
I want to create a bot for Shakes and Fidget. Therefore I need to know what data is send to the API because everything is encrypted.
My attempt was to decompile the app in the Google Playstore. So I tried it with Dex2Jar.

So i tried this:
d2j-dex2jar.bat sfgame.apk
But got this error:
dex2jar sfgame.apk -> .\sfgame-dex2jar.jar
Detail Error Information in File .\sfgame-error.zip
Please report this file to https://code.google.com/p/dex2jar/issues/entry if possible.
The "detailed" error:
There are 40 methods fail to translate.
I took a look at JD-GUI but only some parts of the app were decompiled and it was not very readable.

Everything that you'll find about open source shakes and fidget bots/trainers is at least 3 or more years old. The API has changed and nothing open source works. The MFBot seems to be working but that project is not open source.

Could anyone help me to decrypt the communication for a bot?