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  1. #1
    Dan2006's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    In your closet, 2nd shelf from the top, left side, in the red box under the porno magazine.
    My Mood

    Talking FREE External Auto-Fishing Bot v2.18 | UNDETECTABLE | 1.4.2-1.13.2+

    // The 100% Undetectable Auto Fisher For Minecraft \\

    || Never slave fishing again! ||

    Changes since version V.
     - First beta
    Changes since version V.                                                                                                                                         
     - Fixed crash with GUI
     - Fixed crash with negative integer
     - Added custom Throws
    Changes since version V.                                                                                                   
     - Added hotbar scrolling
     - Added leave when finished
     - Fixed bugs
    Changes since version V.                                                                                                   
     - Added bot stats
     - Tweaked VU accuracy
     - Fixed crash with hotbar scrolling
    Changes since version V.                                                                                                   
     - Added unlimited throws
     - Added auto Eject
     - Tweaked smart-save code
    Changes since version V.                                                                                                   
     - Tweaked custom wait values
     - Added close bot
     - Added & fixed tooltip typo's :)
    Changes since version V.                                                                                                   
     - Cleaned UI
     - Fixed minor bugs
     - Added Rod-Lock Protection
    Changes since version V.                                                                                                   
     - Fixed Crash Bug
     - Fixed A Loop Bug
     - First Public Release
    Changed since version V.
     - Added muted sound capabilities
     - Fixed no Sndvol.exe bug
     - Cleaned code & scripts
    NEW IN VERSION 2.18! The bot can now work while muted! Tired of your speakers waking you up at night while on the grind? I was too! Now it will auto detect if you muted your volume and use the gray VU levels instead. This is fully automatic and you can mute your volume mid-botting!

    • Auto Catch Detection
    • Hot-bar Utilization
    • Smart Save (Save Rod's Enchantments)
    • Anti-Afk Protection
    • Leave World/Server Option
    • Variable Customization
    • Rod-Lock Protection (If Rod Broke Early Skip)

    This bot will allow you to fish automatically while AFK. With normal fishing rods lasting 64-Durability each, that gives you a maximum of 576 Catches. Enchanted rods with unbreaking will allow you to go much further. Keep in mind the Rod-Lock Protection feature will automatically skip to the next hotbar item if no catch was detected as it assumed rod broke early (Helps with custom throws & Unbreaking RNG). This bot will also record all progress live in the bot-stats box. Have fun getting rich!

    How do I use the program?
    - Extract the contents of the zip file.
    - Launch the auto-fishing bot (Run as admin).
    - Launch your game if you have not already.
    - Press configure.
    - Volume mixer will open, press Set Position. (Set With F1)
    - Set the position slightly above the bottom of your VU meter.

    - Click the start bot button.
    - Go back to your game, unpause, let the bot take over.
    - Enjoy your kittens! :)

    - In your music & sounds... settings, you will want to turn all sounds off except Master Volume & Friendly Creatures.
    - Bellow are a few key-binds you need to change in your games settings. (If you wish to use these settings)
    • Auto Eject Rod - Must Bind Drop Selected Item as middle-mouse-button (Push down scroll wheel)
    • Anti-AFK - Must Bind Sneak as left-mouse-button (Left click button)

    @- [Code & Design]


    Official File Statistics:
    - Name: Minecraft Auto-Fishing Bot v2.18.exe
    - Size: 307200 bytes (300 KiB)
    - CRC32: A22E9132
    - CRC64: 4E6915F9B2ADC0D0
    - SHA256: 372F498CE9E0FF40794115CD4901CD0582BADA39AD33C86057 210BA1328B906B
    - SHA1: 2E124FDCC473F65D79C8094CD146B600AC6C45D9
    - BLAKE2sp: 17200942D4597CB4B6BC22669B21BDE1C152433FE94A48210E 40BAF57A80B2BF

    <b>Downloadable Files</b> Downloadable Files
    Last edited by Dan2006; 04-11-2019 at 10:58 PM. Reason: Added Extended File Statistics
    I do not sell my hacks above $0.00 so please stop asking for cheaper prices.


    Free Service | Reliable Security | Independent Creator | Send Me Requests

  2. The Following 261 Users Say Thank You to Dan2006 For This Useful Post:

    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