
There is a closed-beta Source mod that's under development called Jaykin Bacon Episode 3. The game files are available at ****** (******.com/Mattoose/jbep3_dev). However, the main dev has placed an auth booby trap (most likely located in client.dll), preventing unauthorized people from playing the mod (even locally).

The auth check happens at the instant you create/connect to a server. It slams the error "Auth failure" as soon as the join game/spectate menu appears.

Why would I want to crack it? I want to test it out badly. They used to take donations and give out closed-beta access to people, but now they have stopped for some odd reason. I would donate happily if it was still possible. Can anyone help me out?

As I said, the auth check is located in client.dll. I can decompile it into assembly, but I don't know where to look for the auth check and what to alter.

There was one guy here who got it cracked, but the file was on send-space and is long gone.