GetAddress(Window) {
    WinGet, hWnd, ID, %Window%
	return DllCall(A_PtrSize = 4
	? "GetWindowLong"
	: "GetWindowLongPtr"
	, "Ptr", hWnd, "Int", -6, "Int64")

GetHandle(Window) {
	WinGet, pid, PID, %Window%
	return DllCall("OpenProcess", "Int", 56, "Char", 0, "UInt", pid, "UInt")

ReadInt64(Handle, Address) {
	VarSetCapacity(Buffer, 8, 0)
	DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", Handle, "Ptr", Address, "Ptr", &Buffer, "Int64", 8)
	Loop 8
	Result += *(&Buffer + A_Index-1) << 8*(A_Index-1)
	return Result

WriteUInt(Handle, Address, Value)
	VarSetCapacity(Buffer, 4, 0)
	NumPut(Value, Buffer, 0, "UInt")
	return DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "Uint", Handle, "Ptr", Address, "Ptr", &Buffer, "UInt", 4)

Handle := GetHandle("Fallout76")
if (Handle > 0) {
	Address := GetAddress("Fallout76")
	if (Address > 0) {
		ListPointer := ReadInt64(Handle, Address + 89666888)
		if (ListPointer > 48) {
			A_ListPointer := ReadInt64(Handle, ListPointer + 1048)
			if (A_ListPointer > 48) {
				B_ListPointer := ReadInt64(Handle, ListPointer + 1384)
				if (B_ListPointer > 48) {
					A_ListBuffer := ReadInt64(Handle, A_ListPointer + 5064)
					if (A_ListBuffer > 48) {
						B_ListBuffer := ReadInt64(Handle, B_ListPointer + 6368)
						if (B_ListBuffer > 48) {
							A_ListCheck := ReadInt64(Handle, A_ListBuffer)
							if (A_ListCheck == Address + 55898504) {
								B_ListCheck := ReadInt64(Handle, B_ListBuffer)
								if (B_ListCheck == Address + 55860432) {
									WriteUInt(Handle, A_ListBuffer + 32, 1409003)
									WriteUInt(Handle, B_ListBuffer + 568, 256)
								else {
									MsgBox B_ListCheck failed
							else {
								MsgBox A_ListCheck failed
						else {
							MsgBox Failed to get B_ListBuffer
					else {
						MsgBox Failed to get A_ListBuffer
				else {
					MsgBox Failed to get B_ListPointer
			else {
				MsgBox Failed to get A_ListPointer
		else {
			MsgBox Failed to get ListPointer
	else {
		MsgBox Failed to get Address
else {
	MsgBox Failed to get Handle
Download and install AutoHotKey
Copy/paste the script to notepad and save it as "Dupe.ahk"
Open Fallout 76 and run the script
Place items in a power armor station at your camp
Scrap the C.A.M.P workshop object
Tell a friend to run the script and take the items from your power armor station
Drop a item to roll back power armor station inventory
The items will now be in your friends inventory, and in the power armor station