We'll be speaking about drugs, Bcs on MPGH, there are a fews against them, and a few who takes,

So I'm asking, who takes drugs ? Which ones ?

Is Weed the better/safer drug for you ? Should weed be tested at least one time in your life ? Should psychs be tested at least one time in your life ?

And why you takes them ?

Have you ever got caught ? (school, parents, cops)

So, personally, I take drugs sometimes, Weed and benzos (Alcohol if you count it as a drug) but it's not all the time (Only at party for all and benzo only when i feel like a depressed sad fucking boy) and I think the better and safer drug is the weed, and it would be the better to stop another drug.. I think weed should be tested at least one time in our fucking life, just bcs why not ? I don't know you but maybe you eat burgers a few times a months and probably it's more risky than weed (Weed is natural,burgers are full of chemical products and all the shit) And should be psychs tested, for me yes, I speak about lsd/shrooms only, Just to see how it is, just to see the colors, ear maybe new songs.. who knows, but i think it's not for everyone.
I use to take drugs in party mostly cauz they make me more comfortable with people i don't know, and it's safer than alcoohol.., And sometimes I take them at home, just like this, But never alone bcs who knows what can happens ?
I never got caught !

I'm just curious about your drug addiction and all, and the ones who knows me here already knows this side of me even if i'm not really proud of this I assume it.