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  1. #1
    Leojak420's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Lightbulb GTA Casino Cheat Table (v.1)

    This is a very simple cheat engine table to help your luck in Roulette;) It wil let you change the winning number and the betting amount.

    At this moment it only works for the High Limit Roulette Table all the way to the right

    How to use:
    1. Open GTA Online
    2. Open Cheat table and select GTA
    3. Sit down at the correct table
    4. Change the winning number to your choice (0-36, and remember to activate/freeze it)
    5. AFTER you have placed your bet, change the Value from 0-50k (This is to bypass the bet limit)
    6. Win :)

    Got the inspiration for this from FreZiiX and his LuckyGreen Hecc

    It is not ban tested, so do at your own risk

    The Betting Amount feature works on all Roulette Tables, so it is possible to combine it with FreZiiX's LuckyGreen Hecc to use it on the normal Roulette Tables

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  3. #2
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  5. #3
    tekeyk's Avatar
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    doesn't work for me for some reason

  6. #4
    DarkShark919's Avatar
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    doesnt work(it doesnt even read the address in CE)
    Quote Originally Posted by SingToKill View Post
    +rep bought safe and sound I went first this guy is fast as lightning def recommend this seller!
    Quote Originally Posted by friedrojak View Post
    dealt in a short time. good trustworthy seller. safe and 100% genuine
    Quote Originally Posted by Katori View Post
    Bought account. +rep Easy and trustful trader
    Quote Originally Posted by Mixis97 View Post
    Good guy +rep nice trader.
    Quote Originally Posted by ReaLXPredator View Post
    +rep Purchased this H1Z1 account. Very fast and I went first. 100% safe and would recommend purchasing from this seller.

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  8. #5
    chasesbald's Avatar
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    same as others

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  10. #6
    Dutz24's Avatar
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    Thanks man

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  12. #7
    Conrew's Avatar
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    Does not work for me aswell. Latest CE Version. Tested with 64bit Windows 10 and GTA:V SocialClub Version

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  14. #8
    Leojak420's Avatar
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    This is my first Cheat Engine Table i have made, its sad to see it failing . The addresses are pointed correctly for me everytime, I will try and recreate it. If someone have a great tutorial for creating Tables for gta, please notify me

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  16. #9
    DrZooM55's Avatar
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    can you add me on social club and drop me a bit money ? im new i have nothing
    SC ZooM1992

    - - - Updated - - -

    can you add me on social club and drop me a bit money ? im new i have nothing
    SC ZooM1992

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  18. #10
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    Leojak420 I added you on birdie write to me (PM)

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    Leojak420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vCookieHD View Post
    Leojak420 I added you on birdie write to me (PM)
    Well, I haven't really figured out how to locate around here yet, where do i find my PMs hehe

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  22. #12
    roflcoprt12's Avatar
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    This table didnt work for me, however with the "idea" I could figure out how to do it on my own without a table.

    1. Open GTA V, best is to host a lobby on your own. Solo or with friends doesn't matter.
    2. Go into Casino and sit on the roulette table, wait for the first round to finish.
    3. Open up Cheat Engine, attach it to GTAV process. As value set the result of the first round (e.g. 3 for 3, 22 for 22 or 37 for 00) and start the first scan.
    4. Wait for another round to finish and do the next scan with new value (result of the second round).
    You continue with 4 until you find the three addresses that hold the result from the time bets are closed to the next round.
    5. Save those three addresses with right-click "add selected address to adress list".
    6. Manipulate the values on all three addresses to your lucky number and fix the value by clicking the square so it gets marked with a red cross.
    7. Bet on that number each round and get rich.
    You can achieve 330k win at 55k bet (so 265k net win per round) if you dont manipulate the game any further.

    If you want to manipulate the bets on a particular number (theyre limited to 5k on the high roller tables) you do the following:
    1. Sit on the Roulette table and bet 200 on your lucky number.
    2. Start a new scan in Cheat Engine with value 200 during the betting phase.
    3. Now bet another 100 on your lucky number (during the same round), so your total bet is now 300.
    4. Do the next scan in cheat engine with value 300, again during the betting phase.
    Continue with 3 and 4 until you find three addresses that hold your bet on the lucky number. Of course you can wait for the next round, if you bet 300 in total then, you need to scan with value 300 etc. pretty basic.
    5. Save the adresses again like described above and now you can manipulate your bets during the betting phase. I tried with 50k and it gave me 1,8M per round.

    Be aware that there is some win-limit in place that keeps you from playing any casino game for an hour if you win more than ~4M in a short time.
    Also the cheat does work with other players on the table but sometimes (like 1 out of 5) games the others get another value and loose their bets.
    Sometimes the table bugs and noone is able to leave nor continue to play, only thing that helps here is looking for another lobby or suiciding with a menu.
    At 500k bet on a particular number I got a transaction error message and my client crashed. I think 50k is the sweet spot for manipulated bets.
    Last edited by roflcoprt12; 08-07-2019 at 07:16 PM.

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  24. #13
    Seandc33's Avatar
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    I was under the impression that Cheat Engine was detected by this game, How do you avoid getting banned using it?

  25. #14
    Leojak420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roflcoprt12 View Post
    This table didnt work for me, however with the "idea" I could figure out how to do it on my own without a table.

    1. Open GTA V, best is to host a lobby on your own. Solo or with friends doesn't matter.
    2. Go into Casino and sit on the roulette table, wait for the first round to finish.
    3. Open up Cheat Engine, attach it to GTAV process. As value set the result of the first round (e.g. 3 for 3, 22 for 22 or 37 for 00) and start the first scan.
    4. Wait for another round to finish and do the next scan with new value (result of the second round).
    You continue with 4 until you find the three addresses that hold the result from the time bets are closed to the next round.
    5. Save those three addresses with right-click "add selected address to adress list".
    6. Manipulate the values on all three addresses to your lucky number and fix the value by clicking the square so it gets marked with a red cross.
    7. Bet on that number each round and get rich.
    You can achieve 330k win at 55k bet (so 265k net win per round) if you dont manipulate the game any further.

    If you want to manipulate the bets on a particular number (theyre limited to 5k on the high roller tables) you do the following:
    1. Sit on the Roulette table and bet 200 on your lucky number.
    2. Start a new scan in Cheat Engine with value 200 during the betting phase.
    3. Now bet another 100 on your lucky number (during the same round), so your total bet is now 300.
    4. Do the next scan in cheat engine with value 300, again during the betting phase.
    Continue with 3 and 4 until you find three addresses that hold your bet on the lucky number. Of course you can wait for the next round, if you bet 300 in total then, you need to scan with value 300 etc. pretty basic.
    5. Save the adresses again like described above and now you can manipulate your bets during the betting phase. I tried with 50k and it gave me 1,8M per round.

    Be aware that there is some win-limit in place that keeps you from playing any casino game for an hour if you win more than ~4M in a short time.
    Also the cheat does work with other players on the table but sometimes (like 1 out of 5) games the others get another value and loose their bets.
    Sometimes the table bugs and noone is able to leave nor continue to play, only thing that helps here is looking for another lobby or suiciding with a menu.
    At 500k bet on a particular number I got a transaction error message and my client crashed. I think 50k is the sweet spot for manipulated bets.
    Yes, this is what I did and wanted to make it into a table so it would be an easy-to-use cheat, but however, it would not point the addresses the right way for any other users, only mine. If you or someone else know how to do so, feel free to create your own table to share.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Actually, I don't know. I haven't been banned, but for some reason, I have never been banned (Even though I have tried). So it is really hard for me to say how risky it is, I'm sorry.

  26. #15
    roflcoprt12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seandc33 View Post
    I was under the impression that Cheat Engine was detected by this game, How do you avoid getting banned using it?
    Quote Originally Posted by Leojak420 View Post
    Actually, I don't know. I haven't been banned, but for some reason, I have never been banned (Even though I have tried). So it is really hard for me to say how risky it is, I'm sorry.

    I can give a partial explanation for this and why you still need to be careful. I am modding since four years now and in the beginning I lost like 10 accounts to free mods (you get banned and reset, and after that you get permabanned). However, since I stick with external mods (~3 years) I got just banned one time for using a detected money method.

    This is the reason (I guess): First of all GTA is P2P, which means there is no central server doing the synchronisation and verification between clients like in Rocket League for example. So whatever you do in your client or even in a public lobby happens just on your PC and the PCs of the players arround you. If you cheat, for example a cars speed or the lucky number of roulette, your client forces other peoples clients by sending different location calculcated with the higher speed or sending a different result for the roulette which can cause lags/bugs. These type of asynchronous clients happen without mods too when people got a high ping or packetloss.
    To have some control over what players do (in the early days people say you could openly manipulate your account balance with CE) Rockstar added checks to certain actions like adding/removing money or selling a car in LSC, spawning PEDs etc. When Rockstar adds new checks, methods get detected and people get banned no matter if they used internal or external. What the mod developers do then is to find a workarround like finding legit functions that add money to your account and manipulate the values they add like with the bunker money mod or automatise and speed up the execution of those like with the time race mod back some time or teleporting/manipulating PEDs that get spawned legitimately instead of spawning them on your own and getting banned. But why doesnt Rockstar add a check each time a player dies to prevent you from being in godmode?
    Now you have to look at the numbers: gta is one of the most sold games and has many active players so it costs Rockstar big money when they add a single check (like, if you pick up more than 50k from PEDs etc.) because they would need to setup servers that are running 24/7 and burning bandwith for millions of requests a day. So they can add checks only to functions that either aren't run that often or they have to pay serious amount of money per month for players that just pay one time, numbers you want to keep as small as possible, as a business.

    So, since the external mods are a standalone program that doesnt get loaded/injected by the game itself and R* luckily respects their customers privacy by not scanning the processes running on your PC, you just have to avoid running into a check by using a detected function which is pretty simple since you know when GTA releases a patch and you are able to wait two days for the devs to check their mods.

    A word on reports: they are useless af. I got reported 10000000x of times for being in godmode, teleporting, harassing people (and I'm sure people that kill others in godmode get reported wayyyy more often than me) and I never got banned... or warned... for those. The reason is likely those reports are never evaluated by a human but just for statistics, because a human that checks reports would be even more expensive than a server to run more checks.

    This is the internet, don't blame me if you get banned I'm just giving some information and assumptions I gathered from my own experience.

  27. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to roflcoprt12 For This Useful Post:

    gohjujin (05-17-2020),Leojak420 (08-11-2019),magicalblake8 (12-13-2019),mawamare (01-13-2022),NEAXIC (05-24-2020),OnePlus (08-12-2020),siirrtoo (07-31-2021),somicho (03-26-2020),Vinyl Zero (06-15-2021),vooroojak (05-22-2020)

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