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  1. #1
    notquin's Avatar
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    Sep 2018

    Basic PE Header Parser Snippet

    I made this pretty basic PE header parser for my injection library before I discovered PeNet, an amazing library for parsing PE headers.

    Anyway, I thought I may as well drop the code here in case anyone needs it someday before I throw it out.

    private static List<object> GetPeHeaders(string dllPath)
        var peHeaders = new List<object>();
        // Open a file stream to the dll
        using (var stream = new FileStream(dllPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
            // Open a binary reader to the file stream
            var reader = new BinaryReader(stream);
            // Get the dos header
            var dosHeader = ConvertBytesToStructure<ImageDosHeader>(reader);
            // Skip the dos stub
            reader.BaseStream.Seek(dosHeader.E_Lfanew, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            // Get the nt header
            var ntHeader = new ImageNtHeader
                 Signature = ConvertBytesToStructure<uint>(reader),
                 FileHeader = ConvertBytesToStructure<ImageFileHeader>(reader)
            var sectionHeaders = new List<ImageSectionHeader>();
            // If the dll is x86
            if ((ntHeader.FileHeader.Characteristics & 0x0100) == 0x0100)
                // Get the optional header
                ntHeader.OptionalHeader = ConvertBytesToStructure<ImageOptionalHeader>(reader);
                // Get the section headers
                foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, ntHeader.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes))
                     if (ntHeader.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[i].Size > 0)
            // If the dll is x64
                 // Get the optional header
                 ntHeader.OptionalHeader64 = ConvertBytesToStructure<ImageOptionalHeader64>(reader);
                 // Get the section headers
                 foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, ntHeader.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes))
                      if (ntHeader.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[i].Size > 0)
                  // Add the header objects to a list
              return peHeaders;
            internal static TStructure ConvertBytesToStructure<TStructure>(BinaryReader reader)
                // Get the size of the structure
                var structureSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TStructure));
                // Read the bytes
                var bytes = reader.ReadBytes(structureSize);
                // Allocate memory for a buffer
                var buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(structureSize);
                Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, buffer, structureSize);
                // Convert the bytes into a structure
                var structure = (TStructure) Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, typeof(TStructure));
                // Free the previously allocated memory
                return structure;
    And here are the structures used

            internal struct ImageDosHeader
                internal readonly ushort E_Magic;       
                private readonly ushort E_Cblp;    
                private readonly ushort E_Cp;      
                private readonly ushort E_Crlc;    
                private readonly ushort E_Cparhdr;
                private readonly ushort E_Minalloc;
                private readonly ushort E_Maxalloc;
                private readonly ushort E_Ss;
                private readonly ushort E_Sp;
                private readonly ushort E_Csum;
                private readonly ushort E_Ip;
                private readonly ushort E_Cs;
                private readonly ushort E_Lfarlc;
                private readonly ushort E_Ovno;
                [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
                private readonly ushort[] E_Res1;
                private readonly ushort E_Oemid;
                private readonly ushort E_Oeminfo;
                [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 10)]
                private readonly ushort[] E_Res2;
                internal readonly int E_Lfanew;
            public struct ImageFileHeader
                public readonly ushort Machine;
                public readonly ushort NumberOfSections;
                public readonly uint TimeDateStamp;
                public readonly uint PointerToSymbolTable;
                public readonly uint NumberOfSymbols;
                public readonly ushort SizeOfOptionalHeader;
                public readonly ushort Characteristics;
            public struct ImageDataDirectory
                public readonly uint VirtualAddress;
                public readonly uint Size;
            public struct ImageOptionalHeader
                public ushort Magic;
                public byte MajorLinkerVersion; 
                public byte MinorLinkerVersion;
                public uint SizeOfCode;
                public uint SizeOfInitializedData;
                public uint SizeOfUninitializedData;
                public uint AddressOfEntryPoint;
                public uint BaseOfCode;
                public uint BaseOfData;
                public uint ImageBase;
                public uint SectionAlignment;
                public uint FileAlignment;
                public ushort MajorOperatin****temVersion;
                public ushort MinorOperatin****temVersion;
                public ushort MajorImageVersion;
                public ushort MinorImageVersion;
                public ushort MajorSubsystemVersion;
                public ushort MinorSubsystemVersion;
                public uint Win32VersionValue;
                public int SizeOfImage;
                public uint SizeOfHeaders;
                public uint CheckSum;
                public ushort Subsystem;
                public ushort DllCharacteristics;
                public uint SizeOfStackReserve;
                public uint SizeOfStackCommit;
                public uint SizeOfHeapReserve;
                public uint SizeOfHeapCommit;
                public uint LoaderFlags;
                public int NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
                public ImageDataDirectory ExportTable;
                public ImageDataDirectory ImportTable;
                public ImageDataDirectory ResourceTable;
                public ImageDataDirectory ExceptionTable;
                public ImageDataDirectory CertificateTable;
                public ImageDataDirectory BaseRelocationTable;
                public ImageDataDirectory Debug;
                public ImageDataDirectory Architecture;
                public ImageDataDirectory GlobalPtr;
                public ImageDataDirectory TLSTable;
                public ImageDataDirectory LoadConfigTable;
                public ImageDataDirectory BoundImport;
                public ImageDataDirectory IAT;
                public ImageDataDirectory DelayImportDescriptor;
                public ImageDataDirectory CLRRuntimeHeader;
                public ImageDataDirectory Reserved;
            public struct ImageOptionalHeader64
                public readonly ushort Magic;
                private readonly byte MajorLinkerVersion;
                private readonly byte MinorLinkerVersion;
                private readonly uint SizeOfCode;
                public readonly uint SizeOfInitializedData;
                private readonly uint SizeOfUninitializedData;
                public readonly uint AddressOfEntryPoint;
                private readonly uint BaseOfCode;
                public readonly uint ImageBase;
                private readonly uint SectionAlignment;
                private readonly uint FileAlignment;
                private readonly ushort MajorOperatin****temVersion;
                private readonly ushort MinorOperatin****temVersion;
                private readonly ushort MajorImageVersion;
                private readonly ushort MinorImageVersion;
                private readonly ushort MajorSubsystemVersion;
                private readonly ushort MinorSubsystemVersion;
                private readonly uint Win32VersionValue;
                public readonly int SizeOfImage;
                private readonly uint SizeOfHeaders;
                private readonly uint CheckSum;
                private readonly ushort Subsystem;
                private readonly ushort DllCharacteristics;
                private readonly uint SizeOfStackReserve;
                private readonly uint SizeOfStackCommit;
                private readonly uint SizeOfHeapReserve;
                private readonly uint SizeOfHeapCommit;
                private readonly uint LoaderFlags;
                public readonly int NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
                [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
                private readonly ImageDataDirectory[] DataDirectory;
            public struct ImageNtHeader
                public uint Signature;
                public ImageFileHeader FileHeader;
                public ImageOptionalHeader OptionalHeader;
                public ImageOptionalHeader64 OptionalHeader64;
            public struct ImageSectionHeader
                [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
                public byte[] Name;
                public uint VirtualSize;
                public uint VirtualAddress;
                public uint SizeOfRawData;
                public uint PointerToRawData;
                public uint PointerToRelocations;
                public uint PointerToLinenumbers;
                public ushort NumberOfRelocations;
                public ushort NumberOfLinenumbers;
                public uint Characteristics;
            public struct ImageBaseRelocation
                public uint VirtualAddress;
                public uint SizeOfBlock;
            public struct ImageImportDescription
                public uint OriginalFirstThunk;
                public uint TimeDateStamp;
                public uint ForwarderChain;
                public uint Name;
                public uint FirstThunk;
    Last edited by notquin; 11-22-2018 at 06:49 PM.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to notquin For This Useful Post:

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  3. #2
    critikal17's Avatar
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    Well commented! good work

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  4. #3
    XoXlonG's Avatar
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    Thank you very informative

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