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  1. #31
    T-800's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by lenny69 View Post
    Everyone, use this config. CSGO double updated yesterday and I uploaded between them. Some offsets changed (set in the config)
    @gerassss, can you switch out the file in the OP with 399399? It's the same code, different config.

    # ~~by lenny69 c:
    # All lines starting with "#" are comments and have no effect.
    # This file should be named config.txt or be passed in as the first argument to the main exe
    # ====================== User Settings ======================
    # These should be your in-game mouse settings. Make sure to set m_rawinput to 0
    Mouse_mYaw: 0.022
    Mouse_mPitch: 0.022
    Mouse_Sensitivity: 1
    Res_Width: 1920
    Res_Height: 1080
    # If set to 1, disable all memory-writing features. Lowers risk of VAC, but you get less features.
    Safemode: 0
    # Chatspammer - Make your enemies rage with the power of speech :D (Default: disabled, 1=ON, 0=OFF)
    Enable_ChatSpam: 0
    # ====================== Aimbot Settings ======================
    Aim_Enabled: 1
    Aim_UseKey: 1
    # Aim at your own teammates :c (might need to be 1 for BR mode)
    Aim_TeamKill: 0
    # Can cause issues with certain modes, but prevents aiming through walls
    Aim_RequireSpotted: 1
    # Mouse1=0x01, Mouse3=0x04, Mouse5=0x06, LeftAlt=0x12 - see https://docs.microsof*****m/en-us/windows/desktop/inputdev/virtual-key-codes
    Aim_Key: 0x01
    # Higher is slower. 1-100 (Recommended: 3-10)
    Aim_Speed_X: 3
    Aim_Speed_Y: 3
    # Max pixels that can be moved in 1 tick, (Recommended: 30-70 Legit, 1000 Rage)
    Aim_Speed_MaxPPT: 50
    # Max Distance to aim at target in pixels. (Recommended: 10-50)
    Aim_FOV: 100
    Aim_FOV_Distance: 1
    # Per this many units, remove (1/factor) pixel of FOV. Recommended: 100-300
    Aim_FOV_Distance_Multiplier: 200
    # The lower this number, the faster the falloff of the fov. Small number = smaller at longer ranges. Recommended: .5-1
    Aim_FOV_Distance_Factor: 1
    # Stick onto players to avoid switching around mid-fire
    Aim_Sticky: 1
    # Enable Recoil Control
    Aim_RCS: 1
    # Head=8, Neck=7, Chest=6
    Aim_Bone: 8
    # ====================== ESP Settings ======================
    ESP_Sound: 1
    ESP_FOV: 100
    ESP_UseKey: 1
    # Default alt for sonar
    ESP_SonarKey: 0x12
    # Warning: This feature writes memory and may be detected by VAC more easily.
    ESP_GlowEnabled: 1
    # PageUP, toggles glow ESP on/off
    ESP_GlowToggle: 0x21
    # ========================== BHOP ==========================
    BHOP_Enabled: 1
    # ====================== Hooking information ======================
    Process_Name: csgo
    Module_Engine: engine.dll
    Module_Client: client_panorama.dll
    # ====================== Window Settings ======================
    Title: Random[14]
    # 0 = Show Window, 1 = Stay Hidden
    Stealth: 0
    # ====================== Translation ======================
    TL_PressEnter: Press enter once you are on the main menu
    TL_MissingSetting: Error! Cannot find required setting '%name%'
    TL_Waiting: Looking for %name%
    TL_Success: Found process %name%! Hooking...
    # Custom offsets
    OFFSET_dwEntityLoopDistance: 0x10
    OFFSET_m_bDormant: 0xED
    OFFSET_bonematrixoffset: 0x1C
    OFFSET_m_angEyeAngles: 0xB274
    # ========= You can add HazeDumper output below for easy updates, or prefix each offset with "OFFSET_" ==========
    02:18:18 [INFO] Opening target process: csgo.exe
    02:18:18 [INFO] Starting signature scanning: 48 items
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState => 0x58AC24
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_GetLocalPlayer => 0x180
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_IsHLTV => 0x4CC8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_Map => 0x28C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_MapDirectory => 0x188
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_MaxPlayer => 0x310
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_PlayerInfo => 0x5240
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_State => 0x108
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_ViewAngles => 0x4D10
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_delta_ticks => 0x174
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_last_outgoing_command => 0x4CAC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_choked_commands => 0x4CB0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_net_channel => 0x9C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwEntityList => 0x4CC36F4
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceAttack => 0x30F4DAC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceAttack2 => 0x30F4DB8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceBackward => 0x30F4DE8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceForward => 0x30F4DC4
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceJump => 0x5166838
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceLeft => 0x30F4DDC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceRight => 0x30F4E00
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwGameDir => 0x628D70
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwGameRulesProxy => 0x51D8B74
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwGetAllClasses => 0xCD7604
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwGlobalVars => 0x58A928
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwGlowObjectManager => 0x5203448
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwInput => 0x510E488
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwInterfaceLinkList => 0x8961B4
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwLocalPlayer => 0xCB33D4
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwMouseEnable => 0xCB91E0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwMouseEnablePtr => 0xCB91B0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwPlayerResource => 0x30F315C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwRadarBase => 0x50F8434
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwSensitivity => 0xCB907C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwSensitivityPtr => 0xCB9050
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwSetClanTag => 0x894F0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwViewMatrix => 0x4CB5124
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwWeaponTable => 0x510EF4C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwWeaponTableIndex => 0x323C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwYawPtr => 0xCB8E40
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwZoomSensitivityRatioPtr => 0xCBE080
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwbSendPackets => 0xD1FEA
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwppDirect3DDevice9 => 0xA3F40
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: m_pStudioHdr => 0x294C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: m_yawClassPtr => 0xCB8E40
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: m_pitchClassPtr => 0x50F86E8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: interface_engine_cvar => 0x3E9EC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: convar_name_hash_table => 0x2F0F8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Finished signature scanning: 48/48 items successful
    02:18:18 [INFO] Starting netvar scanning: 63 items
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_ArmorValue => 0xB324
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_Collision => 0x31C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_CollisionGroup => 0x474
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_Local => 0x2FBC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_MoveType => 0x25B
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh => 0x31B4
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow => 0x31B0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_aimPunchAngle => 0x302C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_aimPunchAngleVel => 0x3038
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bGunGameImmunity => 0x3928
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bHasDefuser => 0xB334
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bHasHelmet => 0xB318
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bInReload => 0x3218
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bIsDefusing => 0x3914
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bIsScoped => 0x390A
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bSpotted => 0x93D
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bSpottedByMask => 0x980
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_dwBoneMatrix => 0x268C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_fAccuracyPenalty => 0x3304
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_fFlags => 0x104
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flFallbackWear => 0x31C0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flFlashDuration => 0xA3E0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flFlashMaxAlpha => 0xA3DC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flNextPrimaryAttack => 0x3218
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hActiveWeapon => 0x2EF8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hMyWeapons => 0x2EF8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hObserverTarget => 0x3388
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hOwner => 0x29CC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hOwnerEntity => 0x14C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iAccountID => 0x2FC8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iClip1 => 0x3244
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iCompetitiveRanking => 0x1A84
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iCompetitiveWins => 0x1B88
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iCrosshairId => 0xB334
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iEntityQuality => 0x2FAC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iFOVStart => 0x31E8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iGlowIndex => 0xA3E0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iHealth => 0x100
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iItemDefinitionIndex => 0x2FAA
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iItemIDHigh => 0x2FC0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iObserverMode => 0x3374
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iShotsFired => 0xA370
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iState => 0x3238
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iTeamNum => 0xF4
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_lifeState => 0x25F
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nFallbackPaintKit => 0x31B8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nFallbackSeed => 0x31BC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nFallbackStatTrak => 0x31C4
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nForceBone => 0x268C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nTickBase => 0x342C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_rgflCoordinateFrame => 0x474
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_szCustomName => 0x303C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_szLastPlaceName => 0x35B0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_vecOrigin => 0x138
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_vecVelocity => 0x114
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_vecViewOffset => 0x108
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_viewPunchAngle => 0x3020
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_thirdPersonViewAngles => 0x31D4
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_clrRender => 0x70
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flC4Blow => 0x2990
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flTimerLength => 0x2994
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flDefuseLength => 0x29A8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flDefuseCountDown => 0x29AC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Finished netvar scanning: 63/63 items successful
    08:52:16 [INFO] Opening target process: csgo.exe
    08:52:16 [INFO] Starting signature scanning: 48 items
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState => 0x58AC24
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_GetLocalPlayer => 0x180
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_IsHLTV => 0x4CC8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_Map => 0x28C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_MapDirectory => 0x188
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_MaxPlayer => 0x310
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_PlayerInfo => 0x5240
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_State => 0x108
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_ViewAngles => 0x4D10
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_delta_ticks => 0x174
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_last_outgoing_command => 0x4CAC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_choked_commands => 0x4CB0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_net_channel => 0x9C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwEntityList => 0x4CC36D4
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceAttack => 0x30F4D8C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceAttack2 => 0x30F4D98
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceBackward => 0x30F4DC8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceForward => 0x30F4DA4
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceJump => 0x5166818
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceLeft => 0x30F4DBC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceRight => 0x30F4DE0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwGameDir => 0x628D70
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwGameRulesProxy => 0x51D8B54
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwGetAllClasses => 0xCD7604
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwGlobalVars => 0x58A928
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwGlowObjectManager => 0x5203420
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwInput => 0x510E468
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwInterfaceLinkList => 0x8961B4
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwLocalPlayer => 0xCB33D4
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwMouseEnable => 0xCB91E0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwMouseEnablePtr => 0xCB91B0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwPlayerResource => 0x30F313C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwRadarBase => 0x50F8414
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwSensitivity => 0xCB907C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwSensitivityPtr => 0xCB9050
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwSetClanTag => 0x894F0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwViewMatrix => 0x4CB5104
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwWeaponTable => 0x510EF2C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwWeaponTableIndex => 0x323C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwYawPtr => 0xCB8E40
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwZoomSensitivityRatioPtr => 0xCBE080
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwbSendPackets => 0xD1FEA
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwppDirect3DDevice9 => 0xA3F40
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: m_pStudioHdr => 0x294C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: m_yawClassPtr => 0xCB8E40
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: m_pitchClassPtr => 0x50F86C8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: interface_engine_cvar => 0x3E9EC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: convar_name_hash_table => 0x2F0F8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Finished signature scanning: 48/48 items successful
    08:52:16 [INFO] Starting netvar scanning: 63 items
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_ArmorValue => 0xB324
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_Collision => 0x31C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_CollisionGroup => 0x474
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_Local => 0x2FBC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_MoveType => 0x25B
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh => 0x31B4
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow => 0x31B0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_aimPunchAngle => 0x302C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_aimPunchAngleVel => 0x3038
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bGunGameImmunity => 0x3928
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bHasDefuser => 0xB334
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bHasHelmet => 0xB318
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bInReload => 0x3218
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bIsDefusing => 0x3914
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bIsScoped => 0x390A
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bSpotted => 0x93D
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bSpottedByMask => 0x980
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_dwBoneMatrix => 0x268C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_fAccuracyPenalty => 0x3304
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_fFlags => 0x104
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flFallbackWear => 0x31C0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flFlashDuration => 0xA3E0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flFlashMaxAlpha => 0xA3DC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flNextPrimaryAttack => 0x3218
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hActiveWeapon => 0x2EF8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hMyWeapons => 0x2EF8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hObserverTarget => 0x3388
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hOwner => 0x29CC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hOwnerEntity => 0x14C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iAccountID => 0x2FC8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iClip1 => 0x3244
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iCompetitiveRanking => 0x1A84
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iCompetitiveWins => 0x1B88
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iCrosshairId => 0xB334
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iEntityQuality => 0x2FAC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iFOVStart => 0x31E8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iGlowIndex => 0xA3E0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iHealth => 0x100
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iItemDefinitionIndex => 0x2FAA
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iItemIDHigh => 0x2FC0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iObserverMode => 0x3374
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iShotsFired => 0xA370
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iState => 0x3238
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iTeamNum => 0xF4
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_lifeState => 0x25F
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nFallbackPaintKit => 0x31B8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nFallbackSeed => 0x31BC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nFallbackStatTrak => 0x31C4
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nForceBone => 0x268C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nTickBase => 0x342C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_rgflCoordinateFrame => 0x474
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_szCustomName => 0x303C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_szLastPlaceName => 0x35B0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_vecOrigin => 0x138
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_vecVelocity => 0x114
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_vecViewOffset => 0x108
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_viewPunchAngle => 0x3020
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_thirdPersonViewAngles => 0x31D4
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_clrRender => 0x70
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flC4Blow => 0x2990
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flTimerLength => 0x2994
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flDefuseLength => 0x29A8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flDefuseCountDown => 0x29AC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Finished netvar scanning: 63/63 items successful
    # wrong localplayer from haze ._.
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwLocalPlayer => 0xCB3694
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iGlowIndex => 0xA3F8

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  2. The Following User Says Thank You to T-800 For This Useful Post:

    lenny69 (12-07-2018)

  3. #32
    itscaptainmodz's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Contact me on Twitter please, important : ItsCaptainModz

  4. #33
    drake101al's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    My Mood
    Quote Originally Posted by lenny69 View Post
    Everyone, use this config. CSGO double updated yesterday and I uploaded between them. Some offsets changed (set in the config)
    @gerassss, can you switch out the file in the OP with 399399? It's the same code, different config.

    # ~~by lenny69 c:
    # All lines starting with "#" are comments and have no effect.
    # This file should be named config.txt or be passed in as the first argument to the main exe
    # ====================== User Settings ======================
    # These should be your in-game mouse settings. Make sure to set m_rawinput to 0
    Mouse_mYaw: 0.022
    Mouse_mPitch: 0.022
    Mouse_Sensitivity: 1
    Res_Width: 1920
    Res_Height: 1080
    # If set to 1, disable all memory-writing features. Lowers risk of VAC, but you get less features.
    Safemode: 0
    # Chatspammer - Make your enemies rage with the power of speech :D (Default: disabled, 1=ON, 0=OFF)
    Enable_ChatSpam: 0
    # ====================== Aimbot Settings ======================
    Aim_Enabled: 1
    Aim_UseKey: 1
    # Aim at your own teammates :c (might need to be 1 for BR mode)
    Aim_TeamKill: 0
    # Can cause issues with certain modes, but prevents aiming through walls
    Aim_RequireSpotted: 1
    # Mouse1=0x01, Mouse3=0x04, Mouse5=0x06, LeftAlt=0x12 - see https://docs.microsof*****m/en-us/windows/desktop/inputdev/virtual-key-codes
    Aim_Key: 0x01
    # Higher is slower. 1-100 (Recommended: 3-10)
    Aim_Speed_X: 3
    Aim_Speed_Y: 3
    # Max pixels that can be moved in 1 tick, (Recommended: 30-70 Legit, 1000 Rage)
    Aim_Speed_MaxPPT: 50
    # Max Distance to aim at target in pixels. (Recommended: 10-50)
    Aim_FOV: 100
    Aim_FOV_Distance: 1
    # Per this many units, remove (1/factor) pixel of FOV. Recommended: 100-300
    Aim_FOV_Distance_Multiplier: 200
    # The lower this number, the faster the falloff of the fov. Small number = smaller at longer ranges. Recommended: .5-1
    Aim_FOV_Distance_Factor: 1
    # Stick onto players to avoid switching around mid-fire
    Aim_Sticky: 1
    # Enable Recoil Control
    Aim_RCS: 1
    # Head=8, Neck=7, Chest=6
    Aim_Bone: 8
    # ====================== ESP Settings ======================
    ESP_Sound: 1
    ESP_FOV: 100
    ESP_UseKey: 1
    # Default alt for sonar
    ESP_SonarKey: 0x12
    # Warning: This feature writes memory and may be detected by VAC more easily.
    ESP_GlowEnabled: 1
    # PageUP, toggles glow ESP on/off
    ESP_GlowToggle: 0x21
    # ========================== BHOP ==========================
    BHOP_Enabled: 1
    # ====================== Hooking information ======================
    Process_Name: csgo
    Module_Engine: engine.dll
    Module_Client: client_panorama.dll
    # ====================== Window Settings ======================
    Title: Random[14]
    # 0 = Show Window, 1 = Stay Hidden
    Stealth: 0
    # ====================== Translation ======================
    TL_PressEnter: Press enter once you are on the main menu
    TL_MissingSetting: Error! Cannot find required setting '%name%'
    TL_Waiting: Looking for %name%
    TL_Success: Found process %name%! Hooking...
    # Custom offsets
    OFFSET_dwEntityLoopDistance: 0x10
    OFFSET_m_bDormant: 0xED
    OFFSET_bonematrixoffset: 0x1C
    OFFSET_m_angEyeAngles: 0xB274
    # ========= You can add HazeDumper output below for easy updates, or prefix each offset with "OFFSET_" ==========
    02:18:18 [INFO] Opening target process: csgo.exe
    02:18:18 [INFO] Starting signature scanning: 48 items
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState => 0x58AC24
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_GetLocalPlayer => 0x180
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_IsHLTV => 0x4CC8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_Map => 0x28C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_MapDirectory => 0x188
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_MaxPlayer => 0x310
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_PlayerInfo => 0x5240
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_State => 0x108
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_ViewAngles => 0x4D10
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_delta_ticks => 0x174
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_last_outgoing_command => 0x4CAC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_choked_commands => 0x4CB0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_net_channel => 0x9C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwEntityList => 0x4CC36F4
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceAttack => 0x30F4DAC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceAttack2 => 0x30F4DB8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceBackward => 0x30F4DE8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceForward => 0x30F4DC4
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceJump => 0x5166838
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceLeft => 0x30F4DDC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceRight => 0x30F4E00
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwGameDir => 0x628D70
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwGameRulesProxy => 0x51D8B74
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwGetAllClasses => 0xCD7604
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwGlobalVars => 0x58A928
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwGlowObjectManager => 0x5203448
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwInput => 0x510E488
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwInterfaceLinkList => 0x8961B4
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwLocalPlayer => 0xCB33D4
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwMouseEnable => 0xCB91E0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwMouseEnablePtr => 0xCB91B0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwPlayerResource => 0x30F315C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwRadarBase => 0x50F8434
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwSensitivity => 0xCB907C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwSensitivityPtr => 0xCB9050
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwSetClanTag => 0x894F0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwViewMatrix => 0x4CB5124
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwWeaponTable => 0x510EF4C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwWeaponTableIndex => 0x323C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwYawPtr => 0xCB8E40
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwZoomSensitivityRatioPtr => 0xCBE080
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwbSendPackets => 0xD1FEA
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwppDirect3DDevice9 => 0xA3F40
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: m_pStudioHdr => 0x294C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: m_yawClassPtr => 0xCB8E40
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: m_pitchClassPtr => 0x50F86E8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: interface_engine_cvar => 0x3E9EC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: convar_name_hash_table => 0x2F0F8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Finished signature scanning: 48/48 items successful
    02:18:18 [INFO] Starting netvar scanning: 63 items
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_ArmorValue => 0xB324
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_Collision => 0x31C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_CollisionGroup => 0x474
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_Local => 0x2FBC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_MoveType => 0x25B
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh => 0x31B4
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow => 0x31B0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_aimPunchAngle => 0x302C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_aimPunchAngleVel => 0x3038
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bGunGameImmunity => 0x3928
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bHasDefuser => 0xB334
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bHasHelmet => 0xB318
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bInReload => 0x3218
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bIsDefusing => 0x3914
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bIsScoped => 0x390A
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bSpotted => 0x93D
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bSpottedByMask => 0x980
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_dwBoneMatrix => 0x268C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_fAccuracyPenalty => 0x3304
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_fFlags => 0x104
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flFallbackWear => 0x31C0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flFlashDuration => 0xA3E0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flFlashMaxAlpha => 0xA3DC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flNextPrimaryAttack => 0x3218
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hActiveWeapon => 0x2EF8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hMyWeapons => 0x2EF8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hObserverTarget => 0x3388
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hOwner => 0x29CC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hOwnerEntity => 0x14C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iAccountID => 0x2FC8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iClip1 => 0x3244
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iCompetitiveRanking => 0x1A84
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iCompetitiveWins => 0x1B88
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iCrosshairId => 0xB334
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iEntityQuality => 0x2FAC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iFOVStart => 0x31E8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iGlowIndex => 0xA3E0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iHealth => 0x100
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iItemDefinitionIndex => 0x2FAA
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iItemIDHigh => 0x2FC0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iObserverMode => 0x3374
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iShotsFired => 0xA370
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iState => 0x3238
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iTeamNum => 0xF4
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_lifeState => 0x25F
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nFallbackPaintKit => 0x31B8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nFallbackSeed => 0x31BC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nFallbackStatTrak => 0x31C4
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nForceBone => 0x268C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nTickBase => 0x342C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_rgflCoordinateFrame => 0x474
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_szCustomName => 0x303C
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_szLastPlaceName => 0x35B0
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_vecOrigin => 0x138
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_vecVelocity => 0x114
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_vecViewOffset => 0x108
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_viewPunchAngle => 0x3020
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_thirdPersonViewAngles => 0x31D4
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_clrRender => 0x70
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flC4Blow => 0x2990
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flTimerLength => 0x2994
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flDefuseLength => 0x29A8
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flDefuseCountDown => 0x29AC
    02:18:18 [INFO] Finished netvar scanning: 63/63 items successful
    08:52:16 [INFO] Opening target process: csgo.exe
    08:52:16 [INFO] Starting signature scanning: 48 items
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState => 0x58AC24
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_GetLocalPlayer => 0x180
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_IsHLTV => 0x4CC8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_Map => 0x28C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_MapDirectory => 0x188
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_MaxPlayer => 0x310
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_PlayerInfo => 0x5240
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_State => 0x108
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_ViewAngles => 0x4D10
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_delta_ticks => 0x174
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_last_outgoing_command => 0x4CAC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_choked_commands => 0x4CB0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_net_channel => 0x9C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwEntityList => 0x4CC36D4
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceAttack => 0x30F4D8C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceAttack2 => 0x30F4D98
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceBackward => 0x30F4DC8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceForward => 0x30F4DA4
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceJump => 0x5166818
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceLeft => 0x30F4DBC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceRight => 0x30F4DE0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwGameDir => 0x628D70
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwGameRulesProxy => 0x51D8B54
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwGetAllClasses => 0xCD7604
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwGlobalVars => 0x58A928
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwGlowObjectManager => 0x5203420
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwInput => 0x510E468
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwInterfaceLinkList => 0x8961B4
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwLocalPlayer => 0xCB33D4
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwMouseEnable => 0xCB91E0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwMouseEnablePtr => 0xCB91B0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwPlayerResource => 0x30F313C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwRadarBase => 0x50F8414
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwSensitivity => 0xCB907C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwSensitivityPtr => 0xCB9050
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwSetClanTag => 0x894F0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwViewMatrix => 0x4CB5104
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwWeaponTable => 0x510EF2C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwWeaponTableIndex => 0x323C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwYawPtr => 0xCB8E40
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwZoomSensitivityRatioPtr => 0xCBE080
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwbSendPackets => 0xD1FEA
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: dwppDirect3DDevice9 => 0xA3F40
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: m_pStudioHdr => 0x294C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: m_yawClassPtr => 0xCB8E40
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: m_pitchClassPtr => 0x50F86C8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: interface_engine_cvar => 0x3E9EC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found signature: convar_name_hash_table => 0x2F0F8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Finished signature scanning: 48/48 items successful
    08:52:16 [INFO] Starting netvar scanning: 63 items
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_ArmorValue => 0xB324
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_Collision => 0x31C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_CollisionGroup => 0x474
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_Local => 0x2FBC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_MoveType => 0x25B
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh => 0x31B4
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow => 0x31B0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_aimPunchAngle => 0x302C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_aimPunchAngleVel => 0x3038
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bGunGameImmunity => 0x3928
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bHasDefuser => 0xB334
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bHasHelmet => 0xB318
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bInReload => 0x3218
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bIsDefusing => 0x3914
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bIsScoped => 0x390A
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bSpotted => 0x93D
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bSpottedByMask => 0x980
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_dwBoneMatrix => 0x268C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_fAccuracyPenalty => 0x3304
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_fFlags => 0x104
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flFallbackWear => 0x31C0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flFlashDuration => 0xA3E0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flFlashMaxAlpha => 0xA3DC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flNextPrimaryAttack => 0x3218
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hActiveWeapon => 0x2EF8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hMyWeapons => 0x2EF8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hObserverTarget => 0x3388
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hOwner => 0x29CC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hOwnerEntity => 0x14C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iAccountID => 0x2FC8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iClip1 => 0x3244
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iCompetitiveRanking => 0x1A84
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iCompetitiveWins => 0x1B88
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iCrosshairId => 0xB334
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iEntityQuality => 0x2FAC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iFOVStart => 0x31E8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iGlowIndex => 0xA3E0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iHealth => 0x100
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iItemDefinitionIndex => 0x2FAA
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iItemIDHigh => 0x2FC0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iObserverMode => 0x3374
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iShotsFired => 0xA370
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iState => 0x3238
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iTeamNum => 0xF4
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_lifeState => 0x25F
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nFallbackPaintKit => 0x31B8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nFallbackSeed => 0x31BC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nFallbackStatTrak => 0x31C4
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nForceBone => 0x268C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nTickBase => 0x342C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_rgflCoordinateFrame => 0x474
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_szCustomName => 0x303C
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_szLastPlaceName => 0x35B0
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_vecOrigin => 0x138
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_vecVelocity => 0x114
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_vecViewOffset => 0x108
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_viewPunchAngle => 0x3020
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_thirdPersonViewAngles => 0x31D4
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_clrRender => 0x70
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flC4Blow => 0x2990
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flTimerLength => 0x2994
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flDefuseLength => 0x29A8
    08:52:16 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flDefuseCountDown => 0x29AC
    08:52:16 [INFO] Finished netvar scanning: 63/63 items successful
    # wrong localplayer from haze ._.
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwLocalPlayer => 0xCB3694
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iGlowIndex => 0xA3F8
    Works now, ty <3

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to drake101al For This Useful Post:

    lenny69 (12-07-2018)

  6. #34
    dawnhax2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    EZPZ <3

    Oh man, it was easy to use. EZPZ <3

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to dawnhax2 For This Useful Post:

    lenny69 (12-07-2018)

  8. #35
    lyfens's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2017
    bro can give rage config ? because csgo free now .

  9. #36
    lenny69's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    My Mood
    Quote Originally Posted by lyfens View Post
    bro can give rage config ? because csgo free now .
    Rage Config
    # RAGE CONFIG (Replace these values)
    Aim_Speed_X: 1
    Aim_Speed_Y: 1
    Aim_Speed_MaxPPT: 10000
    Aim_FOV: 10000
    Aim_FOV_Distance: 0
    Safemode: 0
    Enable_ChatSpam: 1
    ESP_GlowEnabled: 1
    BHOP_Enabled: 1

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to lenny69 For This Useful Post:

    lyfens (12-07-2018)

  11. #37
    MrRobloxer69's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    How do i get the aimbot to work ?

  12. #38
    lenny69's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    My Mood
    Quote Originally Posted by MrRobloxer69 View Post
    How do i get the aimbot to work ?
    m_rawinput 0

  13. #39
    hitler1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Aimbot not working after update

  14. #40
    lenny69's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    My Mood
    Quote Originally Posted by hitler1 View Post
    Aimbot not working after update
    Give me a minute and I'll update ASAP. Valve keeps updating stuff over and over.

    Edit: Updated Config
    # ~~by lenny69 c:
    # All lines starting with "#" are comments and have no effect.
    # This file should be named config.txt or be passed in as the first argument to the main exe
    # ====================== User Settings ======================
    # These should be your in-game mouse settings. Make sure to set m_rawinput to 0
    Mouse_mYaw: 0.022
    Mouse_mPitch: 0.022
    Mouse_Sensitivity: 1
    Res_Width: 1920
    Res_Height: 1080
    # If set to 1, disable all memory-writing features. Lowers risk of VAC, but you get less features.
    Safemode: 0
    # Chatspammer - Make your enemies rage with the power of speech :D (Default: disabled, 1=ON, 0=OFF)
    Enable_ChatSpam: 0
    # ====================== Aimbot Settings ======================
    Aim_Enabled: 1
    Aim_UseKey: 1
    # Aim at your own teammates :c (might need to be 1 for BR mode)
    Aim_TeamKill: 0
    # Can cause issues with certain modes, but prevents aiming through walls
    Aim_RequireSpotted: 1
    # Mouse1=0x01, Mouse3=0x04, Mouse5=0x06, LeftAlt=0x12 - see https://docs.microsof*****m/en-us/windows/desktop/inputdev/virtual-key-codes
    Aim_Key: 0x01
    # Higher is slower. 1-100 (Recommended: 3-10)
    Aim_Speed_X: 3
    Aim_Speed_Y: 3
    # Max pixels that can be moved in 1 tick, (Recommended: 30-70 Legit, 1000 Rage)
    Aim_Speed_MaxPPT: 50
    # Max Distance to aim at target in pixels. (Recommended: 10-50)
    Aim_FOV: 100
    Aim_FOV_Distance: 1
    # Per this many units, remove (1/factor) pixel of FOV. Recommended: 100-300
    Aim_FOV_Distance_Multiplier: 200
    # The lower this number, the faster the falloff of the fov. Small number = smaller at longer ranges. Recommended: .5-1
    Aim_FOV_Distance_Factor: 1
    # Stick onto players to avoid switching around mid-fire
    Aim_Sticky: 1
    # Enable Recoil Control
    Aim_RCS: 1
    # Head=8, Neck=7, Chest=6
    Aim_Bone: 8
    # ====================== ESP Settings ======================
    ESP_Sound: 1
    ESP_FOV: 100
    ESP_UseKey: 1
    # Default alt for sonar
    ESP_SonarKey: 0x12
    # Warning: This feature writes memory and may be detected by VAC more easily.
    ESP_GlowEnabled: 1
    # PageUP, toggles glow ESP on/off
    ESP_GlowToggle: 0x21
    # ========================== BHOP ==========================
    BHOP_Enabled: 1
    # ====================== Hooking information ======================
    Process_Name: csgo
    Module_Engine: engine.dll
    Module_Client: client_panorama.dll
    # ====================== Window Settings ======================
    Title: Random[14]
    # 0 = Show Window, 1 = Stay Hidden
    Stealth: 0
    # ====================== Translation ======================
    TL_PressEnter: Press enter once you are on the main menu
    TL_MissingSetting: Error! Cannot find required setting '%name%'
    TL_Waiting: Looking for %name%
    TL_Success: Found process %name%! Hooking...
    # Custom offsets
    OFFSET_dwEntityLoopDistance: 0x10
    OFFSET_m_bDormant: 0xED
    OFFSET_bonematrixoffset: 0x1C
    OFFSET_m_angEyeAngles: 0xB274
    # ========= You can add HazeDumper output below for easy updates, or prefix each offset with "OFFSET_" ==========
    23:07:19 [INFO] Opening target process: csgo.exe
    23:07:19 [INFO] Starting signature scanning: 48 items
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState => 0x58ACFC
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_GetLocalPlayer => 0x180
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_IsHLTV => 0x4CC8
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_Map => 0x28C
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_MapDirectory => 0x188
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_MaxPlayer => 0x310
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_PlayerInfo => 0x5240
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_State => 0x108
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwClientState_ViewAngles => 0x4D10
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_delta_ticks => 0x174
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_last_outgoing_command => 0x4CAC
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_choked_commands => 0x4CB0
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: clientstate_net_channel => 0x9C
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwEntityList => 0x4CC3514
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceAttack => 0x30F4BD8
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceAttack2 => 0x30F4BE4
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceBackward => 0x30F4C2C
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceForward => 0x30F4C38
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceJump => 0x5166670
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceLeft => 0x30F4C50
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwForceRight => 0x30F4C44
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwGameDir => 0x628E70
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwGameRulesProxy => 0x51D89B4
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwGetAllClasses => 0xCD75A4
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwGlobalVars => 0x58AA00
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwGlowObjectManager => 0x5203298
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwInput => 0x510E2A8
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwInterfaceLinkList => 0x896814
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwLocalPlayer => 0xCB33D4
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwMouseEnable => 0xCB91E0
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwMouseEnablePtr => 0xCB91B0
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwPlayerResource => 0x30F2F7C
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwRadarBase => 0x50F8254
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwSensitivity => 0xCB907C
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwSensitivityPtr => 0xCB9050
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwSetClanTag => 0x894F0
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwViewMatrix => 0x4CB4F44
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwWeaponTable => 0x510ED6C
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwWeaponTableIndex => 0x323C
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwYawPtr => 0xCB8E40
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwZoomSensitivityRatioPtr => 0xCBE080
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwbSendPackets => 0xD206A
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: dwppDirect3DDevice9 => 0xA3FC0
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: m_pStudioHdr => 0x294C
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: m_yawClassPtr => 0xCB8E40
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: m_pitchClassPtr => 0x50F8508
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: interface_engine_cvar => 0x3E9EC
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found signature: convar_name_hash_table => 0x2F0F8
    23:07:19 [INFO] Finished signature scanning: 48/48 items successful
    23:07:19 [INFO] Starting netvar scanning: 63 items
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_ArmorValue => 0xB324
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_Collision => 0x31C
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_CollisionGroup => 0x474
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_Local => 0x2FBC
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_MoveType => 0x25B
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh => 0x31B4
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow => 0x31B0
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_aimPunchAngle => 0x302C
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_aimPunchAngleVel => 0x3038
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bGunGameImmunity => 0x3928
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bHasDefuser => 0xB334
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bHasHelmet => 0xB318
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bInReload => 0x3218
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bIsDefusing => 0x3914
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bIsScoped => 0x390A
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bSpotted => 0x93D
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_bSpottedByMask => 0x980
    23:07:19 [INFO] Found netvar: m_dwBoneMatrix => 0x268C
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_fAccuracyPenalty => 0x3304
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_fFlags => 0x104
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flFallbackWear => 0x31C0
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flFlashDuration => 0xA3E0
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flFlashMaxAlpha => 0xA3DC
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flNextPrimaryAttack => 0x3218
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hActiveWeapon => 0x2EF8
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hMyWeapons => 0x2EF8
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hObserverTarget => 0x3388
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hOwner => 0x29CC
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_hOwnerEntity => 0x14C
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iAccountID => 0x2FC8
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iClip1 => 0x3244
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iCompetitiveRanking => 0x1A84
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iCompetitiveWins => 0x1B88
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iCrosshairId => 0xB334
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iEntityQuality => 0x2FAC
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iFOVStart => 0x31E8
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iGlowIndex => 0xA3E0
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iHealth => 0x100
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iItemDefinitionIndex => 0x2FAA
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iItemIDHigh => 0x2FC0
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iObserverMode => 0x3374
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iShotsFired => 0xA370
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iState => 0x3238
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iTeamNum => 0xF4
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_lifeState => 0x25F
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nFallbackPaintKit => 0x31B8
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nFallbackSeed => 0x31BC
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nFallbackStatTrak => 0x31C4
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nForceBone => 0x268C
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_nTickBase => 0x342C
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_rgflCoordinateFrame => 0x474
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_szCustomName => 0x303C
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_szLastPlaceName => 0x35B0
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_vecOrigin => 0x138
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_vecVelocity => 0x114
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_vecViewOffset => 0x108
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_viewPunchAngle => 0x3020
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_thirdPersonViewAngles => 0x31D4
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_clrRender => 0x70
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flC4Blow => 0x2990
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flTimerLength => 0x2994
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flDefuseLength => 0x29A8
    23:07:20 [INFO] Found netvar: m_flDefuseCountDown => 0x29AC
    23:07:20 [INFO] Finished netvar scanning: 63/63 items successful
    # wrong localplayer from haze ._.
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found signature: dwLocalPlayer => 0xCB3694
    02:18:18 [INFO] Found netvar: m_iGlowIndex => 0xA3F8
    Last edited by lenny69; 12-07-2018 at 04:14 PM.

  15. #41
    Dinero58's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    i'm really enjoying this bhop

  16. #42
    dawnhax2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by lenny69 View Post
    Give me a minute and I'll update ASAP. Valve keeps updating stuff over and over.
    THANK YOU DAD!!! I stg I had just hopped on and finished config'ing your release and boom, an update. Instant depression b.

  17. #43
    sdk001's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2017


    Not work anything..

  18. #44
    MrRobloxer69's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    why tf the game updating so much lol

  19. #45
    dawnhax2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by sdk001 View Post
    Not work anything..
    he has to update the cheat. csgo just updated a second time.

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