There is a simple way of making c# externals faster. The more times you call RPM or WPM the slower your cheat becomes, especially in loops.
So an easy way to reduce RPM/WPM calls is to read everything as Byte array if possible and then convert the bytes to ints, bools, floats etc.

Instead of:
ReadInt(localplayer + health);
ReadInt(localplayer + team);
ReadInt(localplayer + glowindex);

Find the largest offset you want to read (glowindex is 0xA40C so its larger that the health, team offset)

byte[] arr = ReadBytes(localplayer, glowindex + sizeof(int)); //address, then amount of bytes to read, and since glowindex is an int + sizeof(int)
int health = BitConverter.ToInt32(arr, health);
int team = BitConverter.ToInt32(arr, team);
int glowindex = BitConverter.ToInt32(arr, glowindex);

Using this method you can read entity hp, team, armor, bullets, isDefusing, hasHelmet, position, etc in just one call.

You can also use this in a glowEsp and make non-flicker 1% cpu glowesp.

Have fun