Follow(2, 7, 1)
             new Shoot(1.4, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 1950),
             new Shoot(1.4, count: 5, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 1525)
            .Init("Ice Tomb Support Statue",
                new State(
                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Invulnerable),
                    new State("idle",
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Activator", 999, "transform")
                    new State("transform",
                        new Transform("Ice Tomb Support")
            .Init("Ice Tomb Attacker Statue",
                new State(
                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Invulnerable),
                    new State("idle",
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Activator", 999, "transform")
                    new State("transform",
                        new Transform("Ice Tomb Attacker")
                .Init("Ice Tomb Defender",
                    new State(
                        new State("idle",
                            new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                            new Orbit(.6, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new HpLessTransition(.99, "weakning")
                        new State("weakning",
                            new Orbit(.6, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 24, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 6000, coolDownOffset: 2000),
                            new HpLessTransition(.97, "active")
                        new State("active",
                            new Orbit(.7, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 4, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 6, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 3100, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new HpLessTransition(.9, "boomerang")
                        new State("boomerang",
                            new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                            new Orbit(.6, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, 10, 1, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 1, 10, 0, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new HpLessTransition(.66, "double shot")
                        new State("double shot",
                            new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                            new Orbit(.7, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, 10, 1, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 2, 10, 0, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new HpLessTransition(.5, "artifacts")
                        new State("triple shot",
                            new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                            new Orbit(.6, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, 10, 1, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 3, 10, 0, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new HpLessTransition(.1, "rage")
                        new State("artifacts",
                            new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                            new Orbit(.6, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, 10, 1, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 2, 10, 0, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Spawn("shard Artifact 1", 3, 3, 2000),
                            new Reproduce("shard Artifact 1", 10, 3, 1500),
                            new Spawn("shard Artifact 2", 3, 0, 3500000),
                            new Reproduce("shard Artifact 2", 10, 3, 1500),
                            new Spawn("shard Artifact 3", 3, 0, 3500000),
                            new Reproduce("shard Artifact 3", 10, 3, 1500),
                            new HpLessTransition(.33, "triple shot")
                        new State("rage",
                            new Follow(0.6, range: 1, duration: 5000, coolDown: 0),
                            new Flash(0xfFF0000, 1, 9000001),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, 10, 1, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 4, 10, 4, coolDown: 300),
                            new Shoot(50, 3, 10, 0, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500)
                        new Threshold(0.15,
                            new ItemLoot("Greater Potion of Life", 1)
                        new Threshold(0.1,
                            new ItemLoot("Frimarra", 0.05
            .Init("Ice Tomb Support",
                 new State(
                    new State("Idle",
                        new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", 50, "IdlePhase1"),
                        new EntityExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", 50, "IdlePhase2")
                    new State("IdlePhase1",
                        new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                        new HpLessTransition(0.99, "Phase1")
                    new State("IdlePhase2",
                        new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                        new Prioritize(
                        new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                    new HpLessTransition(0.98, "2Phase1")
                    new State("Phase1",
                        new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                        new Prioritize(
                        new Wander(0.3)
                        new Heal(20, "Ice Tomb Bosses", coolDown: 1500),
                        new HpLessTransition(0.97, "Phase2")
                    new State("Phase2",
                        new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                        new Prioritize(
                        new Wander(0.3)
                        new SpecificHeal(1, 1500, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                        new Shoot(60, count: 15, fixedAngle: 360 / 15, projectileIndex: 7, coolDown: 10000),
                        new HpLessTransition(0.94, "Phase3")
                    new State("Phase3",
                        new Prioritize(
                        new Wander(0.3)
                    new SpecificHeal(1, 1500, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                        new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                        new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                        new HpLessTransition(0.92, "Phase4")
                        new State("Phase4",
                            new Prioritize(
                                 new Wander(0.3)
                                                    new SpecificHeal(1, 1000, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 2500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.80, "Phase5")
                                            new State("Phase5",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.60, "Phase6")
                                            new State("Phase6",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2600),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2400),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 1800),
                                                    new Shoot(40, count: 2, fixedAngle: 140, shootAngle: 9, projectileIndex: 8, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.50, "Phase7")
                                            new State("Phase7",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 1", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 2", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 3", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2600),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2400),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 1800),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.30, "Phase8")
                                            new State("Phase8",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.6)
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 1", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 2", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 3", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 1700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 1300),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.10, "Rage")
                                            new State("Rage",
                                                    new Flash(0xFF0000, .1, 1000),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Follow(1, 10, 3)
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2600),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2400),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 1800),
                                                    new Shoot(40, count: 7, fixedAngle: 160, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 8, coolDown: 1500)
                                            new State("2Phase1",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new SpecificHeal(1, 1500, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.97, "2Phase2")
                                            new State("2Phase2",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new SpecificHeal(1, 1500, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(60, count: 15, fixedAngle: 360 / 15, projectileIndex: 7, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.94, "2Phase3")
                                            new State("2Phase3",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new SpecificHeal(1, 2000, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.92, "2Phase4")
                                            new State("2Phase4",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new SpecificHeal(1, 1500, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.80, "2Phase5")
                                            new State("2Phase5",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.60, "2Phase6")
                                            new State("2Phase6",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 5, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2600),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new Shoot(40, count: 4, fixedAngle: 140, shootAngle: 9, projectileIndex: 8, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.50, "2Phase7")
                                            new State("2Phase7",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 1", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 2", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 3", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2600),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.30, "2Phase8")
                                            new State("2Phase8",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 1", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 2", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 3", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.10, "Rage")
                                    new Threshold(0.1,
                                            new ItemLoot("Enchanted Ice Shard", 0.05),
    										new ItemLoot("Freezing Quiver", 0.05),
    										new ItemLoot("Greater Potion of Life", 1)
                .Init("Ice Tomb Attacker",
                                    new State(
                                            new State("Idle",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", 50, "IdlePhase1"),
                                                    new EntityExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", 50, "IdlePhase2")
                                            new State("IdlePhase1",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.99, "1Phase")
                                            new State("IdlePhase2",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.98, "1Phase2")
                                            new State("1Phase",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.3)
                                                    new Shoot(60, count: 15, fixedAngle: 360 / 15, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.97, "2Phase")
                                            new State("2Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.9, "3Phase")
                                            new State("3Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.8, "4Phase")
                                            new State("4Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.7, "5Phase")
                                            new State("5Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.5, "6Phase")
                                            new State("6Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 1", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 2", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 3", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 40, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 3, shootAngle: 10, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 5000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 1500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Reproduce("ice golem", 3, 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.30, "7Phase")
                                            new State("7Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.6)
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 1", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 2", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 3", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 40, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 3, shootAngle: 10, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 5000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 1500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 10, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Reproduce("ice golem", 3, 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.10, "Rage")
                                            new State("Rage",
                                                    new Flash(0xFF0000, 1, 1000),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new StayBack(1, 7)
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 1", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 2", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 3", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Reproduce("ice golem", 3, 3, coolDown: 5000),
                                                    new Grenade(4, 50, 7, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, fixedAngle: 10, projectileIndex: 5),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, fixedAngle: 350, projectileIndex: 5),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5)
                                            //                                                                                              IfAnchorExist  
                                            new State("1Phase2",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Shoot(60, count: 15, fixedAngle: 360 / 15, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.97, "2Phase2")
                                            new State("2Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.9, "3Phase2")
                                            new State("3Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.8, "4Phase2")
                                            new State("4Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.7, "5Phase2")
                                            new State("5Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.6, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.5, "6Phase2")
                                            new State("6Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.6, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 1", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 2", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 3", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 40, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 3, shootAngle: 10, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 5000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 1500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Reproduce("ice golem", 3, 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.30, "7Phase2")
                                            new State("7Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.6, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 1", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 2", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 3", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 40, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 3, shootAngle: 10, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 5000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 1500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 10, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Reproduce("ice golem", 3, 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.10, "Rage")
                                    new Threshold(0.1,
                                            new ItemLoot("Ring of the northern light", 0.05),
    										new ItemLoot("Rudolph the Berzerk Skin", 0.01),
    										new ItemLoot("Greater Potion of Life", 1)
            .Init("shard Artifact 1",
                  new State(
                  new Prioritize(
                  new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "ice tomb Attacker")
                  new Shoot(12, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500)
                  .Init("shard Artifact 2",
                  new State(
                  new State("Normal",
                  new Prioritize(
                  new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "ice tomb Defender")
                  new Shoot(12, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500),
                  new EntityNotExistsTransition("ice tomb Defender", 50, "Support Exist?")
                  new State("Support Exist?",
                  new Prioritize(
                  new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "ice tomb Support")
                  new Shoot(12, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                  new EntityNotExistsTransition("ice tomb Support", 50, "Suicide")
                  new State("Suicide",
                  new Suicide()
                 .Init("shard Artifact 3",
                 new State(
                 new State("Normal",
                 new Prioritize(
                 new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "ice tomb Support")
                 new Shoot(12, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500),
                 new EntityNotExistsTransition("ice tomb Support", 50, "Defender Exist?")
                 new State("Defender Exist?",
                 new Prioritize(
                 new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "ice tomb Defender")
                 new Shoot(12, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                 new EntityNotExistsTransition("ice tomb Defender", 50, "Suicide")
                 new State("Suicide",
                 new Suicide()
    Credits to Kimbo for the coding. As usual, just comment if you need any help.
    could you help me with a map ?
    Good Day.

    Quote Originally Posted by DimitriSavage View Post
    *le wild bog is hunting in his natural habitat....le wild bog sees pray...le wild bog uses HACK....le wild bog wins....le wild bog is evolving....le wild bog is now le wild gob*




  5. #4
    Anime's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by bog624 View Post

    could you help me with a map ?

    Sure, message me on Dscord.

  6. #5
    bog624's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    My Mood
    Quote Originally Posted by Anime View Post
    Sure, message me on Dscord.
    what was it again
    Good Day.

    Quote Originally Posted by DimitriSavage View Post
    *le wild bog is hunting in his natural habitat....le wild bog sees pray...le wild bog uses HACK....le wild bog wins....le wild bog is evolving....le wild bog is now le wild gob*




  7. #6
    bog624's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    My Mood
    Quote Originally Posted by Anime View Post
    using wServer.logic.behaviors;
    using wServer.logic.loot;
    using wServer.logic.transitions;
    namespace wServer.logic
        partial class BehaviorDb
            private _ IceTomb = () => Behav()
            .Init("Aqua Artifact 1",
                                    new State(
                                            new Prioritize(
                                                    new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Support")
                                            new Shoot(16, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500)
                            .Init("Aqua Artifact 2",
                                    new State(
                                            new State("Normal",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Defender")
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Defender", 50, "Attacker Exist?")
                                            new State("Attacker Exist?",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Attacker")
                                                    new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Attacker", 50, "Suicide")
                                            new State("Suicide",
                                                    new Suicide()
                            .Init("Aqua Artifact 3",
                                    new State(
                                            new State("Normal",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Attacker")
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Attacker", 50, "Defender Exist?")
                                            new State("Defender Exist?",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Defender")
                                                    new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Defender", 50, "Suicide")
                                            new State("Suicide",
                                                    new Suicide()
            .Init("Ice Artifact 1",
                  new State(
                     new Prioritize(
                        new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Defender")
                        new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000)
            .Init("Ice Artifact 2",
            new State(
                new State("Normal",
                    new Prioritize(
                        new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Support")
                        new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Support", 50, "Attacker Exist?")
                    new State("Attacker Exist?",
                        new Prioritize(
                        new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Attacker")
                        new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Attacker", 50, "Suicide")
                    new State("Suicide",
                        new Suicide()
               .Init("Ice Artifact 3",
                  new State(
                      new State("Normal",
                          new Prioritize(
                             new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Attacker")
                             new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                             new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Attacker", 50, "Support Exist?")
                         new State("Support Exist?",
                             new Prioritize(
                             new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "Ice Tomb Support")
                         new Shoot(4, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                         new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Support", 50, "Suicide")
                     new State("Suicide",
                     new Suicide()
            .Init("Ice Tomb Defender Statue",
                new State(
                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Invulnerable),
                    new State("idle",
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Activator", 999, "transform")
                    new State("transform",
                        new Transform("Ice Tomb Defender")
                new State(
                    new State("idle",
                        new HpLessTransition(0.80, "1")
                    new State("1",
                        new HpLessTransition(0.60, "2"),
                        new SetAltTexture(1)
                    new State("2",
                        new HpLessTransition(0.40, "3"),
                        new SetAltTexture(2)
                    new State("3",
                        new HpLessTransition(0.20, "4"),
                        new SetAltTexture(3)
                    new State("4",
                        new HpLessTransition(0.10, "5"),
                        new SetAltTexture(4)
                    new State("5",
                        new SetAltTexture(5)
            .Init("Ice Golem",
             new State(
             new Prioritize(
             new Follow(2, 7, 1)
             new Shoot(1.4, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 1950),
             new Shoot(1.4, count: 5, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 1525)
            .Init("Ice Tomb Support Statue",
                new State(
                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Invulnerable),
                    new State("idle",
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Activator", 999, "transform")
                    new State("transform",
                        new Transform("Ice Tomb Support")
            .Init("Ice Tomb Attacker Statue",
                new State(
                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Invulnerable),
                    new State("idle",
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Activator", 999, "transform")
                    new State("transform",
                        new Transform("Ice Tomb Attacker")
                .Init("Ice Tomb Defender",
                    new State(
                        new State("idle",
                            new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                            new Orbit(.6, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new HpLessTransition(.99, "weakning")
                        new State("weakning",
                            new Orbit(.6, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 24, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 6000, coolDownOffset: 2000),
                            new HpLessTransition(.97, "active")
                        new State("active",
                            new Orbit(.7, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 4, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 6, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 3100, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new HpLessTransition(.9, "boomerang")
                        new State("boomerang",
                            new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                            new Orbit(.6, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, 10, 1, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 1, 10, 0, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new HpLessTransition(.66, "double shot")
                        new State("double shot",
                            new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                            new Orbit(.7, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, 10, 1, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 2, 10, 0, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new HpLessTransition(.5, "artifacts")
                        new State("triple shot",
                            new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                            new Orbit(.6, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, 10, 1, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 3, 10, 0, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new HpLessTransition(.1, "rage")
                        new State("artifacts",
                            new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                            new Orbit(.6, 5, target: "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", radiusVariance: 0.5),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1000, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, 10, 1, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 2, 10, 0, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Spawn("shard Artifact 1", 3, 3, 2000),
                            new Reproduce("shard Artifact 1", 10, 3, 1500),
                            new Spawn("shard Artifact 2", 3, 0, 3500000),
                            new Reproduce("shard Artifact 2", 10, 3, 1500),
                            new Spawn("shard Artifact 3", 3, 0, 3500000),
                            new Reproduce("shard Artifact 3", 10, 3, 1500),
                            new HpLessTransition(.33, "triple shot")
                        new State("rage",
                            new Follow(0.6, range: 1, duration: 5000, coolDown: 0),
                            new Flash(0xfFF0000, 1, 9000001),
                            new Shoot(50, 8, 10, 1, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500),
                            new Shoot(50, 4, 10, 4, coolDown: 300),
                            new Shoot(50, 3, 10, 0, coolDown: 4750, coolDownOffset: 500)
                        new Threshold(0.15,
                            new ItemLoot("Greater Potion of Life", 1)
                        new Threshold(0.1,
                            new ItemLoot("Frimarra", 0.05
            .Init("Ice Tomb Support",
                 new State(
                    new State("Idle",
                        new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                        new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", 50, "IdlePhase1"),
                        new EntityExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", 50, "IdlePhase2")
                    new State("IdlePhase1",
                        new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                        new HpLessTransition(0.99, "Phase1")
                    new State("IdlePhase2",
                        new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                        new Prioritize(
                        new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                    new HpLessTransition(0.98, "2Phase1")
                    new State("Phase1",
                        new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                        new Prioritize(
                        new Wander(0.3)
                        new Heal(20, "Ice Tomb Bosses", coolDown: 1500),
                        new HpLessTransition(0.97, "Phase2")
                    new State("Phase2",
                        new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                        new Prioritize(
                        new Wander(0.3)
                        new SpecificHeal(1, 1500, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                        new Shoot(60, count: 15, fixedAngle: 360 / 15, projectileIndex: 7, coolDown: 10000),
                        new HpLessTransition(0.94, "Phase3")
                    new State("Phase3",
                        new Prioritize(
                        new Wander(0.3)
                    new SpecificHeal(1, 1500, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                        new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                        new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                        new HpLessTransition(0.92, "Phase4")
                        new State("Phase4",
                            new Prioritize(
                                 new Wander(0.3)
                                                    new SpecificHeal(1, 1000, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 2500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.80, "Phase5")
                                            new State("Phase5",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.60, "Phase6")
                                            new State("Phase6",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2600),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2400),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 1800),
                                                    new Shoot(40, count: 2, fixedAngle: 140, shootAngle: 9, projectileIndex: 8, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.50, "Phase7")
                                            new State("Phase7",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 1", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 2", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 3", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2600),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2400),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 1800),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.30, "Phase8")
                                            new State("Phase8",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.6)
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 1", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 2", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 3", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 1700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 1300),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.10, "Rage")
                                            new State("Rage",
                                                    new Flash(0xFF0000, .1, 1000),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Follow(1, 10, 3)
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2600),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2400),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 1800),
                                                    new Shoot(40, count: 7, fixedAngle: 160, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 8, coolDown: 1500)
                                            new State("2Phase1",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new SpecificHeal(1, 1500, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.97, "2Phase2")
                                            new State("2Phase2",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new SpecificHeal(1, 1500, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(60, count: 15, fixedAngle: 360 / 15, projectileIndex: 7, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.94, "2Phase3")
                                            new State("2Phase3",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new SpecificHeal(1, 2000, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.92, "2Phase4")
                                            new State("2Phase4",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new SpecificHeal(1, 1500, "Ice Tomb Bosses", 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.80, "2Phase5")
                                            new State("2Phase5",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.60, "2Phase6")
                                            new State("2Phase6",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 5, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2600),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new Shoot(40, count: 4, fixedAngle: 140, shootAngle: 9, projectileIndex: 8, coolDown: 1000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.50, "2Phase7")
                                            new State("2Phase7",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 1", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 2", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 3", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2600),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.30, "2Phase8")
                                            new State("2Phase8",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 1", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 2", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("ice artifact 3", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 6, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(32, count: 1, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 800),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 3, shootAngle: 360 / 3, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 2700),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 6, shootAngle: 360 / 6, projectileIndex: 4, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.10, "Rage")
                                    new Threshold(0.1,
                                            new ItemLoot("Enchanted Ice Shard", 0.05),
    										new ItemLoot("Freezing Quiver", 0.05),
    										new ItemLoot("Greater Potion of Life", 1)
                .Init("Ice Tomb Attacker",
                                    new State(
                                            new State("Idle",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new EntityNotExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", 50, "IdlePhase1"),
                                                    new EntityExistsTransition("Ice Tomb Boss Anchor", 50, "IdlePhase2")
                                            new State("IdlePhase1",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.99, "1Phase")
                                            new State("IdlePhase2",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.98, "1Phase2")
                                            new State("1Phase",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.3)
                                                    new Shoot(60, count: 15, fixedAngle: 360 / 15, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.97, "2Phase")
                                            new State("2Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.9, "3Phase")
                                            new State("3Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.8, "4Phase")
                                            new State("4Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.7, "5Phase")
                                            new State("5Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.5, "6Phase")
                                            new State("6Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.4)
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 1", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 2", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 3", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 40, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 3, shootAngle: 10, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 5000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 1500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Reproduce("ice golem", 3, 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.30, "7Phase")
                                            new State("7Phase",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Wander(0.6)
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 1", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 2", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 3", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 40, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 3, shootAngle: 10, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 5000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 1500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 10, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Reproduce("ice golem", 3, 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.10, "Rage")
                                            new State("Rage",
                                                    new Flash(0xFF0000, 1, 1000),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new StayBack(1, 7)
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 1", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 2", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 3", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Reproduce("ice golem", 3, 3, coolDown: 5000),
                                                    new Grenade(4, 50, 7, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, fixedAngle: 10, projectileIndex: 5),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, fixedAngle: 350, projectileIndex: 5),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5)
                                            //                                                                                              IfAnchorExist  
                                            new State("1Phase2",
                                                    new ConditionalEffect(ConditionEffectIndex.Armored),
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Shoot(60, count: 15, fixedAngle: 360 / 15, projectileIndex: 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.97, "2Phase2")
                                            new State("2Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 3000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.9, "3Phase2")
                                            new State("3Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.8, "4Phase2")
                                            new State("4Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.4, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.7, "5Phase2")
                                            new State("5Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.6, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("ice golem", 3),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 3500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 360 / 4, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 2, shootAngle: 12, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 2300),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 1, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2500),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(.5, "6Phase2")
                                            new State("6Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.6, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 1", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 2", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 3", 3, initialSpawn: 1),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 40, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 3, shootAngle: 10, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 5000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 1500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 7, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Reproduce("ice golem", 3, 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.30, "7Phase2")
                                            new State("7Phase2",
                                                    new Prioritize(
                                                            new Orbit(0.6, 3, 20, "Ice Tomb Boss Anchor")
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 1", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 2", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Spawn("aqua Artifact 3", 3, coolDown: 20000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 5, shootAngle: 360 / 5, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 4, shootAngle: 40, projectileIndex: 5, coolDown: 1500),
                                                    new Shoot(20, count: 3, shootAngle: 10, projectileIndex: 2, coolDown: 500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Shoot(14.4, count: 8, fixedAngle: 360 / 8, projectileIndex: 1, coolDown: 5000),
                                                    new Shoot(16, count: 1, projectileIndex: 0, coolDown: 1500, predictive: 0.5),
                                                    new Grenade(3, 50, 10, coolDown: 2000),
                                                    new Reproduce("ice golem", 3, 3, coolDown: 10000),
                                                    new HpLessTransition(0.10, "Rage")
                                    new Threshold(0.1,
                                            new ItemLoot("Ring of the northern light", 0.05),
    										new ItemLoot("Rudolph the Berzerk Skin", 0.01),
    										new ItemLoot("Greater Potion of Life", 1)
            .Init("shard Artifact 1",
                  new State(
                  new Prioritize(
                  new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "ice tomb Attacker")
                  new Shoot(12, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500)
                  .Init("shard Artifact 2",
                  new State(
                  new State("Normal",
                  new Prioritize(
                  new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "ice tomb Defender")
                  new Shoot(12, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500),
                  new EntityNotExistsTransition("ice tomb Defender", 50, "Support Exist?")
                  new State("Support Exist?",
                  new Prioritize(
                  new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "ice tomb Support")
                  new Shoot(12, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                  new EntityNotExistsTransition("ice tomb Support", 50, "Suicide")
                  new State("Suicide",
                  new Suicide()
                 .Init("shard Artifact 3",
                 new State(
                 new State("Normal",
                 new Prioritize(
                 new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "ice tomb Support")
                 new Shoot(12, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1500),
                 new EntityNotExistsTransition("ice tomb Support", 50, "Defender Exist?")
                 new State("Defender Exist?",
                 new Prioritize(
                 new Orbit(1, 3, 30, "ice tomb Defender")
                 new Shoot(12, count: 1, shootAngle: 12, coolDown: 1000),
                 new EntityNotExistsTransition("ice tomb Defender", 50, "Suicide")
                 new State("Suicide",
                 new Suicide()
    Credits to Kimbo for the coding. As usual, just comment if you need any help.
    what is your ******* Ive honestly had a hard time keeping track of people.
    Good Day.

    Quote Originally Posted by DimitriSavage View Post
    *le wild bog is hunting in his natural habitat....le wild bog sees pray...le wild bog uses HACK....le wild bog wins....le wild bog is evolving....le wild bog is now le wild gob*




  8. #7
    Anime's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by bog624 View Post

    what is your ******* Ive honestly had a hard time keeping track of people.
    Its me Ambition/Infernape?

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