This is todays bump
This is todays bump
This is todays bump
This is todays bump
Now we're offering Revolut Accounts...
Contact us for more information!
Contact us for more information!!!
Last edited by TerryPrince; 11-09-2022 at 01:48 PM.
Working with Revolut.
Contact us for more information!
Contact us for more information.
Today's bump!
TerryPrince Scammer!!!!!!
On a neighboring forum (cracked) this person has already been banned for :
Ban Reason: Offsite scamming | Email: Registration IP: Last Known IP:
Enforcer: Liars - Ban Length: Permanent N/A
I'm guessing it's the same reason.
Last edited by colorit; 11-12-2022 at 10:33 PM.
Contact us for more information!
November 9, I paid $800 dollars for a 2 year old Paypal business with about $2k in transactions.
He started procrastinating, and on Nov 10 he made excuses like my rdp was not the right password, I bought a new one, it didn't work for him either for some reason, but I kind of convinced him to set everything to mine. On November 11 I woke up and was surprised he hadn't sent me anything. I texted him to give the account back or do a refund. Ten hours later, closer to evening, he wrote that he was just drunk and that's why he didn't do anything! (Do you understand how he conducts business!?? He does not care, he already received the money and did not move at all!) I asked again when it will be ready and he again answered only after 10 hours, that I owe him another $ 70 for a new rdp (which I did not ask and of course refused to pay) and he supposedly did everything. I did not see the account, but as it turned out he sent the details to my email.
I ended up logging into the account, it turned out to be PERSONAL not BUSINESS! ( there is a screenshot) From the documents, he sent only id and staitment. He didn't even send passwords, he didn't send anything that we agreed on. I bought a paypal business from him and am waiting for a full refund!
By the way, when I wanted to take more screenshots, I couldn't log into his rdp because the password was changed!!! The bottom line is we have a "man" who has done nothing and won't even respond to messages!
All the correspondence I have all the logs saved!
Now this "man" with a small letter wrote to me again in te_lE_-_gr+am, a few days later, and started accusing me of changing passwords. Nice try, of course. Oddly enough, he didn't reply to my messages until I posted on the forum! And I warned him right away that I would be writing arbitration! Too bad I didn't see that he was banned on cracked and nulled. I certainly wouldn't have transferred money to him. But you have to have so much chutzpah to accuse me of being cheated by him, it's just fucked up, no words. He read my posts and kept quiet, and as soon as I created a topic here, he wrote me, well, just a miracle.
Last edited by colorit; 11-14-2022 at 02:14 PM.
Added you to IM